Everlasting Hunger (The Hunger Mate Series)

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Everlasting Hunger (The Hunger Mate Series) Page 14

by Brandy Dorsch

  “I’m sorry, gentlemen. I’m on my way out for the day. You will have to come back another time.” she says.

  Not understanding why the woman was in Ellie’s house and trying to sneak out, Jasper shoves her back into the house. Leaving her for Ian to deal with while he heads toward the bedroom to help Ellie.

  Walking into the room, he realizes that he is seeing Ellie in the midst of her first kill.

  “Ellie? I need you to listen to me. You are killing him, gorgeous. If you continue to drink him, you will drain him dry. Now I don’t care personally.” Jasper can see the fear in the man’s eyes as he realizes that he wasn’t going to help him. “And I know Ian will help us dispose of the body, but do you want to have his death on your conscience?”

  Ellie starts to slow down when she hears the words from Jasper. Sliding her teeth out of Adam, she looks up at the man she has come to love.

  “Jasper, he was going to violate and kill me. Why should I show him a shred of kindness?”

  “That’s your right, sweetheart, but maybe we should talk to your friend that was sneaking out when we got here. Ian! Bring her in here.”

  Ian walks in dragging a crying Sheila with him.

  “Damn, little one! Did you leave anything for the rest of us? Playing white knight leaves a man thirsty,” he says with a smile of understanding at her.

  “Sheila, what are you doing here?” Ellie looks at her best friend in confusion.

  Ellie realizes that her friend is hysterical and that she isn’t going to get a coherent response from her. She takes Sheila by the hand and looks into her eyes and compels her to calm down and explain what she was doing at Ellie’s house.

  “Adam called me to come over and watch what he did to you. He wanted to teach me a lesson,” Sheila states in a monotone.

  “Why would Adam call you, Sheila?”

  “Because I disposed of the whore’s body and he wanted me to get rid of you when he was done with his revenge.”

  Ellie looks at her in astonishment. She could believe that her friend slept with her boyfriend but she finds it off the wall strange that she would hide a body for him.

  “You knew he had killed someone and you were going to let him kill me as well? You bitch!” Ellie lunges at Sheila and pins her to the wall as she sinks her teeth in to her throat, ripping it open.

  In her rage, Ellie can sense the emotion coming from Ian and Jasper. Ian is expressing pride and Jasper is worried that she will regret killing Adam and Sheila. She knows he is right and with deep regret, she releases her fangs from Sheila.

  Ellie steps back as Ian steps forward and crouches down in order to compel the woman. “Listen to me carefully, Sheila. You were here with Adam and he was going to hurt Ellie. He attacked you and you stabbed him in the throat with a barbeque fork. You will tell the police where the girl he killed is buried, you will disappear from my cities, and you will not return. Ellie will kill you the next time and I will help her bury your body. You have messed with my family and I don’t give second chances.”

  Ellie turns to Jasper and buries her face in his chest. Inhaling the scent of him soothes her inner beast.

  Gorgeous, are you okay?

  What did I do, Jasper? What kind of monster have I turned into? Did I kill him?

  Pulling her tighter to him, he answers truthfully, “Yes, Ellie, you did. It was something that needed to be done and you reacted out of instinct. You are not to blame here.”

  Ian stands up and dusts his pants off. Walking over to Ellie, he gently tugs her out of Jasper’s arms and raises her chin to look into her eyes.

  “Little one, you’ll be around for a very long time and you need to understand something. Sometimes death happens and at times, it will be at your hand. That’s the way it is in our world. I understand that humans go without killing but it’s not in our predatory nature to live several lifetimes without taking a life. It will get easier. Now, Jasper and I will head out until the police are done with you. We will be right outside, and you just have to call for Jasper and we will be here.”

  Ellie takes a deep breath as she struggles to comprehend all that has happened in the last few hours.

  “I understand, Ian. I’ll be fine. Let’s just get this over with so I can get out of this house.”

  Jasper walks over to the dresser and brings her the phone. Dialing 911, he hands it to her as she slowly drops to the floor and speaks in a frantic voice, “I need the police to come to 502 Parkwood. My ex-boyfriend has attacked me and I think that he’s dead. Please hurry. My friend has been hurt as well and we need an ambulance.”

  Ellie drops the phone to the floor and walks toward Ian.

  “I need you to hit me a few times, Ian. My wounds are already starting to heal up and it’s going to draw suspicion.”

  Ian looks in surprise from Ellie to Jasper and back again. Jasper starts to object but Ian raises his hand to silence him.

  “I’m impressed, little one. Not many new vampires are aware that they need to stage the scene so the humans see what they are expecting to see. Do you want Jasper to go or stay?”

  Ellie looks at Jasper. “I need you to go. I don’t want you to see this but it needs to be done.”

  Taking Ellie’s hands in his, Jasper pulls her into the circle of his arms for a quick kiss. Glancing over at Ian, he heads to the door. “I will be outside, Ian. Don’t be long. The police will be here in a few moments.”

  Jasper blocks Ellie from his mind for several moments so he doesn’t have to endure the pain she has to feel. Hearing the sirens in the distance, he heads to the car and hops in. Ian comes out seconds later and they head back to the club.

  “She is an unbelievable addition to our family, Jasper.”

  Shooting a glance at Ian from the corner of his, Jasper agrees. “She is stunning, Ian. She knew what needed to be done and was able to do it. You didn’t hurt her too bad, did you?”

  Ian laughs at the expression on Jasper’s face. “Our little one is a true warrior, Jasper and you have nothing to worry about with her. I think we will be seeing some wonderful things from her in the future.”

  Ellie shuts the door after the final detective has left the house. Turning around and seeing the devastation left behind from the assault and investigation, leaves a strange feeling in her stomach.

  The police had charged Sheila as an accessory to murder after helping Adam hide the evidence and body of the young woman he had killed. Ellie wasn’t sure how she felt knowing that Sheila was willing to help Adam kill her and then dispose of her body.

  Hey, gorgeous. How are you holding up?

  Ellie smiles at the sound of Jasper’s thoughts.

  I’m disgusted at how much of a mess my place is, handsome. The police detectives cut out carpet and took tons of my furniture and bedding out as evidence.

  Feeling that she was exhausted and doesn’t have much strength left, Jasper replies, I think you need to come back to my place until you figure out what you want to do. Dudley made dinner and is waiting for you to get here before serving. I’m starving, sweetheart.

  Ellie laughs aloud at the thought of this powerful vampire starving because his elderly butler is withholding his food.

  I don’t want to be responsible for Ian losing you. He would never forgive me if I allowed you to die of starvation and I would hate to see what he would do to Dudley. Give me a bit; I need to call a taxi to come get me and pack some stuff.

  Ellie sighs as she rises from the couch and heads into the hallway. Opening a closet, she pulls out a suitcase. Taking a deep breath, she starts to head into the bedroom when there is a knock at the door. Ellie jumps at the sudden intrusion into the silence and crosses to open the door. Standing on the threshold is a young female.

  “My name is Annabelle, Ellie. Ian thought you could use some help and asked if I would come over. Do you mind if I come in?” Ellie steps back in confusion as she invites the young woman into the house.

  “Ian sent you? I’m not sure I understand
,” Ellie asks in confusion.

  Annabelle smiles as she sheds her jacket and lays her purse on the side table by the door. “Ian knows that I have had my share of troubles over the years with men and female friends. He also thought that it might be a good idea for us to meet now that you are a part of our family.”

  Ellie gasps in sudden recognition. “You’re the vampire that made Ian!”

  Annabelle bursts out in delighted laughter. “Yes, I am. I have made a few over the centuries but Ian has always been a favorite of mine.”

  Ellie blushes at the way she sounds. “I’m sorry, Annabelle. This is all new to me and then for this to happen on top of just turning into a vampire, well it’s a little much for me to deal with.”

  “It’s not a problem, Ellie. Things like this happen to all of us at one time or another. The good thing is that you saw the things that needed to be done and you handled it. Do you have a place to stay tonight or would you like to come to my house? I was really sorry that you were not able to make it to the ball.”

  Ellie gestures for Annabelle to sit down on the couch and sits in a chair across from her.

  “Jasper has invited me to stay with him until I can figure out what to do.”

  “That’s an excellent idea. It will also give you two time to strengthen the Hunger bond.”

  “Annabelle, may I ask you a couple of questions? If I understand correctly, you already found your mate.”

  Nodding her head in agreement, Annabelle leans back into the couch. “You have questions about the Hunger, don’t you, Ellie? I would be surprised if you didn’t. The boys know some of the details but not all that the Hunger encompasses. The information is not shared until a mate is found and since it happens rarely, the details are not divulged often. Why don’t you let Jasper know that I’m here with you and will drop you off at his place after we are done?”

  Ellie agrees and taps into Jasper’s thoughts. Hey, Handsome. Annabelle has arrived and is helping me get some stuff together. She will bring me by your place when we are done. Sound good?

  Of course, gorgeous. Annabelle is a perfect person to talk to about what went on tonight. I’m assuming that Ian asked her to come to you. I’ll see you when you’re done, my love.

  Ellie looks at the vampire across from her. “Now tell me what the Hunger really is, Annabelle.”

  Smiling at the young woman, Annabelle answers, “You are a very astute young woman and what I’m going to tell you is for your ears only, so I need you to block out Jasper right now.” Ellie looks confused but nods her head in agreement.

  “No one really knows what the Hunger is exactly, Ellie. It’s a little bit different for each couple. We know that the original vampires, Amunet and Bomani, were a connected couple. They felt each other’s emotions, words, and thoughts. Even in battle, they moved as one and their bond was unbreakable even in death. What our scientists have been able to discover is that there was a serum in their blood. This serum allowed for the people that they turned and fed off of to be connected as well. If Amunet turned a man, then the next woman that Bomani fed from but didn’t kill was connected in the same way that they were. They were able to communicate and behave as one. The couples did not know they were connected in the beginning. The Originals did not turn everyone that they came across and the couples could be hundreds or thousands of miles apart. It was discovered that this is why vampires always seem to be searching for something and they are always craving a new taste of blood. We are searching for the other half of our connection.”

  Ellie is completely absorbed in the telling of the story and it takes her a moment to realize that Annabelle has stopped talking. “What happens to the people?”

  “For the human that has the serum in their blood, nothing happens. The serum gets passed on down the generations until a mate is discovered and it is activated. The vampire searches a thousand tastes to find the one that is his perfect match. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. With billions on the planet, it is rare to find a match. When a vampire finds his match, it is an incredible connection.”

  “You can feel the thoughts and emotions of your mate. You are able to move as one in all aspects of life. It’s a bond made on a genetic level and it’s never-ending.”

  Ellie ponders this for a moment. “Is the connection ever wrong? It seemed like I was bonding with Ian and then it was an instant bond with Jasper after he healed me.”

  “Ian and Jasper are related and we have come across a few cases where relations are bonded to the same person. It usually happens with close relations and one is a more powerful bond then the other. In your case, it was Jasper. You probably have a relative that would be a Hunger mate to Ian.”

  Ellie looks at her in surprise. “I’m not sure who that would be. I was adopted as an infant and I’m not really that close to my family anymore. You have told me the good parts of the Hunger but what is the downside?”

  “Brains and beauty. A formidable combination and I believe we are going to be the best of friends. The downside is this there is no real downside. As vampires, we are not held to the same standards and barriers as the human world. We don’t see bonds in our relationships and we are not afraid to love outside of our mates. I know that you have feelings for Ian and there is nothing wrong with that. Vampires are loving creatures and Jasper will not care that you spend time with Ian. The Hunger keeps you tethered to a basic fundamental connection. This is what can save you battle, and can save your sanity over the years. Forever is a long time and there are documented cases of vampires going insane.”

  “There still has to be downsides to all of this, Annabelle. How do we die? What happens if we lose our mate? How many of the folklore legends are true?” Ellie asks.

  “We can and do die, Ellie. Fire and beheading are the most surefire ways. Legend has it that a stake through the heart would do it too, but I have found that’s not the case. If we lose our mate, we grieve just like any person would but it tends to last for almost a century. A deep grief has caused many vampires to go insane and try to kill themselves. Legends are a horse of a different color, as they would say. We are able to walk in the daylight for short periods. More than a few moments of direct sunlight causes burns and blisters to form which pretty much tells people that we are vampires and not all of us want to be in the spotlight. You have to drink blood to survive but we also eat food and drink other beverages. The boys have a thing for scotch if you haven’t noticed.”

  Laughing aloud because the boys do love their scotch, Ellie asks one more question. “How old are you, Annabelle?”

  Standing up, Annabelle turns and heads to the bedroom. Calling over her shoulder, she replies, “I’m over a thousand years old, Ellie. I have seen kingdoms come and go and have seen more beauty then I ever believed possible.”

  Following Annabelle into the bedroom where she has started to pull clothing from the closet and toss into the suitcase, Ellie ponders all that she has learned from the beautiful woman.

  “We need to take you shopping, Ellie. I don’t think that the boys are going to want to see you in these tailored suits. We need something that shows some leg.”

  Ellie laughs at the look of disgust on the vampire’s face. “Those outfits are what I wear to work at the hospital. Since I do all the hiring for Ian, it makes sense to be a little conservative.”

  Making a sound of dismissal, Annabelle tosses the suit on the floor. “There is conservative and sexy and then there is buttoned and uptight. We need to do the first and get rid of everything representing the second style of dress. We’ll be going shopping later this week and I don’t want to hear any disagreement. We are going to be friends and I think you need to look the sexy vampire part.”

  Looking around at the packed suitcase and mess that was left behind, Annabelle grasps Ellie’s hand. “Is there anything else we need or are you ready to head back to Jasper’s place?”

  Ellie takes a deep breath because she knows that she is turning a corner. “Let’s get out
of here, Annabelle. I’m beginning to think that there is nothing left for me here and I’m ready for new beginning.”

  Smiling, Annabelle reaches out and pulls her into a fierce hug. “That’s the way it should be, my darling girl. You have a sexy man waiting at home for you, and another one on the other end of your phone. You have amazing abilities that you have not even begun to discover and a world at your feet. Oh, to be young and new again!”

  Grabbing the suitcase and Ellie’s hand, Annabelle tugs her to the front door.

  “Tell Jasper that we are on our way to his place to drop your stuff off but we want to go to the club to celebrate.”

  Ellie laughs at the infectiousness of Annabelle’s personality and zeal for life.

  Jasper, I’m on my way to your place with Annabelle. She wants me to let you know that we are just dropping my stuff off and then we are going to the club to celebrate.

  Climbing into Annabelle’s car, Ellie is excited to be out of her house and heading back to Jasper’s home.

  That’s fine, gorgeous. I will be here waiting for you. I’m looking forward to celebrating with you as well. See you soon, lover.

  Jasper turns to look at Ian, who is sitting across from him in the study.

  “Annabelle is bringing Ellie back to the house then they want to go to the club to celebrate. Why don’t you call Natalie and have her meet us there? I’m assuming you haven’t called and explained the situation to her yet?”

  Ian shifts in his seat and finishes the scotch in his glass.

  “I called her and told her that there was a family emergency. I had Miguel escort her into the party, but I have not talked to her since then. I figured I would do it the next time I saw her at the club. However, that’s a good idea and it would give the girls a chance to spend some time together.”

  Rising gracefully, Ian walks to the phone and dials Natalie’s number.

  “Natalie, it’s Ian.”

  “Oh. Hi, Ian.”

  “ I apologize for my abrupt departure this evening and wanted to see if you would like to go to the club with us shortly.”


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