Blood Moon (New Moon Series Book 2)

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Blood Moon (New Moon Series Book 2) Page 18

by Belle Harper

“They’re testing us now, pressing on our defences. Everyone else is out fighting, bring him to us. We’ll help him. Who is it?” one of the women questioned, and I looked back at her, recognizing she was someone’s mother, but I wasn’t sure whose. I felt guilty not knowing who it was that had been injured protecting Lexi. But they were in would form

  “Pack Rawlins,” I replied and lowered my head, seeing my body for the first time. My leg had all but healed, but the rain and blood had mixed, and ran like small rivers all down my body and causing the white tiles below my feet to turn pink.

  It didn’t stop Lexi though. Her body enveloped mine, and I wrapped her in my arms, trembling. My wolf was on edge, but was relieved to feel his mate in his arms.

  Father was right—I couldn’t control him. When a threat was there in front of me, he took over to protect what was mine.

  And Lexi was mine.

  Chapter Forty


  Maverick was standing there, naked, soaked with rain and blood. So much blood, it turned the floor pink beneath his feet. I let out a sob. I couldn’t believe this was really happening, but the vision of Maverick was all I needed as proof that it was. Alaric had said they wouldn’t fight tonight, that the full moon was tomorrow and he expected them to go to war then. This was a nightmare, and I had lived through enough of them to know this one was the biggest of them all.

  “Get blankets and towels. Bottles of water, warm water, and bandages,” one of the older ladies called out. There was a flurry of movement around me from the other women, Ada among them. She had told me she couldn’t believe this was happening, but wanted to help in any way she could. She didn’t want to be up the top with the children, neither did I. She was ready to put everything on the line and fight with us. For me. She was the most amazing friend I had ever had. But it was my time to protect her, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  The dining table was cleared and a blanket laid down as the women called out that the wolf was arriving.

  “Quick bring him here,” someone called out as Saint and guy I didn’t know carried a huge wolf inside and placed him gently on the table in front of us.

  It was then I heard a woman sob, her hand reaching out to the still wolf as she said, “Hux, oh god, baby.”

  Ada was there at Saint’s side, holding up a towel for him, and a bottle of water. Maverick stood back, a towel now wrapped around his waist as he watched the women tending to the lifeless wolf.

  “How come he isn’t healing?” someone voice shrieked.

  “I don’t understand?” Another questioned.

  They looked so lost as they ran their hands over his wet fur, covered in blood, twigs, and dirt.

  “Hux, baby. Wake up. God, please wake up,” a woman I assumed was his mother said. She had her hands on his face, trying to open his eyes. Her cry’s breaking something inside me. How could this happen. I had to help him, save him like I did with Galen, but I didn’t know how. Did I give him my blood? He wasn’t a vampire.

  I felt a pull to the dying wolf, my body stepping closer on it own accord, as I felt a warm sensation in my hand. I looked down, but nothing was there. It was if I could only sense it not see it. I stepped closer again, until I was beside the poor women sobbing over the wolf. Hux…Huxley Moore? Oh God, I had only just seen him last week at Walmart, I liked him, he was the only one not to sniff me at school.

  She didn’t push me away when I placed my hand, full of warmth on his head. It was if my body knew what to do, even though I had no idea what was happening. I only knew that Huxley was dying right in front of me and I needed to help him.

  My breath left my lungs as I felt the pain, so much pain. I gasped as I took it in. I felt Maverick behind me, holding me tight. He was speaking, but it was like he was underwater. I only felt Huxley, all his injuries, and my hands wandered his fur until I found the cause of all his pain.

  I uncovered a crescent shape, and the women around me gasped loudly. They started screaming and calling out to get Galen, but I placed my palm over the wound, I needed too. I wanted him to heal. At first, the pain was nothing compared to the pain I felt moments later. Then my body went ridged, I didn’t scream or flinch. I wanted to let go so badly but I knew I couldn’t until it was done. It felt like an eternity before the pain disappeared and I collapsed, Maverick catching me before I hit the ground.

  As my hearing returned, I looked up the table, and all eyes were on Huxley. The women’s eyes were red and filled with tears, shock and awe. They looked to me and then to where the wound was now healed

  “Hux, oh god. My baby, shift back. Shift so we can help you, love.”

  I looked over to see Ada, her hands flew to her mouth, then she turned to grab another towel and rushed to the table. Maverick helped me to stand, and I saw him. Hux, he was shivering, curled into himself, his body covered in blood, but his dark brown eyes found mine. He looked back to who I believed was his mother, and she stroked his dark wet curls from his forehead.

  “Huxley, how do you feel?” He let out a croak, and Ada was there in a flash, holding a bottle of water for him. He took it from her and downed it fast, I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea to drink that fast or not, but he didn’t seem to be sick form it. Ada placed another towel on him, then started running around and grabbing other supplies while the women took a step back, not understanding what had just happened.

  Hell, I didn’t even know what had just happened. I thought I healed him. No…I did heal him. I could still feel the pain lingering in my bones, it was the same pain I’d experienced when Callum bit me.

  “Better, I don’t hurt anymore,” he said as he looked at me, he held my gaze.

  Everyone now watched me, and I didn’t like the attention and I wasn’t sure what they were going to say. But when Huxley’s mom wrapped her arms around me, thanking me for saving her son over and over, I realized maybe this power I had was meant for healing. Not to hurt others or stop a vampire or shifter, but to heal others from them.

  Like how I could heat up Galen’s arm. He was cold and a normal person was warm, so I must’ve helped him. The tingling ant feeling I gave them all… Okay, I didn’t have an answer to that one. But I guessed that was why I couldn’t make them cold.

  I looked down at my hands and back to Huxley. He smiled and mouthed “Thank you,” before his mother was back to smothering him while he tried to bat her away. Ada seemed to really be a natural as her role as caregiver, and after what I just saw, I thought she’d make a great nurse.

  Saint hovered behind her, watching her every move as she touched Huxley. She tried to dry him with a towel, but Saint took the towel away and handed it to another woman. He turned Ada to him, I didn’t know what was happening, was Saint injured still?

  He pulled his towel from his waist and gave it to her, dipping his wet hair down to her. She hesitated and looked around the room, her eyes caught mine and her brows went up in confusion. What… she then put the towel on his head and dried his hair, smiling the whole time. Oh, jealous much, Maverick’s chest rumbled with a small chuckle, I let out a small laugh at the sight, and everyone turned to me.

  Galen thankfully came in just then, his hands going to my face, my arms, checking me out before looking over to Huxley. “Are you alright, what happened. Did they reach here?” Too many questions, too fast.

  “Galen…shhh,” Maverick’s voice was smooth and soft, and I loved feeling the words through his chest when he spoke, his voice deep and sexy. Everyone in the room placed their fingers on their lips. We wouldn’t speak about this here, since it wasn’t safe. And now I had a whole new skill set. I knew Galen didn’t realize what had happened here was me, my power until now.

  I felt drained and a little light headed. That was a lot to take in, I took in all Huxley’s pain. Last time that happened I passed out.

  “I need to sleep,” I mumbled and felt Maverick scoop me up into his arms, resting me against his chest.

  “Let’s get you some water and somewher
e to lay down, but best if you don’t sleep.” I felt Galen’s hand smooth over my brow and smiled a little using all the strength I had not to fall asleep from his light touch.

  “That makes me sleepy… keep doing it.” Galen’s fingers left my face and he pried open an eye. I groaned at the light. There was nothing wrong with a nap to recharge. I just needed to be ready again incase more are injured.

  “Don’t sleep.” Galen hissed at me, I opened my other eye and saw his two dark ones look down at me. His fangs poking out through his lips.

  “Oh, well if you’re going to look like that, I will stay awake.” His face pulled away slightly and I could feel Maverick chuckling again.

  “I agree with Lexi, I would stay awake for that look.” Galen just shook his head and gave us both a dazzling smile as he went off in search of some water.

  Maverick laid me down against his chest as he settled just away from all the commotion.

  “He is pretty hot when he goes full vamp, hey?” He looked down at me and I winked back up at him.

  “Lexi, Lexi… what am I going to do with you?” he teased, his eyes looked troubled but he was putting on a brave face. For me. For everyone here.

  “Kiss me?” I replied. Then I remembered he was fighting out there… biting other wolves, “on second thought… how about a rain-check on that kiss.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  I woke up in Maverick’s room. I was wearing his sweats and tee, and the light was filtering in through the small slit in the curtains. Ugh, too bright.

  “Hey, sleeping beauty,” Ada announced loudly in a perky voice which was just too much for first thing in the morning. As she came out of the bathroom, a towel around her head, dressed in a lovely sundress. I glanced around and saw that no one was in bed with me, but the sheets were all messed up, so they must have been here at one point.

  “They’re all good, just in a meeting. There are like, so many meetings today.” She jumped up on the bed beside me and took my hand. “How are you feeling? Did you want some water?”

  My throat felt dry, and I honestly felt like I’d spent the night doing shots and was paying for it now. My head even throbbed. One of those headaches? Yeah, they were back but not as bad as the first one, this was more like a dull ache behind my eyes.

  “Yeah, I feel pretty shit,” I rasped. She ran out the room, then back again, unscrewing the lid of a water bottle before handing it to me. The water was cool and refreshing.

  “Thanks, how is…” I didn’t want to say too much, just incase it was being kept a secret. I know my healing him was being kept a huge secret and so many people knew about it. But when she flopped down beside me, her hand flew up and landed behind her I wasn’t sure what that meant. I turned to Ada, her face beamed. This huge smile and glow in her cheeks.

  “Oh god, yeah, he’s doing great. Like… really, really great. He was up this morning and having breakfast, and said he wanted to come see you, but I said you weren’t ready yet,” she said, and my brows furrowed. Huh? When did Ada wake up, or go to bed?

  “You just saw him?” I asked, and she tilted her head from side to side then nodded as she glanced back to the door.

  “He’s across the hall in Ranger’s room. The other rooms were full, and Ranger gave his room to Pack Rawlins to rest in.” She came in real close and whispered, “Most of them are in wolf form. There are so many, and they’re all so pretty. Do you know how hard it is not to pet them all?” I leaned back into the pillow and smiled at Ada, thankful I mentioned the petting thing to her.

  “So, you just went in there… right now?” He eyes widened, as she reached the towel on her head and I laughed. She took it off and flicked the damp strands around. She looked so red now, someone was a little embarrassed. Which reminded me…

  “So what was up with you and Saint last night?” I asked, wiggling my brows at her and she just rolled her eyes, but a smirk formed on her lips. Oh yeah, something was going on.

  “I have no idea. He went all…caveman?” she said, throwing her hands up and laughed. I laughed too, because yes, he’d been a total caveman. He basically marked her right there in front of everyone when he took the towel, she was drying Huxley with and tossed it to someone else, then took the one he was wearing and asking her dry his hair? Which was so weird.

  There was knocking at the door, and Ada jumped up and skipped over to open it.

  “I brought up some food?” The voice was female, and I could sense she seemed a little unsure.

  “Come on in, Hazel, meet my best friends, Lexi,” Ada held her arm open inviting this Hazel into the room.

  A bright smile appeared at first, then dark brown eyes found me and her smile widened. She had blonde hair nestled on top of her head in a messy bun and had to be in her late twenties.

  “Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m here with Ben, Galen’s friend. He’s currently stuck inside Galen’s basement.” She smiled and shrugged. “I guess that’s what happens when you date a vampire who can only come out at night.”

  Oh… shit. Ben, Galen had told me a little about him. How my blood had healed him. He just gave a little to him, to see if it could after pack Russet had bitten him with their venom. While he was protecting his girlfriend from them. I wasn’t upset with Galen for not telling me, I was grateful that my blood could do that for him. Especially that he was protecting Hazel against Raff’s dirty, rotten uncles.

  She cleared her throat. “I was told I could come here and help out and…I don’t know. I’d love to make a friend who’s also dating a vampire. Until this morning, I didn’t know any other women who had a vampire boyfriend. And I guess really, two weeks ago, I didn’t even know they existed.”

  She placed a tray full of fruit and pancakes beside me, then pulled a chocolate bar from her pocket and handed it to me, I took it without question, and she smiled.

  “Okay, you brought me chocolate, we can be friends.”

  Ada laughed. “Wow, if that was all it took to be your friend, I should have started with that.” I laughed too.

  “Hey, you helped out Ranger with the whole chocolate buying idea. And you didn’t have to work hard to be my friend. Did you?” I wasn’t too sure now if I was a terrible friend or not. I wasn’t the best at the whole thing but I was getting better.

  “I’m only joking, Lexi. You were easy to stalk and force into being my friend.”

  It felt good, just talking like we were just three regular women, and nothing bad was going on… just for a minuet at least. We spent the morning in bed, eating, hanging out, and talking about boys and boy problems. Pretty sure every wolf in the house could hear us, But there were hundreds of conversations going on, so they would’ve had to try really hard to overhear us. If they wanted too. Honestly I thought it would be boring for them to want to listen to us and our weird ramblings.

  “I’m just gonna go check on Hux. I’ll be back in a minute,” Ada said, rolling off the bed and running into the bathroom. I looked to Hazel who also noticed and she smiled that knowing smile.

  “Um…Ada, the door is that way,” I called out, and I could hear her clicking something open, as she mumbled something to herself.

  “Yeah, I know. Just…gotta…do something. Okay?”

  When she came out, I could see she had put on some eye makeup, and her blonde hair was brushed and curled to perfection.

  “We won’t wait up,” I teased her. She turned and stuck her tongue out at me as she walked out the door, I laughed. Looked like someone had a crush on Hux… I hoped Noah or Saint didn’t find out. Actually, pretty sure Saint worked that out last night with his caveman stunt.

  Once Ada was gone, Hazel got really serious.

  “How do you like, share the time between all of them?” she asked. She was still having trouble wrapping her head around the fact that I had four mates. And to be honest, I’d been feeling like that was something I was struggling with. Sharing was hard but must be harder on them as they all have to share me.

  “Huh… Actually, it’s hard…but thinking about it now, they make it easy when they pair off. Ranger and Raff…Galen and Maverick. Huh, I only just realized that now.”

  I couldn’t really help and compare notes with the relationship Galen, and I had with what she had with Ben. One, Ben was a night vampire, so he couldn’t come be out during the day. And two, Galen didn’t drink from me. She told me how much it turned her on and that it was the most amazing sex she’d ever had.

  And yeah, I had that brewing over in my head. I won’t be forgetting that information anytime soon. Maybe that was also a reason why Galen did want to drink from me last week. Because I would turn into a crazy horny rabbit and jump him. The thought brought a smile to my face.

  It took forever for Ada to return, and when she did, she brought another woman with her. This one was young with short black hair that shaped her face perfectly. I loved it. When I turned back to Ada, her grin was off the charts. She was blushing and looked like she was about to break out into a musical number.

  “Oh…I think someone has a huge crush,” I sung, and her eyes snapped to me, telling me to shut it. I held my hands up and said, “Okay, okay. You can tell me later… about your big crush.” I could see her cheeks get even pinker.

  The new women closed the door behind her, turned to us, and chuckled, “Oh, you would be right. She’s crushing hard.” Ada spun and pointed her finger at her, then to her lips, signaling to be quiet.

  “Shut it, you. This is Kiara. Remember I told you about her, Lexi? She is my sister Destiny’s best friend. She was supposed to have her commitment ceremony this weekend, but it’s been postponed with everything that’s been going on here. But yeah, she has two…guys.”

  We all watched as she struggled with the word. What was going on…I growled to myself. Galen. He’d compelled her so she couldn’t talk about shifters outside Pack Kiba, so she couldn’t say it now. He should have done that in a way she could talk to everyone. Ugh.


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