In the Heart of Forever

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In the Heart of Forever Page 22

by Jo-Anna Walker

“Yes, Jesse. I’m your uncle.”

  “I…how…” My thoughts were scattered at the new revelation.

  “Let’s sit.” He motioned to a couch in the corner.

  I looked back at the receptionist and she nodded encouragingly. Looking up at Rave, he just shrugged but his eyes were bright, like he was excited for me.

  We walked over to the couch and sat while Stanley…my uncle…grabbed a chair and sat across from us.

  “So, I’m sorry to drop this on you so suddenly. I’m sure you’re wanting to visit your mom and all.” He paused. “I know she’d be happy to see you, Jesse.”

  Tears filled my eyes and I forced them back. Rave placed a hand on the back of my neck, rubbing his thumb up and down softly. “So how come I’ve never met you or even heard of you before?”

  Stanley cleared his throat. “Well, when your mom married Allan, it was like she fell off the face of the earth. He wouldn’t let her keep in contact with anyone from before.”

  I swallowed hard, memories of Allan, his abuse and what I had done, flooded my brain. My breathing picked up and my palms became sweaty.

  Rave leaned down. “Breathe, baby.”

  “Jesse?” Stanley asked, his voice filling with concern.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I took a deep breath and then another.

  “That’s it, baby. Breathe with me.” Rave took a deep breath.

  I took another breath, easing my racing heart and slowly opened my eyes.

  “That’s my girl. He can’t hurt you anymore. I’m here. I’m here now, Jesse,” Rave said, soothingly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” Stanley said softly.

  I swallowed hard, forcing the memories to the back of my mind where they would be lost forever but definitely not forgotten. “It’s fine. Continue, please.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Rave answered for me.

  “I’m sorry and your name is…” Stanley asked him.

  “Rave Black.”

  “And I assume he’s your boyfriend?” Stanley asked me.

  I nodded. “I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for him,” I murmured. Rave seemed to sit up taller at my words, making me grin.

  Stanley smiled. “That’s good. I’m glad. I want what’s best for you seeing as you are my niece. I can’t tell you…” His voice cracked. “I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to finally meet my sister’s child. You look so much like her.”

  Tears welled in my eyes.

  “I’m sorry. It’s been an emotionally trying day.” He sighed. “Ok, where to begin?”

  “Can I see my mom?” I asked, hopeful.

  “I just need to go over one thing with you and then you can. Your father passed away a couple of years ago,” he stated.

  My eyes widened. “My father? He left my mom before I was born. He died?”

  Stanley looked at me, oddly. “You didn’t know that? Allan never…” He shook his head. “Of course he didn’t.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

  He took a deep breath. “He did leave your mom, yes, but he knew she was pregnant with you and still sent her cheques every month to help pay her bills and for you. Well he passed away a couple of years ago due to ill health and he left everything to you as you were his only child.”

  Shock tore through me. “Ok, so…”

  Stanley smiled. “Jesse, your father was rich.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “He was the owner and CEO of an oil company and a year before he died, they struck oil. A lot of it, too, and he became rich. Everyone that worked for him became rich. He tried sending your mom some money but he couldn’t find her.”

  I shook my head. “How do you know all of this?”

  “I was your father’s attorney.”

  Chapter 37

  “I’m sorry…but…” I stuttered.

  “I know. It’s a lot to process but I just wanted to let you know that everything, his house, vehicles, the company, was all left to you, Jesse.”

  Tears welled in my eyes. I would be safe. I had money to take care of myself and I didn’t have to leave. As much as I hated my school, I didn’t actually hate the city. I would get my high school diploma online but I wasn’t going back there and then a thought crossed me. “Wait, what’s the catch?”

  Stanley frowned. “There is no catch. You just have to sign on the dotted line saying that you understand everything I’ve told you and it’s all yours. The company will be run by the vice president until you turn twenty-five but everything else you can touch now. Even the money.”

  “I’m only seventeen. What am I going to do with a house, cars…” I swallowed. “and money?”

  “Well, baby, that’s what I’m here to help you with.”

  My stomach flipped at the sound of a woman’s voice. I turned and saw my mother standing beside me. My mouth hung open and I stared. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was pulled back in a messy bun and her skin was pale but she looked happy. Tears welled in my eyes but I couldn’t move. I was frozen in my seat.

  “I’m sorry, Stan but I couldn’t wait anymore. I just needed to see my baby girl.”

  “Jesse.” Rave prodded, pushing me lightly. That snapped me out of my trance and I rose to my feet and threw myself in my mother’s arms. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and we both sobbed.

  “Oh mommy. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for what happened. I never meant for you to fall down the stairs. I…” I hiccupped.

  “Shhh…it’s not your fault.” My mother’s voice cracked.

  “Mom, I didn’t know. I would have come sooner. I didn’t know you were awake. Allan…he…” I choked.

  “What the hell did he do now?” She lifted my head, holding my face in her hands. Anger flashed through her eyes.

  “He told me you didn’t want to see me after he finally told me that you were awake. He made it sound like you hated me.” Tears ran down my cheeks.

  “I could never hate you.” She kissed my forehead, wiping my tears away like a mother would.

  “I know. I know that now,” I sobbed.

  “What else happened?” she asked, searching my face. Her brown eyes hardened as she looked me over.

  “I…nothing else happened,” I lied.


  I smiled, missing my mother’s candid language.

  “Jesse Diane Dawson, you tell me what else that bastard put you through so I can cut out his scrotum and shove it down his throat.”

  Stanley and Rave groaned.

  I tried laughing but knew my mother wasn’t joking. “Allan…he…”

  “Miss Dawson, maybe you should sit down.” Rave suggested from behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “Why hello. And you are?” Her hard eyes searched my boyfriend’s face, giving him a motherly once over.

  “This is Rave Black, my boyfriend,” I told her.

  “Rave.” She thought a moment, still looking at him with scrutiny and then her face brightened. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” Rave said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch, my mom following behind me.

  “Rave, I can’t tell her,” I whispered.

  He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Yes, you can. I’m here. Just remember that.”

  I smiled, nodded and sat on the couch, in between him and my mom.

  “Rave, how about you and I go get us some drinks?” Stanley suggested.

  My eyes widened. “No.” Everyone looked at me. My cheeks heated. “I’m sorry.” I turned to my mom. “Please, I need him here with me.”

  She nodded in understanding. “Stan, I’ll take a coffee, please.”

  “One coffee, coming up.” He smiled and headed down the hall.

  “Now baby, please tell me what’s going on.” Her eyes were filled with worry and her face looked like it had aged in seconds.

  Rave grabbed my hand and I took a deep breath. Knowing he was there, helped me i
mmensely. “Mom…I…” My voice cracked. Taking another deep breath, I continued. “Allan beat me.”

  My mom gasped, clapping a hand over her mouth.

  “And…he…” My heart sped up, my breathing quickening.

  “Baby, breathe.” Rave had sat up and whispered in my ear. “Breathe for me,” he said, running a hand up and down my arm.

  Taking a deep breath, I went on. “He r-raped me,” I whispered. That was the first time those words had ever left my lips since telling Rave and surprisingly, I had felt better after saying them.

  “Oh, God. Baby.” Tears rolled down my mother’s cheeks and she wrapped me in a hug.

  Rave had let go of my hand so I could wrap my arms around her neck but he still touched me, rubbing circles over my back. Tears streamed down my cheeks as we both sobbed in each other’s arms. All of the emotions bubbled up from within. Tears of joy at having my mother back, tears of anger and hatred that I had caused her pain and tears of affection that Rave was there being my knight in shining armor.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t know. I had no idea. I was going to get us out. After the first time he hit me. When you walked in on our fight.” She lifted her head and grabbed my face in her hands. “That’s what we were fighting over. I was going to leave him and then he pushed you into me and I fell. I’m so sorry that I left you with him.” Guilt swam in her eyes at the thought of leaving her daughter with that monster.

  “It’s not your fault, mom.”

  “Where is he? Did you leave?” She asked, frantically looking around the room like he would all of a sudden show up.

  I frowned. “I…” I took a deep breath. “Mom, Allan is in jail.”

  She gasped, clapping a hand over her mouth. “Good. It’s about damn time, too.”

  We explained to her how the cops were able to get video proof of him attacking me at Rave’s apartment. It had felt like a heavy load had been lifted from my chest at confessing everything. My mother didn’t hate me like Allan had said. Allan would no longer get his hands on me and I was with Rave.

  “I’m so glad you got away. Even after everything he did to you. You survived.” She held me at arm’s length. “You survived, baby.”

  I nodded.

  She hugged me again.

  “Rave and his brother, Ren, got me out of there a week ago. They walked in on…”

  “I’m sorry, Miss Dawson. I tried to get to Jesse quickly but…” his voice cracked.

  I turned to him. “Hey, you did get me out.”

  Rave’s green eyes glossed over. “But not soon enough.”

  I placed a hand on his cheek. “I’m out now, that’s all that counts. Because of you, I am free.”

  He leaned into my hand, kissing my palm.

  “My little girl’s in love.” My mom sighed happily.

  My cheeks heated. “I am.”

  Rave grinned and kissed my head as Stanley came back with my mother’s coffee and sat across from us again.

  “Stan, we don’t have to worry about Allan any longer.” My mother grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. “We’re both free.”


  “You care deeply for that boy.”

  I looked up at her as we walked arm in arm back to her room. “I do. Very much so.”

  “Have you…” She didn’t finish her question but I knew what she was getting at. My cheeks heated giving her the answer. “Was he good to you? Patient after everything?”

  “Yes, very. Probably too patient.” I sighed.

  We entered her room and walked to her bed. She sat on the edge, tapping the place beside her. I joined her and hugged her arm. “I can tell that you’re in love with him. He definitely loves you. The way he looks at you and touches you. It’s like he’s protecting you.”

  “He was the first person I let in since everything happened. For the past couple of years since your accident, I put walls up and I had issues letting them down, but now, I do love him, mom. With everything in me. I do.”

  She smiled and hugged me close. “I’m glad you have him here for you. He’s a keeper, that boy.”

  I laughed. “How long do you have to stay here?”

  She smiled. “Until the doctors feel that everything is fine up here,” she said, pointing to her head.

  I sighed.

  “It’ll be fine. You have Rave and you are now rich, my dear.”

  I had forgotten that part. I was rich. Me? Wouldn’t that be cake in Melanie’s face. I giggled at that thought.

  “What’s so funny?”

  My cheeks heated. “Oh, remember the Triple M’s I told you about?”

  She huffed. “Yes.”

  “Well I was just thinking how funny it would be if they found out I was rich.”

  My mother laughed. “I probably should tell you as a parent that two wrongs don’t make a right, blah blah blah…so we’ll just pretend I said all of that. Ok?”

  I giggled. “Ok.” I thought a moment. “When you do get released, did you want to come stay with me at my new house?”

  Her breath hitched. “I would love to.”

  Chapter 38

  “So did that go better than what you thought?” Rave asked as we waited for Stanley to finish talking to my mom.

  I smoothed my fingers over the back of Rave’s hand that was curled in mine and smiled. “Yes. Way better.”

  “So, now that you’re rich, you going to leave me for a better man?” Rave joked.

  My eyes snapped to his and I frowned. “No. Now that I’m rich, you going to leave me for a better woman?”

  His eyes flashed mischievously. “There is no better woman for me.”

  I smiled. “No?”

  “No. I don’t fall easy but I fell hard for you, baby.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips along mine, sending shivers down my spine.

  “You fall for girls frequently?” I teased.

  He smirked. “No. I may be only eighteen but I know how I feel about you. As soon as I saw you in Mr. Deel’s class, I had to get to know you. Even if we only stayed friends, I would have been fine with that knowing you were in my life.” He kissed my lips. “When I found out you had the same love for music and books that I had, I knew I had to have you. My brother told me that if I could find a girl who listens to heavy metal and loves a good classic novel like I do, to not let her go.” He kissed my nose.

  “Really? He said that?” I asked, my heart racing.

  He nodded. “So I knew I had to have you. I was drawn to you. I could see the pain in your eyes and I knew right then that I had to protect you. When I walked into your room a week ago, I thought I was twelve again. Going back to when my sister was raped by our stepfather.” His voice cracked.

  “Rave, you don’t think less of me after what has happened, do you?” Allan deserved to rot in jail for the shit he did to us.

  Rave wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me against him. “I love you. None of this is your fault. I would never think less of you.”

  He had a point. Who knew that from that very first day of seeing each other in Mr. Deel’s class that we would find out how much in common we really had. I opened my mouth to reply when a warm hand landed on my shoulder.

  I turned and saw my mother smiling down at me. “I have to get some rest. Doctors’ orders apparently.”

  I frowned, not wanting to leave her yet. I stood up and walked right into her open arms. “Can I come see you tomorrow?”

  “Of course. Come see me every day until I’m out of here and then I’ll join you in that big house of yours.” She laughed.

  “I love you, mom.” Tears leaked from my eyes as I snuggled against her.

  “I love you too, baby girl.” She sniffed.


  “How does it feel owning your own home?” Rave asked, gently placing a hand on my shoulder.

  I sighed and marveled at the wealth around me. A pristine neighborhood surrounded us in a classy part of the city. The closer we got to my new home, the bigger the houses we

  How could my father have lived so close but never visit me?

  The large brick home followed by a long gravel driveway stood before us.

  “Are you okay?”

  I looked up at Rave and smiled lightly. “A little overwhelmed,” I answered, staring at the door knob and held the key in the lock.

  “Take your time, Jesse,” Stanley said.

  I turned to Rave and he nodded. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door to my house. My house. My home.

  I opened the door all the way and stepped into a large foyer and gasped. Right in front of us, stood a large staircase leading to the second floor.

  “Wow, Jesse.” Rave’s voice filled with awe as he walked with me through the foyer.

  “Now, there are five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living room, a den, kitchen, a library and a four car garage with three vehicles in it currently. Do you have your license, Jesse?” Stanley asked me.

  I shook my head.

  “I’ll teach you, baby,” Rave offered.

  I smiled and nodded.

  Stanley led us through the house. It wasn’t too big but big enough that it would take a while for me to get used to where everything was in this place. “The upstairs is easy to navigate through; it’s just bedrooms and two bathrooms up there. One is in the master bedroom and then one is in the hallway. Everything else is on this level with the den and laundry area being in the basement. There’s a pool in the backyard and Mrs. Jones is the maid. She comes by every other day to clean. Other than that, you’re on your own with the house.” Stanley explained.

  “I have a maid?”

  He smiled. “You do.”

  “Is the pool open?” I asked.

  He nodded. “It is. Heated, too.”

  The house was fully furnished. I didn’t know my father at all but seeing his things made me somewhat like him. I didn’t know him. I didn’t know his history with my mother. I didn’t hate him. My mother told me when I was little that she didn’t get along with his parents so he ended up leaving her. I didn’t know how true that was but it wasn’t my place to pry.

  We walked into the kitchen, passing the library, living room and a bathroom on the way. I shook my head at the size of this house. My house.


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