Phoenix Under Fire: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Aries

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Phoenix Under Fire: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Aries Page 7

by Crystal Dawn

  “Hey, Vin. What’s the plan for today?”

  “Same thing, different day, Con.”

  “We taking anyone down today?”

  “That depends on if they are with us or against us.”

  “The boys are out in the van waiting. Whenever you’re ready.”

  Vin liked being in charge even in just his little neck of the woods and he was promised so much more in the near future. The guys all looked up to him because they made damn good money. He never asked Hubolla where the money came from because he didn’t want to know. Their leader had already hinted they would have to start making some money soon.

  He walked outside and got in the passenger seat of the van. “Let’s go, Con.”

  Conley was his right-hand man. Vin was the only one who spoke directly to Hubolla and he passed on the orders and made sure they were followed. He decided punishments if anyone messed up and he picked where they went to recruit newbies. Right now, they were going to a small community of werewolves that lived near the swamp.

  Secluded areas worked well for what they were about to do. Making an example of a person or two made the rest fall in line perfectly. Sometimes sacrifices had to be made so things would work smoothly. They arrived at the community and went in the small convenience store that served it.

  “I know you’ve heard about the cause we are here to gather support for,” he said to the old man behind the cash register.

  “I don’t know nothing,” the old man said.

  “We are gathering strength to take over the world. You are lucky that we are starting here.”

  “I never believed much in luck,” the old man said.

  “You are either with us or against us.”

  “I’m an old man. My daughter mated a shifter but I am human. I’d be no help to you.”

  Vin leaned in and took a deep breath. He was not only human, but he was ill. The old man was telling the truth. They didn’t need sick old humans in their cause. Vin would let him live if he could. Time would tell. He walked out of the store and waved for his guys to follow him.

  They drove to the house next to the store. Vin knocked on the door but no one answered. He couldn’t hear any sounds inside so he assumed no one was home. He motioned to his men to gather the locals. Waiting where he was, a handful of people were brought to him.

  “Whatever you’re selling, we’re not buying,” a guy yelled at him.

  “Yeah?” Vin asked.

  “Yeah,” the guy yelled.

  Vin nodded at Con who pulled out a gun and shot the guy in the stomach. “Anyone else object to our message?” Surprisingly, no one else had a thing to say.

  He continued to tell him what he’d come to say. “This community is now under our control. Does everyone understand?” They all nodded looking scared as hell. “We need a headquarters for my men to stay. Someone better come up with a place or they’ll be taking turns living with you.”

  “There’s an abandoned store across the street. It has a living space upstairs,” a man suggested.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Vin said. Once they had a presence here, they would move on and they would leave a small team in each neighborhood or community.

  “What now, Boss?” Con asked.

  “We set up two of the guys here with guns and radios. I think they’ll be fine.”

  “So, that’s the plan. Set up teams in isolated communities until we’ve spread across the region?”

  “We start here and we keep moving on. Every movement starts small and some grow like a tidal wave. Get the guys settled in and we’ll move on. This is going to be so fucking exciting. I’m ready to get to the next place.” Things would start moving along now. Today Miami, tomorrow the world.

  Chapter 6

  The Beginning

  Ram woke up alone. It was a circumstance he desperately wanted to change. He felt like Annie was in charge of everything right now and he was afraid if he pushed she would think sex was all he craved from her. Nothing was further from the truth, but he was a male with needs and some were physical. He ached with his desire for the mate he had finally discovered.

  Just the scent of her when she was near drove him crazy and he had to force his inner phoenix to calm so he wouldn’t burst into flames. His temperature soared when he touched her and it was all he could do not to go all Neanderthal on her. It was a tribute to the character and strength his father and the training all young males of their kind went through that he’d not thrown her over his shoulder and taken her somewhere to ravish her.

  That being said, it could happen today. Dragging himself out of bed, he showered mainly to wake up not because he needed it. He considered taking himself in hand, but didn’t think that would help. Annie was what he needed. Once he got downstairs, he could smell the aroma of some delightful food. Grabbing a plate, he filled it and sat down across from Cam.

  “Good morning, Prince.” Cam teased him with his title. One rarely used and only then with foreign dignitaries.

  “Lord Cameron, what were you needing?” Ram asked teasing him back.

  Cam made a face as if he’d tasted something sour. “I’ve been checking on the graphs of paranormal crime as you suggested. Something is definitely brewing around Miami. The thing that’s odd is it’s stabbings and shootings, not animal attacks. These attacks are on humans and werewolves. Mostly in secluded communities, although a few are on the edge of more populated areas.”

  “That still fits the possible characteristics we’re looking for. We need to go there and check on things, but we need a leader in the werewolf community to go with us,” Ram suggested.

  “That’s a shame because normally the heir presumptive would do something like this and he’s an idiot. Maybe one of the paranormal peacekeeper pairs could come with us,” Cam supposed.

  “That would be best. I’d hate to get the heir killed. Peacekeepers know they’re taking risks and can protect themselves. See what you can do and get me some gear.”

  Cam would know what he needed. Phoenix were hard to injure, but why take chances or let others know that? He’d want full protective gear and a full set of weapons. That would be not only guns, but throwing knives and darts. He wanted to cover all the bases.

  On the phone, Cam was talking fast and seemed to be negotiating. That was alright because he was good at that. Hopefully, they would be going to Miami soon. Things were beginning to happen and it was time to take action. Ram didn’t believe in just sitting there and waiting for trouble to come to him. He was all about facing it head on.

  “I’ve come up with something, but I need you to keep your sense of humor in check.”

  “Alright. I’m sure I can manage that,” Ram assured.

  “I have Sergeants Dae and Nite on their way.”

  “What did you say?”

  “D-A-E, Dae and N-I-T-E, Nite. I’m sure someone with a sense of humor like yours stuck them together.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding?” Ram asked amused. “I’ll try not to laugh. When will they get here?”

  “They are somewhere nearby and headed our way. It’ll be about three and a half hours each way. You might want to call Annie and tell her tonight’s off,” Cam said.

  “Damn. I was looking forward to seeing her. At least, I think I’ll get a good fight. I’ll call her now.” That’s exactly what he did.


  “Yes, Ram?”

  “I have a trip that came up and I won’t be back ‘til late tonight. We’ll have to put off our plans until tomorrow. I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll do some extra jobs today so I’ll get off early tomorrow. See you then.”

  “Okay, Sweetheart.” The line went dead. He hoped it was real early tomorrow. How could someone he’d known such a short time become so important to him? Ram didn’t understand it, but he knew it was true.

  “Come on. Sandy says they’re here,” Cam informed.

  They walked out together. Ram couldn’t say for sure what either
of the peacekeepers were. Nite was a beautiful female and Cam had certainly noticed. Dae was a big bruiser and he was sure females would go crazy over him, especially if Sandy was anything to judge by.

  They shook hands and introduced themselves. “Cam here told our Captain something is going on and because of the information that supports it, he sent us to go with you. Want to tell us what you know?” Dae asked.

  Ram filled them in, it didn’t hurt to let them know what was going on. “We don’t know what’s going on for sure, but if it’s nothing, it doesn’t hurt to check it out. If it’s something, maybe we can stop it before it gets out of control,” Ram explained.

  “I wonder why we haven’t heard anything about this?” Nite asked.

  “Some leaders believe in keeping secrets. I don’t think it’s the way to handle things. People should be aware so they are prepared. Otherwise, it all goes to hell fast,” Cam observed.

  “What he said,” Ram agreed.

  “I sure hope it’s nothing, but the statistics say something is going on,” Dae admitted.

  “What he said,” Nite agreed and they all laughed.

  “Who has the biggest ride?” Dae asked. “I like to ride in comfort and style.

  “I’ve got a big SUV,” Cam offered. “It seats eight, should be plenty for four of us.”

  “Shotgun,” Dae yelled.

  Ram didn’t say anything. They would get to know each other better this way. They got in and Cam drove. Nite leaned her seat back and went to sleep. “She had a late night last night. Once she gets a nap, she’ll be fine.” Dae shared.

  It seemed the two partners were close. Ram would try to take a nap too, but he wasn’t sleepy. He pulled out a smart phone Cam had given him and found a game that looked interesting. It kept him busy for a while. About the time he was through playing, Nite woke up.

  “Hey, Sleeping Beauty. You back with us?” Ram asked.

  Nite flushed. “I had a rough night undercover.”

  “Wasn’t your partner with you?”

  “No, they kept him on other cases. He didn’t fit the bill for this job.”

  “What was that?”

  “Female prostitution. Someone’s been abducting paranormals who hit the streets. The only ones that have turned back up have been dead.”

  “I can’t imagine why they would take them.”

  “We figure they’re starting a house of ill repute and need some experienced females they don’t have to pay,” Nite observed.

  “That’s terrible. Those women are probably already desperate. Now their only hope is removed.”

  “That pretty much sums it up. Apparently, I look too high class. They didn’t move on me.”

  “I’m sure they aren’t taking females every night.”

  “Maybe not, but nearly.”

  “Is it possible they have enough for now?”

  “We’re considering that possibility or they made me.”

  “That would be terrible. All that work. I can see why you’re disappointed,” Ram observed.

  Cam and Dae were talking. There’d been a constant buzz of conversation from the front. With his keen senses, he could listen in if he chose to but why bother. Cam would fill him in and just hit the highlights.

  “Miami is coming up. We thought we’d skirt the edges and stop at some of the crime scenes,” Cam suggested.

  “Sounds good,” Ram agreed. “We can ask around and see what the locals know.”

  “Most of them won’t tell us shit,” Nite admitted. “They’ll probably be scared to even be seen talking to us. Our best hope will be a pool hall or some other kind of bar.”

  “We’ll follow your lead,” Ram offered. It wasn’t something he was used to, but these two were professionals and knew the area. He and Cam were not experienced at this work and strangers here.

  They took an off ramp and the area was clearly poor and far enough away from the heavily populated areas to have little law enforcement. “This place looks like they have little hope. Just the kind of place to recruit for followers,” Ram observed.

  “It’s dangerous here. You two know how to fight?” Nite asked.

  “We can hold our own,” Cam declared.

  There was a gang hanging out near a pool hall. “I’d skip that one,” Dae noted.

  “Agreed,” Ram said. They drove by slowly and the eyes of every gang member present watched them drive by.

  A couple blocks down was another bar that didn’t look as threatening. Cam pulled over and parked. Shutting the engine off, he and Ram locked gazes for a moment and Ram nodded slightly. The two peacekeepers took their cues from them and followed them out of the car. Cam clicked the lock and they all walked into the bar.

  The place wasn’t crowded, but there were maybe a dozen people, mostly men. Dae took a deep and noticeable breath. “Some shifters, wolves from the scent. Maybe a vampire. Let’s go say hi.” He moved off to the pool tables and laid down a couple quarters.

  “Who are you?” A big ass male asked Dae.

  “Nobody. Who are you?”

  “Someone who isn’t sure he likes you. I like the female though,” He shot Nite a lecherous look.

  “She’s dangerous, Man. I’d be careful,” Dae assured.

  “You’re warning me?” The big guy reached out to grab her and in a smooth move she had him on the floor, his arm twisted and her boot on his neck.

  “I was, but some guys gotta learn the hard way,” Dae observed.

  The other guys stepped back and gave the girl some room now that she’d taken down the biggest, meanest looking one in the group. She dropped his arm and kicked his neck before she walked away. “Who’s a girl gotta blow to get a drink around here?”

  “That would be me.” A bartender raised his hand. “Or you could just pay,” He added reluctantly and why not? What single guy wouldn’t want a blow job from a lovely lady like her?

  “A beer and a shot of tequila.” Night ordered and she put a twenty on the bar. She winked at the bartender who immediately got her the drinks. Strutting away from the bar, she went to pick out a pool stick.

  Every male eye and even the two ladies, followed her every movement.

  “Damn, that’s one hot piece.” A male muttered.

  “Better not let her hear you.” Dae whispered overly loud.

  “What was that?” Nite asked surveying the patrons.

  “Nothing,” The guy mumbled.

  “Who am I going to play against and what are we playing for?” Nite wondered out loud.

  “You can play me, Sweetheart. I’m Big Mike.”

  “Hey, we were in the middle of our game.” A smaller guy playing against Mike protested.

  Mike slapped him on the back of his head. “Get out of here. Go now.” The guy scrambled to get away.

  “You any good, Mike?” Dae asked.

  “I’ll give you a challenge.”

  “If I win, I want some information about the local politics.”

  “Easy enough. If I win?”

  “Fifty bucks.”

  “Normally I’d ask for something else, but I could use some money right now. Maybe we can play another game?”

  “Let’s see how this one goes first.”

  “You’re on, Beautiful.”

  Ram knew she’d be good, but she was perfect. Mike let her go first and he never got a turn. “Why don’t we sit at the table and I’ll buy you a drink while we talk?” Nite asked.

  “I like a girl with class. Lead the way,” Mike said.

  Nite led the way to a table where all five of them sat. She ordered drinks for all of them and they spoke idle chit chat until the drinks came.

  “So, what do you really want to know?” Mike asked.

  “There’s a movement going on. It’s trying to gain power. They’re hurting anyone who doesn’t join. Have you heard or seen anything?” Nite asked.

  “There’s these guys. They pick on the weaker people and they usually pick one to injure or kill. They leave someone behind to
watch so everyone toes the line. So far, they’ve left me and my boys alone, but they’ll be after us soon enough. The leader of the group says his name is Vin and their ruler is Hubolla.”

  “That’s it? No rules and no goals?” Dae asked.

  “The goals are world domination and the rules are do what you’re told and don’t talk to anyone about what’s going on. He says when they get enough followers, Hubolla will come.”

  “Do you think it’s true?” Nite asked.

  “Vin, he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer. This thing is too big and they have too much money. Of course, he’s setting up some vices, whore houses and gambling halls. None of the females are safe and I’ve heard he’s going out wider and farther to get women. He takes paranormals and humans. I’ve heard he wants to breed an army with the whores. Sorry, ma’am.”

  “That’s okay. I know what you mean. So, he has long term plans,” Nite observed.

  “Looks like it. I better go. If I’m seen talking to you, well let’s just say he kills for less,” Mike said as he gulped the last of his beer. Nite held out her hand and they shook. Ram saw her pass him some money. “Thanks,” Mike said before he shagged ass out of there.

  It was clear this group had everyone scared. It was happening now when they were just getting started. What would it be like in a year or two? They had to be stopped. The small group exchanged looks.

  “How do we find one of these guys?” Nite wondered.

  “Had we waited, we wouldn’t have found anyone to talk to. Now we have something, but what do we have? Some outsider is hanging around watching everyone. Let’s walk around and see who watches?” Cam suggested.

  “Why not?” Ram agreed. They left the bar and were happy to see the SUV was untouched.

  There was a guy across the road leaning on the building watching them. “What do you think?” Nite asked.

  “Looks suspicious to me,” Ram offered. Peacekeepers had broader powers than human police.

  Nite walked across the street to talk to the guy. She didn’t seem as threatening even though she was.

  The male looked up with interest as Nite approached him. “Hey Babe, what do you need?”


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