Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)

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Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC) Page 44

by Kara Hart

  “You'd forget all about our crew? You'd really forget all about courage and loyalty? What about our family, homie. We used to be something. We stood for something real. Now you're going on, talking about love and shit. Please. That ain’t real and you know it. Blood. Now, that's real.” He smiled and nodded his head, as if he had revealed something in that moment. Blood, our blood of course, was the only thing that mattered to him.

  “Family used to mean something. Now it’s just a word. It's something you say when you want your actions to have purpose. You're nothing but a politician, Jorge. All this rhetoric don't mean shit. I've realized a lot in these past few months. The only thing that matters in life are those that love you. That's the real life-connection, brother. But you never loved me. And to go around pretending like you did, would be a bunch of bull. No, you liked the money and the drugs, perhaps you liked the women too. I ain't about that life anymore. Homie.” Adam pressed his forehead against the barrel of Jorge’s pistol, challenging him in that moment.

  In the end, Jorge resisted the temptation. “Whatever you say, Adam. You always were the smart one. It ain't up to me though, Brianna will decide what's best. In a couple minutes, you won't be my problem for a while.”

  “What are you saying, Jorge?” I asked him.

  “I'm saying, I got some business to attend to before I deal with you. I just wanted to get some quick one on one time with you before I disappear for a bit.” He smiled and broke out into a high pitched giggle. “You all make me laugh, man. Like, are you for real? Did you really think you'd last? You got everyone on the hunt for you. What were you going to do? Hide out forever?” He shook his bald head.

  Now was my turn to laugh. “What makes you so certain you have all the time in the world? There's an hourglass for everyone, Jorge. And the sand in yours is faint.”

  “Tough girl you got there. Unfortunately, here's my stop.” He parked the car off to the side and pulled us out into the street. “Adios amigos. It's been real fun. See you on the other side.”

  Brianna’s men got out of the SUV and ran towards us. The last thing I remember was getting hit on the back of the head. Brianna stood above us, cackling with laughter. All went black.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Hours upon hours must've passed, for when we woke up, we were back in the desert. “Adam, where are we…?” I asked. But when I turned to my side, the seats were empty. Both Adam and Jonathan were gone. I looked forward for Brianna, but one of her men had taken over. She was gone as well. “Where the hell is Adam?” I cried out. The man stayed silent.

  I kept shouting, kicking at the cage divider in front of me, but it was no use. I couldn't get a word to register. I eventually wore myself out. My head hurt. I was tired. I had been through so much.

  Suddenly, the man decided to speak. “You won't get anywhere by shouting. Kicking won't do you much good either. If you want to know where your precious boyfriend is, it might be a good idea to shut your pretty mouth.”

  I shut my mouth and pressed my head against the window in a futile attempt at finding Adam. It was a silly idea, of course. He continued talking. “Now, I'll answer all your questions if you let me get to them. Question one: Where are we going? We’re going to the border to have ourselves a little fun. Two: where's Adam? We decided it may be best to put you in separate cars. It's for your own good, really. Didn’t want to have to shoot any of you. Three: will we live? Well, I’m not sure about this one. We’ll have to wait and see.” He broke out into a nasal laughter.

  “What's at the border?” I asked. It just didn't add up. What business did they have over there?

  “Did I say to keep your mouth shut? I thought I did…”

  I shook my head and said, “Sorry…”

  “We’re not just going to the border, my sweet girl. We’re going past the border.” He grinned wildly. “Yes, to no man’s land. Deep within the Mexican border. Oh we’re going to have so much fun!” He clapped his hands loudly.

  I stayed quiet for the sake of getting more information. He seemed eager to talk and I was more than willing to get whatever information I could from him. “What? You're done asking questions now?” I shook my head, playing his stupid little game. “Oh, and look! We’re only a few minutes away! I guess that blow to the head, plus the sedative we gave you really did the trick, huh?” We passed a sign that read “SLOW 5 MPH.” In the distance was the border checkpoint.

  I looked at the speedometer. We were still going 60 MPH… What the hell is he doing? I asked myself. He sat upright in the front, screaming, “Woo-eeee!” Among other obscenities. We were gaining speed and getting closer and closer to the border patrol. All of a sudden, he turned the wheel to the right and off we went, into the desert. “What the fuck!” I screamed.

  “Hang on, little one!” He pressed a button and his sirens blasted loudly. How could I forget, Brianna has connections. Brianna's a federal agent, among being an illegal weapons dealer and criminal. The driver gave a salute to the border agent. Both men smiled, knowing full well they wouldn't get in trouble for any of this. Brianna, however, wouldn't be let off so easy. She was the head of their crew. They never let the figureheads off easy. And I would make sure she rots in hell.

  We blazed through the desert landscape until we found ourselves on a hidden trail. “Only a few more miles, babe.” He said. Suddenly I could see his face against the moonlight. He bore a long scar across his throat. As he smiled, the scar become more and more visible, and I realized, it was fresh. It was at that moment, I began praying to God. I wasn't a religious girl by any means. I think that was clear by my actions thus far. Even still, I needed all the good fortune I could get.

  We came to what looked like an abandoned slaughterhouse. Through the darkness, I could faintly see the old outside pens. I shivered in my seat.

  “Out you go!” The driver said, pulling me out of the vehicle. I kicked and screamed. I pulled at the new leather interior. There was only the sound of the man's laughter.

  “Woo-eee! You're a lot of fun!” He yelled. “Time to go, though.” He hit me over the head with his gun. Again, I blacked out almost instantly.

  Chapter Thirty Five

  This, of course, leads me to the beginning of my story…

  I moaned, feeling the tight rope around my body. I spit out chunks of blood and dirt onto the pavement. Where am I? I thought. I pushed my head back, opening my eyes as much as I could. “Adam?!” I cried out. Searing pain flooded my senses. Candles were lit in a circle around me and the flickering of the small flames sparked something fierce within me. I looked around the dimly lit room and coughed as I tried breathing in. My ribs were bruised. Last night…did that really happen?

  I felt the windy breeze run across my back and the smell of engine fluids permeated the walls around us. I shook with chills from the cold air and forced myself to stop chattering. I clawed at the tightly knotted rope. I gasped for air. “ADAM!” There was no one.

  Then, suddenly, there was the sound of sharp moaning. Then footsteps. I began clawing at the rope faster. Shit, shit, shit! Come on, Rose, think. How did you get here? I managed to see a blade a few feet ahead of me. I tried hopping in my chair, but I instantly fell over onto the concrete. I was almost instantly knocked unconscious, yet somehow I managed to keep going. Hurry! I kept telling myself. If you don’t, they’ll kill you…

  I looked around the musty warehouse. Paddles, shackles, rope, and all kinds of tools were scattered around a group of motorcycles. Oil was spilled on the concrete next to my chair. There was a body in the corner of the room. Adam… He was clearly knocked unconscious. I only had moments to break free. I looked to my left and saw my backpack and some bags. They were filled with all my precious belongings. The footsteps grew closer.



  The mysterious presence loomed over me. No! This was it. Everything was over. I didn’t stand a chance. His body cast a dark shadow in the candlelight. His laughter echoed throughout the garag

  “I told you not to play with fire, Rose…”

  “Who's there?” I called out, unable to see clearly.

  “I wouldn't move so quick.” The voice hissed. “All around you is gasoline and enough engines to blow this place sky high. Make one false move and you're dead.”

  “Show yourself, you coward!” I screamed, feeling around the cement. My hands pressed in the cold, damp gasoline.

  The man lit a match and bent over me. “Didn't I say be careful?” The face was familiar. It sent me into a state of shock. I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. No! It can't be… It's impossible!

  But I had to face the facts. The truth was standing right in front of me. “Hello, Rose.” He said. It was… It was Bruce.

  “How is that possible?” I croaked. I started to tremble. I leaned against the pole I was tied to, attempting to shield myself with my hands. “I watched them! I watched them murder you!”

  “Yes, well, you can imagine how easy it is to fake a death these days. Get a couple blanks, a good situation, and an old dying man, and you got yourself a good murder. It's a pity ‘bout those dogs though….” He smiled and bent down on one knee. “I'll make sure yours is nice and real, like theirs. Don't worry darlin’.” He laughed.

  I didn't know what to say. It all took me by surprise. “How could you? How could you betray your own son…?” I cried.

  He grew angry and stood up. “You mean the son who betrayed the MC?” He scowled. “The one who brought us all down? That son?”

  “No! That was Brianna. You know that. It was Brianna and Jorge who ruined everything, not Adam!”

  “LIES!” He threw one of the bikes across the cement floor. “There was the MC and that was it. That was our life. How could you understand? How could I expect a little girl to understand loyalty and courage? That was the golden age of our crew, and I was their king. I knew someone would rise to take it away. I just didn't think it would be my own damn son…” He turned his head, as if he were ashamed of this revelation.

  I sat exasperated, covered in my own blood and the dirt from the desert floor. “Then just do it already. Go ahead and kill me. But before you do, tell me if Adam is okay. At least give me that.” I said, head down in my lap.

  “What's the matter, Rose. Given up so quick?” He mocked me.

  “What?” I asked him. “Like you and the MC? Like how you gave up on your son?”

  “You bitch!” His voice echoed throughout the large room. “You want to be near your precious Adam? Well here he is. Boys!” He called out to the men on the outside. Two of them came in and picked up Adam’s limp body. He was chained up and unconscious. Blood covered his face. He looked badly bruised. I couldn't bear to keep looking at him. The men dropped him to my side and I went scrambling to his body.

  “Adam!” I cried out. Then turning to a whisper, I uttered, “Come on, Adam. I need you to wake up. Please, baby. Wake up! It's Rose. I love you…”

  Brianna then walked through the door, clapping her witch-like hands. “What a show!” She cried out. “Seriously, it's all so very touching, don't you think Bruce?” She smiled and slid her hands down Bruce’s back. The very sight of this sent shivers down my spine.

  “What do you want Brianna? What could you possibly get from us now?” I asked, stroking Adam’s blood-soaked hair. Though it was faint, he was still breathing. If we ever got out of here, it would be alright.

  “It's not about what I want, sweet Rose. It's about what I need. And right now, I need you, Adam, and whatever little friends you've gained to disappear. I need you all to fucking burn. No more games, Bruce. Let's end this once and for all.”

  “Don't mind if I do…” Bruce got out his 9mm pistol and pointed it right at Adam. Brianna did the same. I felt the heat of the moment burn into the back of my pupil, as I stared down the barrel of that gun. My whole life flashed in front of my eyes. My first memories, all of the birthdays, the hikes with dad, my first day of school, graduation day, and the day I met Adam… No. This couldn't be all that was left of me. There had to be more to this.

  I thought about praying, but instead I was brought back to Adam. I kissed his lips, cheeks, and forehead. I brushed the hair out of his eyes and wiped as much blood as I could. Adam’s eyes opened. “It's over…” I whispered. “Adam, I'm sorry.”

  His head arched up towards his father and he looked as if his world was crumbling all around him. I suppose it was, in a sense. “No…” He muttered under his breath. “All hope is lost.”

  He closed his eyes and waited for the bullets to fire. Then, the unthinkable happened. Bruce turned and aimed his gun at Brianna. She backed up quickly and yelled, “Bruce, what the hell are you doing.”

  “Goodbye, bitch.” He said. Bang! Bang! Bang!

  He shot her dead, three times in the gut. I sat, mouth open wide with horror and confusion. “What?” I asked out loud, as if the Gods above would answer my confusion. Adam rolled to his feet. “Be careful! There’s gasoline all over the floor. He took one look at the stack of candles around us and backed up.

  “Shit!” He said. “Dad? Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  Bruce pointed the gun at Adam’s face. “I know it was you, son…” He muttered, eyes starting to water.

  “Pops? What are you saying? You know what was me? Rose, what’s happening?” He shook his head as if he were dreaming. Truth be told, I was right there with him.

  “Let me tell you a little story. When Courage faded into oblivion, the rest of the members went their separate ways. Oh, they lived the lifestyle in other little ways. Some sold drugs. Others, settled down and got normal jobs, abandoning the love they had for their bikes and brothers. Some even started their own crews. You know, I think they thought they could run things a bit better than I could. But of course those all split apart into separate factions. The last of ‘em went on to infiltrate our own government. Those were the traitors, the bastards, and in my own humble opinion, they were the disease of all the crews. This happened to all of ‘em, get it?”

  “What’s your point?” Adam asked. I could tell he was only half listening. He had heard all this before. Instead, he was focused on how we would get out. All of a sudden, I saw it. The blade.

  He must’ve grabbed it when they picked him up! I gasped, but managed to shut my mouth before Bruce could hear. Adam stealthily passed the blade behind his back to me, and I started working the sharp end against the rope. Adam smiled and winked.

  “Let me finish, boy.” Bruce stared Adam down. There was a weird silence that filled the room. “The point is, everything fell apart. I needed a son. But where was he? Tramping around the desert, trying to find a way out of the life. Really son? You wanted out, but you couldn’t ask your own father? Well, this started to eat at me a bit. I’ll be honest. I thought and I thought about it. I had nightmares about it, really.”

  I was halfway through the rope at this point. The question was, once I broke free, how would I be able to escape Bruce and rescue Adam from his chains? I looked around the room for possible answers…

  “Everyone told me I was crazy, that you were just goin’ through some shit. You’d be back next week or next month… But as long as I waited, you never came back. And then, you did. You brought a girl. You were gettin’ married. You were…oh God, it pains me to say it…getting out of the game so to speak. So I played that proud dad shit. Meanwhile, I realized somethin’. My son had been killed after the bank robbery. He had been dead and put to fucking rest. Maybe not in the physical sense, but from a father’s standpoint, it was over. I had trained you from day one and you had let me down. Does it really shock you that I would end the family name, once and for all? You kept that tattoo on your arm, son. But you ain’t fit for those words. Courage? Hell, you ain’t never been courageous. Not once, ever. You’re just a coward. Always been a coward. You’re a sore on the whole lifestyle, kid.”

  Both men were teary eyed. The only difference was Adam had the rage of 100 wild stallio
ns. Bruce aimed the gun at Adam’s head, shaking with betrayal and jealousy. At least that’s what it came down to in my head. Bruce was jealous. In the end, Adam got we he wanted. He left the life and attempted to do something good for himself. He would’ve succeeded if everyone hadn’t conspired against him. It showed me where their loyalty really lay: In the fucking gutter.

  Adam looked over and saw that I had cut the rope away. I was free to leave whenever. I looked at him, scared but determined. He simply nodded. The words “Do it.” flashed in my head. I wrapped my hand around Adam’s chain and slowed down my heart rate with my breathing.

  “I guess this is goodbye, dad.” Adam said.

  “So it is. Rest in peace, Adam.” A tear rolled down Bruce’s cheek.

  But before he could fire, I whipped up Adam’s chains from the floor and swung it against Bruce’s face. “Fuck!” He yelled, before firing off a round. The bullet ricocheted near me, but missed. He toppled against the candles. Within seconds, he was covered in flames. “NO!” He screamed. It was too late. He was already lost in a land of gasoline and fire. Adam got up and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I’m sorry, pops. God knows I am sorry…”

  “Adam!” I screamed. “We have to hurry, this whole place is going to go up in flames!” A ring of fire had already built in front of us. I scrambled, trying to figure out what to do. Bruce’s gun lay in front of me, so I grabbed it and fired against his chains. Bang!

  “Thanks, my love.” He said, removing the metal around his body. He picked me up and jumped through the flames, searing part of his hair and clothing. We ran behind the open door and waited for a brief moment. Adam put his index finger against his lips, “Shh…”

  Soon enough, a team of men ran into the room. They looked around, confused. “Where are they?” One of them called out.

  “Maybe they got burnt?” another said. “Let’s get the fuck out of here! This place is about to explode.”


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