by Jill Lepore
as cause of Civil War, 296, 389
Compromise of 1850
on, 260–61
and Constitution, 191, 241, 256–57, 261–62, 268
constitutional convention and, 123–27
Constitution and, 127
Davis’s defense of, 293
death toll of, 47
debt as, 81, 82, 83
Declaration of Independence’s ignoring of, 99
defenses of, 255–56
democracy vs., 191
efforts to silence dissent on, 223–24
and election of 1840, 228
in election of 1860, 287
and English common law, 88
and European extraction of wealth from Americas, 17
Federalist/Republican divide on, 176
forbidden to read, 205
as form of manufacturing, 169
as form of politics, 64
free labor vs., 255
free trade and, 281–82
global history of, 17–18
idea of liberty and, 10, 86, 88, 92, 96, 105–6
in industrializing U.S., 202–3
legal and moral right as issue in, 10, 15–16, 20–22, 45–48, 55, 74, 86, 108, 133, 177
liberty and, 64
Lincoln’s criticism of, 255, 263–66
Locke on, 54–55
in Loyalist exodus from U.S., 104–5, 107
Missouri statehood and, 176–80
Morse’s defense of, 263
New Deal recordings of, 441
in New England, 45, 48
opposition to, 199–200
post-Revolution increase in, 123
price of, 280, 281
Quakers’ ban on, 92
race and, 55, 56–57, 69–70, 86, 143
Raymond’s predicted growth of, 179
rebellions by, 3, 55, 56–59, 63, 84, 85, 99, 159
religion and, 17
under Roman law, 21–22, 47, 48
runaway, 74–75, 94, 100, 104, 203
in Spanish America, 18, 21–22
state constitutions and, 113–14
as three-fifths of a person, 116, 125, 130, 157, 173, 175
torture of, 58, 63, 73
in Virginia, 38
Walkers denunciation of, 203–4
in West, 221, 267
slave trade, 29, 46
in Africa, 11–12, 17–18, 38, 46
American colonies and, 48
Atlantic crossing in, 38, 47
British in, 45–48, 73
closing of, 202
Constitution and, 136
death toll in, 47
desire to reopen, 281
as issue at constitutional convention, 125–26
Portuguese in, 11–12, 18, 38, 46
within U.S., 123
Slavs, 383
smallpox, 19–20
Smith, Adam, 17, 82, 115–16
Smith, Howard, 613
Smith, John, 36
Smith, Margaret Bayard, 182, 187–88
Smith, Margaret Chase, 551, 613, 615
Smith, William Loughton, 135
Smith Act (1940), 552, 573
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 597, 606, 607, 621, 625–26, 627, 628–29
Social Creed, 366
social Darwinism, 343, 378, 379, 391
Social Gospel movement, 365–66, 391
social insurance, 377
Social Insurance (Rubinow), 379
socialism, 384–85, 504, 553
“socialized medicine,” 547–48, 553–54, 570
social media, 770
social purity movement, 397
Social Science Research Council, 544–45
social sciences, 348, 349, 354, 542–46, 566, 578
Social Security, 447, 533
and Reagan administration, 671
Social Security Act, 438, 439, 465
Social Statics (Spencer), 378
Society for the Relief of Distressed Debtors, 140
Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, see Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
sociology, 348
Sojourner Truth Homes, 499
Solomon Islands, 494
Somerset, James, 88
Somerset v. Stewart, 88
Somme, Battle of, 390
Sons of Liberty, 82, 84–85, 86, 87, 299
Sontag, Susan, 722
South, 203
antislavery societies in, 205
black codes in, 318, 320
black voting rights in, 320
cotton production in, 202, 217
defense of slavery in, 255–56
divided into military districts, 323
exports from, 217
freedmen denied rights in, 317
Great Migration from, 371
Indian removal in, 212–16
movement into Mexico from, 221–22
secret ballot in, 344
South Carolina, 203
black “apprenticeship” in, 318
black politicians in, 323
desire to reopen slave trade of, 281
income tax in, 301
nullification and, 218
percentage of slaves in, 218
secession of, 289
slaves sold downriver from, 202
women arrested for voting in, 328
South Carolina colony:
slave rebellion in, 63
Stono Rebellion in, 58–59
South Dakota:
creation of, 332
farm cooperatives in, 336
Southeast Asia, 456
Southern Baptist Convention, 568, 664
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 584, 596–97, 606, 607, 620, 622
Southern Commercial Convention, 281
Southern Democratic Party, 288
Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases (Wells), 356, 357
Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 338
South Korea, 560
legal and moral right as issue in, 32, 39–43, 48, 53–54, 55
of the people, see popular sovereignty representation and, 90–91
Soviet Exhibition of Science, Technology, and Culture (1959), 590
Soviet Union, 535–39, 548, 570, 578, 586
and creation of United Nations, 492
German invasion of, 481
invasion of Afghanistan by, 680, 722, 738
in United Nations, 503
U.S. food sent to, 486
Spain, 221, 242, 462
American Revolution and, 101
as Catholic country, 26
civil war in, 474
expulsion of Muslims and Jews from, 12
and Polk’s desire for Cuba, 242
territorial claims of, 15–16
Spanish-American War, 366–67, 367, 374, 482
Spanish conquest, 18–25, 21, 26
British colonies vs., 33
debate over morality and legality of, 23–25
Florida and, 25
impact of European diseases in, 19–20
legal and moral right as issue in, 15–16, 20–22, 47
Requerimiento in, 22, 23
slavery in, 18, 21–22
see also New Spain
Special Report (TV show), 710–11
speculation, 140, 141
speech, freedom of, 49–50, 60, 62, 131, 137, 552, 573, 763
Spencer, Herbert, 343, 365, 378
Spencer, Richard, 770
Spencer, Sarah, 329
Spencer-Roberts, 625
Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu), 129
Spooner, Lysander, 241
Spratt, Leonidas, 281
Sputnik launch (1957), 586, 587
Stages of Economic Growth (Rostow), 603
stagflation, 657
Stalin, Josef:
at Tehran Conference, 502–3
at Yalta Conference, 508–10, 514
br /> Stalin, Joseph, 535, 539, 554, 570
Stalinism, 482
Stamp Act (1765), 82–87, 90
repeal of, 87
Stamp Act Congress (1765), 83, 91, 131
standard of living, 1960s, 591–92
Standard Oil, 371, 372–73, 412, 448, 449, 572
“stand your ground” laws, 764
Stanley, Henry Morton, 750–51
Stanton, Edwin, 317, 324
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 257–58, 329
citizenship of women desired by, 320–21
National Woman Suffrage Association founded by, 328
Thirteenth Amendment pushed by, 303
Stapleton, Jean, 660
Starnes, Joseph, 443–44
Starr, Kenneth, 710, 711
State, The (Wilson), 348
State Department, U.S., 134, 474, 492, 535–36, 540, 549, 550–51
state power, 1960s, 591
state primaries, 386
states’ rights, 223, 389, 577
States’ Rights Democratic Party, 541
Statistical Methods, with Special Reference to Biological Variation (Davenport), 392
Statute of Religious Freedom (Virginia), 137–38
steam, 192–93, 198, 347
steamboat, 18, 221
Steel, U.S., 363
steel companies, 336
steel production, 406
Steffens, Lincoln, 371
Steinbeck, John, 502
Steinem, Gloria, 652, 712
Stephanopoulos, George, 707
Stephens, Alexander, 290
Stevens, John Paul, 718
Stevens, Thaddeus, 317
Stevenson, Adlai, 551–52, 561, 565, 570–73, 600
Stewart, Charles, 88
Stewart, James W., 190, 202, 204, 205
Stewart, Jimmy, 491
Stewart, Maria W., 189–90, 192, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206
address to mixed audience given by, 206
speeches given up by, 207
Stewart, Potter, 653
Stimson, Henry, 514
Stimson, Henry L., 538–39
stock market, 407, 423, 424, 436
stock market crashes, of 1792, 141
Stoddard, Lothrop, 411
Stokes, Ronald X, 607
Stone, Harlan, 495
Stone, I. F., 487, 504
Stone, Lucy, 328
Stonewall riots (1969), 651, 769
Stono Rebellion, 58–59, 63
STOP ERA, 659, 662
Story, Joseph, 187, 212, 239
Stow, Marietta, 340
Strachey, William, 36
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 681
Strategy of Terror, The (Taylor), 488
strikes, labor, 537
strikes, railroad, 338
Strong, George Templeton, 209
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 597, 606, 607, 621, 625–26, 627, 628–29
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 625, 633
“Study of the Negro Problems, The” (Hose), 370
Subterranean Pass-Way, 280
Sudetenland, 467–68, 471
Sugar Act (1764), 81, 82
Sullivan, Andrew, 711
Summers, Larry, 700
Sumner, Charles, 210, 259, 270, 480
beating of, 266–67
on citizenship, 313
Compromise of 1850
despised by, 261
Wilmot Proviso criticized by, 245
worried about Emancipation Proclamation, 298
Sun Belt, 587
supply-side economics, 670, 671
“Supreme Court, The: They Will Mould the Government into Almost Any Shape They Please,” 166
Supreme Court, U.S., 530, 552, 573, 576, 577–82, 584
on abortion, 647, 653–54, 655, 656, 678
bankruptcy law ruled unconstitutional by, 226
Bork nomination, 687–90
and Clinton administration, 699
and constitutionality of laws, 159, 168
constitutionality of Second Bank upheld by, 220
on contraception, 649, 650, 653, 678
court-packing plan for, 464–65, 479
first meeting of, 135
on gay rights, 685, 686–87
income tax ruled unconstitutional by, 348
and Indian removal policies, 215–17
limited constitutional powers of, 134–35 Marbury decision of, 168
market beliefs of, 364–65
new building for, 462–63
New Deal vs., 463–66
and originalism, 687–88
and political polarization, 688–90
and presidential election (2000), 716, 717–18
Progressive labor legislation struck down by, 377–78
and Reagan administration, 684–90
and religion, 662
and right to privacy, 685–86
and school desegregation, 614, 662–63, 677
and Watergate scandal, 644
see also specific cases
Survey of Racial Conditions in the United States, 499
survival of the fittest, 365
Switzerland, 240
Szilard, Leo, 475, 515, 516, 526
Tabulating Machine Company, 355, 404
Tacky (slave), 84
Taft, Robert, 482, 487
Taft, William Howard:
in election of 1908, 376
in election of 1912, 386, 387
Hughes appointed to Supreme Court by, 463
income tax supported by, 376
Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 537
Taíno, 8–9, 16
near extinction of, 7
origin stories of, 6–7
Pané’s report on, 5–7
Taliban, 739, 746
talk radio, 679, 704, 709
Tallmadge, James, 177
Taney, Roger, 268–69, 270, 291, 757
Tarbell, Ida, 371, 372, 412
nullification and, 217–18
slavery and, 281–82
Wilson’s lowering of, 388
Tariff Act (1930), 425
tariffs, 140, 347, 407
task management, 382–84
Tate, Arthur Fitzwilliam, 152
Taxation: The People’s Business (Mellon), 405
Taxation No Tyranny (Johnson), 92
capital gains, 405
of corporations, 336
efficiency brought to, 405
excess profits, 405
estate, 405
on imports, 407
income, see income tax
payroll, 439
of railroads, 336, 338
taxes, taxation:
of American colonies, 78, 81, 88–89, 91–92
calculation of states’ share of, 115–16
Continental Congress’s lack of authority for, 114–15
representation and, 81, 83
taxes, World War II growth of, 487–88
tax policy:
and Johnson administration, 618–19, 629
and Reagan administration, 669, 670, 671
Taylor, Edward, 410, 488
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 382, 384, 404, 412
Taylor, Zachary:
in election of 1848, 253, 254
in Mexican War, 243, 245, 250
Tea Act (1773), 88–89
Tea Party, 726, 755–57, 756, 759, 761
technology, 198, 199
and Democratic Party, 693–96
and political polarization, 666, 668
Tehran Conference, 502–3
Telecommunications Act (1996), 732–33
telegraph, 191, 229, 231, 249, 272, 347
as allegedly bringing peace, 274–75
in Civil War, 293
transatlantic, 274–75, 347
television, 557–59, 560, 561–67, 570–74, 575, 576, 584
and conservatism, 666
and d
emocracy, 592
and elections, 708
and presidential debates, 706
and presidential election (1960), 600, 601
and Supreme Court, 688–89
Teller, Edward, 682
temperance, 195–96, 206, 228, 342
women in, 339–40
Fourteenth Amendment ratified by, 322–23
gun laws in, 445
Indians in, 213
Jim Crow laws in, 330
Tenochtitlán, 8
10 percent plan, 318
Tenth Amendment, 139
Tenure of Office Act, 324
terrorism, 721–23, 738–39, 746–47
Tet Offensive (1968), 629, 635
Texas, 250, 394
annexation of, 237, 238, 241–42, 243, 246, 259
annexation proposed for, 232–33, 234
gun laws in, 445
rebellion against Mexico in, 222–23, 233
secession of, 289
territory yielded to New Mexico by, 260
Texas longhorns, 334
textiles, 194, 194
Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes), 437
These Are Our Lives (Federal Writers’ Project), 441
Thiel, Peter, 734–35, 736
Things to Come (film), 516
Thirteenth Amendment, 303, 306, 320
This Is War! (Corwin), 491
Thomas, Clarence, 697, 710, 712
Thompson, Dorothy, 434, 468, 470, 471, 476, 479, 489
Thoreau, Henry David, 230–31, 247, 255, 258, 284, 497
Thucydides, xvi
Thurmond, Strom, 541, 586, 613, 663
Tilden, Samuel, 329
Tillman, Ben, 368–69
Time, 412, 413, 459, 503, 509, 540, 562, 574, 731
time, quantification of, 156
Title IX, 652
tobacco, Virginia and, 37
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 206, 211–12, 226, 239
on economic equality, 341–42
language of liberty used by, 235
Toffler, Alvin, 732
Tombstone, Ariz., 445
Toombs, Robert, 297
Topeka, Kans., Board of Education, 577, 581
Torrey, R. A., 414
torture, 746–48
of rebellious slaves, 58, 63, 73
To Secure These Rights, 531–32
“Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System,” 545–46
Town Meeting of the Air, 459–60
town meetings, 543–44
Townshend Acts (1767–68), 87
Toynbee, Arnold J., 426
Tracy, Spencer, 574–75
trade, collapse in the Depression of, 425
Trail of Tears, 216
transatlantic cable, 274–75
trauma studies, 703
Treasury Department, U.S., 134, 389
Treasury of American Folklore, A (Botkin), 441
Tremont Temple, 288
Trenchard, John, 60
trial by jury, 58
right to, 41–42
Tribe, Laurence, 752
Trilling, Lionel, 553, 562
Tripoli, Treaty of, 200–201
Tripp, Linda, 710
True Law of Free Monarchies, The (James I), 32
Truman, Harry S., 618