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The Art of Retaliation

Page 10

by Kingsley, Arabella

  The billionaire was too powerful and wealthy a man for Abdul to threaten. It would disrupt his legitimate business face he put on to the world if anything happened to Stephane. Instead he kept trying to quietly persuade the billionaire to work with him often using his captivated mother to push matters forward because she owned a stake in the company in her own right. But Stephane couldn’t help having the nasty feeling that Abdul might have something to do with Ryan taking his sister.

  He might have persuaded Ryan to do it. It was more than likely and Stephane was waiting for Abdul telling him that he could bring her home as long as he stopped delaying the project and let him launder money through the accounts. But so far Abdul had remained quiet. No doubt he was waiting until Stephane was desperate, watching him sweat it out. And now he wanted Mara.

  I’ll play your game for now but there is no way you are taking her. I will kill you first if I have to, to protect her.

  “Well say something,” Mara shouted shakily at him.

  The door opened and Leon slipped into the room to watch events unfold and to lend the billionaire his support. The interruption was long enough for Stephane to find his voice.

  “If Ryan doesn’t bring my sister back, you will belong to Abdul. It is better than prison, Mara,” he lied through clenched teeth curling his hands in to fists at his side. “It wasn’t my decision but on reflection it is the best of two evils. I am not sure I could bear to see you in prison.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion. Bastard,” she remarked with fierce anger making his heart sink.

  Mara snatched her hand back from Abdul. Stephane watched his eyes twinkle with triumphant laughter making him want to punch him. But to his surprise Mara was to beat him to it. She curled her hand in to a small fist and struck Abdul’s jaw hard. He reacted quickly grabbing her by the hair and dragging her by the hair to him. She squealed. He raised his hand to slap her but Stephane knocked his hand away. Leon came to his side but he did not need his help.

  Stephane’s arm wound around Mara’s waist and fought to remove Abdul’s hand from her hair. He achieved it easily. Carrying her backwards he set her down and forced her behind him to protect her from Abdul.

  “That’s enough. Don’t dare touch her like that again or hit her. If you do I will kill you,” the billionaire warned with dark menace.

  Abdul stared at him anger and fury on his face and for a moment Stephane thought he was going to charge at him to get to Mara.

  “Ryan will come through. He will bring my sister back and you won’t get your hands on Mara despite your deal with my mother. I am in charge here not her. You go near Mara again and you will regret it. Do I make myself clear?” he told the man firmly meaning every damn word.

  Slowly the dark shadow haunting Abdul’s face receded and he began to laugh loudly. Stephane’s eyes narrowed.

  “I can see what is going on here. You are falling in love with her. Priceless,” he continued to laugh. Then he spoke more seriously and the billionaire found the atmosphere growing cold in the room.

  “Whether Ryan returns your sister or not I am coming for Mara. She and I have a score to settle that has nothing to do with you. All bets are off. I will take her and there will be nothing you can do about it.”

  “Try it,” Stephane challenged. “I know exactly what you are and what you do to women. I will stop at nothing to keep her safe from you,” he angrily confessed.

  “As you said, try it. She’s mine and I won’t stop at anything to prevent her from ruining my business.”

  He pointed his finger at Mara who was leaning out from behind Stephane. He still held her arm in a vice grip to keep her in place behind him.

  “Your time is running out, Mara. He won’t be able to protect you for long.”

  “Leon, show Mr Hasseem out,” the billionaire ordered.

  Leon moved forward and guided Abdul to the door and followed him out.

  Stephane let out the breath he had been holding as Abdul disappeared through the door. He let go of Mara and moved to pour himself a glass of brandy from the drinks cabinet at the side of his desk. He quickly took a sip and loosened his bow tie.

  Mara hadn’t said a word and her silence made him feel uneasy. He glanced at her and found himself taking another breath. She looked like she was going to explode with anger. Her pretty features were tense and there was heavy disappointment swirling with anger in her eyes. For the second time his heart sank and filled with disappointment at himself.

  He expected her to land him a punch as well but she simply said,

  “How could you? I thought . . .”

  Tears ran down her cheeks before she could finish her sentence choking her words. She stopped talking and turned on her heel to leave the room.

  Unable to bear her reaction the billionaire reached for her arm to stop her.

  “Don’t touch me,” she insisted pushing him away. But he refused to let her go.

  “I won’t let him take you or hurt you. Somehow this will all work out. I will protect you. I meant every word. What did he mean about you and him having a score to settle? What is going on?”

  “Let me go. Don’t touch me,” she violently struggled in his grasp and reached out to slap him when he didn’t let her go. He caught her wrists and backed her up against the wall of the gilt edged room.

  “Calm down and listen to me,” he urged. “I want to help you. This was a deal made between Abdul by my mother. I know what that man is and I would never have involved him in this. Do you understand?”

  “Understand? What do you take me for? Let go of me. Leave me alone. My argument with Abdul is none of your damn business.”

  There were no more words, just angry sobs and struggles. He stared at her searching in vain for the right words in his head to say. It loosened his grip on her wrists and she was quick to take advantage. Mara slapped his face hard and then rushed at him banging her small fists at his chest. She was a cornered animal and she was going to come out fighting with everything she had.

  He blocked every blow feeling the sharp sting burn across his face and pushed her up against the wall once more. His captive freed her hands from his hold and flung them upwards to her neck.

  “You can take this stupid necklace back and this wretched dress,’ she screamed unclasping the necklace with fumbling hands, succeeding after several attempts and threw it down on the chair next to her. Stephane’s eyebrows raised and in the heat of the moment he found himself holding his breath waiting for her to tear the dress from her body.

  He held her shoulders pushing them against the wall feeling his blood stir with lust.

  “Come on then, what are you waiting for,” he said darkly baiting her in to action. “Rip the dress off and give it back to me,” he demanded slipping his fingers under the line of the bodice of the dress, his fingers brushing the top of her breast to tug hard at it.

  “Or maybe you want me to do it and put us both out of our misery,” he told her watching her breasts rise and fall with each agitated breath she took. “Believe me, Mara nothing would give me more pleasure than to rip this dress off you and see what is underneath,’ he said angrily, unable to stop himself.

  “Well that’s a pleasure and an honor you will never have,” she said answering his question with a malicious curl of her lips.

  Stephane’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll see.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hard. Her hands fought him and she resisted at first. He decided to persist for a second longer before retreating and he was rewarded when she opened her mouth and softly whimpered her defeat surrendering against his male strength. The tenseness in her body evaporated. She was suddenly warm and soft like melting butter in his hold allowing him to sink his tongue deeper.

  The billionaire swept his arms around her body to draw her close. Her hands clung to him as he began to expertly pull down the zip at the back of her dress.

  “Let’s get you out of this and in to my bed where you belong,” he murmured a
gainst her lips. “I have waited long enough. Right here and now there is only you and I, no problems and no fear. I want you and I am going to take you,” he declared opening the back of the dress and undoing the catches on her corset as he devoured her mouth in another passionate kiss. His palms were just splaying out against the smooth skin of her back when the damn door opened.

  Both moved away from each other. Mara appeared mortified holding up the back of her dress. He went to help her but she glared at him when his mother entered the room with Leon. Horrified she bolted from him, the skirt of her ball gown swishing against the floor and furniture as she did so.

  With impatience he pushed past his mother deciding he’d played her game enough and followed Mara outside of the Chateau. He caught up with her on the terrace at the stone steps that led out to the extended grounds. An elaborate fountain splashed heavily against the pool of water beneath it on this area of the terrace and it was by it he took hold of her hand and swung her around.

  “Mara, why did you run away?” he demanded when she tried to pull away from him. “We have nothing to hide anymore. I never had any intention of carrying out my threat. This is all a lie. We are attracted to each other and this charade with Ryan and Abdul has to end. I will find another way to get Louise back with your help . . .”

  “This is wrong, all wrong. I can’t do this. You want to erase what you have done to me and act like all is forgiven, there will be another way? I don’t believe you. You kidnapped me and made me frightened for my life now you are telling me it has all been a lie. It isn’t to your mother,” she shouted finally succeeding in zipping her dress back up. “And if you really mean what you say then you will let Maxine and myself leave the Chateau right now.”

  Stephane hung his head listening with dismay at the water in the fountain.

  “I can’t,” he said softly letting go of her arm. “I need you to be here but I want you to work with me, help me. Ryan needs to know you are in danger from me. He has to believe it. I can’t let you leave and if you try I will have no choice but to stop you. Work with me instead of being my prisoner.”

  “And if Ryan doesn’t come through what are you going to do? Your mother wants revenge and so will you if your sister dies. And even If you let me leave I will make sure you are prosecuted and you will lose everything. I won’t rest until I see you behind bars for what you have done. I can’t trust you. I might work with you but I am convinced you will do anything to help your family. You have proved that by kidnapping me. How do I know if you really mean what you say? Is this just a game you are playing with me to get me in to your bed?”

  Stephane sighed. There seemed to be no way out of the mess they were both in. No escape from the situation. Mara was never going to believe him and he didn’t blame her. If it came to the crunch and Louise was going to die at Ryan’s hands for real who knows what he would have to do to get her back. Mara was right he had no choice but to go through with the plan and give her back to Ryan. But on one thing he was sure.

  “I will not let Abdul hurt you but if you will not work with me then consider yourself still my prisoner,” he told her coldly.

  Mara regally lifted her dress and turned on her heels to sweep down the steps ignoring the pain that etched on her features as she walked on her injured ankle. He stood at the top of the steps staring after her wondering what could have been if they had not been interrupted in his study.

  Chapter Ten

  The next day arrived, as glorious as the last. “Perfect for an escape,” Mara murmured as she drew back the curtains.

  Last night had been spent relating events with Abdul and Stephane to Maxine and had been enough to finally convince her friend that they needed to climb over the perimiter wall. She walked away from the window and glanced at the dress that lay discarded on the floor from where she had almost torn it in her hurry to get it off. Mara bent and picked it up, carefully laying it over the back of a chair. Her hand absently minded caressed the satin. She had been so pleased to receive it. Ryan had never bought her anything like that.

  The dress had made her feel like a Queen. Stupidly she’d thought Stephane must have felt something for her to buy her such a beautiful dress but she’d been wrong. Well it didn’t matter now what she thought, she had to get away with Maxine, sprained ankle or not before Abdul made any plans to silence her forever.

  “Are you okay, Mara?” Are you having second thoughts about trying to escape?” Maxine asked entering her room to flop down on the bed.

  “No I was just thinking.”

  “Thinking about what? How it could have been with Stephane. Forget it. He’s no good. You want someone like my brother Christophe.”

  Maxine’s eyes sparkled with mischief making Mara feel that familiar sinking feeling. That look meant trouble and lots of it.

  “When we get out of here I will set you both up on a date,” she continued.

  Mara sighed heavily and sat down beside her.

  “After this, Maxine I don’t want to be involved with another man.”

  “I thought you liked Christophe,” Maxine retorted, hurt that her brother had been slighted.

  “You know I always have Maxine, but we are just friends.”

  Maxine was trying in vain and she knew it. The two had always been good friends. To push them together now would ruin everything, besides Mara was in love with Stephane against her better judgment.

  “Anyway Maxine, are you having second thoughts? You are the one who wasn’t very sure about this scheme.”

  “No, no I’m sure we are going even if I have to carry you.”

  Mara smiled. Maxine was taking control, a sight she didn’t see very often. That was the role left for Mara whilst she played little girl lost and enlisted the help of the nearest man. It was a dubious talent but one that Maxine was very good at and it had its uses.

  “You better strap that ankle up well.”

  Mara nodded.

  “Mara, have you had any thought as to what we are going to do once we get over the wall? We will be in the middle of the countryside. I am not sure where the village is.”

  “Well there is that farmhouse I told you about,” she stopped and bit her lip awkwardly. “The only thing is, I am not sure whether it is occupied. It looks a little run down. But somebody must be there because the garden is well tended.”

  “What if there isn’t anyone there? We have no real idea of where we are. We could be wandering the countryside all night.”

  “Calm down. It’s a mile away or so from the wall. I am sure it will be. We will just have to take a chance. We can’t stay here.”

  Maxine shook her blond curls in despair.

  “I just wish this was all over.”

  “We will go this afternoon. I overheard the housekeeper speaking to Stephane. He is entertaining some Japanese business people and his mother is out for the day.”

  She spoke confidently with a firm tone to give both Maxine and herself the courage they needed.

  “Okay I am going downstairs to get some breakfast. There is no point in escaping on and empty stomach. We don’t know how long it will be before we can eat again,” Maxine said with determination. “Are you coming?”

  “No, I’m not hungry and don’t look at me like that, I’ll be fine. We’ll tell them we are going for a walk in the grounds. Mr Garreau is so convinced that nobody could get over that wall. It’s a shame he won’t be there to see it. I’d like to wipe the arrogant smile off his face.”

  Mara watched Maxine go grimacing at the thought of food. It was the last thing on her mind.

  “Mara, why didn’t you come down to breakfast?’ Stephane asked entering the room.

  She pretended she hadn’t noticed him.

  “Oh so you aren’t speaking to me now,” he laughed half-heartedly giving her the impression that he was undeterred by her silence. He studied her for a few moments before attempting to catch her attention again. He stood dominantly in front of her in a black suit. He always took her
breath away when she looked at him.

  “Are you feeling unwell again?” he asked softly. “Please speak to me.”

  Mara gritted her teeth. He was acting as though nothing had happened.

  “You come in here all sweetness and light and treat me as though nothing happened, as though our argument never existed and you expect me to act the same way. That is not going to happen. What do you want?”

  He looked uncomfortable.

  “At least I am capable of moving on. I didn’t come here to argue with you, Mara’ he said gently. “I just came to see how you are?’

  “Can’t stand the guilt can you?” She said walking away from him to the window.

  “This will end. Ryan will come for you. I will make sure he does, whatever it takes.”


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