Forbidden Dad: The Irresistible Daddies Book 2

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Forbidden Dad: The Irresistible Daddies Book 2 Page 8

by Kaylee, Katy

  Breathing hard, Paris looked down at me. Her lips were in a perfect little ‘o’ and I was about to sit up and kiss her when there was a loud knock at the door.

  “Oh my god,” Paris squealed, pulling her bra over her tits and leaping off me. She reached for her thong and stepped into it, hopping on one foot and cursing under her breath.

  For a single second, I was frozen. Then, my cop training kicked in and I flew up from the couch. I grabbed my clothes and yanked them on.

  Paris pointed to a Japanese screen, standing in the corner of the room and I frowned at her.

  “No fucking way,” I said quietly, shaking my head. “I’m not letting you get on that stage, Paris!”

  Paris narrowed her eyes at me and frowned. “If you hide now, I won’t,” she said softly.

  Rolling my eyes, I darted over to the Japanese screen and hid myself behind it. There was a small slit of space between each wooden panel, just enough for me to keep an eye on what was happening, but my heart was pounding.

  Paris went to the mirror and made an attempt to straighten her hair just as the second knock sounded. It wasn’t a friendly sound – it was loud and demanding, just the way a cop would knock.

  I stayed behind the screen, crouching down, and listened as Paris opened the door.

  “I’m sorry,” she said sweetly. With one eye to the screen, I watched as Angel stepped inside.

  “Why the hell was the door locked?” Angel asked. He narrowed his eyes at my beautiful girl. “You’re new, so I’ll let it go, but that isn’t something we do around here.”

  Paris flushed and looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry,” she said again. Then, looking up at Angel, she smiled shyly. “It’s just ... well, I was feeling a little shy. That’s all. I must have left my robe at home.”

  Angel smirked. He gave Paris a licentious grin that made me want to punch his lights out. Unconsciously, both of my fists balled up, ready for a punch.

  “Come here, doll,” Angel said. He was smiling now, and he put his hands on Paris’s shoulders and led her to the mirror, standing behind her.

  “What is it?” Paris asked. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke.

  “You ain’t got no reason to be shy,” Angel said. His voice was a velvet caress, and he began slowly running his hands up and down Paris’s bare arms.

  Seeing him do that sent a bolt of hot, angry jealousy through my gut and I clenched my teeth.

  Paris giggled nervously. She gave Angel a shaky smile, but he didn’t take his hands away from her peach-soft skin.

  “Your body is amazing, doll,” Angel said. He made eye contact with Paris in the mirror and grinned at her. “You know that, right?”

  Paris swallowed.

  “You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t,” Angel said. “I don’t hire dogs.”

  “I’m sorry,” Paris said. I watched her reflection, watched her gnaw at her lower lip. “I just don’t think I’m cut out for this line of work. I don’t think I can do it.”

  Angel frowned at her. “You just got yourself a little bit of stage fright,” he said. “It happens to new girls all the time.” There was a beat, and then he said: “Trust me, doll. I saw you dance last night. You got moves, and you know it.”

  Paris put her hands on her trim stomach and licked her lips. “I really do feel sick,” she insisted. “I’m afraid I’ll throw up.”

  That pig, Angel, still had his hands on her and I wanted nothing more than to cross the room and yank him away. For a moment, he scowled. But then, he began to slowly nod his head and a smile spread across his face.

  “Look, doll, why not take the night off,” Angel said. “I bet you dollars to doughnuts, you’ll feel a lot better after you go home and count all the money you made last night.”

  “Thank you,” Paris said. “I really appreciate it, Mr. Hernandez.”

  “Angel,” Angel said. He flashed Paris a big grin in the mirror. “And doll, listen: when you come back tomorrow night, I can guarantee that you’ll make triple of what you did last night.”

  Paris’s eyes widened and she pulled away. “Oh my god,” she said. “Wow.”

  Angel was still smirking at her, leering in a way that made me want to kill him.

  “Of course,” he said generously.

  “Thanks for the night off,” Paris said. “I really appreciate it.”

  Angel walked over to the door and held it open, gesturing with his head for Paris to follow him. She gathered her things, threw a quick, anxious glance at the Japanese screen, and then the two of them left together.

  I groaned and closed my eyes. Fuck, I thought. Triple her salary?

  There was definitely something else going on here besides the drugs, but there was no way I wanted Paris dragged into it.

  I waited a couple of minutes, then straightened my clothes and slipped out of the dressing room. Back in the main area of the club, a stripper I didn’t recognize was crawling around on stage, pushing her tits together with her hands and feigning intense pleasure. As soon as I sat down at the bar and flagged the bartender, I saw Madison. She pouted at me from across the room, then jogged over as best as she could on her platform sandals. She was wearing a bustier top and a matching thong, with stocking held in place by garters. Everything about her was so generic and manufactured that it nearly made me sick.

  “Baaaaby,” Madison whined, putting her hands on my arm and breathing the scent of menthol cigarettes into my face. “Where were you? You missed my dance,” she added, batting her fake lashes at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, pasting a smile on my face. “I’ll make it up to you. Swear it.”

  Madison smiled coyly. “Come here,” she said. She tugged at my arm until I got up from the barstool and followed her into the back of the club. There was a long hall, flanked with curtained partitions.

  “You can buy a lap dance, baby,” Madison said sweetly. She led me to the end of the hall and pushed the curtain aside, leading me into a small, dim room with a padded bench and a pole in the middle. As she turned and fumbled with the stereo speakers mounted on the wall, I frowned before sitting down.

  Music – some top fifty pop bullshit – filled the air and Madison turned to me. She batted her eyes at me as she stripped out of her bustier and thong, tossing them to the ground. Giving me what I’m sure she thought was her most seductive smile, Madison moved forward and bent over, rubbing her body against mine and moaning softly under her breath.

  I felt nothing.

  Even if I hadn’t just fucked Paris, I wouldn’t have felt something.

  I couldn’t feel anything – not while Paris was out there in the world, and I was in this private little hell with Madison Maxx.

  I had to play the part, though. It made me sick, thinking of what Paris would think or say if she saw Madison grinding on me like the slut that she was.

  “You can touch, baby,” Madison cooed. She looked at me over her shoulder and winked. “I won’t tell anyone.”

  The last thing I wanted to touch was that plastic body of hers, but I put my hands on her thighs, playing the part of a good, devoted boyfriend. Madison humped and rubbed her ass on my crotch, moving to the rhythm of the music, and I just waited for it to be over.

  I hadn’t had sex with Madison – and I sure as hell didn’t intend to, especially not since things between Paris and me started heating up.

  In fact, to be perfectly honest, I felt nothing but revulsion towards Madison Maxx, star of The Pink Diamond.

  As Madison “danced”, I heard Steve’s voice in my head.

  Find a way to get the code names, Hendricks.

  If Madison knew anything, I had to find a way to make her talk.


  Paris – Sunday

  As I sat at the dinner table with Hollie and Harrison, I couldn’t keep my mind from running all over the place with lustful, horny thoughts. After leaving the club yesterday, I’d gone straight home and laid in bed. My panties had still been soaking wet and despite having
come harder than I did the first time, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting Harrison again.

  It was getting bad. Thinking about him made me want to touch myself. Even sitting across the table from him was difficult.

  And Hollie wasn’t making it easy, either. The only thing I was grateful for was the fact that Hollie was almost always oblivious about her surroundings. We’d actually had a running joke back in high school that I was her “seeing-eye friend” because she had a bad habit of stepping off curbs and falling down, or walking straight into a wall while looking down at her phone.

  This was, of course, quite different.

  But thankfully, Hollie didn’t seem to notice the fact that the tension between her father and myself was crackling and sparkling like static. She babbled on and on about this guy whom she’d met, and how excited she was to date him over the summer.

  “Paris, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” Hollie said. Her cheeks flushed bright red as she turned to me. “I’ve been talking so much, I’m so rude,” she added. “How’s your new job going?”

  “I ... uh, I came home sick today,” I said, looking down at my lap. “My stomach was killing me.”

  Hollie’s eyes flitted to my nearly-empty plate. She’d made chicken pot pie for dinner, and it had been so good that I’d helped myself to a second serving.

  “You must be feeling better now though, right? You ate a ton,” she said.

  “Um, yeah, I think it was just cramps,” I lied.

  To be honest, I hadn’t actually been fibbing to Angel, back at the club. The thought of going out on stage and pretending to be sexy for a bunch of strange, gross, leering men after having such a hot experience with Harrison had made bile come rushing up my throat. After having experienced real intimacy, I had no idea why men would go to clubs like The Pink Diamond for something so fake and unnatural. Madison Maxx writhing around, naked, and pretending to masturbate on stage was the farthest thing possible from sexy. No. Sexy was Harrison tangling his hands in my hair, kissing me wet and deep. Sexy was Harrison groaning when I took his perfect erection in my mouth and began to suck.

  Sexy was Harrison taking me, fucking me, making me his and his only.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Hollie said. She started babbling on about something else, and I turned my attention back to her father.

  I couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed that Harrison was acting like nothing had happened. He’d come home far later than I had – what had he been doing? I hated the jealous thoughts that now occupied my head.

  Had he been spending time with Madison?

  I was dying to know what the two of them were doing together. I knew that Harrison was attracted to me – his hard cock had more than proven that point – but I was so different from Madison. Whereas I was soft and pale and curvy, she was tanned and toned and silicone. She was platinum bottle-blonde to my natural auburn, and she had the sparkling personality of a porn star where I had always felt comfortable in places like libraries and coffee shops.

  Maybe men didn’t have a type, after all. Maybe all those women’s magazines I’d read growing up had been wrong.

  But no, Harrison wasn’t like that. He wasn’t the kind of man who would just fuck someone for the sake of doing it.

  That was why I was having such a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea of him and Madison together.

  “Um, Paris?”

  My head snapped up and I blushed brightly to see Hollie giving me a weird look.

  “Sorry,” I apologized. “What was that?”

  “What were you thinking about?” Hollie challenged. “You looked really upset for a minute there.”

  “I’m fine,” I told her, even though I wasn’t sure it was true.

  Then again, Harrison had insisted that I refuse to go back on stage, that I quit The Pink Diamond.

  Was it possible that he really did care for me, after all?

  Hollie got to her feet. She took her plate and Harrison’s plate over to the sink and started washing them. I followed her with my own.

  “So, what are you doing tonight?” Hollie asked me. “Are you working?”

  “Yeah,” I said, glancing over my shoulder at Harrison. He was staring down at his phone, and I wondered if he was listening to us. “But not until later.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll probably be out late,” Hollie said. She gave me a lascivious grin. “At least, I hope I will be.”

  I blushed. “Have fun,” I told her. “I hope it goes well.”

  Hollie finished washing her dishes and I took over, soaping my plate and rubbing the sponge over it until it was clean.

  “Hear that, Dad,” Hollie teased on her way out of the kitchen. “I’m going on a date.”

  Harrison looked up and nodded. “Have fun,” he said. “Be safe.”

  Hollie took her purse and went out the front door, leaving me alone with Harrison. I felt awkward around him now, even though we’d become more intimate than I had ever thought possible. We’d had sex twice, but did it mean anything to him?

  I wondered what his plans were for the evening. I assumed that he was going to the club, to see Madison, and part of me wanted to go along just because he was going to be there. Without saying a word, Harrison got up and left. I heard his footsteps go up the stairs followed by the sound of a door closing. With a sigh, I sat down at the kitchen table and propped my chin up on my fist.

  There was another part of me, too. And that part as wondering what Angel was talking about yesterday. He’d mentioned making more money, and I’d have been lying if I wasn’t tempted. There was a niggling feeling that I couldn’t shake in the back of my mind, and I knew it had to do with Harrison. He’d told me that he didn’t want me dancing anymore. And whatever Angel had in mind, well, it probably had to be a lot more than just dancing if he had promised me so much more cash.

  Despite my confusion over my relationship with Harrison, I still loved him. In fact, now I found that I loved him more than ever before. The thought of dancing for other men, even random anonymous strangers, didn’t sit well with me. How could I take my clothes off for other men when I loved Harrison so much?

  I swallowed hard. I couldn’t keep doing this to myself – I couldn’t keep torturing myself and putting myself through the ringer. I had to know how he felt about me, how he felt about this whole situation.

  Taking a deep breath, I got up from the kitchen table and went upstairs. Harrison’s bedroom door was closed and I knocked on it, then waited for an answer.

  There was no response, and I turned the knob and walked inside. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but I heard the sound of the shower from the attached bath.

  The thought of him in the shower, soaping his masculine, sexy body, gave me an idea that made me blush all over. I wanted to badly to know how he felt about me ... but how could I, when sex is all that we’ve had between us? Not to mention, it had always been related to the club. It had always been when he’d just seen me in lingerie and heavy makeup and big heels. He’d never seen me for just me, bare-faced and shoeless.

  Was it me that he wanted, or was it the idea of me stripping that he was so attracted to?

  Maybe it could be different.

  Maybe I had a way to find out his true feelings for me.

  I steeled myself and opened the bathroom door. Sure enough, Harrison was in the shower, his body concealed by the frosted glass walls.

  When he heard the sound of the door, he opened the shower and stuck his head out. There was a wide range of emotions on his face as he stared at me.

  “Paris, what are you doing in here?” Harrison asked.

  We locked eyes. Without saying a word, and without any kind of dancing or pretension or seductive movement, I stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower with him.

  Harrison stood under the hot spray, the water beating down on his head. He didn’t say a word as I stepped closer. My heart was thudding in my chest as I walked into his arms and kissed him.

bsp; For a moment, the kiss was lifeless. Then Harrison woke up. He put his hands on me and pulled me close, nibbling at my lower lip with his teeth and kissing me just as passionately.

  He does want me, I thought, deliriously happy as the kiss grew more intense. Arousal and desire swelled in my body and my heart pounded faster and faster as Harrison’s wet, soapy hands moved over my skin in slow, rhythmic circles that made me moan with anticipation. His hands ran down my back and cupped my ass, squeezing it until I wriggled closer and felt his cock grow hard against my lower belly. He was so tall that I had to stand on tiptoe just to kiss him barefoot, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hoisted myself higher.

  Harrison groaned with desire and pulled me under the spray. Delightfully warm water soaked my hair and face – it was like we were kissing in the middle of a beautiful rainforest, alone in the world except for each other. I kept my eyes closed and that only served to heighten the sensations rushing through my body. As Harrison’s hands moved to my hips, then up to my breasts, I shuddered with pleasure. I wanted him to touch me everywhere, to bring me to the edge and tease me until I couldn’t stand it any longer.

  As he nuzzled me into a gentle, passionate kiss, I realized that I loved him so much that I could hardly bear it.


  Harrison – Sunday

  I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted Paris so badly that I couldn’t help pulling her close and touching her exquisite curves. She was so beautiful, so pure, and all mine.

  “Harrison,” Paris whispered, her voice barely audible over the gushing water. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, exposing her creamy neck. I leaned down and kissed her earlobe, then left a scorching trail of kisses down her neck and gently bit her shoulder until she squirmed and moaned. Her hands were tangled in my chest hair, soaping me and rubbing me and making me clean. My cock was throbbing to the point where it was almost painful, and I pulled Paris closer to me, shoving my hard dick between her wet, round thighs. Hot pleasure exploded in my body and I grunted with lust, pumping my hips back and forth and rubbing my cock between her legs.


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