Bad to the Bone (Wicked Reads)

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Bad to the Bone (Wicked Reads) Page 4

by Karin Tabke

  “We call him the terminator at the PD. Everything he touches ends up broken. Watch out.”

  “I’ve been to hell and back twice in the last eleven years, Josiah. Not even the terminator can break me.” She wondered if she lied.

  “Let’s hope so.”

  When they sat down to eat, Josiah lifted his glass and gazed quietly at her. “To the future, let it open new doors and close old hurts.”

  Vaden’s handsome face sprung into her mind’s eye. Every part of her warmed as her chest tightened with emotion. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Josiah smiled and clinked her glass. “It’s okay, Liv.”

  She nodded and clinked his glass, not elaborating on her sudden melancholy.

  The steak was perfectly grilled. Rare, just the way she liked it. But Olivia only picked at it. The wine, however, flowed freely. She was on her third glass, and feeling soft and mellow. She settled back into her chair and looked at Josiah. He smiled and set his fork down.

  “I know that look,” he said.

  “What look?”

  “The one that says, you want to know something.”

  Olivia smiled and sipped her wine. “I was just wondering how different our lives would have been had I said ‘yes’ to fucking you that night.”

  His eyes widened at her unladylike vocabulary, but right behind his shock a flare of excitement sparked his dark eyes. Vaden liked when she talked dirty too. Josiah set his wine glass down and scooted around the table toward her. He took her hands into his big warm ones, his gaze serious now. “I would have given you the world, Liv. I’m sorry I fucked it up.”

  “You didn’t. I believe we all have to travel our own paths before we can come full circle.”

  His eyes sparked again. He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed the tips. “Did it bring you back to me, Liv?”

  “I don’t know. I do know I don’t plan on spending the next ten years of my life hiding behind anyone.”

  He nudged her chin up with his hand so that they looked eye to eye. “Then stand beside me, Liv. We were good together.”

  Her heart stutter-stepped at his words. There was a time when she would have followed him into the bowels of hell and back. But now...? Now, she knew what unequaled passion felt like. She wanted that. Demanded it. If she could not have it in a relationship, then she didn’t want any part of it.

  His fingers stroked her hand. “Liv, let me show you how it can be between us.” His voice had lowered to rough and gravely. His body tightened. She knew without looking he had an erection. And knowing that she turned him on the way she did, even in her disheveled condition, turned her on.

  Their gazes locked. Jos touched her knee with his other hand and squeezed. Heat flared between them. Olivia inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled.

  Abruptly, she stood. “I need to get a shower. Don’t go anywhere.” She hurried down the hall to her bedroom, and closed the door. On second thought, she opened the door. She’d leave the bathroom door open, too…

  Just as she was about to step into the steamy shower, Olivia thought she heard the deep throaty rumble of a Harley. Her body trilled. There was only one person she knew who rode a Harley. She grabbed a towel and hurried to her bedroom window that faced the end of the secluded court she lived on. She heard the rumble again, peeked through the slants of the blind and forgot to breathe. Vaden. He’d come back.

  * * * * *

  Keep going, Vaden told himself. Instead, he pulled up behind Ames’ sporty BMW. What the fuck was that weasel doing back here? He didn’t have to have his detective shield to figure that one out. Ames was here for the same reason Vaden was here. It infuriated him. Olivia wasn’t a booty call, damn it!

  “Fuck!” He swiped his hand across his chin. Hadn’t he treated her like one? She deserved a hell of a lot more than he gave her. It was why he’d walked. Why had he come back? Hell if he knew.

  His angry gaze stared at the Beemer.

  He didn’t like Ames. Hadn’t thought much of Tom Connor either. The only two things they had in common were they were cops, and lusted for the lady inside.

  Olivia Connor.

  Vaden heeled the kickstand down and sat back on his bike. He had a clear shot to her darkened bedroom window and small bathroom window. She was in the shower. His anger spiked. What the fuck was she doing in the shower? Was that prick Ames in it with her?

  Abruptly, he stood. The vision of Ames lathering Olivia up infuriated him. He was halfway to the front door when the bedroom lit up in a soft glow.

  Olivia’s slender silhouette stopped in front of the window. He stood perfectly still. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her after the break-in today. But— She opened the blinds and slid the window open.

  “Not smart, Livvy,” his said. But then she had Dashing Detective Ames in there to protect her, didn’t she? Jealousy bit sharply at him. He’d never experienced the emotion before. Not when it came to a woman. He didn’t like it. He moved closer to the window. He could stand right at its edge and because the street lights were out, Olivia would never know he was there.

  He swallowed hard when his gaze focused on her. She was naked, sitting on the edge of her bed, smearing lotion all over her body. She was one long drink of water. His dick flared in his pants. Was she getting ready for Ames? He moved closer and looked around the perimeter of the room. Candles were the only light source. She was alone. He exhaled. For how long?

  He hissed when she stood and turned directly toward the window and began to slowly rub the lotion across her belly, then her tits. She had great tits.

  The soft scent of lemon and honey wafted to his nostrils. It was his favorite. His dick lengthened. Like a kid in a candy store, he wanted to press his face to the window and watch. His body ached for her. So did his—

  “Liv?” a masculine voice called from the hallway.

  Vaden bit back a snarl.

  “Just a minute, Jos,” she said, but didn’t rush to get dressed.

  Get dressed!

  Finally, she slid on a pair of sexy little shorts and white ribbed half top. His hands clenched and unclenched. The T-shirt hugged her tits, showing them off.

  “Liv, are you all right?” Ames called, closer now.

  Fucking asshole.

  “I’m fine. Better than fine,” she softly said. Vaden didn’t miss the invitation in her voice. His body stiffened to granite. She wasn’t going to—

  “Olivia,” Ames said, closing the space between them. He caressed her cheek, as his other hand slid around her waist and pulled her against him. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  It took every ounce of control Vaden possessed not to jump through the window and tear them apart. Why was she doing this? Had he misunderstood her signals last night? Had he presumed she had feelings for him when she really didn’t? Or had she just moved on?

  She arched against Ames. The guy didn’t squander the opportunity. He lifted Olivia’s little shirt. Ames moaned when her tits popped out. Vaden did the same thing every time he saw them. They should be bronzed.

  Olivia tilted her head back and faced the window. Her hooded eyes looked directly at him. It didn’t matter to Vaden if she saw him or not. He could not watch another man make love to Olivia. He turned and walked away from the window.

  Chapter Four

  “God, Liv, I have dreamt of this moment for years.” Josiah’s lips caught a nipple. Olivia gasped at the sensation.

  But at the same time, Olivia’s heart beat like a freight train in her chest when Vaden walked away from the window. Knowing he had come back for her only to find her in the arms of another man thrilled her. It terrified her too. What did he want? Why was he here? Would he kick down her door in a jealous rage? He knew where she hid her extra key. He could walk right in. Would he? Her body trembled. No, Vaden wasn’t the jealous type.

  “Are you okay, Liv?” Josiah asked.

  Move on, Liv, she told herself. Vaden only wants one thing
from you. She relaxed a little. She would not allow Vaden to ruin this. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You’re so much more than fine, Liv,” Josiah rasped against a nipple. He licked around the areola, then kissed the stiff tip. Slowly, he sucked her nipple against the roof of his mouth. He moaned. Olivia closed her eyes, remembering how much she once wanted this. His hands slid down her waist to her ass, pressing her belly against his erection.

  Josiah swept her up into his arms and strode toward the bed. He laid her down and crawled over her. He spread her long hair out on the pillow, then wrapped several thick strands around his fist. “I love your hair.” He raised it to his nose and inhaled. “I love the way you smell.”

  His fingers dug into her hair and his long body covered hers. “I want to spend the next ten years in this bed with you.” He kissed her cheeks, her chin, laved her neck and suckled her nipples. It felt good. She began to relax, and enjoy him and the moment. His lips trailed down the smooth flatness of her belly. She closed her eyes

  His fingers slipped beneath her flannel shorts, then slowly he pulled them down. Olivia tensed. “Relax, Liv,” Josiah said against her hip.

  She swallowed and told herself it was just nerves. His lips trailed lower. She flinched and exhaled. It occurred to Olivia at that moment that she could not erase Vaden or her feelings for him with another man. Not now anyway. She opened her eyes, and gasped.

  Vaden stood behind Josiah, his tall body reflected ominously against the candlelight.

  “What’s wrong, Liv?” Josiah asked. He looked up her belly to see her staring over his shoulder. He turned. “Jesus Christ, Holbrook!” He jerked around, ready to deck the interloper.

  Olivia’s body morphed from tense to sizzling in less than a heartbeat. Josiah threw a punch at Vaden. Vaden caught Josiah’s fist and wrenched his arm back, not taking his angry glare from hers.

  “If this is what you wanted, Livia, all you had to do was ask. I could have hooked you up,” Vaden harshly said.

  If he had slapped her, she could not have been more insulted. She wanted more than sex with Vaden. He knew it. “I’ve moved on, Vaden. Leave,” she bit back.

  Josiah yanked his arm from Vaden’s grasp. “You heard the lady.”

  Vaden shoved Josiah onto the bed. He stepped closer to Olivia. He yanked her up to his chest. Angry heat seethed in waves off his body. “Really?” he challenged. “I had you pegged for a lady, not a—”

  “A what? Say it, Vaden. Say it!”

  Angry tears stung her eyes. Did he think so little of her? And why did she care?

  “What do you want, Olivia?” Vaden demanded hoarsely.

  She swallowed and without hesitation said, “Everything.”

  “Then take it.”

  Josiah pushed off the bed. “Liv? Do you want me to take care of this?” he demanded, looking at Vaden when he said “this.”

  Olivia’s heart battled a mighty war with her reason. Vaden had made it perfectly clear he was not interested in a relationship. She wanted one. Or to at least try. He just wanted sex.

  “I want you both to leave,” she quietly said.

  “I’m not leaving,” Vaden stated.

  “The hell you aren’t,” Josiah growled and punched Vaden square in the jaw.

  Olivia screamed. Vaden took the punch, barely moving. His big hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. “The only reason I’m not going to kick the shit out you, Ames, is because I don’t want to upset Livia any more than I already have. So get the fuck out of here before I change my mind.”

  Olivia grabbed Josiah’s hand and pulled him toward the door. He resisted. “Jos, please. Go home. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  His hard glare did not waver from Vaden’s. “I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

  She turned around to Vaden. Josiah’s glare had nothing on hers. She was furious. “He’s leaving too.” She pushed Josiah out of her room and down the hall. He tried to gather her into his arms. Olivia crossed her arms over her chest, and shook her head.

  He knew when he was beat. Josiah marked his exit by slamming the front door shut.

  Olivia inhaled and slowly exhaled. Then strode back into her bedroom.

  “Get out, Vaden,” she said, her voice shaking. She was angry. Angry he had insulted her. Angry he didn’t want more from her than sex. Angry at his audacity. “You had no right barging in here! Josiah will never talk to me again!”


  “You’re acting like a Neanderthal. Get out of my house.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “I swear to God, Vaden, if you don’t leave, I’m calling the cops!”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “You made your choice last night. There is no reason for you to be here.”

  He stood for a long silent minute, then said, “I changed my mind.”

  Had he shot her with a 12 gage at close range, the impact of his words could not have been more intense.

  “Changed your mind? And I’m just supposed to jump back into the fire?”

  Rage, hope, desire and more rage collided inside her. Did he think just because he changed his mind she would drop for him like a trained bitch? And just what was she supposed to make of that?

  He shoved his hands into his jean pockets and looked like a lost nine-year old when he said, “I don’t know what you’re supposed to do.”

  Olivia gaped. He sounded unsure. Not Vaden the Terminator she knew and lusted for. “Changed your mind how?” she rasped.

  Vaden yanked his hands out of his pockets and seared her with a hot stare. “I want to—explore our options.”

  Her chest ached with emotion. Was Vaden ready to commit?

  Shocked by his one-eighty, she stood silent. She didn’t know how to respond.

  Vaden grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bathroom. He didn’t respond to her shrieks and kicks for him to release her. He turned on the shower and shoved her into it. He grabbed her toothbrush and squeezed a glob of toothpaste onto it, then shoved it in her mouth. “Wash every part of him off of you.”

  Open-mouthed, she stared at him. He stood like a brick wall, staring back at her. Slowly, she brushed. When she spit out the last of the toothpaste, he stepped into the shower still clothed, crowded her up against the tile and kissed her like she had never been kissed before. His big powerful body engulfed hers. His fingers dug into her wet hair. Emotion exploded in Olivia’s chest. Vaden yanked his lips from hers just so that they hovered an inch away. Their hot breaths clashed with each inhale and exhale. “I swear to God, Livvy, if you ever kiss another man—” He clenched his jaw, and pressed his forehead against hers. “Olivia, this is too much. You’re too much. I don’t— Damn it, I don’t do personal.”

  Olivia’s head swam, her heart filled, and her eyes burned with hot tears. “Yes, you do.” She nipped at his bottom lip. “And very well.”

  Their lips crashed together, their bodies strained.

  Vaden moaned, and pulled her half top off. “God,” he hoarsely said, “I love your tits.” His searing lips captured a hard nipple as his hands traced down her waist to her hips. He cupped her and said menacingly, “I don’t share.” He slid a thick finger into her. Olivia gasped at the possession in his voice, eyes and gesture. He pressed hard against her and nipped her ear. “Ever.”

  Wild for him, she ripped off his T-shirt, and maneuvered his jeans down his hips. When she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth, he surrendered. “Jesus, Livia.”

  He tasted good. Hot, salty, Vaden. He was big, hard, smooth and she appreciated his manscaping. Ravenously, she sucked him while she cupped his balls, gently massaging them. His hips rocked, her pussy clenched. She was on the verge of utter destruction.

  “Livia,” Vaden said hoarsely. “That feels so damn good.”

  She looked up into his face. His eyes blazed, his cheeks clenched tight. She slid her hands up his slick shaft, then sucked the wide head of his cock. His body tightened, then he closed his eye
d and moaned as she took him all of the way down her throat.

  * * * * *

  Vaden tried to hold back the rush of semen that simmered in his balls. If she took him down her throat again, he’d lose it. And he didn’t want to lose it. He wanted to make love to her. Like she deserved. He reached down and lifted her clear off the shower floor, then settled her down on his throbbing cock. His knees buckled. He stumbled, catching his balance with a steadying hand on the tile. Holy hell, she was amazing. Olivia threw her head back and let herself go. Completely. He felt it in the way her body, mind and soul completely surrendered to him. “Vaden,” she breathlessly said. “You feel so gooood…this is so right.”

  His chest filled with emotion. She trusted him. But did he trust himself not to hurt her? He growled low. He didn’t deserve a woman like Olivia Connor. But damn if he was going to let her get away. He would not hurt her. That he vowed to himself.

  Dripping wet, still connected to her, Vaden strode with her to the bed, then collapsed against her. He took her face into his hands and kissed her. Like a blossom, she opened for him, and he took all that she offered. He moved slowly, gently, wanting to savor every second of every minute inside of her.

  “Livvy,” he whispered against her lips. “I’m sorry for being such an ass.”

  She spoke against his lips. “I love your ass.”

  “I don’t deserve you,” he said softly.

  Her big blue eyes shined. “Yes, you do.”

  From that moment, he didn’t look back. She accepted him. Plain and simply, she accepted him. He would not make her regret that.

  In slow, reverent movements, he made love to her. He made love to her again and again. Until the sun came up and then set, they made love.

  In the low glow of their aftermath, they lay entwined in each other’s arms.

  * * * * *

  Olivia could barely move; every muscle in her body ached. The last eighteen hours had been so amazing, she wasn’t sure she had actually experienced it. But Vaden’s flesh and bones body beside her told her she had. It wasn’t a dream. She had never felt more treasured, appreciated or respected. She felt empowered and capable of accomplishing anything she set her mind to. And she would. First on her list—Vaden.


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