The Forgiven

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The Forgiven Page 6

by Nikki Hunter

  “I don’t consider myself as such anymore. That was another time.” Yehven ran his fingers through his blonde curls, the ends sticking up at odd angles when he did. “How did you find out?”

  Camila snorted. “Well you sure as hell didn’t tell me.”

  Kade and Lance exchanged confused looks. Zayn almost completely ignored the whole conversation and traced his finger over the veins in Camila’s hand.

  “Queen Katrice broke the news to me after I was held captive. Which, by the way, was thanks to your ex, Kym.” She lifted her chin.

  Together there was an audible gasp from Kade and Lance. However, they didn’t interject, only watched the exchange with curiosity and awe. Yehven paled.

  “That’s not even the end of it. Katrice took Lance and Bekket away with me too and left you three to fight off her guards.” Camila took a deep breath. “She’s a shit queen, I’m telling you.”

  “And who is Bekket?” Lance piped up.

  “Oh, he is the fifth mate. You lot will meet him tomorrow. He is actually on his way to share this exact information with you. So there’s that.” Camila gently stopped Zayn's fingers from tracing along her skin and cupped his hand in hers. The memory of losing Bekket replayed in her head. Watching him carried out and taken away from her forever, a moment she could never bear again. It was not forever any longer. Even if she could only change it by her sheer force of will.

  “Gods, there’s another one,” Kade said under his breath.

  “Anyway, go ahead Yehven,” Camila urged, trying to forget about her painful thoughts.

  “I too was a part of this jin alliance,” he said in a hushed tone unable to make eye contact with the group.

  “What? So you’re a genie too?” Zayn finally looked up.

  “That can’t be possible. I would have known you were lying all along,” Kade said.

  “No, I, uh, it’s the ortega. That and well you never asked me what I was you all just assumed I was fae like you. I’ve been here a long time.”

  The bloody orange gem, the ortega, that’s what had kept his scent and other qualities a secret all this time, Camila marveled.

  “Tell them you’re a demon.” Camila stood up.

  “I’m not! Don’t put that label on me,” he challenged.

  “How could I not? Your kind is sour. They began this war that has seeped into the fae realm and rotted it away. Those who fled the jin alliance are a disgrace to the beauty that is this world.” Her teeth ground together as she tried to keep her anger from getting the better of her.

  “I’m not trying to bring down the jin alliance. I take no part in this war.” Yehven’s voice began to raise. “I’m only trying to survive. Being part of the jin was never for me. I was not made to serve for all of eternity.”

  Yehven looked his friends in their eyes. “I’m sorry I never told you the truth. I never wanted any of it, any part of the alliance. But I promise you I am your ally and always will be. I am not participating in the war.”

  The room was quiet once again. Kade stepped closer to Camila, placing his hand on her shoulder. She let him loosen a small tendril of magic to soothe her own anger and worries. She had thought about Yehven so many times at the castle. Confused herself with her own theories of why he did it and why he lied.

  Kade stayed at Camila’s side and made eye contact with Yehven. “But how do we know you’re telling the truth?”

  “Do years upon years of us being a team not count? The many times I covered your asses and protected your backs mean nothing?” He sighed. “Honestly, there is no way for you to know. You can only trust me.”

  “Easier said than done.” Kade rolled his eyes and with a shake of his head turned and walked from the room.

  “I’ll talk to him,” Lance said unsure.

  Alone, an awkward silence floated between Yehven, Zayn, and Camila. Camila kept her eyes trained on Yehven but retreated back to her seat next to Zayn.

  “So since I’m in the presence of two genies, I guess–” Zayn began only to be cut off by Camila.

  “One genie and one top heavy deceiver.”

  Yehven folded his arms over his chest. “That’s enough with the snide remarks.”

  “Okay,” Zayn started again. “Can I just get some answers here? Maybe?”

  Yehven looked away but didn’t make any move to leave the room or the conversation. Camila leaned into Zayn and nipped his ear. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear.”

  Zayn smiled. “What can you do?”

  “Anything I want now. I’m no longer bound to the fates so my magic doesn't really have boundaries. Least none that I’ve hit yet.”

  “And Yehven can do anything too?”

  Yehven grunted. “I’m rusty.” He blinked at Camila for a moment before speaking again. “How is it that I leave the jin alliance and you sit here hollering that I’m a demon, yet you say you are no longer apart of it and somehow you’re not a demon?”

  “I hurt a fate, that’s how. I left because they betrayed me not the other way around. I did my job, for centuries while you hid like a coward.” Not an ounce of anger laced her words. No, in her mind it was simply fact at this point.

  “Shit,” Yehven said.

  “What is a fate?” Zayn rubbed his fingers against his temples as if the information was just too much for him.

  “They are like your gods, but here we call them fates as they play a part in the fate of mankind.”

  “Does the magic tire you?” Zayn continued to question.

  “Yes. Expel too much too fast, and it wears on you.”

  “Last question. How much magic is too much magic then? Can you die from it?”

  “Well, I didn’t ever die before but I guess since I’m no longer in the good graces of the fates that may be a different story. Perhaps, we don’t test that theory. As for how much magic… that’s a good question. Supposedly I’ve been gifted by Octavia herself. But that’s also the problem.”

  “How is that a problem?” Yehven muttered.

  “The problem is I don’t know how to access it.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Morning came after what felt like an eternity. Light shown through the window down over the old quilt that covered Camila. All night she dreamt of Bekket. Of the dark depression that had taken over Lance. Of pain. Never ending searing pain.

  She was thankful that was another life. One she would not allow to repeat itself. With the rest she was beginning to feel her magic rolling through her body with no sluggish side effects from overuse or the touch of poor Jasmine. With a bounce in her step and a new hope radiating from her, Camila snapped her fingers and appeared in the kitchen.

  “GAH!” Lance jumped at the sudden appearance of Camila a foot before him.

  Kade chuckled as he walked down the stairs to their lower level. Passing the living room to join them in the kitchen he raised his eyebrows at Camila.

  “Good to see the genie stuck around.” Then he added, “Mate,” with a wink.

  “Let me get some breakfast going. All of you should get changed into your uniforms today, you have a big task ahead of you. Bekket is going to be here.”

  “You say his name with sorrow,” Lance noted.

  “Well, there won’t be any sorrow when I see him later today.”

  “You care an awful lot for him.” Kade agreed.

  “I care an awful lot for all of you misfits.” Camila pointed her finger at each of them for emphasis. “Now, scurry off and put on your uniforms. You’ll only have a moment to eat before the magic causes you all to seize up with pain.”

  “I like waffles,” Kade said turning back the way he just came.

  Lance sipped the coffee he had made and watched Camila carefully over the mug. Camila wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively. He chuckled and followed after Kade.

  Not even ten minutes later the whole crew was down in the kitchen, uniforms on, and their hands roaming over the food Camila had summoned. Not only did s
he get them waffles, but eggs, steamed veggies, english muffins, bacon, sausage, and fresh fruit.

  As a team they dug in, their mouths too full to talk. Well mostly.

  “So we are just supposed to believe you, that at any moment we will feel the queen’s summoning to hunt this Bekket fellow,” Yehven grumbled between bites of bacon.

  “Yes,” she said matter of factly. “You know, what I never understood is why none of you know who Bekket is. He holds the title ‘Duke’ which is actually utter bullshit because technically he is next in line for the crown.”

  “Is that why you love this fellow? He is next in line for the crown?” Lance asked.

  “Okay, first off that was rude to even say. Secondly, no, it’s not. And though you don’t know it yet, in the future I was living in you were quite fond of Bekket.”

  The men quit chewing and all gave Lance a confused look. Lance’s face turned crimson. Zayn was the first to shrug it off and continue eating. Out of pure hunger or because he just didn’t care if Lance suddenly had an attraction to men, Camila didn’t know yet.

  “Don’t look at me.” Lance fumbled over his words. “It hasn’t happened yet and what is it to you if I happen to be ‘fond’ of men? Which I currently am… not.”

  Zayn gave Lance a humored thumbs up, making eye contact with Kade as they both chuckled together. But before either of them could speak pain seeped through their expressions. Zayn’s hand fluttering up to his chest.

  What kind of life had they lived before Camila where they were in pain every time the queen called? Why were they okay with living like this?

  Camila shot up out of her seat, snapping her fingers and taking the food away. “Thank goodness, I thought this moment would never come. Now, I’ll give you all five minutes to talk with who the heck ever and then I’ll be right there. Remember, don’t hurt him!”

  Lance gave her a quick grin then slowly they each flickered away to their mission.


  When Camila appeared in the warehouse where Bekket would arrive, all four of the men were standing in a circle, weapons still sheathed in their belts. She loosed a breath. They had listened.

  Camila jogged up to the circle. “Thank you so much.” She truly meant it.

  Excitement and joy built up in her chest as quick footsteps approached. Lance, Zayn, Kade, and Yehven formed a line behind her, watching curiously. Yehven was quick to cross his arms over his chest and sigh as if this was the last thing he ever wanted to do.

  Each step grew louder, closer, Camila prepared herself. Bekket finally emerged between large shipping containers his running slowing to a walk and then to a stop. Slowly, he raised his hands up in surrender.

  “You lot look welcoming,” Bekket said uneasily.

  Just him speaking was enough to unravel her. Camila ran to him. Bekket flinched away as the space between them grew shorter but when she only wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head into his neck, he lightly returned the embrace.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?” He tried to lean away to get a good look at Camila, but she wasn’t ready to let him go. She needed to feel him, know that it was truly him breathing and living before her.

  Finally when she felt satisfied that he wasn’t going to evaporate into thin air she pulled away. “My name is Camila. I’m your mate and I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “That’s interesting…” Bekket gave her an unconvinced look then glanced back at the other men. “I, uh, didn’t expect the queen’s border patrol to be so… welcoming.”

  “We aren’t,” Yehven said.

  With a disapproving look at Yehven, Lance elaborated, “Camila filled us in. Are you Bekket?”

  Camila was still close to Bekket, still touching him lightly. He seemed uncomfortable but didn’t make to pull away from her caress. She didn’t know how she got so lucky, how the fates managed to do something right even though they had made a mess out of her life.

  “I am,” Bekket responded. “So you know about the queen?”

  “Yeah, I’m kinda not super happy about that either.” Zayn grimaced.

  A light in Bekket’s eyes caught as he ran through a thousand different thoughts. “Where is Deemo?”

  “Dead,” Yehven said plainly.

  The fire behind his gaze died a little bit. Bekket let Camila take his grasp completely and gave her hand a squeeze as if he too needed the touch in that moment. After this it was only going to get messier.

  Finally, Camila felt like they were in shape to make plans to bring the queen down.

  Good-bye Katrice.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Plan

  “So the genie wasn’t lying.” Yehven walked through their living room, taking off his belt and placing it on an end table with a thunk.

  Kade gave him an annoyed look but didn’t speak his thoughts on the subject. Camila had little doubt that Kade was still trying to wrap his mind around someone lying to him for so long and getting away with it. For him, his magic must feel useless.

  He wasn’t alone either. Camila still had little to no idea how to access this new fountain of magic she supposedly had. It’s there. Somewhere. She could still feel the strain on the magic as Jasmine had syphoned it from her. As if she could follow the trail of that feeling and use it to connect with it, release it.

  “So should we be calling you a genie too?” Lance implored.

  “No, no, no. I’m not that.” Yehven paced the floor before them.

  “What’s a genie?” Bekket whispered to Camila. His scent washed over her as he leaned closer, his heart beat a wild echo in her ear. He was alive, she continued to remind herself.

  “Me. I’m a genie.” Camila gave him a small peck on the cheek. Bekket looked surprised but didn’t shy away from her touch.

  With humor Bekket replied, “Ah, yes that makes so much sense now.”

  Her mind was reeling and her thoughts far elsewhere, Camila only gave him a pat on his leg and explained no further. Now was the time to make the plan. Soon the queen’s magic would find them and paralyze them. She would know the task they were given was not complete.

  A maddened queen can’t have room for errors or her whole scheme could be exposed. Poor, psycho, bitch queen.

  The boys’ conversation seemed to have moved on without her. She took little notice since she sat trying to follow the memory of the trail to unlock them within her. Yet every time she tried the trail would fizzle and disappear.

  Camila chewed on her lip. Yehven had stopped his pacing but Camila was beginning to feel the need to move and quickly stood. From the side of the couch to the wall she walked back and forth. Starting the imaginary trail inside her that would lead to her magic and dropping it as soon as it became an insignificant thread.

  “We need a plan,” she interrupted.

  “A… plan?” Zayn practically choked on the words.

  “Yes,” Bekket stood, wagging his finger at Camila in agreeance. “You four are one of the most elite teams in the fae kingdoms. Surely we can get into the castle and find a way to apprehend her. Just until we figure out how to release her powers.”

  “That’s the spirit I’m looking for. But, one, Queen Katrice isn’t making it out alive. I won't allow it. Two, there is a matter of the two demons she has at her side.”

  Bekket looked even more confused now. Confused and flustered. “You can’t kill her.”

  “We don’t have any other options. Is the rest of your kingdom going to follow you while knowing she is tied up and imprisoned? They will see it as a mutiny.”

  “And you don’t think they would be upset about me having her killed?”

  “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

  “We can’t kill her. I won't let that happen, she’s my aunt.”

  “She let you die!” Camila finally threw her hands up in the air her voice hoarse as she shouted.

  “What?” Bekket gapped.

  “She’s a time traveler. Back from our tragic and quickly fai
ling future.” Zayn bobbed his head as if this was all normal.

  “Bullshit.” Bekket rubbed his hand over his chin in thought.

  “What is bullshit is the fact that you’ve seen what all she has done and the powers she is building and can’t believe that in some strand of time she wouldn’t plan your death. You’re the only one who has rights to take her from her throne.” Camila planted her hands on her hips.

  “So, you want me to kill her and claim the throne? I don’t think I could do that.” Bekket dropped his gaze down to his feet his hands firmly clasped in front of him.

  “Don’t you care about this kingdom?” Lance gave Bekket an odd look.

  “Of course I do. I just… didn’t escape with the thought that I would be taking over. I mean my uncle is still around.”

  Camila tried not to snort. As if his increasingly sick uncle would in anyway be able to rule. She thought over the idea though as if there could be some way, but every bunny trail she followed she couldn’t rationalize that it would possible work. Either way his uncle would pass on.

  “What if we go to Queen Noreen’s kingdom and see if we can recruit her to assist in removing her from the throne. Bekket could promise her some land in exchange,” Lance offered.

  “Tried it.” Camila gave him a small smile. “Queen Noreen just isn’t motivated enough to assist.”

  The room quieted as they all delved into their thoughts. Camila took the time to glance at them all, frankly, this had gone better than she hoped.

  “You know what. No, I know what to do.” Camila launched into her idea but chose to not mention her untapped well of power again.

  They were an elite group with the power of not one but two genies. Why would they possibly need the additional powers?

  Chapter Sixteen


  Short hair felt weird on him. Bekket ran his fingers through the short jet black hair that replaced his longer blonde locks. Camila’s magic had done the trick; he didn’t look anything at all like himself. She made him shorter and slimmer.


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