The Phoenix King

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The Phoenix King Page 19

by Keegan Long

  “How many of me have existed?” Magnus searched for answers.

  “Nine,” Gordon answered. “Known as The Guardians.”

  At least the name was pretty cool Magnus thought to himself.

  “And he was not the only one full of trick today,” Gordon added as he turned towards Carter.

  “That’s for sure,” Sara agreed. “How did you do that?”

  “The phoenix egg,” Carter explained. “The phoenix inside gave me some of his power to create a phoenix flame.”

  “Well, you saved the day,” Sara hugged him. “And my father. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied as he wrapped his arms around the girl.

  “We got to get out of the city,” Anna said as she got back up on her feet. “It’s only a matter of time until the Druids find out what’s going on.”

  “We need to get back to Andros,” Carter added. “We’ve already spent too much time here.”

  “But how?” Magnus asked. “We still have no army to help Emma.”

  “Maybe you don’t need an army,” Ashly suggested. “And maybe I can help.”

  Sara looked over towards the leader of the Hunters and smiled brightly.

  “And me,” she joined.

  “What are you saying?” Carter asked.

  “The Hunters of Artemis would be honored to serve you once again,” Ashly knelt. “There’s a hundred of us. I have also sent out word a several of the Olympian Guard who are ready to join you as well. With our combined forces with those of Andros that will be more than enough to repel off the invaders.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Carter uttered in complete shock.

  “And I’m coming too,” Sara knelt besides Ashly.

  “But your father.”

  “He’ll understand,” she said.

  “The Greybeards will be there too,” Gordon was the next to kneel with the two girls.

  “Thank you,” Carter cried as he ushered for them to all stand. “I won’t let you down.”

  “We know,” Sara smiled towards the boy. “But now we best get going. Let’s go grab Boris and get the hell out of here.”

  Magnus handed Carter back the egg and the group made their way towards the front entrance doors. They left the battle’s destruction behind them without looking back. Magnus felt bad for whoever had to clean and fix their mess but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

  When they opened those front doors they found themselves face to face with one of the most unpleasant sights there was.

  There was no Boris standing guard but instead they found themselves face to face with a row of men and women dressed in black and green cloaks with a battalion of soldiers covered in shinning green armor behind them with their swords and arrows at the ready. The Druids and their personal army from Lumbar. And in the middle was Boris on his knees with a bloody face.

  “How nice of you to join us,” the leader of the Druids stepped forward with an evil grin across his face. “Phoenix King.”



  Sara had never seen a Druid or their personal army ever throughout the city. They usually only stayed in the palace of deep into the upper ring of the city. Their little mission would change this, however.

  The Druids looked just like any normal human being. Their posture and elegant clothing would say otherwise though.

  Boris was on the ground all bruised with blood dripping from his injuries. Sara clenched her fists together and was immediately filled with rage seeing her friend like this. They would pay for what they did.

  There was no leader for the Druids and it was supposedly ran by a high council, but the old man who stepped forward clearly held most of the power and influenced the group greatly. He looked similar in appearance and age when compared to that of Gordon. He had a white stubble instead of a grown out beard. Wrinkles across his face and bags underneath his eyes. When he lifted down his hood he revealed short white hair on top of his almost bald head as well.

  “Klaus!” Gordon called out from the back as he made himself seen from the Druid leader.

  “Gordon,” the Druid rolled his eyes showing that he was quite familiar with the old Greybeard. “Why am I not surprised.”

  “Let us go!” Gordon demanded. “The egg belongs to him.”

  “So he can drive us from Olympia one day,” Klaus spat back. “I’ve seen what those birds grow up to be. I will not allow it!”

  “He is the rightful heir!” Ashly protested. “You can’t deny the throne to him.”

  “Actually…I can.”

  Ashly made the effort to charge forwards towards the Druid but Sara was able to hold her back. There was nothing they could do. They were vastly outnumbered and would never make it out of Olympia alive.

  “And you and the Hunters will be labeled as traitors to the throne and be dealt with accordingly.”

  The Hunters of Artemis were now finished. Nothing but outlaws according to Olympia. Others around the land would not see it that way though.

  “You have done nothing but bring shame to Olympia,” Ashly continued to retaliate. “Power hungry thieves!”

  Klaus ignored her comment and looked away from her. “And you,” he turned to face Carter. “Have meddled in things you do not understand. Because of you a civil war will now plague Terran and all the blood lost will be on your hands.”

  Sara stood ready to interject and defend Carter’s name but found she was beaten to it by him.

  “It looks like you have already done a great job doing that for yourself,” he stated. “The civil war has long been going on. Even before I came about. Kingdoms are divided more than ever. There is no loyalty to Olympia. Those who submit to you do so out of fear or for seeking power within your favors.”

  “Fear is the only way to rule,” Klaus attacked. “And an even better motivator.”

  “The Phoenix King and his family line never did,” Carter protested. “And the kingdom flourished under their rule.”

  Klaus eyes widened as the Druids hated to be compared to their predecessor. “You don’t know what it was like! How could you know.”

  “I’ve seen it!” Carter stood strong. “And I know the truth!”

  “How dare you-” Klaus hissed.

  “The Druids killed the last Phoenix King!” He claimed. “Orellius and his phoenix. I have seen it!”

  There were several uproars as people looked at each other at what Carter had just said. Could it really be true? Is this why there was no trace of the Phoenix King or his family? Destroyed by magic.

  Klaus glared at Carter more enraged than before. He looked like he would pounce on the boy at any moment. Sara was cautious as she had her bow at the ready. No one was to touch Carter.

  “Coincidence that the Druids of Lumbar walk in and claim Olympia just days after his disappearance?” Carter challenged. “I don’t think so.”

  “I will destroy you for that,” Klaus stepped forward ready to strike. “Olympia is better off without them. It’s the right to the Druids to maintain order throughout the world.”

  “That was not your call to make,” Gordon injected as he readied his stance to start casting spells.

  “I’ve had enough of this,” Klaus waved off and returned to his side. “Destroy them.”

  The army shifted stance as they prepared for their attack against the small group compared to their numbers.

  Sara turned towards Ashly for some type of guidance or reassuring looked but there was none. Instead, she was calm but still boiled in ager. She had spent her entire life serving the wrong people. Now she was about to change all that.

  “Not so fast,” she grinned as she gave out a loud whistle that echoed throughout the street.

  On her signal, several Hunters emerged from the shadows from where they had been hiding. Some appeared from the dark alleyways while others emerged on top of the surrounding buildings with their arrows pulled and aiming straight towards the Druid battalion.

  Now they had
almost as many on their side than those the Druids had brought with them.

  “Unless you want to turn the city into a battlefield I suggest you let us leave,” Ashly commanded and stepped forward in front of Carter. “All of us.” She nodded towards Boris.

  “So be it,” Klaus said.

  He turned away and began walking away from the scene, but just when the group thought the threat has passed he quickly turned back and let out a stream of green magic straight towards Carter.

  Gordon, however, had expected the attack and jumped in front as he blocked the spell with his conjured shield saving Carter and Ashly.

  “RUN!” Sara shouted as the battle began.

  The Hunters immediately released their arrows after Klaus’ attack as they knocked several of the soldiers to the ground in an instant.

  “Magnus!” Gordon called him over. “The arrows!”

  The two mages lifted their hands in the air as they created a magic shield above everyone’s heads to block the incoming volley of arrows.

  Sara desperately looked around for some escape route but found none. There were still too many soldiers blocking their path with arrows firing in every direction.

  “We can’t hold this forever,” Magnus cried out as he and Gordon used what effort they had left to keep the shield above them in place.

  We all hope had seemed lost, there was a loud bird’s cry from the sky above. Sara looked up and smiled as she saw three giant magical beasts with wings flying right at them. It was the griffins.

  Sara glanced over towards Carter and saw that he was having the same reaction as her. The bond between him and his creatures was stronger than he had ever suspected. They had sensed that he and the group was in trouble. Now they were here to save them all.

  The griffins flew down and shifted towards the direction of the Druids and their battalion. When they got close enough they dragged their large clawed feet on the ground causing the majority of their forces to be flown in all different types of directions. Even the Druids themselves had been caught by surprise and had to dodge out of the way from being hit.

  “There’s our opening!” Sara pointed out. “Let’s go!”

  The group ran and passed the Druids and their army that were spiraled across the ground. Some were dead and others were slowly recovering from the attack.

  Ashly let out another loud whistle as some of the Hunters followed them alongside the top of the nearby rooftops while others scattered in different directions and disappeared.

  Boris ran beside Sara, who were just behind Carter and Ashly’s lead.

  “Thanks for the save,” he looked at her as the two continued running as fast as they could throughout the city streets.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” she replied.

  They had now reached the gates that lead out of the upper ring and Sara was relieved to see that a group of Hunters were already there as they left it ajar with a few unconscious guards on the ground.

  As she passed through the gate, she noticed the Hunters that had opened the gate for them had noticed something and began to fire arrows in the direction behind them. Sara quickly turned around and noticed a group of Druid soldiers had caught up to them and were too close for comfort. As they continued throughout the city more soldiers were join in their chase.

  Sara looked beyond and could slowly see the front entrance of the city coming into view. As she looked up she saw the sun slowing rising above the city’s walls as well. The start of a new day was here.

  She looked above on both sides and saw that Hunters continued to run across the top of buildings following the group while firing arrows on the pursuing group behind them. Her heart dropped when she saw one of the girls on top of the buildings get hit by an arrow in her chest and fell to the street bellow.

  “We’re almost there!” Ashly pointed out.

  The front gate had also been reached to ahead of time by the Hunters as it was already open for them to run through. That would not stop the Druids’ army as they would continue to chase them well beyond the city’s outer wall and Sara did not know how long they could keep outrunning them.

  Sara looked by as she took the scene in of the lower ring of the city as this was the last time she would ever see it. There was no more coming back, nor did she ever want to. She felt sad to leave her father behind but she would write to him and explain everything one day. He was alive now and that’s all that mattered.

  The group finally made it to the front gate and ran through but when they came out to the other side they stopped abruptly at the site that was now in front of them. The soldiers behind them had the same reaction as well as they were cautious and kept their distance between the group and themselves.

  In front of Sara’s eyes laid an army like no other. Lined perfectly in several straight lines all across the fields ahead. There must have been several hundreds of them. All in dark red armor while the crest of the phoenix flew on their flags above of them.

  “What the hell?” Carter stumbled as a small group from the army came rushing towards them on horses while the army stayed behind and continued to show off their force.

  “My Lord,” the commanding officer dismounted his horse and knelt at Carter’s feet. “General Baefor at your service.”

  “What is the meaning of this!” Klaus appeared from the background. “You dare attack our city!”

  The general got up from his feet and confronted the Druid. “You dare attack the Phoenix King!”

  Baefor unsheathed his sword as the entire army echoed behind him as they readied their weapons as well.

  “You do not have the force to take this city,” Klaus spat at the general.

  “No, I do not,” Baefor strictly answered. “But I do have the forces to cause some great damage until your reinforcing armies arrive from Lumbar and that could take quite some time.”

  “What do you want?” Klaus asked annoyed as he knew the general was right and he did not wish to get involved in a battle with himself so exposed as he currently was.

  “Allow the young Phoenix King and his friends go,” Baefor demanded. “Then his army shall leave.”

  “His?” Carter quietly questioned but no one heard him except Sara.

  “Very well then,” Klaus agreed as he turned and glared at Carter. “Until next time… Phoenix King.”

  The Druid and his forces retreated back into the city as the front gates closed behind them with a large thud.

  “The Hunters will be safe,” Ashly reassured Sara as she had alarmingly glared over towards the leader. “They will meet us at the rendezvous point.”

  “I don’t understand,” Carter stared in shock as he took in the site of the army laid before him. “What is all this? Why are you helping me.”

  “It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Baefor laughed. “This is your army.”

  “My army?”

  “Yes,” the general smiled. “Loyal only to you. When I received word from an old friend awhile ago that he found the new Phoenix King and was bringing him to Olympia I knew it was just a matter of time until you ran into trouble. I assembled the army and we marched here as soon as we could.”

  The group looked over towards Gordon and he smiled in response. “It’s been too long old friend.”

  “This is actually the first anyone’s seen of it,” Baefor informed the group. “Created by the last Phoenix King, Orellius. He feared his time would be cut short so he created an army for you.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Carter admitted.

  That was how Sara and everyone else was feeling at the moment as well.

  “You don’t have to,” Baefor smiled. “Let’s get out of here though so I can introduce you to your army. The Phoenix Guard.”



  Anuba. Jadyn had never seen anything quite like it. She had heard several stories and tales but seeing it in person was a whole new experience. It was beautiful.

  Three large pyramids laid behind the city making it just
as more elegant than it already was. The walls ran long around the city but not uniquely large or tall like most city’s built them. Jadyn thought she could easily climb them if she had to.

  The city was located alone with nothing surrounding it except the vast desert. Inside was where the real beauty and treasure was she was constantly told.

  Raj let out a slight moan next to her.

  “It is beautiful isn’t it, buddy?” She commented.

  The wind was calm while the sun was out in full strength without a cloud to be seen in the sky. Perfect weather conditions many generals would say for a day full of fighting.

  Anubis calmly made his way to the front of his army with two hyenas on either side of him while holding a large golden staff in his right hand. She had never seen the staff before but it sure made him look powerful. On top the staff was a large open circle with various symbols carved into the outline. It reminded Jadyn of the sun that was currently shinning down on them with all its energy and might.

  “Sons and Daughters,” Anubis turned around and began to address his followers. “Today is the day we take back our home!”

  Several large cheers erupted throughout the army. Many who would end up dead by the end of the day.

  Jadyn looked closer at the city and noticed archers within the city had begun to line atop the walls. No forces though had come outside the gates from the city. There was no calvary or foot soldiers. Maybe there were not as many forces holding the city as they once thought.

  “Jadyn!” Anubis unexpectedly called out as she stepped forward through the crowd to be seen.

  “Yes, My Lord?”

  “Out of everyone here, you have done me a great service,” he went on. “It was your arrow that freed me from my prison back at the Labyrinth.”

  Jadyn had now expected what to come next but was not as excited as many of the others would have been if they were in her position.

  “You will lead the charge,” Anubis said. “And it shall be you that enters through the gates first and reclaim our home.”

  Anubis did speak the truth. Leading the charge was a great honor for anyone but that didn’t mean she liked it any more. Being on the front lines was more like a ticket to being the most likely to die on the battlefield. But if anyone could survive it, she could. Plus, it would infuriate June even more. That made it worth it.


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