A Tiny Dash of Death

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A Tiny Dash of Death Page 7

by Carolyn L. Dean

  “So you think we should just tell the police and forget about it?” Claire asked.

  “No, I think we should just back off and let the police do their jobs. It’s not like we’ve found out anything. Sure, Ellen was seeing Dexter, but just because she might have also been seeing Captain Karl doesn’t mean he killed anyone.”

  “But he had access to Ben’s crab traps,” Claire said.

  “That doesn’t sound like proof to me,” Molly said, continuing to knit on her current project. “I mean, could Darryl charge him with any of that?”

  Claire wrinkled her nose. “No.”

  “Right, so is that worth risking your life over?” Scott asked. “I mean, we can talk to Darryl about this, but he wouldn’t be able to do anything. He might even make Karl angry if he started nosing around his ship. He’d know exactly who talked about him and then I’d have to sleep on your porch.”

  Claire gave him a sideways glance and tapped her chin as if giving the thought serious consideration. “Sleep on my porch? That doesn’t sound half bad.”

  “Hey!” Scott said. “You do not want me whining and scratching at your door all night. Trust me.”

  Claire and Molly laughed softly, though Molly gave Claire a glance that said she wasn’t so sure Scott was kidding. “Well, maybe you’re right. Maybe it would be a good idea to just give this whole thing up. I’m new in Brightwater Bay, and the last thing I need is for some crazed captain chasing me around the town with a fish knife.”

  “It’s settled then,” Scott said. “If it makes you feel any better, I think it’s my fault, anyway. I never should have asked you to follow Darryl when he ran out of the diner. We should have just stayed and had pie.”

  Claire sighed and looked away, nodding. “I do like pie.”

  “Excellent choice. We’ll go out to pie when we get back to town,” Scott said, grinning and rubbing his hands together. “I only have one question. Do you want to go up to the Bakery or the Dogwood Cafe? I know Mrs. Applegate makes some really great pies, but it won’t take more than a minute to get to the Dogwood.”

  “Let’s do the Dogwood. I get to try most of the pies at the resort bakery, and they’re great, but I’d like to do something different every once in a while.” Claire said. Despite the decision to leave the whole mess with Dexter’s death alone, she was feeling oddly put out, as if she wanted to continue but her friends were right. It wasn’t worth risking her life.

  “Well, I’m glad that’s been decided but unfortunately, I have plans for the evening I can’t cancel on,” Molly said. “Scott? Do you think you could give Claire a ride? I can take her home if that’s too much trouble.”

  Claire narrowed her eyes at Molly when the woman gave her a wink. Clearly, Molly was playing games, though to be honest with herself, Claire wasn’t exactly sure she minded.

  “Of course I can give Claire a ride,” Scott said as he grinned. “If I’m going to sleep out on her porch, I should probably at least make sure there is a comfy chair out there.”

  “Oh stop it, I wouldn’t dream of making you sleep on the porch,” Claire said with a wink. As Scott began to blush, she smirked and looked out of the windows at the wind-blown waves. “It’s much warmer under the porch. I think a pack of raccoons made a home down there. They would probably be just fine with you and a sleeping bag.”

  “Oh man, I’m not even a dog anymore, I’m a trash panda? Wow,” Scott said, shaking his head in fake bewilderment. “I’m not even sure pie is worth this.”

  Claire patted him on the arm. “Oh, it’s worth it, trust me. It’s totally worth it.”

  Chapter 15

  The next day, Claire felt better as she and Roscoe got ready to go to the local church. It was a cozy group in a beautiful little white building with a gray roof set on one of the hills looking out over the ocean. The grounds around it were well-kept and the small building was surrounded by tall fir trees whose boughs reached all the way to the base of the trees. She had fallen in love with it at first sight, and was delighted to find that the congregation was friendly and open.

  The day itself was back to being overcast, and a thick gray blanket of clouds was moving slowly across the sky. The wind had picked up as well, though it was not yet strong enough to be biting despite the cold of the day.

  By the time the service had gotten out, Claire was more at peace with her decision to leave behind the investigation. She snorted to herself, sneering at the word investigation as if she were some sort of police detective. She had truly been out of her depth, but at the time when Darryl went off to follow Ben Draper, it was exciting and more importantly, Scott was there. Even when the body had surfaced, it had been more like a movie than real life. It was only after she’d been confronted by the dangerous visage of Captain Karl, snarling in her face, that things had become all too real.

  However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was left incomplete. Despite not knowing the man, his death had still impacted her in a roundabout way and she’d never liked leaving a riddle half-solved. She was certain the feeling would fade in a few days, but for now, it still rankled her.

  “Miss Mayfield?” came a man’s voice from behind her in the parking lot. Claire had just about gotten to her car with Roscoe trotting happily behind her. When she turned, she saw a thin man with glasses walking toward her. He was wearing a big smile, but she didn’t like how it didn’t reach his eyes. He was also carrying a notebook and pen. “Miss Mayfield, do you have a few moments? I’d like to ask you some questions.”

  Then she realized who it was. This must be the Jeff Sinclair that Darryl had warned her about. The man was not impressive or intimidating physically, but his eyes had a predatory look that set Claire on edge immediately. “Um, I’m just on my way to an appointment.”

  “I promise it won’t take long,” Jeff said. “Really, I’m harmless. I just want to ask you a few questions.”

  Claire signed, turning around with a look she knew wasn’t very pleasant. “First of all, who are you? Why would you want to ask me questions in the first place?”

  The gangly man smiled, again without it reaching his eyes. “My name is Jeff Sinclair. I work for the Brightwater Bay Review newspaper and there’s been some curiosity about one of our latest residents.”

  “Fine, what questions do you have for me?”

  “Do you want to go somewhere more comfortable? I know you frequent Daisy’s coffee shop. We could go there?”

  “No, Mr. Sinclair, let’s just talk here. I don’t intend on this taking very long.”

  The man shrugged, seeming okay with her answer. “Well, let’s just dive right into it then?” He pulled up his notepad and prepared to write. “What brought you to Brightwater Bay? From what I can tell, you didn’t have a job lined up or anything.”

  Claire shrugged, not seeing anything wrong with that question. “I hadn’t planned on settling here at all. My car happened to have broken down on the bridge up there,” Claire said, pointing up toward the pass that overlooked the town. The road curved gently and then passed over a small river that cascaded down from above, flowing into the ocean just outside of town. “I was only passing through, trying to get to a rental house out on the islands.”

  “So, you had no plans to stay? Why did you?” Jeff asked.

  “Well, my car wasn’t working so I couldn’t keep going on my journey. Daisy Monroe was kind enough to let me stay in one of her cottages for a few days while my car was repaired.”

  “Ah yes, Daisy Monroe,” Jeff wrote something down in his notebook, scribbling furiously. “She used to date Dexter Cable, right? Very interesting.”

  Claire’s brows knit together at his last comment. “What do you mean very interesting? Mr. Sinclair, are you insinuating something?”

  “Oh, no, not at all,” Jeff said, smiling brightly. “I just think it’s a strange set of circumstances that Orrin, Dexter’s brother, shows up dead on your porch, and then you’re there when Dexter himself turns up dead. Interesting c
oincidence, don’t you think?”

  “That’s exactly what it is. A coincidence. I didn’t know either of the Cable brothers prior to showing up here nor did I know Daisy, or who she might have dated.”

  Jeff narrowed his eyes as Claire spoke but his smile only got wider, as if he were stalking some who then went out to Dexter’s cabin not a few days later. Strange activity for someone who’s never met either prey. “Yet you were seen speaking to Orrin Cable on the ferry, along with Scott Bedford, before.”

  “It was proven that Edgar killed Orrin, trying to get to the jewelry that was stolen from Mrs. Freeman. I would think a newspaper reporter would know that,” Claire said, getting angrier at the man and clenching her fists. Roscoe, who had been quiet up until this moment began to growl. It was far from threatening, being more cute than anything, but Claire was thankful for it nonetheless.

  “Yes, that was the official story, but like you said, I am a reporter. It’s my job to dig into these things. On the surface, that story ties up pretty tightly, but you’ve also been seen being quite close to one of the police officers in the area. Darryl Portman? You do know him as well, don’t you?”

  Claire was flabbergasted and angry. This man was actually accusing her of not only being behind Dexter’s murder, but also the death of Orrin. Something that Edgar had actually confessed to doing. He also seemed to be implying that the local police were in league with her about it. She raised her hand and shook her finger in the man’s face. “Listen, buddy! I didn’t know either one of those men, or anyone here in Brightwater Bay, for that matter. I got here to travel on the ferry, and my car broke down. Nothing more, nothing less. I sure as heck didn’t conspire with local law enforcement either! You are a loony.”

  “So you’re not denying anything?”

  Claire’s eyes widened in shock and she waved her hands in the air. “Of course I’m denying that! I’m denying pretty much everything you’ve just implied!”

  Jeff actually chuckled, grinning as if she’d fallen into a trap, then wrote something down on the pad of paper. Claire could only stare in angry amazement at Jeff’s frantic writing. “What about Captain Karl? Why were you seen in an argument with him yesterday over on Eastsound? Is he involved somehow?”

  Claire went cold. How did this little jerk know about that? More importantly, what would Captain Karl do if his name suddenly appeared in the paper. “N…no! What!? How do you even know about that?”

  “Hah!” Jeff exclaimed, pointing his pen at Claire before once again writing furiously in his notebook. “So, he is involved! I knew it!”

  “No! No, no, no,” Claire said desperately, stepping toward Jeff and reaching for his notebook while Roscoe began to bark, dancing around their feet.

  The man turned, blocking Claire with his body and giving her a suddenly cold glare. “Miss Mayfield, you cannot stop the truth! If you didn’t want someone to find out, you should never have gotten involved in nefarious things. You’ve only brought it on yourself.”

  Claire gritted her teeth, staring at the man and trying to will him to take back what he’d said. She had just decided to leave everything alone and now this little weasel was going to print something in the paper that would surely have Captain Karl spitting nails. He was sure to come after her. “Nefarious? Who even talks like that? I’m not involved in anything nef-” Claire stopped, stopping herself from using that stupid word, “-anything bad.”

  “Then tell me what are you involved with?” Jeff said, turning on her triumphantly.

  Claire opened her mouth to explain, but suddenly snapped it shut. She couldn’t tell him. She couldn’t tell him that Darryl’s wife had been seeing Dexter and probably Captain Karl. It would absolutely ruin Darryl’s life, not to mention sending her into hiding from a vengeful ship’s captain.

  There was nothing else for her to do, so she just shut her mouth. Jeff Sinclair continued staring at her for another long moment before shutting his notebook with a snap. “Very well, Miss Mayfield. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  Claire watched him go, walking across the parking lot and getting into a beaten up old car. It popped a bit as it started up, then coughed a bit of dark smoke before moving out of the parking lot of the church. The day became far more dreary after that, reflecting Claire’s mood.

  Chapter 16

  Two days later, Claire was just sliding some fresh morning cinnamon rolls into the display case, humming happily at the delicious aroma. She was pleased with herself, having come in early to help Mrs. Applegate with some of the early bread making. She hadn’t needed to, but had enjoyed the experience and Mrs. Applegate was more than happy to have the company.

  Just before seven, Sandy came in, dressed in her pretty apron and her hair done up in a ponytail. Claire looked up, getting ready to give the younger woman a warm welcome but the smile died on her lips. Sandy didn’t look very happy, giving Claire a look that said she had bad news. She clutched a newspaper in her right hand.

  “What’s wrong?” Claire asked, staring at the paper in the girl’s hands.

  “Claire, you’re not going to like this, but there’s a story about you in the paper. I don’t know what bug landed Jeff Sinclair’s Wheaties, but he sure doesn’t like you. Did you run over his cat or something? Maybe punch his grandmother?”

  Claire’s face fell and she rushed around the corner, grabbing the paper that Sandy held out and opening it quickly. She didn’t have to look far. Right there on the front page the headlines read Brightwater Bay Banshee A Danger to All!

  “Oh my heavens,” Claire said, biting her lip to keep from saying the coarse words that she really wanted to say. Sitting down she spread the paper out and began to read while Sandy watched in concern.

  Mrs. Applegate came out, signing softly to herself as she wiped her hands on a cloth but stopped when she saw the scene before her. “Claire? Is everything okay? What’s going on, Sandy?”

  Sandy pointed at the paper in Claire’s hand. “There’s a newspaper article in the Brightwater Bay Review about Claire.”

  “And according to it, I’m some evil monster that bad luck has followed to town and is somehow causing people to die. Maybe I’m even working with the police department to cover it up or hiring people like Captain Karl to do it!” Claire said angrily, continuing to read. “That little weasel!”

  “Oh, dear,” Mrs. Applegate said, coming around the counter and giving Claire a hug while she looked over her shoulder. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Claire. Sometimes people who are new are the easiest targets. I should go down to that newspaper and give that man a piece of my mind! I hate bullies!”

  “I’ll go with you!” Sandy declared, looking like she was ready to drive Mrs. Applegate downtown.

  “No! please, no,” Claire said, holding up her hands as she kept reading. “Don’t go down there! It will just make it worse, I’m sure. Tomorrow I’ll show up in the paper as inciting riots.” Claire said, finally closing the paper. It was just as bad, if not worse, then she thought it could be. Jeff Sinclair had painted her as some sort of super-villain who came to town. Worse, he had named Darryl Portman and Captain Karl as being in league with her evil machinations.

  “I can vaguely understand why Officer Portman was named, but why bring Karl into this? He usually just keeps to himself and minds his own business,” Mrs. Applegate asked having picked the paper up after Claire was done with it.

  Claire signed softly, shaking her head from where it was resting in her hands. “I didn’t tell you earlier because Captain Karl came to Eastsound on Saturday and threatened me. Remember when I told you Scott and I went down to Hazelton to look into those rumors about Ellen and Dexter? We had learned that she was seeing someone else. That person was Captain Karl. Unfortunately, I think someone overheard me when I was talking to Molly and told him.”

  Mrs. Applegate gave Claire an odd look,” Are you sure? Karl pretty much hates everyone, but I think he’s completely loyal to his wife.”

  Claire was just about to answ
er, but then paused. Betty had never said a name. “Actually, I don’t know. We just assumed it might be Captain Karl because the person we spoke to said it was a big, scary sailor with a beard. We didn’t get a name, though.”

  Mrs. Applegate frowned. “I might suggest that giving a description like big with a beard up here in the pacific northwest is like describing a specific tree as tall and green. Being a sailor is a bit more specific, but we are on the coast. It might not be Captain Karl, dear.”

  Claire took a deep breath, blowing it out as she thought about what had been said. “Maybe you’re right, but it doesn’t matter now. Captain Karl is likely to be angry at me and he’s already threatened me once.”

  “He’s not likely to warn you again,” Mrs. Applegate said, sitting down and waving her hand at herself. “Oh, dear. Honey, you have to go talk to Darryl as soon as you can. I think you’re wrong about Karl, but he’s not exactly the most peaceable man.”

  “Okay, I’ll go to the police department after work,” Claire said, slumping in the chair. She wasn’t pleased about having to go talk to Darryl, nor about the questions the officer would most likely have for her. She didn’t want to tell him about Ellen, but she couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t just raise more questions.

  “Do you want me to go with you, Claire?” Sandy said, putting her hand on Claire’s shoulder.

  “No, it’s okay,” Claire answered, smiling at the young woman. “It’s better if I go alone. I think enough people are in trouble about this already.”

  Chapter 17

  Taking Roscoe out had been the worst, but when she walked him, she did her best to be safe. She made sure to go out on the front steps where the highest number of people would see her. Claire knew the owners wouldn’t be happy seeing her little pooch doing his business outside, but she picked up everything he left and she didn’t see anyone peeking out at her from inside.


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