Shadow Dancer

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Shadow Dancer Page 13

by Krysta Scott

  “Well, I am.” He pulled the menu from between two greasy salt and pepper shakers and perused it. With a sigh, she did the same. Maybe if she played along, he would be more cooperative. Even with the hunger pangs, she found nothing of interest. Burgers and fries were the diner’s main offerings and she wasn’t going to eat that.

  A waitress shimmied to their table. “What can I get you?”

  Mr. Songe answered first. “I would like a theta burger with fries.”

  Both turned to her expectantly. “Just coffee for me.”

  “You sure you don’t want more? I’m buying.”

  “Positive.” The man gave all the appearances of a doting grandfather. An uneasy curl wound through her. As odd as all this was, sitting across from him felt natural, like she had always met with him to discuss her day over a cup of hot chocolate.

  The flash of a young child in a cherry blossom print sundress laughing over bubble gum ice cream flashed through her mind. She closed her eyes as the image took hold and squeezed her heart. This can’t be happening. She took a deep soothing breath. Ignoring the sweat beading on her upper lip, she opened her eyes.

  “You really should eat something, Nikki. You don’t look so well.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Very well, just coffee for me as well.” The waitress drew a sharp line across her pad and stalked off.

  Nikki leaned into the back of her seat, his voice relaxing her taut muscles. She realized with alarm that she trusted him. No matter how hard she fought the inclination, just a glance from him or the cadence of his voice, eased her mind. What was it about this man that offered comfort? She rubbed her temples inspecting every groove and twitch on his face. “I’ve seen you before that day in the courthouse, haven’t I?”

  He nodded but offered no further details, apparently content to allow her to ferret out the facts. She regarded him with closer scrutiny. The answer shot through her—ricocheting like a boomerang. Suddenly she knew exactly why he was familiar to her, now and in her dream. “You were at my sister’s funeral.”

  “Yes.” He looked entirely too pleased. “But you knew me long before then.”


  “I was there when you were born.”

  “Like I would remember that.” She ceased massaging her temples as she considered his words. Tension pooled in her stomach like a lead ball. “How is it you know my mom and dad so well?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” His lips curved in a mysterious smile. “I’m your grandfather.”

  “That can’t be,” she breathed. Her nerves tingled all the way to her fingertips leaving a trail of electricity in its wake. It was too hot. She pulled at her collar to ease the stifling atmosphere. What kind of alternate reality had she entered? “I know my grandparents on both sides of my gene pool and you’re definitely not in it.”

  He leaned forward. The madness of conspiracy glinted in his eyes. “You’re not looking at the right gene pool.”

  She swallowed. Hard. “I-I don’t understand?”

  “I’m saying there is the Angeluses gene pool and then there’s…yours.” Incredibly, he winked. Where was the waitress when she needed one? She needed a stiff drink. Something she was pretty sure the diner didn’t serve. She stared at the man across from her, warring emotions battling for power. Did she trust him? Yes. Was he crazy? He must be. Mr. Songe was just plain nuts and she had agreed to meet him like a half-wit.

  The glint of neon and chrome propelled her mounting terror over the edge. He was lying. Had to be lying. Incredibly some part of her, the insane part of her, believed him. Unable to take any more, she grabbed her purse. “You must have me confused with someone else. If you had even met my father, you would know that he would take great pleasure in not being related to me. If what you say is true, he would have told me.”

  He laughed, a low rumble from the depths of dementia. “I see the Angeluses kept their word. And why wouldn’t they, knowing what we can do.”

  She froze. His reaction was not what she expected but then nothing today was. He was way too confident about what he was saying and way too calm about her agitation. It was definitely time to leave. Nikki forced herself out of the booth. The plastic crinkled as she slid to the end. “I have things to do. Have a good day.”

  He grabbed her wrist. “You don’t want to leave yet, my dear. This is too important an occasion.”

  And just like that, she sat back down as if compelled.

  “You were adopted by the Angelus couple when you were very young. I have your birth certificate, the real one, to prove what I say.” Mr. Songe placed a file on the table and opened it. He riffled through the papers and pulled out two documents and shoved them across the table. One read Certificate of Live Birth and the other Decree of Adoption. With shaking fingers, she picked them up. The name on the certificate read Nikki Summer. The Decree showed both Jorge and Eva Angelus’s names. Nikki Summer listed just below with the typical language that her birth certificate amended to Angelus. Dots swam before her eyes. She put a hand to her mouth. What the….?

  “My mom and dad aren’t really my mom and dad?” It was all she could muster through the fog of cold shock. “They never told me.”

  “They were under strict orders not to.”

  She looked up from the documents into the serene blue eyes of her “grandfather.” A few days ago her dead beat dad was the only family she had left. Today, her family had doubled. “Where are my biological parents?”


  Outside the city diner, Garrett sat in his parked car. Nikki had been in the restaurant twenty minutes now. That was enough time for her to get comfortable with the individual she was supposedly meeting. She could be having dinner with a colleague, but his instincts warned him that her frazzled state had more to do with who she was having dinner with than irritation with him. Was she meeting with her protector?

  He got out of the car and walked to the door. Through a glass smeared with grease he spotted Nikki and her companion.

  Luckily, Nikki faced the opposite direction. Her dinner companion faced him but was immersed in presenting documents to her. Disappointment flooded him. By all appearances, Nikki was on official business. To be on the safe side, he would take the picture anyway.

  Just how did one go about nonchalantly snapping the picture of a guy at a diner? Garrett decided it was best not to hide his infraction. Why bother? Nikki’s back was to him and he doubted the guy would notice. The man’s head rose and his eyes greeted the camera just as Garrett snapped the picture. He even smiled. The bastard actually smiled. It was thin and tight with a hint of mockery. It was as if the man was saying ‘I see you and I don’t care. Take all the pictures you want. I’m not afraid of you.’

  Well if you’re going to play it that way… Garrett raised an eyebrow and returned the grin. He shoved the diner door hard enough that the bell heralded his entry like a cannon fire. He sauntered over to Nikki, taking his time, making sure her companion was aware of his every move. Nikki’s back stiffened. Her head turned, and she scowled at his approach. Her companion’s expression never wavered from his thin-lipped smile. Garrett’s grin broadened.

  “Nikki.” Garrett placed his hands behind his back. “What a pleasant surprise.”

  “Surprise my ass.” She shoved the papers she was holding back in a folder and slammed it shut. “You’re really following me, aren’t you?”

  “Such accusations,” he tsked. His attempt to sound weary was falling short. He glimpsed at the writing on the tab of the file but the typeset was too small to make out.

  Icy silence was her response. The old man’s gaze traveled from Garrett’s ring to his face. After a brief moment he stood and offered a hand. “You must be Nikki’s young man. How are you? I’m William Songe.”

  “Actually, no. Nikki and I are opposing counsel on a case.” Garrett shook his hand assessing the man. Songe’s lines were delivered with a sincerity a pathological liar couldn’t match. Garrett didn’t buy for a second t
he old man believed Nikki was dating Garrett. He was being measured beat for beat as to how much a threat he was. A shiver passed through Garrett. Songe narrowed his eyes. Garrett wasn’t adding up in the man’s scrupulous estimation. It didn’t matter. He didn’t particularly care what he thought about him. If he was foolish enough to think Garrett a wuss, all the better to use that bad impression to his advantage.

  “I see.” Songe regarded Garrett with an air of amusement. The way he looked at Garrett reminded him of a cat with a play thing. “Well, young man, I’m at a slight disadvantage here. I’ve given you my name but I have yet to learn yours.”

  “How impolite of me.” He cleared his throat in his best ‘I’m an idiot’ act. “My name is Garrett Nightshade.”

  A dark shadow passed across Songe’s face. His eyes no longer held a glint of amusement. Hostility replaced the ‘devil may care’ look. It was clear Songe recognized his name, and the association was not a pleasant one. Just as quickly, Songe’s face went blank. He coughed. “No, it’s me who is being rude. Would you like to join us?”

  Nikki gasped. Songe turned his penetrating gaze to her. “Come now, Nikki, no need to be rude to Barrett―”

  “Garrett.” They said in unison.

  “My mistake. Let’s not be rude to Garrett?”

  Nikki pulled her hair out of her face so that it laid in a smooth slick plait down her back. “I’m sure Garrett has better things to do.”

  “Actually, no. Slide over, Nikki.”

  Nikki made no move to accommodate him. Garrett stared her down, daring her to make room. Songe decided the victor of the standoff. “Nikki, please allow Mr. Nightshade a space beside you.”

  Nikki rolled her eyes but acquiesced. Garrett was disappointed in how easily the man issued the order and got his way. As spirited as Nikki was, Garrett expected her stubbornness to last at least five minutes longer. Instead, she moved over. A sure sign Songe was her protector. So why didn’t he wear the Guild ring?

  Garrett slid into the booth close to Nikki. It was almost comical how she pressed herself against the far wall, putting as much distance between them as the space allowed. Which wasn’t much. Just to piss her off, he crowded her leg with his. For a second he considered placing his hand on her knee but given their interaction earlier that day, he thought better of it.

  The waitress approached the table, showing her full set of teeth. “What can I get you?”

  “Coffee is fine.”

  The waitress looked from Nikki to him and huffed. Her irritation at the lack of a large order didn’t stop her from swiveling her hips suggestively as she strode off to the kitchen.

  “So,” Garrett began. “How do you and Nikki know each other?”

  “My, my, you are direct.” Songe laughed. “Let’s just say Nikki’s association with me is confidential.”

  Nikki shifted uncomfortably beside him. He wasn’t sure which one of them set her nerves out of control. Whomever it was, she clenched her jaw and kept her eyes focused on her folded hands.

  Unlike Nikki, Songe’s hands were evenly spaced palms down on the table looking as at ease as a man sipping iced tea by the ocean. Garrett drummed his fingers on the hard surface and scrutinized the man. Quite aware Songe did the same. Neither gave ground. Garrett wondered how much it would take to push Songe over the edge.

  “Did I interrupt a business meeting?” Garrett raised his eyebrows.

  “In a manner of speaking.” Songe pressed his lips together but gave nothing away. His eyes traveled to Garrett’s hand. “Nice ring.”

  “You’re the second person to comment on it this week.” Garrett turned his gaze back to Nikki who sat impassive, refusing to acknowledge him. He placed one hand over the other concealing the object of their interest and shifted his attention back to Songe. “As long as I’ve worn this ring, no one else has noticed it.”

  “How could you miss such a gaudy ornament?” Nikki finally said, tilting her head in his direction.

  “Indeed.” Songe chuckled. “Where did you get it?”

  “Oh, I think you know.” Garrett shook his head at Songe as if scolding a young boy.

  Nikki slammed her fist on the tabletop, jarring their water glasses. “What is it with all this cryptic verbiage over that ring? I mean, what’s the big secret?”

  “That is the question, isn’t it Mr. Nightshade?” Songe grinned. “Why don’t you enlighten her to the secret of the ring?”

  Garrett crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m more interested in why you don’t wear yours.”

  Songe studied him. “What makes you think I have one?” Smugness oozed off him like thick goo forming a puddle. He didn’t fool Garrett. His feigned ignorance wouldn’t fool a deaf-blind mute.

  “Because you aren’t just mildly interested in my ring. You know what it is and what it’s for. Which indicates you have one.”

  Songe shifted. It was a subtle movement, but his expression altered. Had he caught on he’d underestimated Garrett? Instead of confessing, he merely shrugged. “I have no notion of what you’re talking about. Perhaps you’d care to enlighten us?”

  The situation was ridiculous. Songe insisted on engaging in his feeble fishing expedition. That made no sense. If he was a Guild member, as Garrett suspected, the man wouldn’t be this cagy dancing around the subject. If he was an ex-member, Songe would wear the guilt tattooed on his forehead. Songe was hiding something and Garrett was determined to discover his secret.

  From the corner of his eye, Nikki assessed him with the same scrutiny Garrett gave Songe. She was that much closer to learning the truth about the ring. The waiting must be killing her. Garrett smirked, allowing a long pause.

  “Look, this is stupid.” Nikki pushed a stray hair behind her ear. “You wear the ring in full view so what’s the big secret?”

  “Tell her what the ring means, Mr. Nightshade.” Songe smiled clearly enjoying his discomfort.

  Garrett’s initial instinct was to dig in his heels and stay silent. But what good would that actually do? There was little benefit in remaining quiet. “The ring is the seal of the Guild of the Celestial Night. All men wear the ring. All women wear the amulet.”

  “And you couldn’t tell me this earlier?” Nikki looked frustrated and fascinated.

  “I wasn’t under the impression you were all that interested. The information isn’t exactly available to the general public. To them it’s a piece of clunky jewelry. To us,” Garrett placed his hand on his chest. Nikki’s gaze followed the movement like an entranced captive. “It’s how we recognize each other as members.”

  “So the fact that I am not wearing a ring,” Songe chimed in, “would indicate that I am not a member.”

  “But you are. I don’t understand your reasons for hiding the fact, but I’m going to find out.”

  A snicker. “Bring it on, Mr. Nightshade. I’ve dealt with more powerful men than you.”

  “Maybe, but I’ll bet I have more resources than they do. So you aren’t doing yourself any favors by not telling me.”

  Songe shrugged. Garrett held his gaze, challenging him to buckle. One minute ticked by. Two…the man failed to yield. Three…four… Songe raised an eyebrow, lips curving into an unrepentant smile. Five.

  Garrett clenched his jaw.

  “Fine, I’ll do this the hard way.” Garrett pushed from the booth before he gave into the urge to thrust his fist into the man’s condescending face.

  On his way to the car, Garrett snapped open his phone and quickly dialed his private investigator’s number. Mark picked up on the second ring.

  “I need you to track someone down for me,” Garrett barked, sliding into the car.

  “What’s the name?”

  “William Songe.” He adjusted the rearview mirror and turned the key.

  “Got a birth date?”

  “Unfortunately, no.” Garrett pulled out into the traffic. “But he seems to be in his early sixties.”

  “When do you need the info?”


  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “Thanks.” Garrett hung up. The sun had gone down. He flipped on the headlights and headed for the office. Barnes usually left around six-thirty. Nothing like the perfect opportunity to nose around a bit to dig up more information regarding Nikki’s adoption. It was a long shot, but he had a hunch, and he needed to know if he was on the right track.

  Chapter Ten

  Nikki slid to the middle of the booth. A warmth occupied the area Garrett vacated. Still she was cold. She shivered filled with an intense longing for him to return. She could no longer deny her mounting attraction. Even at his most obnoxious, her body craved his. Distracting herself from him had been useless. She inhaled his cinnamon and clove scent. Her toes tingled in response.

  Surely the electric charge that passed between them was strong enough to generate power for a month. She bit her lip and pressed into the booth. If only he would return and fill the empty chasm his absence had left. No. She wouldn’t run after a man who only cared for himself and his needs. She wasn’t that kind of fool. That was not what she had planned for her future.

  Songe covered her hands with his, startling her back to the present. His earnest gaze, ripped through her. She pulled her hands from his and picked up her coffee. The warmth erased the chill from Garrett’s departure. “Nikki, you must promise to stay away from him.”

  Yeah, he knew what she was thinking.

  “A little difficult, wouldn’t you say?” she said wryly. “I have an ongoing case with him.” That was the most plausible explanation. It certainly made more sense than wanting Garrett in her life.

  Truth was, she could pass it on to someone else. But she wouldn’t. She shared an odd connection with Lori Hanover, one she couldn’t explain. She couldn’t walk away. Somehow, Nikki sensed the case required her not just any Guardian Ad Litem. Changing her actions based on the request of a newly surfaced grandfather was moot. At least not until she understood her place in his world.


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