Doctor Bad Boy's Secret Baby: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 42)

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Doctor Bad Boy's Secret Baby: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 42) Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  “My public image?” I literally laugh out loud. “I don’t give a rats ass what anybody thinks about me. We all die in the end…unless I can find a way to operate on myself when the time comes and believe me, I’m working through possible scenarios.”

  “Yes, sir. The world does need you.”

  “Damn right. You’re smart, Jane. I’m glad I hired you.”

  “As am I, sir.”

  Shit. She’s taking this compliment the wrong way. I need to diffuse this situation.

  “And that’s why I know you’re going to go show your new friend out.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She leaves my office swinging those hips more than I thought was humanly possible. I have to give her credit. The girl knows her way around the gym, especially the squat rack, but I’d never stoop so low as to fish off the company pier…especially when it’s my company and my pier.

  I scroll through to my WhatsApp chat group with all of Leo’s friends, but not Leo. I start typing the message to let them know to start giving him a hard time beginning next week. There’s nothing we enjoy more than fucking with the guy who thinks he’s the king of the world. But he knows who that title really belongs to.

  “I need to see the doctor!”

  What the…?

  Who does this girl think she is?

  She can’t come in here yelling like that. She shouldn’t have even got in in the first place. And the last thing I need is her disturbing my patient.

  But as fit as Jane is, dealing with some unruly and invited guest isn’t her job.

  I am a man after all and I’m not about to put any woman in harm’s way, especially one of my own employees.

  I throw my feet off the side of the desk and spin the chair around with a contraction of my abs. Another reason it pays to have a twelve-pack.

  I get up from my chair and make my way to the door. I hear Jane’s voice trying to calm the woman, but it definitely doesn’t seem to be working.

  I exhale as I grab the handle and then pull it towards me.

  Holy smokes!



  “Doctor! I need your help,” I say my words tailing off at the end.

  Oh my god. I definitely need his help but now I might need it in more ways that one.

  He’s going to have to resuscitate me if I pass out right now from the sight of him.

  He didn’t have a picture online and now I see why. Women would be lining up for city blocks just to get a look at him. I’d trade a nasty fall for an examination from Doctor Damn! Any day. Can you legally have an exclamation point in your name? He sure deserves one whether you can or not. Good lord!

  The doctor says nothing at first. He just locks his icy blue-gray eyes on mine.

  I feel my heart beat faster and when I look at his massive chest through that skin-tight white T-shirt I can see his is doing the same.

  My eyes move up and across his body.

  He’s a bodybuilding bad boy extraordinaire. He’s got some sort of aggressive skull tattooed on his neck! His neck! The eyes are red and orange and it almost looks like blood is coming from the skull’s lips.

  One of his arms is also completely sleeved. This guy is a doctor? The doctor that Google said was the most famous ER surgeon in the entirety of New York City if not the entire world?

  I’ve never seen a doctor who looks like this. I couldn’t even imagine such a thing, but then again I could never imagine a guy this rough and ready looking no matter how hard I tried.

  Usually when I search Google for nearby locations I’m looking for a public toilet or a slice of pizza. This time I got a slice of heaven. And not just a slice then entire place.

  I would love to float in the clouds while he depresses my tongue with his stick and then fills me with his special medicine. There is no doubt this doctor delivers and I want nothing more than a house call.

  But I’m in his house now and this receptionist of his is definitely making me feel like an unwanted trespasser.

  His look on the other hand is telling me something entirely different.

  And the pool that is now filling my panties needs to be drained, as in hang these Hanes up on the back of the door while we study anatomy on his table.

  And I know his table won’t be one of those cold steel ones, although I’d sure like to check his personal steel pipe.

  “I don’t do pro bono work, miss. As a matter of fact I don’t even do work on Bono, unless he comes with a stack of cash. Everybody knows that.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I just need a vaccination before I go abroad with a charity organization.”

  “What organization?” he says as he sizes me up with his eyes, yet keeps them laser focused on mine. I can’t believe this guy isn’t checking me out. I’m not the best looking, or the most fit, but still…guys are guys and they look no matter what. It’s in the DNA, and I’d like to have his DNA in me.

  “A nonprofit,” I say. “I’m going there to help kids.”

  “To help kids at Togos?”

  “Togo. It’s a small country of about seven million people. They don’t have even remotely close to the kinds of supplies, facilities, and personnel they need.”

  “Not my problem,” he says.

  This guy really is heartless.

  “Please, I’m begging you. I’ll give you every cent I have.”

  He breathes out hard.

  “Jane will help you. But don’t tell anyone you got it here, and don’t come back here again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

  He turns and goes back into his office making sure to shut the door hard behind him. It’s not a slam, but it’s close.

  And although he may have slammed the door on my hopes of even the faintest attempt at seducing him, at least he opened the door to me traveling abroad and fulfilling my wish of helping children which is more important than any guy.

  At least that’s what I’ve always thought.


  Doctor Church

  I slide open the bottom drawer and pull out an inhaler. It was a sample from some rep that got dropped off and I have no idea why it’s in my office, but I remember seeing it the other day.

  I don’t have asthma or anything like that but right now I can’t seem to catch my breath.


  I almost lost it with that girl out there.

  Immediately I wanted to put her in a hospital gown and examine her from head to toe…with my cock.

  Speaking of which I’m rock fucking hard right now.

  When was the last time I had an erection this hard, big, and bulging that it caused real, physical pain like this?

  I can’t remember because I know the answer. Never.

  I had to get out of there. I know how these New York City tabloids work. They send in some damsel in distress who’s got a secret microphone and undercover video camera and they bait you. You fall for it and next thing you know you’re on the cover of the Post first thing in the morning.

  Everything you worked for…gone.

  And damn it sure felt like it could be worth it. The longer I stood there the more realistic the possibility was becoming. Too realistic in fact.

  I wanted to take that girl back to my exam room and live out the fantasy every doctor has. Every doctor but me that is. Until now.

  I don’t go for that predictable doctor patient fantasy nonsense. But with her it’s far from nonsense.

  I take another breath of the inhaler and try and calm myself down.

  This is not good. I rely on a steady hand and complete control.

  I raise my hand a few inches above the desk. Wobbly as hell. Yeah, I’m lacking in both departments right about now.

  This is totally pissing me off. I’m a rock. I’ve got the willpower of a thousand Marine snipers. I can completely control my body and my mind to never overreact.


  That’s how bad decisions are made and l
ives are lost.

  And I want to make a very, very bad decision right now.

  I want to spank that ass of hers. Grab those child bearing hips and thrust into her from behind like the animal she turned me into.

  I hear knocking on the door.

  “What!” I yell.

  “Sir,” Jane says as she opens the door.

  “You don’t come in my office until I tell you you can. Do. You. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Jane says closing the door.

  And the reason why that rule exists right now is because I don’t want her seeing my cock which is so big it’s pointing up out of my seat and over the top of my desk.

  I set my Advanced Surgical Techniques book over it, but it does little more than just increase the pain.

  Jane knocks again.



  “Can I come in, sir?”

  “No. I mean, yes, but make it quick.”

  Jane sticks her head inside the door. “Sir, I’m not licensed to administer vaccinations until next week.”

  “I thought you just passed your RN exam?”

  “I passed the test, but I haven’t paid the fee and completed all the paperwork.”

  My elbow slams into the oak desktop and my palm finds my forehead.

  “Send her back to the examination room,” I say.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I hear the door start to latch and then open again.

  “Sir, should I put her in a smock? Will you be administering the shot in her buttocks?”

  My shoulders shake and my butt comes out of my seat.

  “Will I be what? I mean, yes. No! Nothing in her buttocks. Just send her back to the damn room and I’ll figure it out.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jane says and the door finally closes.

  What in the hell did I just sign myself up for?

  I have to yank down her pants and shoot her in the ass.

  Yeah, this is going to go over well.

  I look at the Hippocratic Oath which is framed on my wall right next to my Harvard Medical School degree.

  I know the Oath forwards and backward and begin reciting it. I get to the part that’s going to be my undoing.

  “I will abstain from all intentional wrong doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman…”

  This is harming me already, and all I can think about right now is how much I want to punish her…with our clothes off.



  I sit on the examination table waiting for Dr. Church.

  I’m lucky I was able to find him still in his office at this hour and I’m even luckier that I was somehow able to wiggle my way into getting this vaccination.

  But the ultimate test of my good fortunes today will be if I somehow get him to wiggle his way into my pants. I definitely would be all for it.

  He’s older, hot, rich, and is doing what I’d absolutely love to do one day…saving lives and making a difference.

  If I’m a tenth as successful as he is at any point in my career I’ll consider it a success.

  I look up at the clock on the wall as I swing my feet from the edge of the table anticipating his arrival.

  Since I learned I’d need the shot all I wanted was to get it over with. Now that I’ve met Dr. Church all I want is for it to last as long as possible.

  Not the shot, but my time here with him.

  I wonder if he needs help? Maybe when I finish up in Africa I can score an internship under the real life Dr. McDreamy.

  The door opens and Dr. Church steps inside.

  “Thank you for seeing me. I’m sorry to have caused quite a disturbance.”

  He prepares the shot. “You certainly did cause a disturbance. That’s for sure.”

  He moves quickly and effortlessly like a true professional. It’s after hours so he doesn’t have his smock on, but I’m not complaining one bit. Any clothes that get in the way of that amazing body of his and me seeing it are definitely better on a hanger than on his back.

  I look him up and down and can see his T-shirt isn’t the only thing he’s filling out.

  He’s got a tight tush and thick legs. I guess he did get the memo…never skip leg day at the gym. Most guys seem to miss that one and the resulting barrel chest with chicken legs is not a good look at all.

  But his thick thighs and carefully sculpted calves have me thinking how he can hold me up with ease as he does things to me while my feet are off the ground that a professional gymnast could only dream of.

  As my eyes make my way back up his body he turns slightly to the side.

  “Woah,” I say.

  “Big one, huh?” he says.

  “Yeah,” I say, staring at his package which is obviously ready to be unwrapped. He’s rock hard and his jeans are sporting a huge bulge. I swear I can hear the zipper straining to keep the horse in the barn. “Where are you gonna put that?” I ask.

  “Inside you of course.”

  I swallow hard. “Where inside me?”

  Oh my god. Is he going to do me right here and now on this examination table?

  I know if we get started there’s no way I’m going to get that shot before midnight. I’ll be too busy riding his cock and doing other things to it that I’ll lose track of time, and by time I don’t mean hours…I’m talking days, weeks, and years here.

  “Well. There are a couple places I generally prefer,” he says.

  I still haven’t removed my eyes from his rod.

  “Such as?”

  “The buttocks is always good.”

  “The buttocks?” I say.

  “Yeah, you know. Just stick it in and you’re done. It might hurt to sit down for awhile, but you’ll get over it.”

  He’s a freak! He’s not even going to lube me up? I guess he’s used to seeing the human body so he just goes after what he wants. Who knew he had a thing for the backdoor? I expected a doctor to be a clean freak but this one is a dirty dog.

  “Where else can you put it?” I ask not sure if I’m ready for the answer. If he’s starting off with a back door delivery where does he go to top that?

  “You know. I can pinch a bit of skin and stick it in your brachii.”

  “My brachii?” That sounds a lot like my back-e-uh…as in my backside, but I thought we already covered that.

  “Yeah, you know your triceps brachii muscle,” he says as he turns around with the needle in his hand.

  Suddenly he looks right at me looking right at his erection and the fluid from the needle squirts out all over the floor.

  I look up completely embarrassed. “I’m so sorry!” I say.

  He freezes.

  “I see you were referring to…something else.”

  “I just thought. I mean. I’m sorry that’s what I mean.”

  I’m completely flustered and rattled.

  I jump up from the examination table, turn my body and throw my torso on the table and pull my pants and panties down so he can inject me and get this over with.

  I’ve completely embarrassed myself and I need to get out of here pronto.

  But the minute I get into position I feel a cold breeze across my ass and my pussy tighten.

  I squeeze my eyes tight, but I don’t hear him walking towards me.

  I look back over my shoulder and see him staring directly at my ass. If his cock was a flagpole before it’s the Statue of Liberty now, and I want nothing more than to be set free. Free of the rules and regulations and codes of conduct that prohibit doctor patient relations.

  And from the look on his face he wants it too. His expression is hungry. His pupils are dilated and those blue eyes of his seem even bigger and bluer. His mouth is closed, but from the expression on his face I wouldn’t be surprised if it dropped open anytime soon. He’s completely focused on my ass as if nothing else matters in the world.

  “You have something against the brachii muscle?” he says.


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