Gilded Wings

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Gilded Wings Page 13

by Cameo Renae

  “I have a new plan,” I told Bane.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I am going to count to three, and when I say three, you turn and throw me.”

  “No,” he replied.

  “Bane, trust me. Just throw me on three, and aim me straight for its chest.”

  He exhaled loudly. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I do. I promise.” I just hoped it would work again. It seemed like whenever we were visible and disappeared, the Gryphons eyes needed to adjust. I knew eagles could see seven times better than humans, and I wondered how much better this creature could see. It was obviously way more than seven times if it could see something invisible.

  “One,” I said, grasping tightly to my dagger.

  “Two.” My heart and pulse began to race, and as I looked at the horrifying creature chasing us, my mind began to second guess. No. I couldn’t wimp out now. I willed visibility and held out my dagger ahead of me, while Bane adjusted his grip to toss me.

  “Three!” I shouted.

  As soon as Bane started to turn I willed invisibility.

  The Gryphon stopped and I was thrust forward like a rocket, the wind whipped in my face. I held out the dagger, aimed at its chest, but then the Gryphon did something I hadn’t expected.

  It dipped.

  No! I struck its wing and was tossed in the air, but before I fell, I pushed the dagger into its side. It screamed, dropping quickly, which allowed me to fall directly onto its back. I withdrew my dagger and pushed it into its skull. Bone splintered as the blade entered, going straight through like butter. The Gryphon screeched and thrashed its head wildly, but I held onto the dagger, slipping down to its side. The dagger was coming free, and I was now hanging at its front. It was frantic, thrusting its talons, but I was in a position where it could barely touch me.

  The dagger was coming free, and as I was slipping I noticed the Gryphon raise its front leg. I pushed off of it, using it as leverage, completely dislodging the blade from its skull.

  As soon as its leg dropped, I fell but managed to plunge the dagger into the Gryphon’s chest. It clawed at me, its talons hooking into my back and tearing. I screamed in excruciating pain, pulling the blade and holding it in my grasp as I kicked backward away from it.

  The Gryphon was dying, sustaining major injuries to its brain and heart, but in its last moments, it dove after me. Its sharp beak and talons ready to tear me apart before its end.

  Then, out of nowhere, it was hit from the side, and tumbled away from me. Bane had come to my rescue. I watched the Gryphon’s wings tangle as it spiraled downward, crashing into the trees which were instantly leveled as it hit and tumbled to the ground below.

  Bane flew back and caught me before I hit. As soon as he grabbed me, he hugged me close. “Shit, you did it. I can’t believe you did it.”

  “I told you to trust me.” I smiled, and then cringed as the pain in my back felt like it was on fire.

  “You’re hurt.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said. “I just need to get back to the house.”

  He nodded and flew as fast as he could. It wasn’t as far as I thought it was, and as soon as the house came into view, I was instantly relieved.

  A loud caw right to the side of us scared the crap out of me. As I turned my gaze, I saw Ash flying right next to us.

  “Ash,” I yelled, hoping Lucifer was watching. “Go help Ethon. He’s battling Lucian’s Fallen, and Hellhounds which have been set free.”

  It was as if the bird understood because it immediately banked right and flew behind us, in the direction of Ethon.

  “I hate that bird,” Bane growled.

  “I hate its master,” I sighed, then winced.

  Bane shook his head.

  As we reached the house, he set me down in front of the barrier.

  “Thank you for saving me,” I said, hugging him.

  He stood stock still.

  “Thank you.” He bowed his head. “Now, hurry and get inside, and remember… not a word.”

  I nodded then turned and ran for the front door. Relief blanketed me as soon as I touched the knob. I twisted and pushed it open, bumping into someone.

  I gasped and threw my hand over my mouth.


  “Kade?” I cried and instantly fell into his arms.

  “Holy crap. Are you okay?” he said, his eyes wide with horror.

  “Yes. I’m fine. How did you know I’d be here?”

  Kade turned his head and I saw Thomas peek around the corner and wave, but when he saw me his eyes went wide with horror.

  “We need to go to that secret place. Now.”

  I took a step and collapsed to my knees. The pain in my back was excruciating.

  “You’re hurt?”

  “Just a scratch on my back,” I exhaled.

  Kade lifted me into his arms and carried me up the stairs and down the hallway. Thomas stayed back near the room just in case.

  When we entered the secret passage, we quickly made our way down to the safe room. He turned on the light and set me down on a chair before securing the door. Then he helped me stand and walked me over to the sink, and grabbed a towel. Wetting the corner, he began wiping the dry blood off my face and hands.

  “How did this happen?” he asked.

  “We were attacked by Fallen and Hellhounds.”


  “Yes. We think Lucian let them out. There are at least a dozen running around outside. And there was a Gryphon.”

  Kade stopped and looked at me. “A Gryphon? Do you even know what a Gryphon is?”

  “Yes. The eagle-lion monster. I know it well because it almost killed me and Bane. But don’t worry, I killed it first.”

  “First of all, the Gryphon are not allowed into the mortal world. Second, if it was a Gryphon how the hell did you kill it?”

  “I know Gryphon aren’t allowed into the mortal world, but there was one chasing us on our way back here. Its talons sliced right through my super suit. I turned my back to Kade.

  “Shit, Emma. That’s deep. How are you even standing? Come.” He led me to the bed and helped zip the suit down. I was only wearing a cami and underwear underneath, so I kept the bottom part of the suit in place. He helped me lay on my stomach and situated a pillow under my head before going to the cupboard to retrieve the vial of healing potion.

  “This might sting a bit at first, but the pain will quickly subside.”

  “It stings right now. Just do it,” I said, pinching my eyes closed in anticipation of the pain to follow.

  He unscrewed the vial and I felt the liquid drip over my back. It stung ten times worse than I’d remembered. Holding my breath, I gripped the side of the bed and waited until the pain subsided.

  “It’s already starting to mend,” he said.

  “Thank you.” I exhaled the breath I had been holding. “It does feel better. I think I need to get back to my room and take a shower.”

  “Yeah, that would be a good idea.” He chuckled.

  “Thank you for fixing me. I’ll tell you about the Gryphon after.”

  “Deal,” he grinned.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “I do.”

  When we got there, Thomas was waiting inside, biting his nails.

  “She wants me to stay with her tonight,” Kade advised him.

  “What about Alaine?”

  “I’ll deal with Alaine,” I responded. “I need him. Please. And don’t worry… we aren’t going to do anything.”

  “Fine, but I’m staying in your room,” Thomas replied, heading for the door.

  “That’s cool. Thanks bro. I appreciate it.”

  I took my pajamas and went into the bathroom to shower and change. When I clicked on the light and looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror, I gasped, scaring myself. There was blood smeared all over my face, even with Kade’s attempt to try and wipe it of
f, I looked like some kind of psycho murderer who rolled in my victim’s blood. I tried to turn and see the injuries on my back, but couldn’t really see anything.

  As soon as I was released from the super suit, my body began to ache. I picked it up and saw two large slash marks in the back. One about ten inches, the other a little longer. I sighed, rolled it up, and threw it in the hamper.

  I quickly turned on the shower, making the water extra hot. I stood under the falling water and let the dried blood rinse from me. The smell became overwhelming, so I filled my hand with shampoo and lathered my hair. I scrubbed and scrubbed, every inch of my body until it felt raw and there were no signs of blood. I washed my hair three times, and then conditioned it to make sure I was free from contamination.

  When I stepped out and dried myself off, I glanced into the mirror again. This time I recognized the girl looking back at me, but just barely. I blinked and watched a tear trickle down my face. My human past had become a memory. I still had connections to it through Jeremy and Lia, but it would never be the same. Not without my parents.

  Yes, Samuel and Alaine were my true parents, but would I get to live the rest of my life getting to know them? Or would I have to seal the bond with Ethon, effectively taking me away from everything and everyone I knew. I didn’t think Lucifer would allow me to keep relations with them because they were a threat.

  I wiped away the few tears which had escaped my eyes and quickly slipped into my pajamas. Then I brushed my hair and teeth and opened the door.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, Kade was lying on the floor. The side lamp was on, barely lighting his beautiful face. He was on his side, with his head resting on one arm, looking through my scrapbook.

  “Hey beautiful,” he said, looking up as I stepped out. I blushed, not feeling beautiful at all. “I hope it’s okay to be looking at this.”

  “Of course it is,” I grinned. “And you don’t have to stay on the floor. You can stay up here with me,” I said patting the bed. “I need your arms again, and you did say that your hugs were free.”

  “I did, and yes, they are… anytime of the day or night.” He gently closed the book and slid it back under the bed, before jumping up and walking toward me.

  I placed my hand on his chest, stopping him a foot away. “Wait. I’m sorry. My brain is acting like a ping pong; my emotions are all so mixed up. And none of this is fair to you. I feel like I’m taking advantage of your good nature.

  Kade grabbed my hand from his chest and kissed it, pulling me into a hug. He shushed me and swayed us back and forth.

  “I’m terrified of my future, and what I could be leaving behind,” I said.

  Stupid automatic tears began to well in my eyes, and stream down my face.

  “I have been too. As soon as I became mortal, I began worrying about you, about us. I wish I could go back and set everything straight, but all I can do is be here for you. If you need a hug, then I will give it to you. If you need a kiss, hey, those are free too, but strictly for you alone.”

  “I’ll take it,” I whispered.

  He gently placed his hands on either side of my face, and leaned down, pressing his warm lips on mine. I instantly became dizzy, and then he pulled back.

  “Thank you,” I breathed.

  “It’s always a pleasure,” he said, leaning over and kissing my forehead. “You need to get some sleep, but I can’t put the sleeper on you.

  “I think I could fall asleep in your arms,” I said.

  He led me over to the bed and tucked me in, then he laid on top of the covers. I backed up into him, spooning, and rested my head on his arm. When the other arm came over top, his scent enveloped me. I took in a deep breath and exhaled.

  “I could get used to this,” I breathed.

  “So could I,” he added, sounding a little sad.

  I didn’t know what he was feeling, and I couldn’t imagine. He didn’t know if he was going to lose me, but I also had the exact same fear. Would I lose the only one who made me feel whole? The one who had protected and watched over me, and was there since the beginning of this crazy new journey? I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it.

  Our future was unclear; fate had the upper hand and wasn’t giving out any hints as to what its plans were. We had no choice but to ride with it.

  Wrapped in the warmth of Kade’s arms, I listened to the sound of his steady breath, the rising and falling of his chest on my back, and the faint thumps of his heartbeat. I felt the tensions relax and the stress melt away as his closeness slowly lulled me into a deep sleep.

  WHEN I WOKE, I WAS surprised to feel Kade’s arm still wrapped around me. I didn’t think he’d stay with me for the whole night, especially with Alaine checking up on me all the time.

  I rolled over to him, and his eyes were open and bright. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him all over his face.

  “Whoa. What’s that for?” he said, chuckling.

  “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  His smile widened. “You were moving around a lot in your sleep.”

  “I had another dream, and when we kissed, it was magical and healing.”

  “Does my face need healing?” he questioned, rubbing his cheeks. “Or do I need to shave?”

  “Nope, you’re perfect,” I said.

  The sides of his mouth turned up, and his radiant smile brought happiness to the beginning of another new day.

  “What time is it?” I asked. The sun was trying to peek in from the sides of the shades.

  “A little after ten.”

  “Holy crap!” I said, sitting up. “Did Alaine come in to check?”

  “She did, right before she left to take Courtney and Caleb to the airport.”

  “Was she surprised to see you?”

  “Yep,” he chuckled. “But after a few awkward moments of silence, she saw you were safe and sleeping and she was fine.”

  “I’m sad I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Courtney and Caleb.”

  “They weren’t fully awake anyway, and didn’t say much.”

  “I hope they’ll be alright,” I sighed.

  “They’ll be fine. Alaine has made sure they will be under full guard while they are away.”

  “That’s good to know,” I said, falling back into his arms, pressing the side of my face into his chest. The sound of his beating heart brought me so much comfort.

  “Are you going to tell me more about this magical kissing dream?” he asked.

  “Nope,” I teased. “But I do want you to know one thing.”

  “Tell me,” he grinned, throwing an arm behind his head.

  “I want you to know that—”

  We were rudely interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I wouldn’t doubt if it was Malachi.

  “Come in,” I yelled. Thomas pushed the door open covering his eyes.

  “You can look, crazy,” I smirked.

  He dropped his hand. “Okay, cool. I just came to give you an update. Someone has released beasts from the Underworld. We aren’t sure if they are immune to the barrier like the Darkling are yet, but we need to be prepared. If anything, they will strike during the night.”

  I nodded. “Yes, last night we came across Hellhounds and a Gryphon.”

  “Gryphon?” he choked. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, the ginormous eagle-lion creature with a sharp beak and deadly talons.”

  “Holy crap. How the hell did you make it back alive?”

  “I killed it.” I shrugged.

  “Don’t shit me, Emma.” Thomas narrowed his eyes at me.

  “I’m serious. Ask Bane. He might not talk to you, but if you ask him, he can always nod.”

  “How the hell did you do it? I can’t remember anyone who went up against a Gryphon and lived to tell about it. And these are immortals I’m talking about.” He paused. “Not saying your lame or anything, you just aren’t—”

  “I know,” I smiled. “It’s alright.”

he pressed.

  “I noticed that every time I went from visible and to invisible it would pause and get confused. So, I told Bane to throw me at it when I changed mid-flight. It almost didn’t work, but I managed to sink the dagger into its head and then into its heart. I have scars on my back to prove it.”

  “You are simply amazing,” Thomas said bowing down to me.

  “Don’t. It’s embarrassing,” I giggled.

  “You must teach me your ways oh wise one,” he said in a deep voice.

  “All you need is a super-suit and a magic dagger.”

  “I guess there is no hope for me then,” he sighed.

  “Thomas, is there any other reason why you came in?” Kade questioned.

  His eyes narrowed in thought. “Oh, yes! Alaine is back and she wants everyone to meet downstairs. Miss Lily has a brunch spread and the rest of the group is already there. She wants to discuss upcoming plans and these new threats.”

  “Alright, we’ll be down in a minute,” Kade answered.

  “Cool. I’ll see you guys.” Before he left, he turned and bowed down to me again, so I tossed a pillow at him. It missed as he quickly slipped back out the door.

  When the door shut and we were alone again, reality began to sink in.

  “Do you think they will attack soon?” I asked Kade.

  “I don’t know. If they are sending out creatures from the Underworld, I suspect an attack soon.”

  “I have less than a week before my transformation.”

  His fingers grazed my face. “And you will be magnificent. I cannot wait to see what you finally become.”

  I sighed. “But I’m supposed to be bonded with Ethon during my transformation. I want you to be with me and help me through it. You’ve been with me since the beginning of this crazy journey, and I really wanted you with me until the end.”

  “If it is within my power to be with you, I will. That is my word.”

  I knew his words were heartfelt but they brought me little comfort. We both knew he wouldn’t be there; Ethon would be, and probably his murderous father.

  My heart ached and twisted at the thought.

  There had to be a way.

  We both got ready and made our way down the stairs. Glancing out the windows, I looked across the driveway into the thick spruce trees, and a shiver shot down my spine. The feeling of wicked eyes watching us, made my skin crawl.


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