Killing Lies

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Killing Lies Page 8

by Desiree Holt

  Chapter Six

  “I’m in town, and I’m coming by for lunch, if that’s okay.” Lindsey Vanetta’s voice was bubbling and just the tonic Sarah needed as she fretted over the coming evening.

  “Great.” Sarah smiled. Lindsey was obviously making an effort to smooth over an awkward situation. “I’ll throw together a salad.”

  “I’ll bring a fattening dessert.”

  Even though it was Saturday, Reno had been up early, just leaving for the office when she came downstairs to heat Molly’s bottle. His way of avoiding things, Sarah was certain, so she was glad to have some company.

  Lindsey arrived at twelve-thirty sharp, carrying a small bakery box and grinning broadly. “I never can resist Charlotte’s goodies. They make the most wonderful French pastries.”

  “I’ve set us up in the kitchen.” She had shut off the alarm to open the front door, but she quickly reset it.

  “New addition,” Lindsey noted approvingly. “Can’t be too careful with that animal on the loose.”

  Sarah shuddered. “I remember when Reno and his team rescued that hostage and then he had to testify in court. Aguilar shouted the worst obscenities at him.”

  “I’m glad Reno is taking all these precautions.” Lindsey looked around as she walked down the hall to the big sunny room. “God, I can’t believe the difference in this house in just two days. It even smells fresh.”

  “I raided a lilac bush I found in the back.” Sarah pulled a big salad bowl from the fridge. “I haven’t even had time to see what all is planted. I want to look at everything before the yard service comes next week.”

  “It’s a real transformation, but I guess you know that.”

  Sarah busied herself pouring their iced tea.

  “I know we don’t know each other all that well, Sarah.” Lindsey sipped the cold liquid. “So please tell me if I’m overstepping here. I just have to say, you have more guts than I think I would. This is quite an arrangement you’ve agreed to.”

  Sarah picked at her salad. “I figured Nick had told you all the details.”

  “Please don’t be upset with him.” Lindsey reached over and put a hand on Sarah’s arm. “We have no secrets from each other, and Reno is a very close friend.”

  “I know, and it’s all right.” She sighed. “I guess I’m just glad he has someone to talk to.”

  “And you need someone, too.” Lindsey fixed her with her clear blue eyes. “Like I said, we don’t know each other that well yet, but I’m hoping that will change. I want to be your friend, Sarah. You’ve taken on an enormous job here, and I want to do what I can to make it easy for you.”

  Sarah had to swallow back sudden tears. “Molly is well worth it.”

  “This past year almost completely destroyed Reno, or I might have killed him for putting you in this position. It’s just that, well, I know what he’s been through so I can excuse a lot of things.”

  Sarah wanted to ask Lindsey what she was referring to and why things were so weird in the house, but she wasn’t sure how to approach the subject. “Do you know the whole story of his marriage?”

  Lindsey hesitated for a fraction of a second. “I think that has to be Reno’s story to tell. And he will when he’s ready.”

  “I hope so. Everyone at Guardian was so glad when he got married. He was always so controlled, so immersed in the business, we figured it would be good for him.” She sighed. “But he never brought her to the office, never talked about her. One of the secretaries casually asked about her one time, and he just said she was fine and walked away. We all knew there was a problem, but no one knew what. He’s such a private man.”

  “That he is” Lindsey chewed a bite of salad, her brow creased with thought. “All I can tell you is he’s one of the finest men I’ve ever met. He was a rock for Nick and me when everything came down for us.”

  Sarah nodded. She knew that the Vanettas had run into some rocky times before they’d married, and Reno had been there for both of them. “I wouldn’t have accepted this if I didn’t admire and trust him a lot. Right now, everything is very fresh, though, and I think we’re still feeling our way.”

  “‘Each day in its own way,’ my mother used to tell me, and I have to say I believe it. I just want you to know I’m here for you.”

  Sarah looked at the woman across from her, so calm and serene and warm. She was suddenly grateful to Reno for suggesting the phone call.

  “Do you think Nicki could babysit for us next Friday? The wedding’s at five, and it’s a bad time to be juggling Molly’s schedule. Not to mention the fact that Reno will freak if he has to be anywhere near her.”

  “I’m sure she’d love to. I’ll call her tonight and give her a heads up.”

  The situation with the baby was another thing she wanted to ask about, but she was sure Lindsey would punt this back to Reno, also. Would he ever get around to telling her the whole story?

  Reno still hadn’t returned by late afternoon, and Sarah began to wonder if he was going to hide out until dinner was over. Dinner was in the oven, the dining room table set, and she was getting ready to go upstairs to feed and bathe Molly when Lindsey called to tell her she’d spoken to Nicki.

  “She’s happy to do it. And she only has a half-day of school next Friday, so she’ll come early if you want. She can watch Molly while you and Reno dress for the wedding.”

  “That would be perfect. Thank you again.” She hung up the phone.

  “Who are you thanking for what?”

  She’d been so engrossed in her conversation she hadn’t even heard the garage door go up or Reno come into the house.

  “That was Lindsey. Nicki’s going to babysit Molly next Friday. She’s going to come here a little early so we have time to dress.”

  “Good.” Relief flashed across his face for a brief moment. “And I’m glad you and Lindsey connected. I think the two of you could become good friends.”

  “So do I.” And heaven knows I’ll need one.

  Despite her misgivings, the evening with her parents went even better than she hoped. Of course, she shouldn’t have been surprised. She’d seen Reno at work, talking, smiling, using the famous Sullivan charm. She knew how well he could play a part. In the role of the perfect host, he was on solid footing.

  Her father kept squeezing her arm and whispering, “Smart move, Sarah. Very smart move.”

  “Thank you for tonight,” she told Reno as they waved goodbye to her parents.

  He frowned. “Sarah, you must have a very low opinion of me to think I wouldn’t want your parents to feel comfortable with this situation.”

  “I’m sorry.” She felt herself tense up. “I just didn’t want to put you in an awkward situation.”

  He sighed. “I know, and I’m sorry you have to worry about it. I want to make things as easy for you as I can.”

  “They think Molly is adorable.”

  “Fine. That will make life a lot easier for you.” His face was lined with now familiar pain, his eyes filled with such anguish, Sarah didn’t know what to make of it.

  “Don’t you like children?” The words were out before she could stop herself, and she wished she’d bitten her tongue.

  A muscle jumped in his cheek.

  “More than you know,” he said in a harsh whisper. There was no mistaking the heartbreak in his voice. He turned on his heel and headed toward his den.

  Sarah blinked back her tears and slowly climbed the stairs to her room. Whatever was eating at his soul, she hoped they could fix it before it destroyed him. Or both of them.


  The next week was a blur for Sarah. She moved her clothes and personal things from her house and shopped with her mother for a wedding outfit. She checked daily with Reno to make sure the temp was working out. And Friday moved closer and closer. She was glad for all the activity. It kept their problems at bay, and her hormones from getting out of hand.

  Living in the same house with Reno was proving more of a challenge than she
’d expected. If they accidentally touched, that same current sparked through them, like a miniature thunderbolt, startling them both. By unspoken agreement, they carefully avoided mentioning it, but it didn’t seem to be going away. At least, she hadn’t had any erotic dreams for a few nights.

  She’d also gotten in the habit of keeping her gun in a small clutch that she took with her everywhere in the house. She was pretty sure it wouldn’t be necessary. If Aguilar tried to break in, the alarm would sound. But she wasn’t taking any chances.

  Thursday night when Reno came home, he startled her with the news he’d made reservations for dinner after the ceremony.

  “I thought we should do a little something to celebrate,” he said.

  “That’s very nice of you.” She hadn’t expected a celebration of any kind.

  “I want this to be a nice evening for you, Sarah. It may not be the most standard marriage in the world, but we should treat it as something special, don’t you think?”

  She was touched by his thoughtfulness and felt the tension begin to ease. She smiled her thanks at him.

  Promptly at one-thirty on Friday, Nicki Vanetta rang the doorbell. Once Sarah had given her instructions, she hurried upstairs to get ready. She expected Reno home in a little while. He’d said they needed to leave at four.

  Upstairs, Sarah organized everything she needed. Her treat for the day was going to be a long, relaxing soak before she dressed, something to soothe and relax her. She was determined to approach the ceremony and dinner with the right attitude, although she wasn’t exactly sure what that would be. She closed the door from the bathroom to the nursery and locked it, giving herself complete privacy. Submerged in the hot water and bubbles, she closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift.

  What would it be like once they were married? Could she find out what terrible secrets he couldn’t share? Would they ever develop an intimacy? Could…

  He stood at the door to the bathroom studying her in the tub, that same heat flaring in his eyes…

  “That looks good. Is there room in there for me?”

  Her body responded immediately. “It’s a big tub. Come on in.”

  In seconds, his clothes were piled on the floor and he was lowering himself into the water behind her. His legs bracketed her on both sides, and the thick hardness of his cock pushed against her buttocks. His hands slid up the soapy slickness of her ribs and cupped her breasts, thumbs rasping against the already hardened nipples.

  “I love to touch you everywhere.” Reno’s breath was warm against her skin as he pressed his lips to the sensitive spot beneath her ear. “Your body is so responsive.”

  “Only with you,” she murmured.

  He pressed his thighs against her, gripping her, pushing more tightly against her. “You have no idea how much I love to fuck you. Your cunt is so tight it’s all I can do not to come the minute I’m inside you.” He nipped at her earlobe. “Is it the same for you?”

  “Yes. Nothing’s better than having you inside me.”

  “Nothing?” he teased. “What about this?” One hand slipped down to cover her mound and press against her folds. “And this?” His finger dipped into her flesh and rubbed up and down. “Or this?” He slid the finger inside her, curling it to scrape the sensitive nerves.

  “Yes,” she hissed, shifting to impale herself on the finger. “Oh, yes.”

  “And what about this?” The finger moved upward to touch her clit, lightly rubbing back and forth across the tip.

  She felt the familiar flutters in her pussy, the clenching of her inner walls, and wriggled against him.

  “I’d fuck you now, but I don’t have a condom.”

  For a heart-stopping moment, she thought he’d leave her in this state of suspended arousal. Then he moved his hand back down to her opening, and this time, he thrust three fingers inside her. With the fingers of his other hand, he pinched her nipple, hard, then shifted it downward so his thumb and forefinger could grasp her clit. As his fingers moved in and out of her cunt, he stroked her clit with the same rhythm. His voice was almost harsh in her ear as he described to her over and over what he was doing to her and what he wanted to do.

  Sarah had to clutch the edges of the tub to hold herself steady, leaning back against the solid wall of Reno’s chest. The orgasm rose up and grabbed her so suddenly it took her breath away. She convulsed around his fingers over and over again, pushing down on them, needing to get them as deep into her as possible.

  “That’s it.” His voice was heavy with lust. “Come like that for me, Sarah. More. Yes. Like that.”

  She was barely conscious of the water splashing over the side of the tub, rolling in little waves. For some strange reason, it was making a loud, banging sound. Like a knock.

  “Sarah?” Reno’s deep voice penetrated her fog. “Are you okay? I heard some strange noises and got worried about you.”

  Her eyes flew open.

  Oh, shit.

  That was a loud banging, Reno’s knuckles on the door. She sat up, sloshing more water over the side, trying desperately to compose herself. She certainly didn’t need him breaking in here because he thought she was in distress. Oh, it was distress, all right, but of a different kind.

  “I-I’m fine,” she called. “Doing great. Thanks.”

  There was a slight pause. “Okay. If you’re sure. Remember, we need to leave at four.”

  “I’ll be ready,” she assured him.

  The tub water soothed her body, but her face was steaming hot, not just from the dream but because she’d nearly been caught. What was she going to do? She couldn’t keep doing this. Maybe she could take some kind of pill.

  Yeah, right. She snickered at that. She’d need a lot more than a pill.

  Sighing, she used her toes to release the plug, pulled herself out of the water, and stepped onto the bathmat. Every inch of her body still tingled, especially her sensitive nipples and the walls of her cunt. She definitely needed to pull herself together before facing Reno again. If he had the slightest inkling of what she felt, this could turn into a disaster of epic proportions.


  What had she been doing in the bathroom that caused the noises he’d heard? Reno imagined her in the tub, and immediately, his cock hardened. That naked body under a froth of bubbles, maybe with her dark hair piled on top of her head, leaving her neck bare for him to…

  Stop it. You’ll ruin everything.

  In his room, he stripped off his clothes, headed for the shower and turned it on full force. Maybe the water could beat whatever this was out of him.

  Whatever this is? It’s pure lust, damn it all to hell. Remember the trouble you got in last time? And this woman is going to be living in the house with you, so get over it.

  But his body and his brain didn’t seem to be in sync. He closed his eyes, and his stupid brain took off on its own again.

  The spray from four showerheads danced on the satin skin of her naked body…

  God, he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of looking at it. High breasts with dusky rose, pointed nipples. Slender waist. Slightly rounded tummy, just enough to give it a sensuous curve. Hips curving down to her thighs, with the soft thatch of dark curls between them, covering her delicious cunt.

  “Let me bathe you,” he murmured, working the shower gel into a lather with his hands.

  “All right,” she whispered in a husky voice.

  “Close your eyes.”

  When she did, he began sliding his hands down her body, from shoulder to hip, from neck to navel, pausing along the way to knead her breasts and tease her nipples until she was moaning softly. The moan turned into a hum when he smoothed the lather over her hips, her thighs, and down the length of her legs. He circled her ankles with his fingers, then trailed those same fingers up to the inside of her thighs.

  She was trembling under his touch now. When he probed her slit, finding the entrance to her pussy, the humming sound grew louder and she flexed her hips at him. But before he co
uld impale her on his fingers, she jerked away from him.


  She shook her head, smiling and reached for his iron-hard shaft. The feel of her fingers around him shattered every ounce of self-control. He had wanted this to be for her, but as always, she refused to take pleasure without giving. In his entire adult life, he had never had this kind of off-the-charts sex with a woman who gave as much as she took. It pierced him emotionally as well as physically.

  “Lean back and enjoy,” she murmured to him.

  And so he did, propping himself against the tile wall of the shower, closing his eyes and giving himself over to the carnal enjoyment. One hand reached down to cup his balls while the other set up a steady rhythm, stroking his cock from root to tip, moving faster and faster.

  Then he was there, hips rocking as he jerked in her hands, spilling over her fingers.

  He opened his eyes, wanting to see the heat in her eyes as he came for her and…

  Shit! Damn it all to hell.

  The shower was empty except for him. It was his hands pumping his cock and squeezing his balls. He’d fucking done it again. He was angry, aroused, and panicked, all at the same time. Angry at his lack of control, aroused by the erotic images, and panicky because he had an underlying feeling that something was going on here that was more than just jerking himself off.

  In disgust, he turned the shower to freezing cold and let it pound at him, hoping to beat the lust from his body and jumpstart his brain. If he didn’t stop having these dreams, he was going to be so totally screwed.

  For a fleeting moment, he wondered if, by some rare chance, the same thing was happening to Sarah. Was she having the same scorching fantasies about him? Ridiculous as it seemed, if she was and they ever actually did this for real, they would probably set the house on fire.

  Meanwhile, he had to stuff himself back behind the walls he’d erected and get on with today’s activities. And hope that what was going on in his mind didn’t show on his face. Or worse, on his body.


  Finished in the bathroom, Sarah took out the silk lingerie she’d bought and slipped it on. The feel of the smooth material against her skin was almost sensuous.


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