“I promise.” Ava stood. She felt a sharp pain run across her stomach. “Thank you, Gale. I’d better go.”
“Are you alright?”
“I think so.” Ava stopped, feeling the pain again; it was sharper now. As she left Gale’s room, she thought about her promise. If those rings could stop her child from being seduced by dark magic, she would have to break that promise. She hoped it would never come to that.
Alec followed Thomas down to the dock. “He found Brea?”
“Yep. He sent Bianca ahead to let us know.”
Alec shook his head, “I’m worried about Brea, Thomas.”
“Because of that Warlock, ya mean?”
“Yeah. I don’t like it. I’m worried about Ava, too. I don’t know what the two of them are thinking. I want to get those women back, but bringing a Waevern here, Brea hanging out with him, I don’t like it.”
“Yep, it’s a pretty unnatural situation all right. You just give me the go ahead and I’ll round him out.”
“I just might do that,” Alec laughed.
“You know I ain't scared. I might have to beat Shawn to it though.” He laughed, “Why’d you send him after Brea?”
“Because I knew he would find her.” He turned to look out over the ocean.
“Well I’ll be, he’s still hung up on her, ain’t he?” Thomas grinned.
“He’s in love with her.” Alec crossed his arms. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s…” This time Alec stopped.
“I ain’t trying to get into old boys affairs, but something’s off with Shawn. This ain’t like him. Him and Bianca. It’s just don’t roll off right, ya know?”
“No, it doesn’t.” Alec shook his head. “I like Bianca, and Shawn is like my brother, but something’s off there, the whole thing is just strange.”
“Strange as a python picking fleas, I reckon. Lyssa’s in a huff about it.”
Alec chuckled at the mental picture Thomas had just painted for him before continuing, “Lyssa’s upset about Shawn and Bianca?”
“Yep.” He clicked his tongue, “Had to pin her down the other day to keep her from going after Bianca. Bianca don’t do too well with the girls. She knows how to get ‘em all riled up.”
“That she does, Thomas. That she does.” Alec laughed.
Shawn stared at Caslan and Caslan stared back. It was really uncomfortable. Any minute she was sure they were going to tear each other apart. Caslan leaned over, still keeping his eyes on Shawn, “How’s this going to go with everyone else? Me showing up with you?”
“They’re all kind of protective. It’s like having a bunch of huge brothers that look out for me.”
“He doesn’t look at you like a sister,” Caslan stated.
“It’s not like that.” The dream flashed in her mind again. She didn’t know what to believe anymore. She cleared her throat uncomfortably, “They don’t like strangers coming to the island.”
The storm came into view then. Brea tensed, getting ready for it. Shawn looked at Caslan and then looked away from them so he could get the boat through the storm.
Caslan pulled her against him to shield her from some of the rain and wind. She stared at Shawn, wishing his arms were around her instead. Her mind told her he was bad, but her heart wasn’t getting the message. Despite everything, she still wanted him, in some ways more. She wanted to hate him. She didn’t want to trust him, she didn’t want to want him, but on some level she did. She hoped there was some explanation that would make wanting him okay. She was glad that the rain gave her a way to hide the wetness on her cheeks.
When they’d cleared the storm, Caslan took his arm from around her shoulders, but didn’t move away. Shawn glared at him. Shawn guided the boat towards the dock. You could practically see the waves of hate between them. Brea wished she could hate Shawn so completely. He was a Waevern soldier, had admitted it to her. Why wasn’t that enough? She couldn’t let her feelings for him get in the way. She had to tell Ava. Brea swallowed hard when she saw Alec and Thomas standing on the dock waiting.
What the hell do I do? She thought.
Ava made it to her room. The pain was coming in waves now, but she wasn’t sure if this was labor. It couldn’t be. She wasn’t ready yet. It was too early and she needed more time to figure everything out.
She got into bed and fluffed the pillows and placed them all around her. Trying to calm herself, she eased herself down into the softness of her pillow-feathered nest and concentrated on breathing slowly in and out.
“Get out of the boat, Brea.” Alec demanded.
“What’s going on?’ Brea got to her feet. She glanced over her shoulder as Thomas climbed into the boat and grabbed Caslan by one arm. Shawn took the other.
Caslan glanced at her, lifting his dark brows over his stormy eyes.
Brea turned, “Alec, he needs to see Ava.”
“No.” Shawn said. “Lock him up, Alec.”
Caslan stood like a statue, seemingly not affected by anything going on around him.
“Have you lost your mind, Brea?” Alec said, “I can’t believe you brought him here. Do you know who that is?”
“Do you?” Brea countered.
“Vern Waevern’s son.”
Brea felt her mouth fall open. “Alec?”
“I’m serious, Brea.”
“But, Ava...” She shook her head, glancing at Shawn before turning back to Alec. “He’s here about the missing women. He knows where they are. Caslan knows where they are holding them, Alec.”
Alec tilted his head. “We know, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t trust him or his intentions. You should have come to me. You and Ava should not have tried to keep this a secret.”
“We had to.” She huffed shooting daggers toward Shawn now. She took a breath and looked back to Alec, “Just let him go. I can vouch for him. He’s been helping me.”
“Or keeping you under a spell.” Shawn said.
Brea shot him an evil look, almost bursting out what she knew right then.
“Cell or nothing. I’ll load him up and take him back right now.” Alec said
“Fine,” Brea agreed, sending an apologetic look Caslan’s way.
Alec looked at Thomas, “Take him to a cell.”
Brea shook her head and walked over to Caslan.
“Welcoming bunch.” Caslan muttered.
“It’s just a precaution. I’m sorry.”
“Just tell them.”
She nodded, turning slowly around. Shawn’s blue eyes pinned her in place.
He held her gaze for a moment, then turned away.
Alec stopped in his tracks. The ground shook beneath their feet and a loud thunderous sound deafened them. They turned to look at Mount Ella. Black smoke shot from the top of it. Alec’s eyes widened and he took off, running towards the castle.
“Alec!” Shawn called.
He didn’t pause, just kept running.
The pain sat her straight up. She couldn’t believe how fast and hard it came. She gripped the comforter and tried to breathe, but the pain was relentless. She closed her eyes as her stomach hardened and another contraction took her breath. It started easing off and she managed a catch a full breath.
She got to her feet and looked down. Blood. Bright red blood pooled at her feet. Fear raced through her. Her breathing quickened. She called to him. “Alec!”
Another contraction came and she screamed, unable to keep the pain fueled sound inside.
“Ava!” Alec burst into the room. His eyes went to the blood on the floor and then to her. She felt his fear instantly.
“What’s going on?” Where did he go?” Brea looked away from the volcano. She remembered what Nisca had said. Eruption. Her heart hammered.
Shawn shook his head. “I don’t know.” He looked at the volcano. “We have to
get everyone to safety.
“Has that ever happened?” Brea screamed as hot embers fell around them like fiery rain drops.
“No. It’s supposed to be inactive!”
“That ain’t good at all,” Thomas said.
Two Clutch Guards ran toward them. “What’s going on?”
“We don’t know. The volcano is going crazy,” Shawn looked at it, “and Alec just took off.”
“I’m going after him. It might be Ava. Caslan, I’ll get things straightened out later.” Brea called as she started running toward the castle entrance.
“I’m coming, too. Thomas, get him locked up, then start working on getting everyone to safety,” Shawn ordered.
“Ten four!”
“Lock me up!” Caslan swung his invisibly cuffed hands and tried to run. “Hell no! Not with a volcano about to erupt.”
“Simmer down boy,” Thomas said, pulling him along effortlessly.
“Wait up, Brea.” Shawn called as he too took off running towards the castle.
The ground shook beneath their feet and smoke filled the air. Brea fell to her knees and caught herself with her hands. Shawn caught up with her and lifted her to her feet. He held her as the whole island shook violently.
“Watch out.” Shawn said as a large crack opened at her feet. The earth shook again and a dark storm filled the sky. “Come on!” he screamed over the thunder.
Brea couldn’t help the warm feeling in the pit of her stomach as he wrapped his arm around her, protecting her as they went.
People ran everywhere. There was panic and destruction all around them. Hot embers floated in the wind like malevolent butterflies. They landed softly against her skin, the collapsing ash burning everywhere it touched. Shawn wiped them away with his hand. The sky filled with more white-hot embers and then rain came. The embers turned to dark, ugly, ash as they met the rain. Shawn pushed his way through, shielding her the whole time. The castle shook wildly as they made it through the doors. As big and solid as it seemed, the castle was taking a beating. Cracks appeared in the walls and Brea worried the whole thing might crumble.
They hurried up the stairs and made it to Ava’s room just as the shaking stopped again. Ava was breathing hard. Aunt Avalene and Alec were at her side. “We have to stop it. It’s too early. Is she supposed to be bleeding?”
Alec was in full panic mode.
“Shawn!” Aunt Avalene shouted. “Go get the doctor.”
Shawn ran out the door to find Dr. Flanstin and Brea ran to Ava’s side.
“Brea,” Ava panted, “It’s too early. The baby’s coming.”
“I know.” Brea stroked her hair. “It’s going to be okay. She will be fine.”
“No, she won’t.” Ava’s face turned red and the castle shook again. Ava released an ear piercing scream.
The windows in her room burst and wind shot through the room. Brea screamed and bent over Ava, trying to protect her. Then it just stopped.
Ava was pouring sweat and had tears in her eyes.
Shawn came back, dragging the doctor behind him. He pushed him into the room. The old man looked bewildered as he stumbled forward. He hurried over to Ava and lifted the sheet that covered her belly and legs.
“The baby is already crowning! She’s dilating too fast. Prop those pillows behind her back,” he ordered briskly.
“Okay, Ava. We’re going to do this. Push, Ava. Now!”
Ava began to push and Brea was knocked down as the room shook again. The candles across the room lit on their own, the flames shooting straight up like they were filled with jet fuel.
Shawn pulled Brea to her feet and held onto her.
Then it all stopped again. The wind, the shaking, the screaming. The candle flames went out, leaving small streams of smoke dancing above them.
The doctor held the baby up. A tiny cry filled the silent room. Tears filled Brea’s eyes as she looked at the small infant in the doctors shaking hands.
“It’s a girl!” he proclaimed.
Her heart sank. Some small part of her had held on to the slender hope that she would give birth to a boy. That would have meant the scrolls had been wrong. She was exposed, worried, and so very happy all at the same time.
Joyous tears filled her eyes as they placed her baby in her arms. She was so tiny. Soft, and absolutely beautiful. A faint wisp of red hair crowned her head and her beautiful soft cheeks turned pink as she expressed her indignation at being thrust into the world so quickly.
Alec leaned over her. “She’s beautiful, Ava.” Tears glimmered in his green eyes as he met his daughter for the first time. He carefully ran his finger down her soft cheek. “Emberlee.”
Ava felt her breath catch. Worry and love fought for dominance, but she didn’t say a word.
“That was wild.” She whispered to Shawn.
He still held her. “It was. Absolutely amazing.”
“I thought the castle was going to come apart. Emberlee knows how to make an entrance.”
He laughed softly against her neck, “She does. Look at that proud daddy.” He gestured toward Alec.
Brea tilted her head back to look at Shawn.
Then Caslan’s words rang in her mind. ”He’s a Waevern soldier.” She gasped and backed away from Shawn, knowing what she had to do.
“Sorry.” He folded his arms, “I forgot I was still holding you.”
Brea met his gaze head on, “Talk to me, Shawn. Talk to Alec at least. You know you have to tell them. If you won’t, then I’ll have to.”
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “’I’d better go see how bad the damage is.” He turned and opened the door.
Brea felt like crying as she looked at him. Why did it have to be so hard? Why couldn’t she let him go? What was wrong with her? She had to get answers and she had to tell Ava.
“Brea, just give me some time.” He whispered. Brea looked up at him. “Please, Brea.”
Brea shook her head.
She could see the disappointment in his eyes. It confused her. She was supposed to be the one who was disappointed, wasn’t she?
“Come over here, Aunt Brea.” Ava said from across the room.
Brea turned around and smiled as she walked towards Ava and her baby so that she could get a look at the beautiful red-haired newborn. She was yawning. She was an angelic beauty with wide eyes and small heart shaped lips. Brea held her breath as tears stung her eyes.
Ava felt tears run over her chin as she stared down at the island. The damage was bad. Emberlee’s birth had almost destroyed the island. Grey ash and embers still floated in the warm air. She gripped the rail as she heard her begin to cry. She walked back inside and pulled the doors shut behind her. She stood there a moment, soaking in the picture of Alec holding their daughter.
“We have a lot of work to do out there.” Alec commented as he handed Emberlee to Ava. She sat down in the red and white chair Aunt Avalene had given her.
“I know.”
Aunt Avalene handed a bottle to Ava. “Another storm hit Georgia.”
Ava’s power was back, but the storms hadn’t stopped. That gave Ava a little hope about Emberlee, “I can’t figure out what’s causing it.”
“I’ve never seen it this bad.” Aunt Avalene said. “The patterns are so strange.”
Alec shook his head. “There’s something else, Ava. Five children all born at the same time were abducted this morning. The council just told me. Newborns.”
“We have to do something now.” Ava shook, “We need to get them, all of them.” She looked at Alec, “I don’t want you to leave.”
“Caslan knows where those women are. It’s very likely those missing children are there too. We can’t put this off. I have to go after them, Ava.”
“I know.” Ava looked down at Emberlee. She couldn’t imagine losing her.
Brea walked through the castle doors. The damage from Emb
erlee’s birth was bad. She was looking for Shawn; she had to get some answers from him. She knew she had to go to Ava, but first she had to figure out what was going on. She hated wanting him. She didn’t want to be that girl.
“Shawn!” she had bumped right into him.
“Brea!” He said as he backed up. His eyes scorched a path along her body causing Brea to lose her train of thought, not for long though. Brea straightened and spoke softly, “I wasn’t sure you’d still be here.”
“I thought you might leave. You know, before I talk to Ava.”
“No, I’m not leaving. Where are you going?”
“I was looking for you” She looked through her lashes at him, feeling uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat. “You were?” He looked around, “Do you want to go somewhere to talk.”
Brea felt her whole body sag with relief; he finally wanted to talk. “Yeah.” She nodded. Her heart pounded as she turned to follow him.
They walked silently through the square and when he turned toward their special place, Brea felt her pulse begin to race.
Ava laid Emberlee in the cradle and turned to Nisca, “You haven’t seen anything?”
“Nothing about Emberlee.”
“I really need to know. It’s killing me. What about the rings?”
Nisca picked the diary up, “I’ve been looking at the rhyme. I think I might know where one is.”
“In the battle arena. This poem says that one is in a circle of power and choice. I keep seeing a ring between you and Lareina. That’s the only thing that makes sense.”
“Maybe tonight we can go look.
“I’ll go,” Nisca smiled. “You need your rest.”
“Thank you, Nisca. What would I do without you?”
Shawn offered her his hand and helped her up the steep embankment. They sat above the pool of water. It was so blue that it didn’t look real. Small rainbow colored fish swam around the bottom. She could hear her own breathing. She could smell Shawn’s cologne. “Was any of it real?” she asked without meaning to.
Elementris, Exposure, Eruption Box set: The Vangeretta Curse Series Page 78