The Art of Retaliation

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The Art of Retaliation Page 4

by Kingsley, Arabella

  Mara stole a quick glance at Maxine who’s head was bent, shaking in disbelief. It gave her time to think.

  “I am very sorry for your daughter.” Mara swallowed hard. ‘But you are very wrong. I am not involved in any plot and if you persist in holding me here I guarantee you I will find a way to escape. When I do I will make sure you are prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” she informed the woman coldly.

  Mara held her head high trying in vain not to lose the authority in her voice. It proved difficult and she could hear the words shake as panic rose through her body like the flow of fast running water.

  “You won’t escape. Of that I am very sure. If you do, I will have you hunted down and dragged back here and locked away where no one will ever find you again.”

  Mara opened her mouth to speak feeling her body shake with her own anger. The room started to spin again and she put her hand to her forehead trying in vain to calm it. The billionaire stood scraping his chair along the wooden floor and threw down his napkin.

  “Enough mother. Sit down, please,” Stephane instructed with firmness taking command of the scene.

  Mara felt her body sway but was soon steady by two hands on her shoulders. Stephane.

  He gently moved them to her arms and guided her back down in to the chair.

  “Pierre, water quick please,” he called to man serving them.

  He maintained his hold on her shoulders providing her with much needed reassurance. Mara couldn’t understand why she felt safe with the man despite everything that he was doing to her but she did and the confusion it was causing her emotions was turbulent.

  The billionaire rubbed her shoulders soothingly as she picked up the glass of water and brought it to her lips.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” she murmured feeling unexpected pain at the loss of his hold when he moved away and sat back down.

  “I think it is better if you hear the rest of the story from myself,’ he said in a calm tone. “A couple of months ago Ryan was valuing some antiques for auction from this chateau. He struck up a friendship with my sister that developed into something more for Louise than Ryan. That all changed and he became more interested when he learned that she was to inherit a large estate from her uncle on her twentieth birthday. She is the sole beneficiary and will become a very wealthy young woman.”

  He casually took a sip of wine, leaving his captive audience in anticipation.

  “He persuaded Louise to run away with him when we insisted she have the operation. We have no idea where Ryan has taken Louise but if we don’t find her soon she will die. We all dote on my baby sister and will do anything to protect her even if it is from herself.”

  The billionaire sighed before continuing watching the first course of onion soup being put down in front of him.

  ‘The night before they disappeared, Ryan got drunk after dinner and told me that he loved you more than anything in the world. He regretted leaving you and was going to make sure he got you back. I don’t think he was aware of his drunken confession but when he left with Louise the next day, it was plain it was her fortune he was after. When I found the note from Louise saying they had run away to get married and other treatment I knew it was her fortune he was after. It has since been confirmed by someone he confided his plan in after much persuasion. I need to find her before it is too late and that is where you come in. I will not let my sister die.”

  Mara gave him a sympathetic look. Would she act any differently if it was Peter?

  “But you can’t really think I am part of the plan? I don’t love him. We are over. I haven’t seen him for three months. What kind of monster do you think I am?” her high shrill voice of anger dwindled into a hurt whisper that was barely audible and she began to stumble over her words as she fought to keep control and her dizziness at bay.

  She had been called many things at work, but to be thought of as devious, calculating and willing to risk someone’s life was an outrage that cut to the core. Her eyes lowered and displayed the wound that was bleeding inside. She bit her lip and forced her head up to meet his eyes that were watching, waiting for further response. They were suddenly cold, distant and closed to any penetration, shielded by their owner leaving her in no doubt of his conviction of her guilt.

  “So, Mara, when we find Ryan, I will tell him that if he does not return my sister I will inform the authorities of your involvement and any other indiscretions I care to invent and have you imprisoned. And believe me I have enough sway as a member of the French nobility and one of Paris’s prominent financial contributors to pull it off. It isn’t something I relish but the ruin of your life for my sisters will be a small price to pay…”

  Mara didn’t allow him to finish, a fresh burst of anger carrying her indignation at her earlier confused thought of feeling safe with him.

  “I am not involved with Ryan or his plan. You are making a very grave error for which I will see that you pay. Your plan is stupid. There will be people looking for me, my brother for one who won’t rest until I am released. And anyway I would rather you murdered me than let me rot in a French prison. So you might as well get it over with now because Ryan will never let love get in the way between himself and money.”

  The billionaire actually looked taken aback. She had thrown the threat back in his face.

  Silence settled like frost in the room. No one dare speak. The atmosphere was oppressive.

  “I don’t think I want to do that, Mara, not to someone so pretty.”

  The mischievous light in his eyes he seemed to be using to cover his shock at her words died a slow death as the expression on her face changed from anger to fury.

  Mara slipped into autopilot as she mechanically picked up the glass of crimson wine in front of her and threw the contents squarely into Stephane’s face. There was a loud gasp of horror from the audience. Unaware she began retreating from him as he instinctively sprang from his chair and attempted to wipe the liquid from his eyes and the excess from his shirt and tie with a napkin. When he rose to his full height she took a gulp and froze. He was trying to laugh it off. Unsure of how to act she turned and left the room in a trance, her sandal heels clattering feebly on the wooden floor.

  Mara was suddenly embarrassed; frightened that she may have made the situation worse with her temper. She quickened her pace, hurrying up the stairs when she heard someone chasing her from behind. It was him. It had to be.

  Desperate to reach the safety of her room she broke out into a run. He was there before she succeeded in opening her door pushing her back against it, his hand above her on the door to confine her in the small space between them. In a defensive action she made a fist with her right hand, like her brother had shown her and swung it round at him. He caught it swiftly before it made contact.

  “Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you. You are nothing more than a child having a tantrum,’ he scolded taking hold of her wrists to pin them above her head against the wall when she kicked out at his legs.

  The grip on her wrists tightened and she realized she was helpless in his power.

  ‘That’s better. You are safe with me. Trust me. I will let go of you if you promise to keep calm.”

  She searched his eyes and then nodded

  He let go of her wrists slowly. But the moment he lowered his arms to his side Mara delivered a blow with her outstretched palm across his cheek. He hardly flinched and she shut her eyes waiting for its return. There was no slap. Instead his arm encircled her small waist, tugging her possessively towards him, to trap her in his arms. The grip was tight and promised no escape. Her apple red lips pouted accusingly at him as she tried to move away, her eyes darting between his arms and his face, a little puzzled.

  He had wanted her as she had him from the first moment they met in Maxine’s apartment and was struggling to keep control. It was hard to understand, she wasn’t like the elegant French society women he would have been forced to court. She wasn’t
impressed by his status, his money or his title, on the contrary she frowned on it and mocked his birthright. Maybe he saw her as some sort of challenge, a sport in which he played the hunter and herself the prey. He steadied her head with a hand and brought his lips down on hers. He was winning the hunt. He held her tighter forcing her to become tired and cease the annoying movement she made.

  Stephane gave a small triumphant smile against her lips as he felt her body grow languid and pliant in his hands and her lips part obediently. He made love to her mouth leisurely with a decadence that made her whimper pausing to suck gently on her swollen bottom lip. He looked down at her and smiled, she had opened like a ripe fruit, soft and succulent with a sweet flavor. He had removed the stone and now he was able to devour.

  The billionaire trailed a hand along the flesh of her cheek over her chin to cup and lift so that he might examine the softness of her neck and then continued the kiss guiding her head back over his arm to enable the easy progress of his hand to the tops of her breasts then to the hardening peaks. He moved his hand back to her shoulder and began to undo the halter neck to bare her breasts. Mara felt weak and was sure if he let go of her she would crumple to the floor with exhaustion from his ardor. She moaned and slipped her arms around his neck reaching up to his powerful frame.

  Stephane grew confident he was winning. He wanted the woman with a passion. She challenged him and he dearly wanted to tame her in his bed and over his knee with a spanking. But that irritating voice of conscience he had fought so hard to ignore crept into his mind and began to repeat the lecture he had already given himself twice. He was taking advantage of a woman who was helpless under his protection and authority not to mention Ryan may not come through if he was aware of an affair. Without warning he let her go as though he had been given a heavy reprimand. The movement was sharp and determined causing her to fall back against the door.

  “I’m sorry, Mara,” he said brusquely running a hand through his hair. “ I shouldn’t have done that. It won’t happen again.”

  He turned from her dismissing the scene fighting the strong urge to return pick her up in his arms and carry her to bed. He cursed under his breath aware of her watching him retrace his footsteps back down the corridor towards the stairs half hoping, half expecting he would return, unable to believe how abruptly it had all ended.

  Mara could still taste the wine from his lips. But he didn’t come back, and on reflection it was just as well. She retired to her room quickly fastening her dress back in place and flopped on the bed covering her face with her hands. What had she been doing? He had been toying with her, flexing those powerful muscles to see how far she would go and she had nearly given him the gratification of getting what he wanted, more control.

  So he thought he was acting out some kind of romantic fairytale illusion in which he gets the captured princess whether she wants it or not. Her teeth clamped shut. He was in for a big shock. This princess was about to drag him into the 21st century and wake him with a kiss that would jolt him to his senses. She would be calling the shots.

  If only she could get back to work and put all of this behind her and forget Stephane. She had forgotten about Matisse.

  Work. Yes that is the answer.

  The meeting with Raymond Matisse had been arranged for tomorrow. Mara sat up excited. She had to convince Stephane to take her there, tell him that if she didn’t turn up they would be bound to think something was up. It had to work, she would tell him in the morning first thing when he had to think on the spot. He wouldn’t have any choice but to take her there and she would get her chance to escape and raise the alarm.

  Chapter Three

  Mara woke early the following morning eager to put her plan into action. After dressing, she took a moment to gaze at the view from her window, casting her eyes over to the grounds were she was sure she could hear the gush of a fountain nearby. The day was bright and guaranteed to be another hot one. She was falling in love with the place and wished she could have a proper look around.

  Footsteps padded quickly along the path that made its way around the moat on the other side breaking her thoughts. They belonged to Stephane. His bronzed physique was glistening with moisture in black shorts and a grey vest top from a demanding run. Her eyes ran appreciatively over his form, drinking in its sleek power.

  Her thoughts made her blood pump a little faster as she remembered the ease with which he had pinned her to the door the night before. She moved closer to the window sure he was oblivious to being observed until he stopped his run suddenly. Giggling like a schoolgirl she pulled back from the window hiding behind the curtain, sneaking another peek. He was bending down looking at a shiny object that was casting a rainbow of dazzling colors across his eyes in the sunlight. Mara felt her mouth open and a startled cry escape her parted lips. Immediately his attention sprang to the open window where the noise had emanated. He held up the engagement ring and studied it intently before looking up to the window.

  “I take it this belongs to you?” he shouted holding up the object straining to see her behind the curtain.

  There was an indignant tut and the window slammed shut. He knew fine well the ring belonged to her. As she turned back into the room she could hear his laughter and to her surprise found herself gritting her teeth in anger. She flopped down on the bed and opened her laptop bag which she had been given back minus her laptop and distracted herself with work, reading over the documents once more. Forty five minutes later the phone in her room rang.

  “Mara, I want you to come down for breakfast,” Stephane commanded. “I am concerned that you are not eating anything.”

  “I don’t need any food.”

  “If you do not come down now I will fetch you myself and carry you down over my shoulder. Do I make myself clear?”

  Mara gritted her teeth together. She had been waiting for him coming to her room so she could talk to him in private but it looked like she was going to have to play the game his way for a while. Besides after the other day she knew fine well he would carry out his threat and she couldn’t bear the humiliation.

  “Crystal. I am coming.”

  The door was open when she tried it confirming that he was now allowing them free access to the house. Maxine wasn’t in her room and Mara didn’t want to think too much about her whereabouts. Alone she went down to breakfast. The only people present were Stephane and his mother.

  “Good morning, Mara. I trust you slept well? he asked in a low deep voice that caressed over her body once again reminding her of the night before. She looked away.

  “Yes, thank you,” she mumbled taking a seat.

  Mara helped herself to a croissant aware that Stephane was watching her eating habits with concern. She couldn’t afford a row it may ruin everything she would just have to force it down. Her eyes opened wide with appealing innocence and she smiled mustering all the feminine charm she had available.

  “Mr Garreau, there is something important I forgot to mention.”

  “Stephane, please.”

  My office is expecting me there today for an important appointment with Raymond Matisse. If I don’t turn up . . .”

  “Raymond Matisse? I have not seen him in a while. You will cancel the appointment,” his tone was flat leaving her in no doubt of its authority.

  Mara finished pouring herself a cup of tea, tensing against the disappointed shudder she felt rack her body. What had she expected? She had to persuade him he wouldn’t just succumb to her wishes.

  “I can’t,” she said firmly. “They are expecting me. I am in the middle of drawing up a contract between one of my major clients and Matisse’s software company. You can guess the importance of this meeting. Raymond Matisse is dealing with the matter personally. If I wasn’t to turn up or just cancel . . .”

  The billionaire held up his hand.

  “I get the picture.”

  Mara grew confident he was about to give in.

  “Don’t trust her, Stephane,” his mothe
r interrupted their conversation. “It will be part of her plan to escape. She’s not to go,” his mother snapped.

  Mara glared at the woman.

  “Do you always take orders from your mother? I thought you were in charge here.”

  “No I don’t. Mara is right. We can’t afford to have anyone looking for her. But don’t even think for one moment I am going to allow you to get away with anything,” he said turning back to face Mara with a dark look.

  Mara shook her head innocently and picked up her tea cup to hide the smile covering her mouth. Chantal Valoire threw her napkin down defeated and retreated from the room.

  Stephane broke the silence between them.

  “I want to apologize for last night once more. It was wrong. I can only assure you it won’t happen again,” he said quickly meeting her gaze.


  Mara jerked, startled by her inner voice.


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