The Phoenix King

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The Phoenix King Page 13

by Keegan Long

  Carter, Anna, and Magnus decided to venture deeper into the forest to find some wood for the fire while leaving Gibson and Gordon to set up the tents.

  The deeper the three of them traveled into the army of trees the darker and dimmer the sunlight became. It was not long after when they found a small batch of trees they could gather for the camp’s fire.

  “This forest is giving me the creeps,” Carter cried. “There’s something out there.”

  “Oh, hush you big baby,” Anna teased her brother. “There’s nothing out there except us and a whole bunch of trees.”

  “No, he’s right,” Carter cautioned. “I can feel something.”

  Carter looked over and saw Magnus give his sister a big glare as she quickly became silent like the rest of them.

  Carter continued examining his surroundings but found or heard nothing. All he could hear was the sway of the small tree branches from the calm wind or the occasional chirp of a nearby bird.

  “I think it’s best we get our wood and get out of this forest,” Carter suggested.

  “I think that is best too,” Magnus whimpered.

  Before he could react, Carter found himself sprawled to the ground as an overwhelming force attacked him from behind.

  “Watch out!” Anna yelled but it was too late.

  Carter to continued to struggle to get free from whatever beast was trying to pin him to the ground. There was too much commotion and movement for Carter to make out what it was but noticed a pair of giant golden feathered wings and a beak gashing for his throat.

  “A little help here!” Carter called out.

  Magnus and Anna were already rushing to Carter’s position as Anna pulled out her bow and Magnus a small dagger.

  “What the hell is that!” Anna screamed.

  “I don’t know but get this thing off me!” Carter cried out again. “Shoot it!”

  Anna quickly drew an arrow and shot it off towards the beast but was in complete shock to find that when the arrow hit the beast it shattered on impact instead of piercing its body.

  “Impossible,” Anna muttered to herself.

  “It must be some creature of magic,” Magnus explained. “It can only be destroyed by magic.”

  “Now would be a good time if any of you knew a spell!” Carter continued to struggle.

  “Possibly, but I’ve never tried it before,” Magnus warned Carter. “I’ve never been able to do magic!”

  “Do it!”

  Carter looked over and saw that Magnus calmly held out his right hand and closed his eyes.


  To everyone’s disbelief, a small ball of fire emerged from Magnus’ palm and shot straight towards the creature.

  The creature screamed when hit as it unleashed its grip on Carter.

  Carter quickly brought himself up from the ground as he could now see the wounded creature standing in front of him in full view. The beast sure was big as it continued limping around the area.

  Carter immediately noticed the wings and eagle head upon the monster with the body and tail of a lion. Before he could regather himself, Carter found that the beast had begun charging at him once again.

  Without thinking he held out both hands in front of him and screamed.


  Carter slowly reopened his eyes as he noticed that this time he had not been attacked but instead the beast had stopped before him as it looked at him curiously.

  “It listened,” Magnus said amazed.

  “I think the more surprising thing was you doing magic,” Carter countered. “Have you always been able to do that?”

  “No. Never.”

  Anna punched her brother’s arm. “Well done.”

  The creature cried out and surprised the group when two other of the same type of beast emerged from the nearby trees and joined the other by its side.

  “What are these things?” Carter asked as he continued holding out his arms afraid to move them.

  “They’re Griffins,” Gordon’s voice called out as he emerged from the nearby tree line.

  “I thought they were extinct?” Magnus pondered.

  “It doesn’t look like they are anymore,” Gordon smiled. “Go on.”

  Carter carefully let down his shielding arms and reached for the griffin that had attacked him. The griffin slowly brought his head to Carter’s hand.

  “This is amazing,” Carter laughed. “How is this possible?”

  “It looks like they found a new alpha,” Gordon grinned. “The Phoenix King.”



  Magnus was in disbelief.

  He had just conjured magic out of his hand that he never thought was possible. It should not even be possible. Especially for him. The only way you use magic was to be born with it. His mom never practiced it and Anna never showed any signs either.

  “You should be very proud of yourself,” Gordon grinned. “There’s not many of you out there left in the world.”

  “Who am I then?”

  “A Sage,” Gordon smiled. “Fire is one of the natural elements of the world. Only sages can conjure and manipulate the elements.”

  “How is this possible?” Magnus continued to question. “I’ve never been able to do anything related to magic.”

  “Everyone’s powers come a different ages,” Gordon explained. “Some have come earlier than you and others later. It seems to me that your powers have decided to reveal themselves now.”

  “And good thing too,” Carter said. “Because if it weren’t for you I would be in a million different pieces right now.”

  Magnus looked upon the griffins and noticed they were still standing and looking towards Carter as if they were awaiting for some type of command.

  “Must be the power inside you,” Magnus suggested. “They can sense your royal bloodline and have found you worthy to serve.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Gordon said. “Plus, they’ll prove to be extremely helpful in your journey to come.”

  Magnus could tell Carter was not too excited about the situation but is definitely how someone would react after getting attacked by one.

  “Alright fine,” Carter uttered. “I guess you make a good point.”

  It amazed Magnus to see that these creatures that had supposedly been extinct for centuries were now alive and well. But he should not be too surprised as they did just see a dragon the other week. Anything was possible.

  “You should probably give them names like your horse,” Magnus suggested. “Especially so you can tell them apart.”

  “That’s enough naming and surprises for one day,” Carter joked. “I’ll get to naming them eventually.”

  Carter signaled for the beasts to follow him and did as they were told as the group started making their way back to the camp.

  “I can’t believe you did magic,” Anna whispered over to her brother as the two of them trailed behind everyone else.

  “Me too,” he whispered back. “I was sure nothing would happen but it did.”

  “What did it feel like?”

  “It felt incredible but frightening at the same time,” Magnus recounted. “Having all that energy rushed through your body makes you feel like the most powerful person in the world but deep down you know that one misstep can end you right there and then.”

  “That sounds scary,” Anna acknowledged.

  “Maybe Gordon can help me learn to use and control it,” Magnus pondered.

  “It worth a try,” Anna said.

  The rest of the night was quiet after Carter had explained everything that had happened to Gibson who was surprised to see three magical beasts accompany them out of the forest.

  “Boy, in the last week we’ve run into dragons and now griffins!” the old man complained. “Cut me a break!”

  Magnus found himself not sleeping at all that night as he laid in the tent and stared up towards the stars. He had so many questions but with no answers in sight.

�Don’t worry about it,” Anna whispered from the other side of the tent. “You’ll figure it out.”

  “Thanks, Anna,” he smiled to himself. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”

  “Someone has to protect your skin,” she joked back.

  “I guess so,” Magnus laughed.

  The next morning the group got up at sunrise and backed their things to continue on the road towards Olympia. Olympia was still a few days out to Magnus’ disappointment. He had never travelled so far that took this many days.

  Magnus made sure to make his way up to Gordon during their day’s travel to ask him about the Sages and if he could train him more about using magic.

  “You came up here to ask me to train you,” he said to Magnus’ surprise as the the two rode side by side on their horses.

  “How did you know?”

  “I’ve seen that face many times throughout my years,” he told him. “Trust me.”

  “So can you?” Magnus asked.

  “I’m afraid not,” the Greybeard sighed. “Greybeards draw their magical powers from a different source than those of Sages. You would need to find a Sage to teach you.”

  “Where are the Sages at?”

  “They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. After the Great Purge of Sages by the Druids, they’ve been scattered all over Terran. What about your father?”

  “My father?” Magnus questioned.

  “I overhead you talking about how your mother was never tied to magic,” Gordon suggested. “My guess is your magic comes from your father.”

  “I’ve never known my father,” Magnus answered. “He left when I was very young and even before Anna was born. I can’t even remember what his face looked like.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Gordon apologized. “I didn’t mean to-”

  “Nothing to be sorry for,” Magnus interrupted. “You couldn’t have known.”

  “After Olympia I’ll send out word to the other Greybeards to look for other Sages,” Gordon offered. “I can’t promise you anything though.”

  “Thanks Gordon. That means a lot.”

  When the sun began to set that night, the group decided to make their way into a small town known as Harkingrove to find an inn to sleep in that night.

  Carter had ordered for the griffins to stay outside the town not to draw any attention to themselves. Gordon assured him that they would be alright and that we would fetch for them the next morning.

  Magnus immediately noticed how small but lively the town was. The town itself was located just at the shore of the Sea of Kings making it a perfect spot for trading and fishing.

  The Sea of Kings was infamous for the amount of fish and other wild life that lived in the area. No fisher has never had better luck except for in the Sea of Kings. Some even have gone as far to say that you are guaranteed to catch something every time. Magnus did not know if he believed that tale fully.

  “I’m not sure if I like this,” Anna said disgusted. “The smell if awful.”

  “Harkingrove is known for its fish smell,” Gordon laughed. “It’s one of the town’s traits.”

  “Are you sure it’s the fish?” Anna suggested. “Or is it the smell of fish blended in with people who don’t bathe.”

  “That could be it too,” the Greybeard agreed.


  “It’s not that bad,” Gibson chimed in. “This is what it smells like when you’re surrounded constantly by filthy pirates. They rarely bathed either.”

  Magnus looked over at Carter reluctantly as he was replied with a shrug.

  “Well, glad I’m not a pirate then,” Magnus added.

  It did not take them long to reach the center of the town where the inn was located. Magnus looked up towards the building and read the wooden plaque that was hanging from its last hinges.

  Gobber’s Bar and Inn

  “It may not look the best but she will do,” Gordon addressed everyone’s disappointed faces. “Gobber is a kind and gentle folk. He’ll make you feel right at home.”

  “I doubt that,” Magnus heard Anna mutter under her breath.

  When Magnus walked through the entrance door he immediately found himself looking at the most overcrowded and chaotic bar he had ever seen. People were roaming around drunk and completely unaware of their actions. It was a mad house.

  The inn had two levels. The base floor held the bar and a series of tables and chairs that were currently scattered all over. Above was a balcony that looked down at the bar from above but also held all the rooms that people were able to rent out for the night.

  “GORDON!” a loud but deep voice called out shortly after the group had entered the bar.

  “Gobber is that you?” Gordon recognized the voice.

  Magnus noticed a small red bearded dwarf has emerged from behind the bar and began stomping towards them.

  This must be Gobber, Magnus thought to himself. Everything is starting to make sense now.

  “Gordon!” the dwarf called out again. “I can’t believe that’s you!”

  “Alive and still breathing,” Gordon greeted his old friend as he bent over to give the dwarf a hug.

  “How long has it been this time?” Gobber asked.

  “It’s only been a year,” Gordon answered. “I wasn’t gone too long this time.”

  “Oh, you were gone longer than that,” the dwarf lectured as he pointed his finger towards his friend.

  “Hey,” Gordon shrugged. “What can I say? I’ve been busy lately.”

  “I’ve heard,” Gobber said as he turned his attention over towards Carter. “The Phoenix King, huh?”

  Carter’s eyes widened, “how did you know?”

  “News gets around here fast, kid,” the inn keeper explained. “Especially since we're surrounded by traders from all over here. That was a ballsy move, kid.”

  “I never asked for any of this,” Carter complained.

  “It don’t matter,” Gobber growled. “It is what it is. Now all you can do is face it.”

  “That’s what I’m trying,” Carter grumbled.

  “Just be careful around here,” the dwarf warned. “The Druids got spies all over this town. Don’t be going around here telling people you’re ‘You-Know-What’ alright.”

  “Didn’t plan on it,” Carter glared.

  Magnus was starting to get a strong feeling that Carter did not like Gobber very much. His stubborn attitude did not match that of Carter’s liking. Magnus found himself not fond of him either and if he didn’t like him he knew Anna must be on the end of her fumes right now.

  “Enough of the pleasantries,” Gordon interrupted before the conversation could go on any longer. “Can you help us out? We need a couple rooms for the night.”

  “Unfortunately, I’m booked for the night,” Gobber said. “I only got one room left.”

  Magnus looked over at his sister and saw that her face had already dropped. He knew that the last thing she wanted to do was share one small room with a bunch of boys by herself.

  “Oh, no!” She quickly protested. “Absolutely not! There’s no way I’m sharing one room with all of them!”

  “I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice, young lady,” Gobber grinned.

  “Why you little-”

  Gordon quickly held out his hand to stop her and smiled down at the dwarf.

  “We’ll take it!”



  In the very few days that Emma had been queen she already found herself in the middle of a war. And she had no idea what she was to do.

  For the most part, Emma was relieved to find that most of the people of Andros did not blame her for Andros’ involvement in the war. That did not mean everyone felt the same though.

  Loris, to no surprise, was Emma’s biggest and loudest supporter. He continued to be by her side at all times and continued to advise her to the best of his knowledge and abilities. But that could only bring her so far.

  Emma expected that Luther’
s first move was to attack the many surrounding farm fields that were considered part of Andros. The vast amount of fields allowed Andros to be highly self-sufficient and once those fell the kingdom would start feeling those effects immediately. If the fields fell there would not be enough food for the kingdom to survive during the harsh upcoming winter.

  The winters in Andros could vary drastically. Emma has experience living during winters that were pleasant and some winters not so much. Some winters had a lot heavier toll on the kingdom than others. Some winters flew by while others dragged on for many long harsh months.

  “Our scouts have reported nothing yet,” Bri called out as Emma continued looking out the windows of the throne room.

  “It will take time,” Emma acknowledged. “They are gathering their forces just as we are. But they will attack. Eventually.”

  Emma found herself wishing she was not queen and that she could go back to not long ago where she was free of any responsibilities or obligations. Where she was free to ride Layla whenever she pleased and roam around the palace at her leisure. Even though it had only been a few weeks since her coronation those days seemed like eons ago.

  “Any news of Carter and the others?” Emma changed the topic.

  “Not yet,” Bri answered. “But I’m sure Gordon will write to us when he has a chance.”

  Emma turned away from the window and walked towards her friend. “You’re right.” She took a deep breath, “I’m sure he will.”

  Emma had to admit she missed having her new friends around. Carter, and all the others, had grown on her quite quickly and she came used to having them around the palace. She did not admit openly but she was even jealous of them. She would of done anything to be out there with them traveling around Terran. It is what she had always dreamt of.

  The majority of Emma’s day was made up of attending meetings with the military leaders of Andros. She found each meeting was more of the same and quickly became quite bored with them.

  Emma was quite thankful however that she was able to find some time to stop by and see Layla. She had not seen her dear friend in quite a while and it pleased her to see the Pegasus once again.


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