Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)

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Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) Page 37

by Kara Hart

  “Yeah. It ain’t gonna’ be easy.” He said, “But I think I know where we can get some money. Hey Pops, you remember that security guard at Northern Sun Bank?”

  “Who? Daryl?” He eagerly took another drag of nicotine, holding it in for as long as he could.

  “Yeah! That’s the guy. He still working there?” He asked him. I was starting to feel suspicious of this plan.

  “What else would the idiot be doin’? ‘Course he’s still there. He’ll be there till he falls over and croaks.” He started laughing, but as the smoke from his cigarette entered his lungs, he couldn’t help but cough loudly. I went to help him, but he motioned me away. “Oh, I’m okay. Just not used to the smoke.” He said.

  “Think he’d do me a favor. For old time’s sake?” Adam said, glaring out the window again.

  His father lowered his tone, took another drag, and eyed him suspiciously. “What you thinking of doing, boy?”

  “Thinking about robbing the place, pops.” He said matter-of-factly. I ran my hands through my short hair.

  “You ever think about telling me anything, Adam?” They both looked at me in silence.

  “The girl’s right, Adam. You ain’t thinking straight. Why don’t we talk about this over din—”

  “I made up my mind on the drive up. It’s what I wanna’ do.” Adam said sternly, eying the closed forest.

  There was a brief silence in the kitchen and I avoided eye contact with both of them completely. I stared at the red chili, stirring with anger. I guess I was just along for the ride. But just then, his father’s words echoed in my head: You gotta’ trust in my son, kid. He ain’t gonna’ let you down. And for the first time in days, I decided to put my faith in the man.

  “You got a plan?” Bruce asked him, taking over the cooking.

  “Sure do.” He muttered.

  “Well then, run it by me. Don’t just sit there.”

  “Alright, alright. But I’m gonna’ need Daryl. If we don’t have him, we’re fucked.”

  “I’ll talk to him. He’s still in that cabin in the woods. After all these years, he’s still living the life of a hermit. I suppose I can relate.” He said, tasting a bit of chili and mumbling, “…needs some more salt…”

  A cool breeze blew in through the window. “We follow a similar plan like last time.” He began speaking. Almost immediately Bruce interrupted him.

  “Are you crazy, boy? The last time didn’t work. Do you remember at all why the gang broke up? It ain’t cause of your entrepreneurship. It was ‘cause the plan backfired. We triggered the god damn alarm inside the vault!” He slammed his fist onto the table. Our glasses shook. “Now, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that again. You’ll get yourself jailed. Or worse, you’ll get killed like Hector.”

  “We’re not going to trigger any alarms this time, dammit. I had a guy scope the place out. They’re under construction for the next month and a half. The whole block is closed. No cars can get in or out. Now, I have it on good authority that the vault alarm is disabled for the time being. All we have to do is disable the front alarms, blackout the cameras, and follow the script. We do that, we have 90 seconds to get in and get out. If we can do that, we come out with a couple million greenbacks.” There was a fire in Adam’s eyes. He was determined. I could see that. I just hoped he knew what he was doing.

  “Well, son. I just hope you’re right. I really do. Because if you aren’t, they’ll post you up and hang you from your neck. After all you’ve stole, sold, and killed, the public won’t give a damn if they burn you alive.”

  “Yeah, I know it. But I have to try. For Rose’s sake. I gotta’ do it for Rose.” He looked at me. I reached my hand out for him and he squeezed it hard, staring directly into my eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul. My heart swelled up at the thought.

  “Let’s do it.” I said. “Let’s rob ‘em blind!”

  Bruce started laughing. “That’s the spirit, kid! But eat my damn chili first, will ya?” He scooped a big portion out for each of us, sloshing it into our bowls and yelled, “Dinner is served!”

  I grabbed my bowl and ran to the table. Truth was, I was starving. I’d been surviving off of Red Vines and hot dogs the past two days. And before that I hadn’t eaten at all. Being on the run was tough on the stomach, so I couldn’t help but stuff my face. Once the smell of that chili entered my nose, there was no stopping me.

  “Hey, settle down now.” Bruce said, tapping my hand. I looked up at him like an angry wolf. “We haven’t said grace yet!”

  “Grace?” I said, my mouth full of food. My hands were still in the scooping position.

  He held out his hand for me to grab. “Yes, grace. Just because we’re hardened men, don’t mean we don’t pray for forgiveness. Where would we be without the lord anyway?” He winked. He coughed and cleared his throat. “Dear lord, thank you for this wonderful world we live in. Thank you for the excess of money, food, and people we can rob. Thank you for the beer, although you could have given me more of it tonight. Thank you for your son’s sacrifice. Thanks even more for all my friends’ sacrifices…”

  Adam looked up, angrily. “Dad…that’s blasphemous.”

  “…and most of all, thank you for my son and new daughter in law. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

  “Amen.” We all repeated back. I blushed at the words “daughter in law.”

  “Who said we were getting married?” I asked him, taking another bite of chili.

  “You’ll get married soon enough. I can sense these things. It’s a father’s sixth sense.” His beard lifted upward as he grinned.

  “Well, I did promise her.” Adam said, smiling.

  I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “He did?!” His father exclaimed. “Well god damn! That’s a blessing if I ever heard of one! I think a congratulations is in order!”

  He ran over to the fridge and threw over a few more cans of beer. Bruce popped one open and gulped it down hurriedly. Adam didn’t bother to open it.

  “What’s wrong son? Is one beer too much for ya?” He laughed and turned his head to wink at me.

  “We celebrate after we finish the heist.” He said, staring out into space again. He was always so contemplative. I guess I was grateful for that.

  Chapter Fifteen

  We spent the whole night arguing over the plan, while Bruce kept drinking. He was getting drunker and drunker, and drunker and drunker. And as hours passed, he was stumbling over himself, yelling loudly throughout the house.

  “YOU CAN’T JUST WALK INTO A BANK AND EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE ALL HUNKY DORY, ADAM! YOU JUST CAN’T…NOW, NOW…LEMME TELL YOU WHAT, BOY…” He wasn’t making any sense and I could tell Adam was getting fed up with the discussion.

  Eventually, I had to interject. “Hey, Adam. Why don’t we go outside for a second…” I whispered.

  “OH, YEAH. GO OUTSIDE WITH YERR DARLING LITTLE WIFE!” He practically screamed at us.

  Adam turned to him and gave him a direct stare. “If you weren’t my father, I would knock you on your ass.” He said. Then he spit on the wood floor and cursed, “Boy.”

  Bruce simply turned around and stumbled back to the dinner table, where there were half eaten bowls of chili, crumbs of bread, and dirty silverware scattered. He was mumbling to himself something like, “I’ll show you father…” And other things that didn’t quite add up. I could see why Adam wanted to get straight.

  When we walked outside Adam turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Look, here’s the plan. I’ve got a guy in security that works the bank. You know the guy I mentioned earlier?”

  “Daryl?” I asked.

  “Exactly. He’ll switch the alarms off for us. Now, a friend of mine tipped me off not too long ago that they’re doing some serious construction inside and out of the building. So things are going to be a little unfocused for them. We evade the cameras. Never make eye contact. You good on that?”

  I nodded my head, not exactly sure if that was the
right answer or not. Nevertheless, this was the plan and I had to follow it, right?

  He continued, “We go in, guns out, masks on. We do not shoot. I’m going to repeat that. We don’t fucking shoot a thing unless they’re shooting at us. If a gun goes off, we’re fucked. And I’m not about to be killed by no cop. Now, when we get in the bank, there won’t be any security to stop us. Daryl will let us through. He’s got the whole squad on his side, so they’ll be compliant. We just gotta’ yell, ‘get the fuck down on the ground.’ As long as it inspires fear in their hearts, we’re good.”

  I breathed in deep.

  “You still with me?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m with you. Just never thought I’d be a bank robber.”

  “Kinda’ exciting, ain’t it?” He smiled.


  “Okay, so once everyone drops to the floor, we have about 90 seconds left. We run towards the teller. Just let me do the talking. We don’t want them knowing you’re some little girl.”

  “Hey!” I punched his arm.

  “Ow, okay, okay. I get it. You’re not a little girl. Still, you get what I’m saying. We move past the tellers. They don’t have much money and we’re aiming for the vault. I’ll set two c-4’s to detonate the walls. We grab the money and get the fuck out of there. That’s it. 90 seconds. If we get away with this, we’ll get our dream, kid. We’ll get the freedom we’ve practically bled for. Think you can do that?” He looked me square in the eye.

  “You think too little of me, Adam. I can do anything you can do.” I said, feeling slightly proud of myself, having survived thus far.

  “You’re right. I’m proud of you, kid. You’re doing good. It’ll all be over soon, I promise.”

  I grabbed his strong biceps and felt the raised skin where his tattoos were. The words “Courage MC” stuck out in the center. “Adam?” I whispered.

  “Yeah, Rose?”

  “Will you lay with me in the grass? Just for a little bit?” Even though we had a lot of alone time, it had been spent on other things. This whole trip had been us running from something. For once I just wanted to lay down and be with the man I adored. Just once…

  He looked at the patch of grass in front of us. “Sure thing, kid.” He said. I could tell he wanted it too, for his eyes were a bit misty. “I guess we need some real time together, before our possible demise.”


  “Sorry, just a little joke.” He put his arms around me and we both sat down on the cold patch of grass. “You got me to protect you. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  I wrapped my arms around his warm body and felt his heavy heart beat against his chest. Thud, Thud, Thud… I had never felt this comfortable in my life. Despite all that we had gone through, it was here that I yearned to be.

  “I know you won’t. I trust you, Adam.” I looked up at him as he gazed into my glowing eyes. He leaned forward and I felt his warm lips press against mine. His tongue slowly entered my open mouth and soon enough we were holding one another in a locked embrace of passion. Both our hands felt around the curvatures of our body and goose bumps instantly formed around my body. He held my face in his hands, caressing my cheeks and running his thumb across my temple, next to my eyelash.

  “God, I love you…” He whispered with his rugged deep voice. Out of all the motorcycle badasses in the world, I found the one man who kept his passion for me. And I was the luckiest girl in the world.

  “You know, I’ve loved you since the first day I met you.” I said. I was breathing heavy. I could barely contain my feelings. I felt on the verge of tears.

  “You have?” He asked back.

  “Yes. The minute you knew what book I was reading…it was like I had known you for years. No, it was like I had already spent many lives with you before. This – being with you here – it’s heaven.”

  He kissed me again and replied, “Well, kid. It’s actually Hell, but I’d go through all the Hell in the world just to be by your side.”

  I trembled with desire and love, and passion. I felt strange, like all these emotions were tumbling inside of me, but had no way of escaping. It was as if their only purpose was to be a declaration of our love. So I let them sit there inside me. And I waited for him to discover them, like an early gift on Christmas Eve.

  “I need you now.” I said, feeling the bristles on his face. I ran my hands downward and felt his rock hard chest and abs, chiseled from years of real hard work. He had fought for so many decades for freedom, for his clan, and it all came around to me. I was the end result.

  I pushed my hand down even further, running my fingers across his thin happy trail and smooth muscle line that ran down to his pelvis. “Rose…” He moaned, eyes closed. I made my way down until my hand was in his pants. I slowly wrapped my small palm around his huge member. That familiar feeling – flashbacks of our first time in his desert palace ran through my head. That was incredible. But this was something else. This was a moment of our love. Before, that was lust, pure and simple.

  I held him in my hands, feeling his heart beat pulse within his shaft. He breathed in deeply and soon I felt his hand clasp around my breasts, feeling my tight nipples. He lightly squeezed, tugging forward and bringing my body closer to him. We didn’t kiss this time. Instead, our faces lay centimeters apart, fixed on our heated desire for one another. I felt his warm breath hit my cheek and my blood started to boil. I needed him so badly, I felt as if I would die if I didn’t have him.

  I began stroking his thick member, feeling every ridge of bone and cartilage. I fell forward and kissed his stomach.

  “Fuck, Rose.” He said, “I need to take you. Now.” He flipped me over onto my stomach. Sure enough, I felt his hands grab my waist as he positioned himself over me.

  “That feels so incredible,” I breathed. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” He moaned my name as he pressed the ridge of his hard cock against my center. I started to unravel, coming completely undone. He lowered his body down below me and pressed his mouth against me. My wet heat radiated through the thin layer of cotton that pressed against his lips. “Take them off,” I pleaded, as his tongue lay flat against my sensitive core. “Please, Adam.”

  “Fuck me…” I moaned. It was us against the world. This was love. This was everything.

  My hands clutched at the loose blades of glass, delicate in nature. I grabbed ahold and they tore from the ground. This was their destiny: to be destroyed by our love. The finality of mankind and our planet. Death. But first, there was love and all the pleasures that were born from that. He spit down onto my delicate folds and rubbed the sticky saliva in with his dirty palm. We hadn’t showered in days, yet I never felt so aroused by someone. I smelled his cologne, mixed in with his natural scent, and I trembled with pleasure.

  He positioned his throbbing cock against my lips and pushed firmly. We both moaned in unison, “Mmm…” My cheek lay flat against the grass, moving only when he pushed inward.

  “Oh, god… How can someone feel so perfect?” He asked himself. He grabbed my ass, feeling my cheeks between his fingers and palm, and lightly smacked it. He watched my flesh jiggle with each push from his pelvis and he smiled through grit teeth. “That’s right…” He moaned. He was utterly lost within me.

  I was willing to offer him everything. I reached behind and spread my cheeks as he pushed forward. He grabbed my wrist and held tightly. “Never let go!” I yelled.

  “You think I’d do that?” He grinned. “It feels too good to hold onto you like this.”

  With his other hand, he grabbed my thick hair and ran his fingers through the silky strands. He bent forward to smell my scent, as if sniffing a flower. He grunted and forced himself deeper.

  “Fuck!” I groaned. I was lost in his excess.

  His huge balls slapped against my clit. He gripped my hair tightly and pulled it back as much as he could. Now he had me under his control. He began riding me, as if he were an ancient Roman warrior riding a stallion. “Take me!
” I yelled, imagining him conquering cities, decimating armies, all in the name of our love. When I thought about it, there weren’t too many differences between him and those ancient warriors. I smiled at this realization and closed my eyes, feeling every push he gave to me.

  He soon pulled out of me, breathing heavily. His muscles looked huge in the shadowy moonlight. His tattoos were vibrant and tough. He pushed me onto my back and threw my legs over his shoulders, sliding his cock deep inside me. This time, he ran his large thumb around my clit, working me up to a frenzy. How was I supposed to control myself now? I couldn’t. I bit my lower lip and enjoyed my man. I still hardly believed I had him all to myself.

  He grabbed my thighs, feeling my smooth creamy skin. “My angel…” He whispered. When he looked at me, his eyes lit up. All of our troubles washed away in this moment. His hands moved upward, towards my waist and ribs. I sighed.

  “I think I’m going to explode…” I whispered, my mouth hanging open in total shock from the surmounting pleasure.

  “Me too. Get on top of me.” He commanded. There was hardly any time to debate him. He picked me up and set me on top of him. I took control, gyrating my hips against his pelvis. I drove him inside, feeling every inch disappear over and over again. “Cum…” He kept whispering, almost as if he were taunting me. “Cum…”

  I closed my eyes and felt that familiar tingling pressure rise up from inside my core. Up and up, into my pelvis and stomach, the invisible hairs on my arms and neck stuck up like static electricity, and I felt myself start to shake and lose control. He rubbed my clit and pressed his mouth around my nipples, and I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer. “Fuck…” I mumbled, feeling my head start to spin. I fell forward, arching my back, scraping against his pelvis. My body started to quake, and the sound of my screams echoed throughout the forest around us.

  He held my trembling thighs and kissed at my stomach. “There’s nothing I like more than pleasing you.” He said. Then he threw me back onto my spine, forcing my legs apart. “Now open up for me. I want to lose myself inside of you.”


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