Crissy Chance

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Crissy Chance Page 34

by Douglas E Roff

  The departure of three Immortals proved it was a work in progress.

  Of those remaining, there were basically two groups plus Hana. There was Eene and Hecate who just loved everything about their family, and Misti and Noki each of whom felt they has some sort of superior claim. In any other situation, each would have been correct. But neither group thought ill or looked down on the other; all the ladies got along well and were committed to familial success.

  When Hana arrived, she was the outlier. Hana was always the peacemaker, thinking the best of every situation and impugning no one. She was going to return, they hoped. Her needs were always few and she brought a certain gentility to the family. However, thinking she could be bullied or bossed was not the same as thinking she was sweet and cooperative. Her mortal family understood the difference; her fellow Immortals, save Hecate, did not.

  Adam looked at things differently. There was family, there was work and there was life in general. All were important together; one did not predominate over the other. It was easy to lose sight of the big picture: happiness. But humans are odd in many ways, some unpredictable and some quixotic.

  While the Immortals were more predictable in behavior for Adam, Hecate was less of an Immortal in this respect. She did not think about exclusivity or claims on Adam; she just could not imagine that whatever happened, she would not be there in his life. Adam felt exactly the same. Certain ladies, no matter what, were untouchable. It began with Kalindra but did not end there.

  Yet Kalindra was the one that Adam most feared would tire of sharing first. This was undoubtedly not the life she wanted for herself, and now that she was free from her condition, Adam expected that sooner or later, Kalindra would want to talk. He decided, he would raise the subject first. Things can fester in a relationship if not addressed and brought out in the open. He knew whereof he spoke, so soon, they would have their chat. He dreaded it; their time had probably passed, given the new nature of Adam’s family dynamic.

  Then came Eene and the deck got unalterably shuffled. More like Hecate than any of the others, she, then later Misti, had experienced the worst the world had to offer; the only difference being that Eene had been abused all her life. She was part woman, twenty-six after all, part pixie, part muse and part pure and unadulterated innocence. She was always happy and bounded into every room, every situation and every relationship as if she had every right to be there and was always welcome. After a while, everyone agreed that she was a permanent addition, most specifically, Adam St. James. To Adam, Eene was the embodiment of pure wonder and joy and, as he looked back on his treatment of her, especially the most recent events, he was saddened by his horrible conduct on so many levels. She usually showed up in his office around lunchtime, picked the locks on his door and ignored the sign that read “Keep Out; This Means Eene Too”.

  Then she would say, “What-cha doin’? Please tell me everything.”

  Then Adam would start, and Eene would interrupt. “Now just so we’re clear. I have no idea what you’re talking about and never will, but if you say your problem out loud to me, the solution will come to you. I’m a certified Mensa genius when it comes to listening. You are not. So, go!”

  Adam would blather on for a while and, if the solution had not occurred by 12:15, Eene would pull him by his Lab coat to the door, push him out the door and get him on the elevator for lunch in the kitchen. Very often it worked, the solution came to him immediately; sometimes it came later while he was cooking. But, it always came.

  Today was different. Adam was expecting Eene, but he did not want to talk about work, he wanted to talk about Eene to Eene. He had things he needed to say and they couldn’t wait.

  “It’s open. You can lock it then pick it if you want.” A small hand reached inside and locked the door, then Adam heard the familiar clicking of lock picking.

  “No point in making it this easy and totally giving up. Change the locks,” she said.

  “No locks today. Today we talk. About you.”

  “A good talk, like how much you love me, or a bad talk, like I’m in trouble for doing something I didn’t even know was wrong?”

  “Well, you’re not in trouble, it’s 90% good, and 10% ‘other’. I wanted to say some things to you before we went upstairs.”

  “Is it a spanking offense, the fun kind, or something I need to improve upon?”

  “Spanking is only ever recreational, no lectures, and the other is really an ‘other’.”

  “OK, shoot.”

  “First, and this is hard for me.”

  “Harder than …?”

  “Not in the same category. What I mean is I want to say I’m sorry for how I acted recently with you, and with Misti and Noki. But I feel worst about you, and I was very, very wrong in what I did, and put you in harm’s way. I can’t seem to find the words to say how stupid I was or how dangerous my idiotic actions were once again. So, I will just say I apologize and it will never let it happen again. Said it before, but then my temper is not a rational part of me. Some things set me off. But this is an Adam promise, the kind I never break. I love you very much and it is my job to care for the woman I love. I did not do that and if anyone is in trouble for bad behavior, it should be me. Next time, if there is one, you and the ladies must be strong and remind me of who we are to one another, even when I’m raging and out of control. I’ll speak to Hecate too.”

  “Hmmm.” Eene said. “Are you joking or are you serious?”

  “Serious. Totally serious. I will apologize to Misti and Noki later and speak with Hecate but you were first up. The biggest fuck up on my part concerned you.”

  “In that case, apology accepted, though truly you don’t owe me or the others an apology. Besides, you rescued us, we’re home, we’re happy and we’re safe. You’re a scary daddy, for sure, and I hate it when you’re angry. Even so, your temper-volcano erupts, runs its course, and then suddenly it’s over. Then you’re not scary any more.

  “Those who wanted to leave are gone, the rest of us who are devoted to you are still here. Maybe we each love you a little differently, but it’s the same amount. One hundred percent. But as far as I’m concerned, I adore you. But there are a couple of things we might chat about. We’ll be late for lunch, but I think our ladies will understand.”

  “I’ll call. Let them know.”

  “First is a question. Why do you love me? I mean I understand Misti completely, Noki is a mystery given that she tried to kill you, and I just seemed to drop in from nowhere. I disobeyed you when you were right all along. I introduced you to Alana; Alana just uses you, which is my fault. I’ve been nothing but a burden and trouble and contribute nothing even though Noki and Misti say otherwise. I totally get why you love Kalindra, and, if she were here, why would you need me? She’s smart, wise and a grownup.”

  Adam smiled, then said, “Well, while it sounds all complicated and all wrapped up in one important thing or another, it’s so simple that you overlook the obvious.”

  “Which is?”

  “You make me happy. Every day you make my life worth living again, day after day. It hasn’t always been that way. Did you know that I wanted to kill myself most of my childhood, until Misti and her family stepped in? I hated my life, I hated Barrows Bay, the awards, the money and everything that went with it. I just wanted to be happy. And I wasn’t. And even if you talk to Kalindra, Misti and Noki, even Hecate s who has seen it all in my mind, you will find maybe only a few days when I was truly happy. Until I met you. You are yourself, and yourself lights up every room, every dark corner of my heart and soul. What’s it worth to be happy? To bring happiness to everyone you see every day? Which is better, genius or happiness? Think about it and understand how I love you, what you mean to me, and then you will understand why I love you. There would be a huge empty spot in my heart if I ever lost you. I don’t need you to do anything; I can hire anybody. Kalindra is my love because we have always been in love; Misti because we know each other so well and have shared ou
r entire lives; and Noki? Well, I agree with you there, that is pure chemistry and commitment. I admit falling in love with the woman tasked with killing me is odd. But we did fall in love and she is not now the woman she was then. Everything about her is new. She has overcome so much, I’m so proud of her. And she’s sweet and kind and loving.”


  “If she comes back, and if she’s mortal, then our history is ancient. She is the peacemaker. She, like Misti keeps me on the path. The right path, the true path. She is gentle in how she handles me while Misti will rip me a new one if I step out of line. But even she’s mellowed. We’re all part of this thing, this giant thing and we all have a part to play in it.

  “I know your history, everything there is to know, and I would expect a cruel, heartless, selfish and horrible woman to be Eene Birkenstock. But you are the exact opposite. How beautiful can you be, how much more joy can enter our lives through you, if you are loved as much as you love. It’s incalculable.”

  “The speech coulda been a little shorter.”


  “Yet another reason you can’t live without me. You don’t have enough Vitamin Brat in your life. Where else would you get it? I’m your only natural source. Hecate could be, but she has to think about it while I’m a natural. It’s a skill.”

  “Exactly. What’s the other thing?”

  “More of a comment than anything else. I wanted to tell you how little I understand you. Not just living here, but anything about you. Some days I’m frightened of what you know, what you can do. Most days I just accept that you love me, I’m here and safe, and I try every day really, really hard to love and help you. Whatever you need or I think you need. Then there’s the whole Immortal thing, which I do not understand at all, I mean Immortals? Really? WTF, Adam. How, why, and did I mention WTF?”

  “Me too, if you must know. I had no idea, then at twenty-two I’m in a cave for a year, then at twenty-three I’m out and my life is totally different. Kalindra thinks I’m crazy, that I was on a one-year irresponsibility tour to ‘find myself’ by drinking and fucking my way around the planet. Then I come back, run the company for a few more years, then I sell it. She thinks we’re done when I think we’re just getting started. Then I find out the two Immortals with whom I’m mated can’t visit for a very long while, though I can visit them once in a while, because I have kids I don’t get to see. Then two more Immortals I know come along, Hana and Kendra, but that doesn’t work out except for Hana. And except for Hecate, who has always been with me. I just didn’t know it.

  “I don’t even understand my own history, except all this crazy shit is swirling around me and I know I need help. And I need support and love that I’m not crazy and I’m not alone. You think you don’t understand me. Try being me.”

  “Good job. I wasn’t sure about any of this but we should talk to our mates and get Hecate up to speed. And when you’re ready, Kalindra needs to come home.”

  “New York City is her home.”

  “Wait ‘til she she’s been to this place. Bye, bye New York City.”

  “I’m not so sure.”


  Hecate had been spying and giving audio and video to the ladies upstairs; only Hana was missing.

  “Ladies, game faces. When we talk, a lot of ooohs and ahhhs and surprised faces. Then sex. For the rest of the day and night. Eene gets special attention. Adam’s right, no Eene, no joy.”

  Hecate was quickly disappointed in her sisters. As soon as Eene and Adam appeared, they hugged and kissed their man, then dragged him and Eene to the big bed.

  Adam put up token resistance.

  Hecate thought, “Too easy. Next time, we need something a little bit more challenging.”

  Chapter 46

  It was now over a month later, all the family had settled into a new routine. Granted, it was different without the Immortals around, except Hecate who more than adequately filled in for all missing Immortals including the healers. She was a fierce warrior who could implode heads, so Kendra was not essential; Niona and Fionna were tops at healing, and warriors in their own right, but though numbers were absent, Hecate was willing to work overtime. She demanded compensation, which all were willing to pay. It is not completely accurate to say that Hecate was glad the others had departed but she enjoyed her new roles immensely and felt able to do much more than ever before when her skills were demanded.

  Hana had not only not returned, but she had sent no word and Adam feared either the Almighty was prohibiting her return, would not grant her the reduction in status she desired, or that Hana had simply changed her mind. Among Immortals, informing the lower mortality classes of intentions, or anything for that matter, was not high on their “to do” list.

  Paraiso had not grown much at this point and the City of Light was not much more than a hamlet filled with scientists, techs and their families. Most loved the idea of the grand experiment and loved their work and working with Adam; but missed family life drew many away. Adam decided it might be best to recruit from the ranks of the single, do his best to have a good representation of genders and sexual preferences for balance and recreation. He had everything he wanted; he needed to pay more attention to the needs of others. He spoke to his people and asked for their help. Would girlfriends/boyfriends qualified in a field be willing to come? Had their time away already screwed relationships? What did they suggest?

  Some thought their work could be done anywhere; there was no need to be onsite. They were politely asked to pack up and leave. In the end, Adam decided to recruit a balance of men and women principally and directly out of undergraduate schools from top tech Universities, but also from Masters and Ph.D. programs, in order to move forward organically. In this way he could teach his recruits his way and would ask for a non-binding commitment extending from three to five years. Adam would arrange academic credit for work and classroom attendance for advanced degrees, but over time, most just kept advancing within ranks not worrying about academics. If the purpose of education was to find good work in a chosen field, a job offer from Adam St. James was an example of major success.

  Contracts would automatically renew if they made the cut at one year, the compensation and bonuses were very fair and the work was demanding, but also fair. Adam tried to recruit the “true believers” aided by Hecate, who also screened women who had a crush on Adam, or one of his wives. They would get their wish for physical experimentation in spades and were more likely to stay to pursue the dream and enjoy all the fringe benefits, at least for a period of time.

  New recruits and more tenured employees were often invited by Adam to his residence for activities, meals and work sessions directly with the boss. Evening walks included everyone, and a large percentage of the fresh talent vied daily for Adam’s attention, and that of his household; none were ignored. To the youngsters with wide eyes and mad skills, this was nirvana. Almost all stayed, some for Adam, some for the work, and some for the ladies, but most for both and the other delights offered in Paraiso. Romances among the troops was beginning to grow, and new informal social groups starting to develop.

  Kalindra was wrapping up things and began slowly shuttering one of her homes in New York City, though as Adam predicted, she was not sure a move to Paraiso was right for her. She was healed and Adam was now not going to be just hers. She was not sure she wanted the life that would surely follow. She spoke to Adam to voice her apprehension.

  “I understand,” he said. “The thing that held you back from what you want is a resolved, but who you want may have changed. It may never have been me, or maybe it was then, but now things have changed. What we both want is the same, but maybe we have each moved on. I think you should either stay in New York City and date to see how it feels or come here for a while and see how it feels. Follow your heart.”

  “I don’t think I can share, Adam. It’s not in my nature. I think it’s best if I remain here and work for you as we always have. But, the arrangement is not one
I ever contemplated; neither did you. I should have married you when you asked. If I change my mind, will I be welcome back into your arms?”

  “That will never change. I will always love you. I am sorry this did not work for us. I am very sad.”

  “As am I. But it’s not the end.”

  “I fear it is. You will not be alone for long, and then we will have to go our separate ways. We both know this to be true. Men have always wanted you and your eyes were never exclusively on me. Just pick a good guy and be happy. Work if you want; just let me know what you decide. Your personal life is your own; I won’t pry. Just work. But if even that is too difficult, I will understand.”

  “I’m so sorry, Adam.”

  “Don’t be. Our years together were the best years of my life. That can never change.”


  Adam assembled his women the next morning at breakfast to give them the news and discuss where they were, what they thought the next steps would be and some personnel matters that had been on his mind for weeks. Alana loomed large as the one person who was not easily replaced, but who was most missed work wise. Personality wise, she did not fit in and nobody really wanted her around, especially Eene as things now turned out. Alana was no longer thinking she had anything to apologize to Eene for; Alana had taken care of Eene for many years and only lost her mind recently. In any event, she was on the table for discussion, though he would try to direct the decision away from her staying in Paraiso in favor of working remotely.

  “This morning I wanted to talk to all of you about our jobs in the two projects, and if I sound like I’m telling you what we’re going to do, I’m not. This is a discussion and I want us to be in agreement about what we’re doing and who we’re doing it with.”


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