Fraud: A Stepbrother Romance

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Fraud: A Stepbrother Romance Page 16

by Stephanie Brother

  They ran down the dock, past the yacht.

  The Captain pushed the throttles open, and the ship backed into the dock, splintering the walkway, and catching two of the running men in the wreckage.

  Another man fell off balance into the propeller area, and was chopped to bits in seconds.

  The Captain reversed course, swearing in Norwegian, as the ship came off the smashed wharf pilings, and headed out to the mouth of the inlet.

  He barked orders at the crew, while several of the guards ran to a small shack at the back of the yacht. They pulled two levers, unlocking the carapace covering of a small cannon.

  As the Blackhawk approached, they began to fire at it.


  “Alpha Team, prepare to board!” yelled Randy into his headset.

  “Looks like they have some teeth, Boss,” said Travis, pointing to the deck gun.

  “A five-incher, it looks like, mate,” said Walt.

  The men on the yacht were trying to get the gun aimed at the helicopter, and managed to fire a round that whooshed by on the starboard side of the chopper.

  A large splash of water formed as the shell exploded.

  The other SEAL team members ran last-minute equipment checks as the chopper slewed low over the water, and came in hot.

  Another shell was fired from the cannon, this one to the port side, as the gun crew tried to bracket the aircraft and gauge the correct distance.

  The next round would most likely hit the chopper head-on.

  “Light ‘em up, Roger,” commanded Randy to the gunner.

  The minigun opened up and a stream of geysers appeared, tracing a deadly path to the stern of the “Disco Inferno”.

  The gunner concentrated his fire at the ship, walking the shells up the stern and onto the deck, hosing down the men firing at the chopper.

  The guards were cut into shreds of meat in an instant, and the cannon fired one last round high and wild into the sky.

  “Now!” yelled Randy.

  The Blackhawk hovered over the yacht, and the SEALs rappelled down to the deck.

  As they dropped to the ship, they took careful aim, neutralizing the guards.

  The yacht’s stern was on fire from the minigun, and black smoke came from its exhaust stacks.

  The Captain and crew came out of the bridge, hands held high, as the SEALs rapidly took control of the situation.

  Within a few minutes, the yacht had been captured, and attention was being given to dousing the flames.

  “Payday, Boss!” smiled Travis, his gold grill shining bright.

  He held a styrette of morphine, and a small glassine package of tan powder.

  “Looks like they had some refined stuff, and were taking the raw material to another lab for processing,” said Walt.

  Suddenly, the men heard a loud explosion, from the direction of the marina.

  A huge fireball, greasy with smoke, rose like a mushroom in the distance.

  “Derek…” said Randy.


  Megan’s eyes frantically watched the second hand on the clock sweep out the last seconds of her life.

  For the thousandth time, she tried to wrench her hands free from their tight leather bindings. For the thousandth time, she failed. Despair welled up within her bosom, as the knowledge of her impending doom sank into her psyche.

  She feared not Death; that was but another great adventure, an unknown waiting to be explored.

  But, she felt abject terror at having lost Derek, yet again.

  Death would actually be welcome, she thought. It was preferable to be no longer in this world when her soul mate and love would never be with her.

  She had seen Tanner shoot Derek, in the back!

  That bastard!

  Megan struggled anew, the bindings tightly winding and cutting the circulation to her hands even more.

  She craved revenge, and the thought of killing Tanner gave her new strength, at least for the next four or five sweeps of the unstoppable second-hand.

  The wires that were attached to the bomb were actually quite pretty, she thought, idiotically. They were the most intense shades of blue, red, yellow and green that she could remember.

  Suddenly, she had an idea!

  Megan tried to rock her chair, again, and was able to move it closer to the device. She had long ago succeeded in chewing through the sour tasting leather gag, and it lay draped partially on her shoulders.

  Her naked breasts heaved with the effort of trying to move the chair closer to the bomb without toppling over.

  All her earlier yelling had managed to do was confirm that she was utterly alone on the farm, with no one around for miles to hear her desperate cries for help. She had wasted valuable time then, and sweat ran into her eyes, not just from the horrible summer heat, but from the intense concentration she mustered.

  She was almost there, now. Just one. More. Jump!

  The chair teetered and almost tipped past its balance point, and for one terrifying second she thought she’d lost the game. But, sucking in her breath, she compensated and jerked just so, and the chair came to a solid rest with a dull thud.

  Her eyes and mouth were mere fractions of an inch from the bomb. She had exactly four minutes left, to do anything at all. She’d decided that, at least this would be a quick way to die, the bomb going off in her mouth, the force of the blast propelling her rapidly into oblivion.

  Megan looked over the wires, carefully, attempting to decide which ones she thought were the best option for disconnecting the battery. Her gaze kept getting drawn to a turquoise blue strand. She tried to think clearly, but at this point her brain was confusing her.

  Oh, Derek! Megan cried.

  Tears began to mix with the sweat in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth and flung her head to and fro like a terrier, clearing her vision. She used her tongue and nose to position the blue wire to a point where she could easily work it with her mouth.

  She opened her mouth, and her pearly white, perfect teeth gently went to work, gnawing the wire.

  I hope this works, she thought, as she worried at the plastic coating.

  It tasted awful, and she kept spitting bits of it out onto the dry hardwood floor of the barn.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw the timer.

  Only two minutes left!

  Megan had gotten through the plastic, and now her teeth encountered the bitter taste of raw copper. It smelled and tasted like blood, and she bit and chewed as hard as she could.

  The wire cut into the corner of her mouth, and scored small incisions in it.

  A drop of red blood oozed around the wire now, and slowly dripped down her chin and neck. One of her teeth chipped and she shouted out in pain as she bit her tongue.

  She reflexively recoiled with her body, and suddenly she knew it was over. The delicate balancing act with the chair had been lost and she braced herself for the impact as she toppled over and her head smacked into the floor.

  Megan saw stars, and then unconsciousness began to claim her. She heard Derek’s deep booming voice, calling her name.

  We’ll finally be together, in Death, was Megan’s last thought before the bomb exploded.

  Chapter 17


  I scream through the Miami traffic, blowing by police cars and civilians alike on the Haybusa.

  It’s designed for speeds upwards of 190 miles per hour, and I push it to the limit.

  I barely escape a collision with slower moving traffic too many times to count, scraping by with only a whisker of space.

  But, an inch is as good as a mile, and I speed on, knowing I need to get to the marina to stop Tanner and King, and save Megan.

  The bike wheelies as I throttle up and gear down, going 150 on one wheel past a dumbfounded State Trooper.

  I smile at him, and he throws on the pursuit lights for all of five seconds, before deciding he hasn’t a chance to catch me. He circles back, pulling into the median.

  I see him vanish in
my mirror, and I take the next curve fast, slewing the bike low to the ground as I race down the highway, dodging the traffic.

  I worry about the Trooper radioing ahead for a road block, but now I see my exit, and suddenly I’m braking hard not to slam into a delivery van.

  The bike feels loose under me, and I lean over and yank the handlebars, downshifting to get traction.

  The motor whines as I pull clutch, and then pop it, and I’m in the clear again.

  Down the back-streets to the Marina, I see Tanner walking towards a boat.

  It’s the “Punta Gordo II”!

  Sam’s boat!

  In the distance, I can hear a Blackhawk. Alpha Team is on the move!

  I see the ‘Hawk zoom by overhead, and hear cannon fire.

  What the fuck?

  The helicopter noisily maneuvers in the sky, and I hear the whining of the blades as they grab for air.

  Another explosion.

  Sounds like a deck gun, probably a five-incher.

  It must be on the yacht!

  Then, the unmistakable sound of the ‘Hawk’s minigun opening up, like fabric ripping, and a final boom from the cannon and the only noise now is the chopper, hovering.

  As I pull onto the dock, there are men running from the pier, and it looks like someone took a sledgehammer to the wharf.

  There’s a couple bodies draped over some pilings.

  I race the bike down to the end of the dock towards Tanner, who sees me and quickly crouches.

  The man is fast, I’ll give him that!

  He has his Glock out and is about to shoot when I slide the bike down, and leap off.

  It caroms off the wall of the warehouse, and I’m rolling over and over until I stop next to Tanner.

  I sweep his feet out from under him, and he hits the deck hard, losing the gun.

  “You bastard!” I yell.

  “Where’s Megan!” I say, shouting and grabbing him in a head lock.

  “Fuck you!” he snarls at me, and elbows me in my already bruised rib.

  I drop him, and whirl to the attack, and see he’s drawn a knife.

  Looks like a Bench made butterfly knife.

  Deadly and fast…

  “Where is she, asshole?” I say.

  “Fuck you again!” he replies.

  Tanner comes at me with his knife, but I already know how I am going to deal with him.

  He edges towards the side of the dock, arcing the knife at me.

  I watch his hands, and when he feints left, I grab him by the wrist, and bang his hand against one of the wooden pilings.

  The knife flies off, into the water.

  “You’re dead, asshole” he says to me.

  “And so is that cunt, in three more minutes! She’s going to blow up along with everything on this marina!” he yells.

  I grab him, and force his head to his chest.

  He tries to stamp on my instep, and flails while I tighten my hold.

  “Where is she?” I hiss in his ear.

  I put more pressure on him, and twist his head, so that I know he’s feeling some major pain.

  “Inside the warehouse, but you’ll be dead with her!” he grunts.

  That’s the last thing he’ll ever say to anyone, I think, and I punch him in the stomach, as hard as I can.

  Grabbing a huge breath of air, I shove off the dock, and into the water.

  As I feel the warm water surround us, I relax because I am in my element.

  Tanner’s not so lucky.

  He’s out of breath, and sucking in water.

  Tough shit for him, I think.

  I just grab Tanner’s shirt, and keep diving down, swimming with my legs.

  I push Tanner deep under, propelling him with my body, as I swim to the bottom.

  I grab hold of a piling with my legs, and anchor my body.

  Now, it’s just a matter of waiting.

  I know I knocked the breath out of him, and I keep up the pressure by pushing him against the sandy floor.

  I can feel his bubbles as he starts to choke on the water.

  I pound him into the sand, again and again, until he stops moving.

  It’s not the first time drowning a man for me…but this time I feel no remorse.

  This man deserves his Fate, and I am but the instrument of delivery.

  Soon, Tanner goes limp, but I kick him in the stomach twice, just to be sure he isn’t faking.

  I feel nothing but water being expelled from his lungs.

  I paddle to the surface, leaving Tanner’s corpse beneath the water of the marina.

  Someone else can retrieve it.


  Jumping out of the water onto the wrecked dock, I run to the warehouse and yank open the door, almost knocking it off its hinges.

  “Megan! Megan! Hang on!” I shout.

  I can see her lying, on the floor, next to the bomb.

  She’s naked, and tied to a chair.

  I run to the bomb, and the timer is set to blow it in only another minute.

  Quickly giving the mechanism a look, I don’t see any mercury switch, but there are many ways to detect motion.

  GPS and accelerometers have made defusing these things very dangerous for EOD technicians.

  I decide I don’t have time for niceties, and suddenly I see how I can solve my problem.

  I hear King and Floori talking to each other, as they start moving out of the marina in Sam Parker’s boat.

  “Hurry up, Floori! That bomb is about to go off, and we need to be far away when it does!” I hear King say.

  Scooping the the bomb up, I give it an overhand toss it out the window.

  The “Punta Gordo II” is just passing by, with King and Floori aboard.

  I guess they decided not to wait for Tanner.

  It’s a great throw.

  The bomb lands just behind the flying bridge.

  The boat almost makes it to the inlet before it goes off.

  I’m ducking down next to Megan when the concussion blows all the glass from the windows of the building.

  I shield her from the shards, and check her pulse.

  She’s breathing!

  I slap her face lightly, then kiss her cheeks.

  “Derek, oh God, Derek!” she mumbles.

  Then, her eyes open wide and she sees me.

  “DEREK!” she screams.

  “You’re alive! I thought Tanner had shot and killed you! Oh, darling, can it really be you, or am I dead and in Heaven?” she exclaimed.

  “It’s me. Tanner did shoot me. But, he didn’t kill me,” I said. “Unfortunately for him,” I added.

  “He won’t be bothering us anymore, sweetheart. Neither will King,” I said.

  “The bomb? What happened?” she asked.

  I began to untie her, and loosened her bonds.

  “I threw it onto the “Punta Gordo II”. King and Floori were escaping with the last load of heroin,” I said.

  “Then that explosion was…” she started.

  But, I had Megan’s arms and legs freed, and I silenced her with a kiss.

  We held each other, and I stroked her hair.

  A tear worked its way down her right cheek.

  “Judge Turner is dead,” she said. “King killed him.”

  “King has paid for his sins, Megan,” I said.

  I noticed her nakedness, and she put her head into the space between my head and chest, nuzzling me.

  “Make love to me, Derek,” Megan pleaded. “Make love to me now, please, just make love to me.”

  I remembered that Randy told me he had moved my speedboat to the marina a few days back, when they were surveilling the heroin operations.

  Looking around, I and saw it moored on the other end of the docks.

  I wrapped my jacket around Megan, and then I picked her up and carried her out to my speedboat, and then over the side and into the cabin.

  Megan held me the entire way, her mouth pressed against the wet skin of my chest.

>   I lay her down on the bed, and she spread her legs.

  Her pussy was wet with her need.

  The hairs had little droplets of moisture, and her heady perfume made my senses buzz.

  I lowered my mouth to her, and licked until she came.

  Her nipples were as hard as pencil erasers, and she bucked and pushed my face into her wetness, as I licked her clean.

  My cock was hard and ready, and she pulled my shorts down and off.

  She kissed the head, and sucked the shaft for only a minute or so, and then lay back.

  I put the tip of my dick against her pussy and rubbed it back and forth over her clit. She moaned with pleasure, her mouth making a perfect “O”, inviting me to kiss it.

  I shoved my tongue into her mouth, and she wrapped hers around it as I entered her.

  “Derek! I love you! Oh, my, how much I love you! God!” she cried.

  “I love you too, Megan, my sweet, sweet darling stepsister!” I replied.

  Another groan of pleasure was stifled by our kiss, as we joined as one.

  My cock thrust deeply into her, and her pussy grabbed it as though it were a hand in a velvet glove.

  As we fucked, her breathing became rougher, and she gasped as she approached her next orgasm. Digging her nails into my back, I felt her scratching as she came, and she howled with the intensity.

  Her hips shoved against me, smacking again and again against my hard meat.

  She gyrated her big thighs and grabbed my ass, pulling me tight against her.

  Megan’s taut nipples dug small holes into my chest as she grabbed on for the ride.

  Soon, I felt my own climax approaching, and I kissed her hard as I shot an enormous load of hot cum deep into her, filling her completely.

  “Derek! Fuck me, love! Fuck me hard! Oh, Derek! I love you! Fuck me!” she screamed, and I pounded her harder and harder until she finally collapsed on the bed, her eyes barely open, her lashes flickering as she mindlessly came again and again with each thrust.

  I finally lay on top of her, spent and emptied, as the tide gently rocked the boat.

  Megan made small mewling noises, as my cum dripped from her pussy, drenching us both.

  She regained her senses, and kissed me, sucking on my tongue, licking my chin, tasting her salty sweet juices and cleaning my face.

  Then, she put a finger on my lips, and moved so that her head was on level with my drooping cock.


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