Three Men and a Woman: Caroline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Three Men and a Woman: Caroline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Rachel Billings

  Caro was crying out, chanting their names, giving direction. “Fuck me, fuck me,” she cried. “Harder, Matt. More, Jack. Fuck me harder.”

  They gave her what she wanted. Both of them pistoned into her, driving her higher. She arched, pressing hard back into Jack’s shoulder, filling his hands with her tits. She rolled her head, delirious with pleasure, crying with it.

  Jack loved it. He’d loved fucking her ass before, when she’d already been so tight around him. But now, with Matt distending her, too, it was beyond amazing. And feeling Matt’s thrusts take her added to his own pleasure.

  Matt and he both held back their orgasms until she started screaming with it, spasming and rocking, letting them both fuck her. A few more thrusts and they were all three done, hoarse cries and guttural grunts joining her wails.

  She cried out with each thrust as they finished into her. Jack filled her ass with his cum, and he knew Matt did the same with her pussy.

  Caro gasped for air, her body still spasming in aftershocks.

  Both men held her, heads buried into her, taking in her scent.

  Holy fuck.

  * * * *

  Caroline was sublimely happy about how the rest of that weekend and the early part of the week went, focusing on the many pleasures her two men brought her. They’d all three worked some on Saturday, though they took in a movie that evening, and then she and Matt spent most of Sunday together. He had another soccer game, and Jack took time from the lab to watch it with her. She really didn’t care that the other fans kept an interested eye on her—no doubt, they’d all assumed the prior week that she was with Matt.

  This week, Jack made no effort to disguise his ownership of her.

  She was becoming less and less concerned about that, more comfortable with their ménage—Jack, the consummate researcher, had given her that name for it. It pleased them and made them happy. Since they weren’t hurting anyone else, it didn’t seem anyone’s business but their own. She wouldn’t flaunt it, but she wasn’t sure she would go much out of her way to hide it, either.

  It struck her as odd, but their experimentation in double penetration had somehow helped to seal their relationship. It was such an intimate binding of the three of them, that exquisite shared pleasure, their simultaneous use of her body, its culmination in such rapturous joy for all of them.

  She’d spent Saturday and Sunday nights with both of them in Jack’s bed. They’d double-fucked her, and more than once. But mostly, they’d all three shared their bodies in love, in whatever ways they thought of.

  They thought of most. They’d both sucked pussy, and she’d sucked cock, at one point, tending to both at the same time. They’d fingered her into orgasm, and she’d used her hands on them. They’d fucked her crazy, singly and doubly, roughly and lovingly.

  It was all so amazing she wanted to hug it to herself like a favorite blanket warm and fresh from the drier. She was in love, two times over, and it was incredibly, unbelievably satisfying. She couldn’t possibly want for more.

  So when those stray thoughts of Daniel slipped into her mind—when Jack mentioned again the spectacular dinner they’d had, or when Matt touched her in the dark of the theater, up under her skirt just the way Daniel had—well, she did her best to push them away.

  She felt guilty enough that they’d find a way to sneak in at all. For sure, she wasn’t going to dwell on them.

  Each time, she reminded herself of that warm blanket, of how fulfilled and happy she was with her two remarkable lovers. She was certain that response to Daniel was an aberration, brought on by the wine and the romance of the night.

  She did a pretty good job of convincing herself, too, until the next time she saw him.

  Caroline had had another evening lecture, and Jack was finishing up a workout in the gym. They planned a late dinner after, and so she wandered over to the lab to visit with Matt while she waited.

  Matt was at the bench, on the far side with their electrophoresis equipment, in the throes of some important assay. Knowing not to interrupt, she grabbed a stool across from him and opened her e-reader.

  She felt Daniel’s presence before she saw him, was already on her feet next to the stool before he got to her side.

  “Hey, Matt,” he spoke loudly, knowing as well as she did that Matt was distracted. “Is it going okay?”

  Matt gave him the briefest glance. “Yeah, good. I’ll be done in a few—I can talk then.”

  Caroline could see the pleasure at that response light Daniel’s eyes. “Fine. I’ll wait,” he said quietly, looking at her. “Caroline.”

  He stood too close.

  “Hello, Daniel.”

  “I like the way you say that so archly. Like you wish you could still be using my title. Like you want me to know you’re never going to call me Dan. Letting me know we’re never going to be friends.”

  Whatever he thought he knew about her, she didn’t want to acknowledge it. “Thank you again for dinner. It was lovely.”

  “You know what my favorite part of it was, don’t you?”

  She could guess and couldn’t hold back her blush. She turned her head away, wishing Matt would look up and make eye contact, grounding her. Wishing she’d see Jack at the door.

  And then not, because Daniel’s warm hand slid up under her skirt to palm her ass.

  He spoke quietly, nearly at her ear. “Sweet Caroline, don’t pretend you didn’t like it. You were wet for me.”

  She brought her head back, ducked down but facing him, so she could speak quietly. “I’m with Jack. I love him.”

  He was silent for a long moment, and she wondered if she was just being paranoid to think he was waiting for her to admit the same about Matt, too.

  He held his tongue, but not his grip on her. He moved his hand up, his fingers moving to her center.

  She looked up at him now and whispered harshly, “Stop.”

  He gave her an assessing look. “I will. If you tell me you don’t want it. Tell me, if I move my fingers an inch further, I won’t find you wet again. For me.”

  Caroline felt the blush heat her even more. She knew all she had to do was turn and move away. She even put her hand on the stool next to her. She could lift it, move it aside, and then he wouldn’t have her blocked in, wouldn’t have even that semblance of control over her.

  It was exactly what she should do, what any woman who was in love with another man—men—would do.

  She’d have done it, too. She was sure she would have. But his next words stopped her.

  “I see what Jack sees in you, Caroline Freeman. I know Matt sees it, too. You’re a remarkably alluring woman—warm and sweet. And hot, right? Hot.”

  That last was whispered, so close to her ear she felt the heat of his breath. She closed her eyes, wishing she could close her heart as easily, to the seduction of his words.

  Instead of moving away, she pressed her hand on the stool, steadying herself, and then, needing more, took hold of the edge of the bench with her other hand.

  And waited, while Daniel took two fingers and pushed them up, finding, indeed, her wetness. She waited, even turning a little further to accommodate him, while he pushed those fingers deep into her. And then more, as he fucked her with them.

  She trembled and just barely held back a cry.

  She couldn’t have said how long it went on. But he ended it in two hard thrusts before withdrawing and taking her arms, seating her back on the stool.

  Almost before she got her eyes open, before she’d had even a chance to consider what she’d done, Jack came through the door.

  Daniel stood beside her, a reasonable distance now.

  Jack came right to her, said, “Hi, babe,” and kissed her. It was something more than just a quick hello kiss given in the presence of others.

  When he lifted away, he held her face, keeping her gaze on his. After a minute he murmured, “You’re so beautiful,” and went in again.

  When he was done that time, he spoke over her head to
Daniel and got the update about when Matt might come back to the world.

  Caroline felt like crying. She circled Jack’s waist and dropped her head onto his shoulder. He kissed her temple and held her gently, as though reassuring. As though saying he would forgive her anything.

  Jack’s scent was an incredible comfort to her. She kept her face buried in his shoulder, wallowing in it. He smelled of home and heart and a little of chlorine from the pool.

  After a long moment she lifted her head, feeling safe again, feeling like she was where she belonged.

  In another minute, Daniel was out the door. But before he left, he’d secured three guests for Thanksgiving dinner at the Ryan mansion.

  Caroline suppressed her inclination to groan, though she saw in Daniel’s amused eyes that he was aware of the effort it took. She felt hunted, stalked—as uneasy as any reasonably intelligent turkey in November.

  Jack watched her in that open, accepting way of his. Not finding the reassurance she needed there, she walked around the bench to Matt.

  Her long, deep kiss took him by surprise. He shifted his focus from his assay, his eyes lighting like he was seeing her for the first time. “Hi, Caro,” he said and went back into the kiss, his experiment apparently forgotten. He wrapped his arms around her and backed her into the bench, letting her feel his rising erection.

  It was blatant pandering, stirring his sexual awareness, diverting his attention from his work for her own needs. She should feel guilty over it, but instead she arched up, filling his wandering hand with her breast.

  “Hold on there, cowboy.”

  Jack might have said that twice, and started to nudge in between them, before he got their attention. “You’ve got work to do.”

  Caroline sighed. Matt lifted his head, looking around and blinking. “Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

  “I’ll take care of the girl tonight.”

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  Shit. She’d lost him. He gave her a quick kiss good-night, already looking back at his read-out.

  Jack stood back, brow lifted, to let her pass and head to the door. He followed close behind, his hand up under her skirt, on her ass. Just exactly where Daniel had put his hand.

  * * * *

  Caroline was on her last nerve by the time she and Jack got back to the house. They’d stopped for dinner at a little bistro and then walked the rest of the way home.

  Throughout it all, Jack had been his usual mix of sweet and dom—kissing her gently as they were seated in the dark restaurant then tugging her blouse down until her nipple was just peeking out, feeding her bits of his meal then insisting she try his red wine, too bitter for her taste. She watched him carefully, sometimes convinced he’d seen her let Daniel finger her and other times certain she was just being paranoid.

  Surely, if he’d seen it, he’d speak of it, wouldn’t he? Berate her, blame her, something?

  But if he hadn’t, why was he regarding her so intently?

  His hand was back on her ass during the walk home. By the time they got upstairs she was ready to scream. Was he taunting her, reminding her, with his hand just there, where she would swear she still felt the imprint of Daniel’s?

  She didn’t know, couldn’t know, and couldn’t ask. She was so confused about her own behavior. She couldn’t face Jack with the truth of it.

  One thing was certain. It was dom Jack who closed the door behind them when they got upstairs. “Go to the bedroom,” he said. “Take your clothes off, then bend over the bed and wait for me.”

  Without looking at him she did as he instructed. Almost shaking, she stripped out of her clothes and then bent over the high bed.

  He spoke from the door. “Spread your legs.”

  She bit her lower lip, trying to stifle a moan. Opening her legs more, she settled her top half onto the bed. She was open to him, vulnerable.

  From the doorway, he was silent. After a long moment, she heard him in the kitchen. Every soft sound seemed unreasonably ominous. She heard the fridge opening, then the cupboard. Wine cork popping, liquid splashing.

  She was aware when he was back in the room, though there’d been no audible sound of his movement.

  Time stretched out in silence. Caroline was breathing rapidly. Her body tightened, moistened, as she listened for any sound.

  Finally, she heard him swallow and then the clink of his glass meeting the wood surface of his dresser. She felt the air stir as he came to stand behind her.

  It was another long, excruciating moment of waiting for him to speak, to touch.

  Then it came, brutally sudden. Two fingers pushed up her cunt.

  She cried out, her breath rasping. He didn’t move again until she settled, quieting.

  Still silent, he started fucking her with his fingers, just as Daniel had done.

  Caroline moaned and pressed her face into the mattress. She was so wet, so needy. What he did to her was so thrilling, exciting, and mortifying all at once. She wanted more. She started to rock her pelvis, opening herself up to meet his fingers.

  He stopped then, on two hard thrusts, just like Daniel.

  She whimpered, so certain he taunted her that she wanted to weep. She fisted one hand into the bed sheets and brought the other to her mouth. She bit down on her knuckles, thwarting the urge to cry out a confession of guilt.

  Tamping down the hum of her breath, she heard one more sound—his zipper opening.

  She knew what would happen then, and it did.

  Without otherwise undressing, without otherwise touching her, he shoved his cock all the way into her pussy and fucked her.

  It was a physical, emotional breaching. He stood behind her, dominant—dressed while she was naked, masterful while she submitted, silent while she whimpered. He leaned over her, pressing his fists into the mattress beside her, using his weight to give momentum to his thrusts. He slammed into her, pressing her thighs open, slapping against her ass.

  Finally, she heard the harsh sound of his breath. He groaned, sounding in pain, and she knew he was holding back, driving her to orgasm before he gave in to it himself. He kept thrusting, not telling her what he wanted, but still insisting, silently commanding.

  There was nothing she could do about it in the end. Her body was his to control, to rule. He fucked her until she cried, until she screamed. Her body spasmed, wracked. Her cunt clenched, milking his cock for every last bit of stimulation.

  He came with his last deep thrusts, grunting and groaning in time to the spurts of his cum. It was an incredible relief, that hot slipperiness that eased his final drives into her, those harsh exhalations that signified his own loss of control.

  He collapsed over her, covering her without actually touching except for where he still penetrated her, enclosing her with just the heat of his body.

  “Jack,” she whispered, tears seeping.

  “Shh,” he said, roughly. He nudged her once then withdrew. “Get into bed.”

  She crawled in, and he came behind her, tucked in close. He directed her further over, so she lay nearly on her belly, her top knee raised.

  He was over her, his hot breath at her neck, his chest resting against her back.

  He put his hand on her ass, pushing in until two fingers filled her pussy again. Then he took his thumb and pressed it up her ass. “Sleep,” he said.

  Chapter Eight

  Caroline had woken that morning in Matt’s bed. She recalled that he’d come in late—or maybe early—and had carried her to his room. He’d laid her in his bed, stripped, and then, already hard, he’d climbed on top of her and started making love to her.

  “I liked that kiss,” he said, running his lips over her cheeks, her neck, her mouth. “It almost cost me a whole day’s work.”

  He used his tongue now, and his hand on her breast. “It would have been worth it, though. If Jack hadn’t taken you away I’d have had you right there. My dick was so hard when you left I could have used it to shoot pool.”

  He lifted above her, cupping her face w
ith one hand. “You feel so fucking good, Caro. I love you. This is so incredible, having you to come home to.” He kept moving into her, gentle and intense at the same time. “Sharing you with Jack. I love it.”

  Caroline almost cried again. Matt was so sweet. Being with him was so simple. He had an open, sharing heart. And he’d been clueless, she knew, to what had happened between Daniel and her in the lab. She didn’t have to search his every word, his every touch, for hidden meanings.

  She ran her thumbs along his cheeks, sinking into those soft, sleepy blue eyes. “I love it, too. I love you, Matt.”

  He smiled, keeping up that gentle fucking.

  She wondered if he would finally just collapse, asleep, on top of her. “You’re tired,” she said. “You should sleep.”

  He grinned and thrust into her harder. “Tired,” he said, and leaned down to suck hard on one nipple. “Not dead.”

  She answered his grin then, holding his gaze as it heated, rocking to meet his thrusts as they strengthened.

  They’d come together—well, her second time, they had. They’d stayed in that sweet moment, enjoying the great pleasure and pride they took in their ability to love each other, delight each other.

  The next few days were busy for all three of them. Caroline had taken extra shifts at the hospital, and the guys were trying to finish up some work in the lab to compensate for the long holiday weekend coming up.

  Somehow, the decision had been made that they’d stay with Daniel the whole weekend. He’d gotten Celtics tickets for Friday and, he claimed, there was an inviolate Ryan tradition for Thanksgiving Saturday. Apparently, it required a road trip to Vermont for the personal selection of a twenty-foot Christmas tree to adorn the mansion’s entrance hall.

  Daniel had managed to finagle these plans without any input or consent from her. Generally it was Matt reporting back, letting her know, first, that they’d decided they should plan to stay Thursday night, so they wouldn’t have to hurry dinner.


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