Heart's Desire

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Heart's Desire Page 12

by Sorcha MacMurrough

  "No, no, not at all," she replied with a shaky laugh. "It's just the onion, silly."

  She tickled his ribs to get away before she gave herself up completely to his embrace. "But now that you mention it, I suppose I'd better ring Maeve to tell her I'm dropping by tomorrow."

  Sinead waited for him to say something about not wanting her to come back with him, but to her surprise he said instead, "Well, if my nurse will allow me to, I'll drop you off, and go on to the hospital to have a look at a few things. There's also a meeting I should go to of the hospital's Board of Trustees. Then I can take you back to your place if there's anything you'd like to get from home like your checkbook."

  "Great," she said, gratified though puzzled that he seemed to have no intention of leaving her in Castlemaine.

  "Ring now, before we eat, and I'll be back soon."

  She waited for a few minutes until the food was well under way, and then heard the strains of Rigoletto in the background. She picked up the kitchen extension and rang Maeve.

  They quickly told each other how they were. Then Sinead said, "Listen, Maeve, Mr. Riordan is dropping me at home tomorrow. I've got some presents for you. Can you make sure you don't let him know I live there?"

  "Why not?"

  "Never mind, it's a bit complicated. I'll explain when I see you. I must go. He'll be back in a minute, and I'm in the middle of cooking."

  "So long as you're sure you're all right, Sinead, I'll wait until tomorrow for the mystery to be solved."

  "I promise I'm fine. Love you, and can't wait to see you tomorrow," Sinead said as she rang off.

  Sinead thought she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, and heard footsteps. She couldn't be sure because of the music coming from the living room. She suddenly felt very alone and nervous, and called quickly, "Austin!"

  She must have sounded frightened, for he was in the doorway within seconds.

  "What is it?"

  "I-um, just wanted to tell you dinner would be ready in a few minutes, if you want to clean yourself up."

  "I'll just get some firelighters, then have a wash. I'll set the table when I get back," Austin said gruffly. It was obvious that he avoided looking at her as he got out a box from one of the cupboards and disappeared out the door again.

  Sinead shrugged and busied herself with the meal.

  After about ten minutes, Austin returned and set the table, complete with candles just like the night before. She could see he made an effort to keep the conversation going, on completely neutral topics such as opera and the weather. While she looked down at her plate most of the time, she did occasionally take a peek at his handsome face so near her.

  She watched as his strong, capable hands opened a bottle of wine and poured her a glass. She sat back and stretched slightly, sighing in contentment as she sipped appreciatively. They lingered at the table for quite some time after they'd finished.

  Finally Austin said, "How about some fresh cappuccino to round off that super Italian meal?"

  Sinead nodded sleepily, and thought, not for the first time, how perfect it all was. How happy she felt.

  Soon Austin placed a steaming cup in front of her, crowned with frothy milk and a dusting of nutmeg.

  Sinead beamed up at him. "How lovely! Thank you!"

  "Would you like some of your chocolates with it? I'll go up and get them from your room," he offered.

  "No, thanks, this is fine," Sinead replied, feeling completely cozy and relaxed.

  However, when she finally stood up to put the plates in the dishwasher, she began to stumble about.

  "Ouch! My legs have seized up from the horses," she said, wincing. She rubbed her hands up and down her thighs in an effort to ease the stiffness.

  "Far be it from me to say I told you so. How about me setting up the spa bath for you?"

  Sinead hesitated, but the twinges in her muscles grew more acute, and it sounded like a wonderful idea.

  "That would be lovely. I'll go get some things from my room."

  Austin cleared the rest of the table, and turned on the dishwasher. "Right, all set."

  "Ow! Now I know why John Wayne walked so oddly in the films!" she exclaimed as she hobbled.

  Austin chuckled throatily.

  At the top of the stairs, he disappeared into his room.

  Sinead continued down the hall into her own bedroom. She got some shampoo and her robe, and hunted for her blow dryer. She heard the water running in the bathroom, and soon afterwards a gentle whirring sound. She sat on the bed and read one of the books he'd given her for a few minutes until she heard Austin call.

  "There now, it should be fine, but give me a shout if it gives you any bother. Then it's my turn, so don't be too long!" he warned, with a playful scowl.

  Sinead carefully bolted both doors and quickly removed her jeans and top. She sank into the tub with a sigh, and enjoyed the tickling sensation of the bubbles as they churned around her. She giggled a few times as they sprang up her nose, and she submerged herself completely from head to toe and listened to the sound of the machine glugging, which she thought amusedly sounded like a giant hungry frog.

  Then she surfaced, and scrubbed her hair vigorously with some fragranced shampoo. She lathered herself with the beautifully scented rose soap she found in the dish. She lost all track of time in the sensual cocoon of warmth which lapped over her shoulders.

  It was only when she heard Austin's voice say through the door, "Surely you must be a prune by now!" that she realised she had been in for ages and he was waiting his turn.

  "Near enough," Sinead replied. "I'll be out in a minute."

  She pulled herself from the blissful warmth of the tub with great reluctance, and stroked herself with the fluffy towels in a reverie. Her muscles definitely felt better, and she smelt wonderful, she thought.

  She did up her hair in a towel, and then wrapped herself in her floor-length blue velour robe. She pondered for a moment over whether or not to put on her tracksuit, but he was standing outside the door, so she decided not to keep him waiting any longer.

  Sinead unbolted the door to his room, and he pushed it open. "I'll be a while," Austin said, "so go blow dry your hair. Then if you don't mind, could you take a look at my back? It's a bit sore after my fall."

  "Yes, of course," Sinead said, secretly thrilled at the idea, though she tried to dampen down her enthusiasm.

  She hastened back to her room, and towelled her hair vigorously. Then she had to tackle it with her brush, so she was still drying her hair when she saw Austin's bare feet appear in front of her on the carpet. For a moment she almost feared to look up, wondering if he were naked, but he had a toweling sarong wrapped around his waist, held around his magnificent body by the tiniest of buttons.

  Sinead swallowed hard and hoped her hands would be steady enough when she examined him. She turned off the dryer and fluffed her hair back over her shoulders, so that it fell in a shimmering cascade down her back.

  Austin sat down on the bed and turned his back to her, a tube of cream in his outstretched palm. "Use this. It usually works if I've fallen off."

  Sinead could see a few livid bruises on his back. She smoothed some of the cream in gently, her fingers strong and warm, covering the vast expanse of muscle in sensual sweeps which caused Austin to groan. "I don't know what's worse, the pain or the pleasure," he whispered hoarsely as he turned to face her.

  Sinead tried to pull away, but it was a token effort. She'd know ever since they'd entered the house that this was exactly what she had been longing for and hoping beyond hope would happen. He pulled her down sideways and kissed her with passionate abandon while his hands roved all over her slim body barely covered by her robe, which began to part at the waist.

  Her breasts ached to feel his touch. He pushed her onto her back as he nuzzled each in turn, causing Sinead to arch up against him.

  Just when she thought the pleasure was too intense, he moved his lips and tongue downwards, exploring, tasting, thrillin
g every inch of her. He descended relentlessly, his mouth finally fastening on the core of her femininity. Sinead blushed with embarrassment as well as excitement and she tried to force his head up.

  But he merely laughed triumphantly as he brought her higher and higher, to a fever pitch of sensation which forced her to hold onto his head by its luxurious dark locks. After an eternity of agonised bliss, Sinead gasped as her shudders careened out of control. All her muscles spasmed, and she quivered from head to toe, caught in the tempest of his tantalizing touch. She rode the wave to the very end of bliss, his tongue and hands wringing every ounce of pleasure from her until she nearly wept with the beauty of it all.

  He held her gently until she floated back down to earth, then stood up. Sinead was so overwhelmed, she could only gasp weakly, "Austin, where are you--"

  "I'll see you tomorrow," he said as he closed the door behind him, leaving her lost and bereft in the dark.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sinead could not believe the nerve of Austin, nor the complete wantonness in her own nature. She had been his completely, and yet he had turned down what he could all too easily have taken without a shred of resistance. She had never experienced anything like the sensations which even his lightest touch had produced. She damned herself for the thousandth time for allowing her uncontrollable desires to run riot.

  Sinead sternly lectured herself, trying to get a grip on her emotions. She reminded herself that Austin could not possibly be serious about her. He had told her he was getting married, had bought Margaret a horse, had even picked out the ring right in front of her own eyes.

  So why make love to me? She decided bitterly that it was all a game. He loved to charm women. It satisfied his ego to see her give herself up to him as soon as he laid hands on her. Hadn't he laughed? Probably at her obvious lack of resistance. Of what she had allowed him to do with barely a murmur of protest. She felt nauseous at the thought of him doing to Margaret what he had done to her. Damn him!

  She eventually fell asleep after a welter of tears which Sinead told herself were ones of anger. Deep down she knew they represented frustration, disappointment, and self-reproach. And a longing for things that could never, ever be.

  Sinead opened her eyes groggily as sunlight began to stream into her bedroom. She realised that she hadn't closed the curtains the night before. She came sharply awake when she remembered the cause of her forgetfulness. Great, she thought, another polite breakfast with me skittering around like a frightened hare. And he had never even had his shot before bedtime.

  That recollection made her leap out of bed and grab her clothes quickly. Sinead determined to distance herself from Austin by putting on her uniform. Then she put her few dirty clothes in a bag to take back home with her.

  She wondered if she should pack up everything. What if Austin had tired of his little games? Or Margaret put her foot down about her living there? After all, she knew she was there. She had obviously seen her at the pub yesterday. Probably checking up on Austin, Sinead thought uncharitably.

  After stalling as long as possible, Sinead decided she had to go downstairs and face him, if only to tend to his medical needs. She got her coat and bag, and trotted down the stairs, attempting to look and feel casual even while her stomach churned.

  Austin sat at the table in his usual three-piece pinstripe suit and crisp white shirt. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him facing her in the doorway. He seemed to be reading the paper, but blinked and dropped it hastily when she entered.

  "Are you all right?" Sinead asked, fearing that he was having some sort of dizzy spell. He seemed to sway forwards in the chair, before picking up the paper and putting it squarely in front of his face.

  "I'm fine," Austin grunted, and made a great show of reading out the headlines to her in an outraged tone.

  "I'm really sorry we forgot your shot last night before bed. Let's take care of that straight away, and then, I'll get breakfast."


  She took him through his routine, only this time he lifted his shirt.

  "Abdomen seems easier this morning."

  "Er, yes, quite," she said, her mouth going dry at the sight of his washboard abs. Easier for whom?

  She made short work of the injection, packed up the supplies they would need to take with them, and then pottered around the kitchen making his cooked breakfast for a few minutes until he stood up suddenly. Sinead looked at him in surprise.

  "It's supposed to be my turn today. You're my nurse, not a servant."

  Nurse! she thought with annoyance. Then she reminded herself that she had wanted him to think that or else she wouldn't have put on her uniform. "Don't be silly," she said hastily, "I really don't mind. You're nicely dressed. Besides, I've started, so I'll finish. You can do it tomorrow if you like."

  Sinead waited for him to say something about her not being there tomorrow morning, and stiffened her spine for the shock.

  All he said was, "I'm sorry. I'll try to be more considerate in future."

  "Mr. Riordan, you are paying me, after all, so I can hardly complain."

  He looked at her with a threatening frown.

  She added quickly, "But thank you for the thought. I do really enjoy cooking."

  Austin sat back down and stared out of the picture window at the snowy back yard, barren apart from a berried holly bush all the way in the rear.

  Soon set a steaming plate of food down in front of him. Then she sat opposite and crunched her own bowl of cereal. She noted with concern that Austin was not eating with his usual gusto.

  "Is there something wrong? Too much pepper? Salt? Perhaps you'd like an omelette?"

  "No, no, it's fine, I just have things on my mind. Plus I could murder a pack of cigarettes," he admitted with a grimace.

  "Come on, just a bit more," she coaxed. "You need to be at your best today,"

  "What? Oh, yes, my meeting later." He took a few more mouthfuls, and nibbled some toast. He pushed the mushrooms around and bit, then finally put his fork down with a clatter and pushed the plate away.

  Sinead silently took it away and scraped it before setting it in the dishwasher with her own breakfast things. Austin remained sitting with his elbows on the table, until Sinead finally said, "Have you got any in the house?"

  "What?" he asked, with a surprised, even shocked look on his face.

  "Cigarettes. You threw the ones you had with you away before you left the hospital, but you might have some around the house."

  Austin smiled tightly and shook his head. "No. Even if I did, we both know I shouldn't. No, I shall continue to deny myself until you give me the all clear."

  She moved closer to him despite herself, wanting to comfort him in some way even after what had happened between them the night before. She could see dark circles under his eyes. He did not, she had to admit, look his best that morning.

  "Did you sleep all right, or were your bruises giving you trouble?"

  "Trouble, indeed," he said curtly, rising from his chair so abruptly it scraped back with a grating noise on the tile and nearly toppled.

  He looked down at her, but she quickly glanced away, terrified that he should see the hurt in her eyes. How did he think she had slept?

  After fetching a few things from his study, they locked up the house.

  Austin fetched the car out of the garage. "Here, you drive," Austin said, handing her the keys. "I'll just sit and work out a few things in my head for today, if you don't mind."

  As she headed towards Castlemaine, Sinead was glad she had to keep her eyes on the road, for she felt that there was some sort of magnetic force compelling her to look at the stunning man by her side as he sat and brooded darkly. She distracted herself by picturing the look on Maeve's face when she saw the presents for the baby.

  She also pictured the possible look on Austin's face if Mike were home, and he found out that he was in fact only her brother-in-law. Well, he couldn't think any worse of her than he did already, if he
had indeed taken the trouble to reflect that she would have been technically unfaithful to any man in her life several times over.

  Perhaps she was just his last fling, she thought bitterly, before he married Margaret. Once Margaret had hold of Austin, he probably wouldn't get the chance to talk to any nurse in the hospital, let alone herself.

  Sinead wondered, not for the first time, just what Margaret had up her sleeve to get even over her defeat concerning Luke. If only Margaret knew she'd already wounded her mortally. Sinead felt as though her soul would be dead once Austin was gone from her life.

  As they pulled up the drive, Sinead saw with relief that Mike's car was nowhere in sight, only her red Mini. She made a great show of ringing the doorbell while Austin got the bags out of the car. "Which of these will you leave with your sister, and which do you want me to drop off at your house?" he asked.


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