Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)

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Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) Page 39

by Kara Hart

  “I’m listening.” I said, though I could barely contain my anger.

  “Well, it got deep, her and I. And soon enough, she was trying to convince me to let her join in on my trips down south. This was something you didn’t do. Maybe other crews let that fly, but not ours. We had tight rules. We were a family. Brianna was just some outside bitch who was trying to ruin our plans, according to the rest of the group.” He lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply. “I wasn’t in a good place back then. We were both doing coke everyday. Sometimes we would go all night, listening to Black Sabbath and talking about my future. She always had ideas for me. She always knew what was best for me. Of course, the guys were right. She had self-interests. However, we didn’t know it went as far as it did.”

  “So what happened?” I asked, feeling my body loosen up a bit.

  “Well, I did what I had to do. I got word of a big business deal, one that could make us millions. And I told her she could come. But as soon as word got out, my own father kicked me off the job. And he scolded me in front of everyone, including her. He knew she was trouble from the first day he met her. He was older than I was, more experienced. He had met girls like her before. Well, she didn’t quite like that. She left in a drunken, drug-fueled rage. And the next thing I knew, she had settled with Jorge. She was with him now.”

  Daryl shook his head breathed out loudly. “Boy do I remember that. Your father was on the verge of ringing your goddamn neck.”

  “You bet he was. And I deserved it too. But I had a new plan. One that would make us even more money than the deal down south. Can you guess what that was?”

  Daryl laughed. “I’ll give you a hint…”

  I cleared my throat, “The bank heist, huh…”

  “You got it. So I went over the plan. Right in front of Jorge and Brianna, I gave out every detail. We had Daryl on our side, the blueprints to the bank, and God knows we had the manpower on our side to win. But one thing we didn’t have was that common bond. That had broken with Brianna. Like a snake in the grass, she fed me that poisoned apple and I gladly shared it with my men. When it came time to arm up, things didn’t feel right. But there was no backing down now. Once a decision had been made, there was no going back on that.”

  “But what happened?” I asked, standing up and pacing around the room. I grabbed a cigarette from the half-empty carton and lit it up. “What went wrong? You triggered that alarm, right?”

  “What went wrong was Brianna went missing. Somehow we had decided she would be the best getaway driver for the job. I don’t know how we came to that decision. It was god-awful. But she was innocent enough, young enough, and could put herself together well enough for us to think it could work. But when we triggered that alarm, we had 30 seconds to pack our things and get out of there. We stuffed all the gold and cash we could and ran out of their like a team of jackals.”

  Daryl spoke up as Adam took another drag. “And boy did they run fast. They pushed those bank doors open with smiles on their faces. But I saw that damn parking lot and there was no getaway car like they had planned. That bitch never showed up. A few of the men, Adam included, had enough sense to get out of there. They all knew of the four routes into the forest and they knew the cops would have a hard time following them in there.”

  Daryl stood up and walked over to the center of the room. He lifted the center rug off of the ground, revealing a wooden door. He opened it and we all looked down. There was a big passageway that seemed endless, like staring into a black hole. I shook my head in disbelief.

  “Trust me when I say this - we had this down to a fucking science. Brianna left us there to die that day, but I sure as hell wasn’t about to lay down in my own grave. I ran as fast as I could, got to this cottage here and went down in the hole. I spent two whole days without food or water, walking miles upon miles in a darkened tunnel. And eventually, I came out of a sewer and train-hopped to Arizona. That’s when I met you.”

  Daryl chimed in, “One of our men tripped up and dropped a bag of cash. The boy was so stupid he ran back to get it. Cops surrounded him in seconds. All it took was one finger on that trigger for the damn police to light that place up. That’s how I banged up my knee. Took a bullet right in the thigh.”

  Adam swallowed down some saliva. “And Jacky…man, he wasn’t so lucky. Two in the chest, four in the arms and legs, three in his fucking skull. I’m glad I got to miss that mess. I don’t think I could’ve handled that. I would’ve went marching right into my grave.”

  “My God, Adam…I had no idea.” I said, wrapping my arms around him.

  “It’s okay. I just want you to know it wasn’t as cut and dry as you think. We didn’t know she was UC back then. Now we know, but it’s too late. The crew went their own separate ways.”

  “What about Jorge? Where was he during all this?” I asked, trying to put two and two together. As far as I could tell, he had been a negative force in Adam’s life since day one.

  “He was down south, making his own plans. I know how it looks, but I’m 90 percent sure he didn’t know she would skip town. He was never a real member of the club anyway. He came and went as he pleased.”

  “Adam, don’t you think it was convenient he left right before the robbery? I just doesn’t add up…”

  Adam sat up straight. “After tonight, I wouldn’t put it past him. It doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing does. I’ve found you, Rose. I don’t want to dwell in the past. All I want from this life is to move forward and settle down. I want to put all that pain behind me.”

  “Me too, Adam…” I reached out and ran my fingers down his arm. “You’re all I want in this life.”

  “Alright, alright. Enough of the lovey-gushy stuff. Can one of you tell me why in the hell you’re standing in my house?” Daryl tapped his cane against Adam’s skull. Adam hit it away and stood up.

  “I’ve got an idea that’s crazy enough to work.”

  “Shit.” Daryl muttered under his breath. “Go ahead. I’m listening.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  I watched as Adam explained the plan to Daryl in full detail. They were huddled, hunched and weary, under the yellow light of the bulb above them. Cigarette smoke filled the air, coyly wrapping against the rays. They spoke in hushed tones and Daryl kept shaking his head in disbelief.

  “I don’t know, man. Sounds good on paper. But will it actually work?”

  “It’ll work.” Adam said with confidence.

  “Like hell it will…but fuck it. What do I have to lose anyway? Another leg? I’m getting old and they’re about to let me go anyway. Might as well collect my retirement fund early.” He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms.

  “So you’re in?” Adam asked, shocked by his response.

  “I’m in.” He said. His mouth slowly formed into a smile and he reached over and shook Adam’s hand.

  “You won’t regret this.” Adam said.

  “Who knows if I will or not? I don’t give a damn. If my life ends in a hellfire of glory, that’s at least something to celebrate.”

  “Look, all you have to do is make sure none of the police inside the building take a shot at me or Rose. I want no bloodshed, just smooth sailing. Got it?”

  “Roger that.” He said.

  “Adam,” I interjected. “I don’t mean to be rude, but how’s he gonna’ do that? He’s got one good leg…”

  “Little girl, do you know who you’re talking to?” He asked. “I’m the mother fuckin’ head of the bank security. I’ve been working there for 25 long years now. I know all the ins and outs of that place. Please. I could be in a wheelchair, it wouldn’t matter one bit.”

  “You seem confident.” I said. “But when all eyes are on us, I want to rely on you. I want to know you won’t turn on us like everyone else Adam knows. How can I trust you?”

  “You can’t. But in our world, you have to be willing to take some big risks. I thought you wanted to be a part of the free life. Now you’re making me think you’re ju
st waiting to get back to mommy and daddy.”

  He knew exactly how to press my buttons. “Shut your mouth, Daryl. I’m not a little girl. I’m the reason we’re even at your place discussing your precious retirement fund. Just remember that, old man.”

  He burst out laughing. “Damn, Adam! That’s one fiery broad you got yourself! Okay, no problems here. I get it. You’re a grown up. Fine. But I want you to remember something too. You got police working their way up the coast just to find your ass and bring you back to the desert. Now maybe this works, maybe it doesn’t. Either way, you gotta’ make sure they don’t see your face on those cameras when you walk up to them doors. You’re going to need some good disguises.” He picked his fat body up off the chair and hobbled over to a box. “Here we go.”

  He pulled out a pair of Halloween costumes. “It’s simple, but they’ll do. Oh! I got myself another idea. Now, where’s that damn thing…” He went rummaging through a set of boxes in the opposite corner. He pulled out a toaster, mumbling to himself. “No…that’s not it…hmm…AHA!” He grabbed a small boom box. “Tada!”

  “A stereo?” Adam said, looking skeptical.

  “Laugh all you want. This shit will distract and invoke fear in everyone inside that building. You play some old operatic shit and turn it up real loud, you’ll get everyone to listen up right quick.”

  “This ain’t a movie, Daryl. In and out, remember? I’m not playing any music for anyone.”

  “Yeah. I like the costume idea. Let’s stick with that.” I laughed.

  Adam shook his head. “Glad you still got an imagination though.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Even us old men can be creative.” He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. “Okay, I’ll answer your question once and for all. The team switches shifts at 1:15 PM, on the dot. That’s when you’ll move in. This has to be like clockwork. You move in and raise your guns in the air immediately. No one will notice because my people manning the screens will be out the door. There’s a two to five minute gap where you’ll be almost guaranteed to slip by. You bust in, do your thing, scare the tellers a bit – that part I love – and set the c4’s off at the vault. I’ve got a blueprint somewhere around here that we can look over beforehand. I don’t know how you heard, but construction is going down around the vault. They’re adding a new section to the bank, so the street’s gonna’ be closed. The sensors are disabled twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. You should be able to get in with relative ease. That all sound good to you, folks?”

  We shook our heads. Adam ran his dirty hands across my back and massaged the knots that had formed.

  “Good. Grab the money and get the fuck out of there. This time, there can’t be a driver. The roads around the bank are closed, so I’ll get one of my guys to lend me his dirt bike.” Adam gave him an angry look. “Yeah, I get it. It’s no motorcycle. Still, you’re going to want to be good at hopping sidewalks and maneuvering through construction. You have to get from there back here. I’m sorry to say it Adam, but you’ll be walking in the sewage drain again. No worries though. You’ll be rich by the time you make your way outside. From there, it’s on you. I don’t speak to you. I don’t hear from you. You two are ghosts. Comprende, little girl?” He smiled at me.

  “Comprende.” I smiled back.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Whatever we do, we use this money for good, not evil. Right?” I asked Adam. We were standing behind a tree at the foot of the entrance to the forest. The bank was across the way, maybe 2 blocks in front of us, but we had a clear view from where we were standing.

  “We split it 50/50 with Daryl. He deserves it. Been sitting on a broken kneecap for over a decade now. The rest of it, we keep. How else are we supposed to live free together?” He said.

  I put a pair of binoculars to my eyes. “Look, they’re leaving.” I said. “It’s 1:15.”

  “Like clockwork.” Adam whispered. “Daryl might actually have a plan after all.”

  “You doubted him?” I asked.

  “I doubt everyone.”

  I laughed. “Even me?”

  “Especially you. Little girl.” I punched his arm.

  “Knock it off!”

  We watched as the officers switched positions and I breathed a breath of fresh air. So far so good… I thought to myself. I began to wonder, would this really be that hard? It seemed like everything had been set in place for us to succeed. So far, we had avoided imminent death at least three times. What would stop us now? Whatever came our way, I was ready for it. “We got this.” I said.

  “Damn right we do.” He said. “Come on. It’s time to scope this place out.”

  We grabbed our things and left the forest trail. I looked back at the darkened passageway and kept walking. “If things go wrong,” He began, “you run back here and keep fucking running. You don’t look back. We meet at the end of the tunnel.”

  “Got it.” I said. He grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, adjusting his sunglasses. Our clothes were pretty normal. Adam had changed into a suit and I posed as his daughter. From the looks of us, we didn’t stand out one bit.

  With every step, I could feel my heart beat faster. Thump, thump, thump… I controlled my breathing, but still, I was full of anxiety. We were being attacked at all angles: the police were after us, the Feds, and the Cartel. Who knew who would turn on us next?

  Above us were two cameras. Bang, bang. We opened the door and were greeted by a worker. “Good afternoon, welcome to Northern Sun Bank. Are you making a deposit today?”

  “Yes, uh, I was looking to speak to someone about a possible loan…” Adam said, looking quite normal. I looked around the building. There were two guards in front, two in back, and I’m sure a few in the back rooms that we couldn’t even see. I started to get nervous.

  “Well that’s great. Why don’t you two take a seat in Jackson’s cubicle right over there? He’s on his break, but it shouldn’t be more than 5 minutes.

  “Sounds fantastic.” Adam said, smiling. I don’t think I had seen him smile like that before and it took a lot of energy not to laugh out loud. We sat down and scoped the place out from our seats.

  “Just like the blueprints, huh kid?”

  “Yeah, only it’s bigger than I thought. Adam, how are we going to control a crowd in this room?” It was three times the size that I envisioned in my head. A little girl and a man robbing a whole bank by themselves? It seemed suicidal.

  “Yeah, it’s not the best situation. I’ll give you that. But do you have a better plan?”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “ I guess not.”

  He leaned over towards me, massaging my shoulders. He kissed my cheek. “I’m gonna’ need you to be strong for me. I know this is hard for you, but we have to make this work. If we don’t, I’m all out of options.”

  Just then we heard the jingle from the door open.

  “Good afternoon, ma’am. Welcome to Northern Sun Bank can I—” The woman cut him off before he could finish. The man nearly fell backwards out of dumb shock, and stammered for a few seconds.

  “No thanks. I’m here for other purposes.”

  Where do I know that voice? I thought to myself. I looked over the plexiglass covering. It was a woman in an official black suit, wearing dark sunglasses. She was turned around, so I couldn’t see her face.

  “What is it?” Adam asked me. “The banker will be back at any second. We should go. You scope the place out enough?”

  “Adam…” I realized in that moment who I was looking at. Brianna Baxter…

  “Come on. We should go.” Adam grabbed my shoulders and picked me up. I punched backward in his stomach and he let go.

  “What the hell, kid.”

  “Get down!” I whispered.

  “What is up with you?”

  “I said, get down!” Adam was smart enough to know when something really bad was happening around him. And throughout this trip, I had learned enough to know when to hide. We both ducked behind the man’s des
k and Adam crawled out just enough to get a peek of what was going on.

  “Well, I’ll be damned…” He whispered. “Brianna? Ah, shit!”

  “What’re we gonna’ do?” I asked, feeling my heart press against my chest.

  “Well, she’s not here to make a deposit. That’s for damn sure.”

  Brianna walked up to the teller, looking around the building. “She’s scoping this place out, Adam.” She was trying to find us. That had to be it.

  Brianna stopped when she saw an officer. “ Excuse me. Have you seen these two?”

  The man looked annoyed by her inquiry. “Ma’am, I don’t give out information about our customers. I just guard the place. If you have any more questions, please go see a teller or banker.”

  “Sir, with all do respect, if you do not answer my questions, I will have you detained for a very long time. You’ll get charged with non-compliance and assault of a federal officer.”

  “What in the hell? You must be out of your damn mi—” She stopped him, holding out an identification card. “Ma’am, I’m so sorry. Uh, let me go find someone who can better help you. Again, I’m just so sorry, my God…” The man went running to the back rooms. Brianna turned around, nearly spotting Adam. He ducked behind the cubicle.

  “Jesus Christ! That was close. Alright, let me think…uh…shit…We gotta’, get out of here, Rose. As soon as she turns back around, we walk out of the building. Act casually. I doubt she’ll spot us by our backside.”

  “Don’t be too sure…” I whispered. Adam frowned.

  At that moment, however, a banker stood above us. “Excuse me, you two.” Adam simply looked up at him. “Can I help you?”

  He cleared his throat and looked back at Brianna who had turned around again. “No thank you, goodbye!” I said hurriedly. Adam pushed me forward with haste and decisive thinking. He picked his briefcase off the ground and walked hastily towards the exit doors. I held his hand, trying to remain as calm as I could. Yet, I couldn’t help but feel Brianna’s presence behind us. “Just a few more yards…” He muttered under his breath.


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