by Nils Horn
Nils : According to my experience, God is the highest dimension of consciousness in the cosmos. We can see God in whatever way brings us to enlightenment and light.
Ulla : Yes, that’s the way it is.
Nils : How do you come into the consciousness of light?
Ulla : Through love of course! The more we love and help others, the more we come to God.
Angel of Thankfulness
Angel of Thankfulness
28. Thankfulness. What are you thankful for? Practice today a ritual of gratitude. Fill you with the energy of gratitude. "I am thankful for ..."
Living in the light of God
Elizabeth (facebook girlfriend): "Here I'll describe my path who led me into the light and gave me the love (...) I am a nurse by profession. At the age of 38 an illness struck me, the Firbomyalgie syndrome. And everything I had built up myself was lost. I was so desperate that I nearly gave up my life. (...) I began to think about death. How would that be like. Then I thought about life. What was the meaning of life? Was it the sense to be born, to struggle through his life, only to die then. (.. .) And there it was again the question: who was I anyway?
I thought about the people. Why were they so unhappy? No one saw the beauty of nature. (...) I made a long walk throug a forest nearby. Suddenly I had to stop. I saw a flash coming down out of a tunnel from above. And something penetrated me. I got a wonderful feeling within myself. A feeling of warmth, love and hope. (...) I did not really understand what had happened. But I felt an incredible peace, an incredible satisfaction. I was so happy as never before in my life. And it was as though a veil pulled from my eyes. Everything was suddenly brighter and clearer, as if I would see better. Everything seemed so clean and pure. As if I would see a new world. I saw the light of God in the word. And this has remained until today. I always live in the light of God.
Now I was the one I've always been. A woman of quiet tones. And everything is gotten better since then. My illness has disappeared since then more and more. (...) It was remarkable also, that I understood at once the words of Jesus and the Bible. (...) And I knew now what love is. Love is not dependent on people, but solely from oneself. (...) And then I suddenly knew what God is. It is the energy that is everywhere and everything. And this energy is pure consciousness. And this consciousness is shaped to all that which is. And this light came to me and brought me love. (...) And I more and more got aware what was been given to me."
Angel of Joy
Angel of Joy
29. Connecte spirituality and joy. Give yourself every day the joy that you need for your path. Take the middle road to advance. The middle way is the optimal combination of wisdom, peace, self-discipline, love and joy. What is your deed of joy today?
The Lord´s Prayer
Nils 2011: I've just been completed the angel oracle in time for Christmas. When I saw the cover picture on the Internet (the Pater Noster at the beginning of the oracle), a strong energy radiated to me from it. The image refers us to connect the Lord's Prayer (Christian main mantra) with visualizations and thereby strengthen the spiritual effect considerably. For Teresa of Avila the Lord's Prayer was a strong way to activate the kundalini energy and quickly come to a life in the light. To have a powerful effect, we should speak or think the prayer how it fits us best. We should interpret the images so that they are helpful to us. We can formulate the sentences of the Lord's Prayer in our own words. This can help us to come better into contact with the energy of the prayer. The Pater Noster picture divides the Lord's Prayer in eight areas.
1.Our Father in heaven,
(We visualize God as a light or a person in heaven above our crown chakra.)
2.hallowed be your name,
(We imagine a beautiful melody to our image of God.)
3.your kingdom come,
(We recognize our world as a paradise.)
4.your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
(We take all things in our lives as they are.)
5.Give us today our daily bread.
(We are grateful for everything positive in our lives.)
6.Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
(What do you want to forgive your fellow man or God / your life today?)
7.Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
(What false desires you want to let go of today?)
8.For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.
(Feel the power and the light of your spiritual role model flowing into you and filling you. Think Amen as long until you are one with the power of Jesus or God. Move one hand and send the light with the mantra Amen to all beings on earth. So you will come fully into the light.)
Angel of Humor
Angel of Humor
30. Laugh at life. Who rests in his own happiness, can laugh at the chaos of life. The angel of humor. He lives the joy. He makes jokes. He sees life as a game. Be positive as you go through the day. Do not take things too seriously. Today you can be a little wild and crazy. Have fun. :-) :-) ;-) :-)
Men and women
Nils: Men and women are different. There is no doubt about it. But rather than focus on the negative characteristics of men and women, why not praise the positives? Let's start with the women: women are compassionate, caring, and socially. Women cry when they are happy. Women bring joy and laughter in this world. Women are kind and loyal. They will not give up under any circumstances to get for the best for their children. Women have the ability to smile when they are so tired that she can hardly stand up. They know how to make a simple meal into a feast. They know how to comfort a sad friend. They know how to deal with children for endless hours! They know how to give a man the feeling to be king. Women make the world to a happier place.
Sybilla: WOW. Thank you .... ;-)) That feels really good just now!
Sonja: ..... Thaaaaaaaaaank you. Dear Nils, you nearly were a man to marry. Lol :)))
Nils: Alll my ten ex-women had an other point of view!
Lane777: Do you think that a man who wants to be enlightened, must renounce all earthly things?
Nils: The Bible says that man must choose between God and the world. A waiver is necessary. Either a person lives his ego or his higher self. But you can make compromises. It is primarily an inner seclusion. Who can remain in his spirituality, can also celebrate with worldly people happy parties. I lose my spiritual awareness often having much worldly contact (for example when watching TV more than one hour). But then I clean myself inside, do some spiritual exercises and I'm happy again in me. It is even so with me, that I find a bit wordly pleasure beneficial for my spiritual path. St. Anthony taught that some people need a little flower, and some are not. I need every day a little flower of joy in my life as a hermit.
I have found that the secular energies of television and the spiritual energy of love, peace and happiness are opposing energies. After several hours of watching TV every enlightenment energy disappeares. For a person who strives for inner happiness, it is important to avoid either the television or watch TV wise. This means to select the programs prudently, to limit the time spent watching television and properly clean oneself after each television consumption. Specifically, people are very different. Television affects people very differently. Every spiritual person should therefore find out the path that is best for them. I feel every day exactly what I need right now and what brings me spiritually forward.
Angel of Victory
Burning angel. Burning the ego and awaken in the light (in a life in God).
31. The Angel of victory. He burns his ego and so comes into the light. He chases away the evil spirits (negative thoughts) in his mind and awakens his inner happiness. Who walks with God (the angels, the enlightened masters) will win on the way of life. His life is blessed. Crucifixion and resurrection of the ego. New Year, Easter. What are your good intentions? What are your goals? What is the way on which you reach your goals? Celebrate the day. You will wi
n or have won.
The Five Seekers
There were five people who sought God. One was an atheist, an other a Christian, the third a yogi, the fourth a Muslim, and the fifth a Buddhist. One day the five seekers came to a large mountain. Up on the mountain shone a bright light. The atheist said: "This is the sun." The Christian said: "This is God." The Muslims gave it the name of Allah. The Buddhist thought it was the Nirvana (emptiness / unity / bliss). The Yogi called it Brahman (the higher reality).
The five-seekers debated long about the light, the happiness and God. The atheist insisted that there is no God. The Buddhists did not believe in a personal God. Which the Muslim and the Christian contradicted violently. The Yogi surprised his friends by stating: "This question cannot be clarified by an unenlightened man. We all must get enlightenment, then we will understand what God is."
The five seekers had a long talk about God. They learned about their respective viewpoints. The talk was a great enrichment for all. But they could not come to a final result. They therefore decided to climb the mountain and to investigate the light exactly.There were many paths leading up the mountain. Everyone rose up on his own path.
When everyone had arrived at the summit, they decided to enter into the great mystery. They took each other by the hand and went into the great light. They passed through a great darkness (the ego resolution) and found themselves in God (transcendence). They stayed some time in God and then went back into the world of matter (the duality of things) . In God all had been speechless. But now her mind began to work. Excited, they told each other about their experiences.
The Yogi felt God as happiness (peace-unity consciousness-bliss), the Christian as universal love, the Buddhist as inner peace (no attachments), the Muslim as a great power and the atheist experience God as a higher truth. The Muslims got the word "Allah", the Christian the word "God", the Buddhist the word "Enlightenment" (my Buddha nature), the Yogi "Sat-Chit-Ananda" (I am this) and the atheist "Cosmos" (unity consciousness). If they thought their particular word, they could immediately go back into the light. The word was their personal key to entry into the great mystery. Anyone who has met God, can come with the power of the memory and his personal mantra again into the state of enlightenment.
Each of the seekers kept his word as the greatest. They were arguing about their prayers and could not agree on a verbal level. So they decided to end their conflict and prefer to concentrate on the spiritual practice. They lived many years together on the mountaintop. They read in their scriptures, meditated a lot, pilgrimaged every day to the mountain summit and met once a week to a joint celebration. Some day all arrived the permanent light. And the great light transformed them. They saw the light in all beings and all things of the world. They realized that they are all brothers and sisters. May we stop all religious wars in the world. May we be build a golden age of love, peace and happiness on earth. May the light, the love and the truth always be with us.
---> Video Joan Baez We shall overcome
See also
Wikipedia: Angel
Wikipedia: Oracle
Happiness and Life
Relaxation techniques
External links
Wikibooks has a book on the topic of God and Religious Toleration.
Angel Card Reading in the internet
Enya Angel Music (video 4 min.)
Beautiful Life Angel Meditation (video 4 min.)
Angel Meditation II (video 4 min.)
Healing with the Angels (video 4 min.)