Absolution (The Infinity Series Book 2)

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Absolution (The Infinity Series Book 2) Page 5

by Michelle Dennis

  The young woman steps forward and reaches out to Abbie, pulling her into a hug. ‘Hi, Abbie.’

  ‘Jane!’ Abbie beams. From this reaction, Abbie obviously knows her. ‘This is my fiancé, Valentine,’ she adds, turning her attention to me. ‘Valentine, this is Zane’s sister, Jane.’

  I hold out my hand, which is my first instinct, although I’m uncertain whether I should kiss this new woman’s cheek or just shake hands. I’m never really good with the protocol in these situations. ‘Hi, Jane.’

  Jane puts out her hand, but immediately moves in for a kiss on both cheeks – which comes as a bit of a surprise. She’s the female version of Zane, with the same angelic looks and clear pale skin. Her long blonde hair is wrapped up loosely in a bun and I get the immediate realisation that she has that same grief-stricken shadow in her blue eyes that Abbie has. She smiles warmly, when she catches my surprised expression at her greeting. ‘Oh, I spent two years in Paris, so we kiss twice,’ she explains.

  ‘Yeah, cool. My parents used to take us—’Oh no, I’m not going there! I’m not talking about Dillan and family holidays we used to take, not now, in front of complete strangers. I clear my throat noisily before I continue. ‘Ahem, anyway, nice to meet you,’ I add lamely, swallowing hard to get rid of the lump that’s formed in my throat.

  Abbie takes hold of my hand and glances around the group. ‘Are we allowed into his room?’

  ‘Anna and James are in there, with Zane’s doctor,’ Robert says.

  ‘We’ve been told only two visitors at a time,’ Isabelle adds. She’s wrapped in Patrick’s arms. He acknowledges me with a half-smile.

  ‘Abbie, perhaps you and Jane can be next to go in,’ Mrs. Bennet suggests.

  Abbie nods, before turning her attention to Zane’s sister. ‘Okay, I’d like that. Is that okay with you, Jane?’

  ‘Of course! Mum and Dad have been with him for about forty minutes, so we’ll definitely take our turn next,’ Jane replies, reaching out to pull Abbie into another embrace. I step back out of the way as I watch Abbie’s sisters and mother huddle around them and start chatting.

  I spot Jed sitting alone, over on one of the plastic chairs. Hesitating for just a minute, I wait to see if Abbie is going to break away from the other women. Nope, they’re deep in conversation; I catch the words “wedding”, “baby’s room” and “Zane” and know they’re going to be talking for a while. Definitely okay if I go and see how Jed is doing.

  ‘Hi, mate,’ I say, taking a seat on the sofa opposite him.

  ‘Oh, hi, Valentine,’ he smiles and greets me with a handshake.

  ‘Have you been in yet?’

  ‘No, not yet.’

  ‘Oh,’ I say. I find myself stuck for words.

  An uncomfortable silence follows, which stretches out for what seems like forever.

  ‘We can only go in two at a time,’ Jed suddenly announces, looking up at me before he drops his gaze back down to the cold vinyl floor.

  ‘Yeah, I heard. Abbie is going in next with Zane’s sister.’

  ‘Oh, okay.’

  There’s a protracted silence again.

  He looks the same as he did the last time I saw him. His dreadies are tied back and he has a fair bit of beard growth on his chin. Basically, he looks as if he’s been living on the streets for a couple of weeks.

  ‘Have you heard how he’s doing?’ I say.

  ‘Yeah, Jane was in with him when he woke up. She came out to tell me he’s still a bit dazed and doesn’t remember much. His vital signs are all good and—’ He stops abruptly, then swallows deeply before he continues. ‘He asked her if I was here,’ he adds, leaning back and rubbing his hands tiredly over his face. ‘Of course I’m here.’

  ‘It sucks,’ I say. I probably don’t have a right to feel angry for him. It’s not my mess. But I do. It sucks that he can’t go in and just be there with Zane. With his boyfriend.

  He seems to get my meaning, because he sits up and smiles at me. Not a happy smile, just a knowing one. ‘Yeah, it does.’ He glances over at the group of family and friends gathered outside Zane’s door. ‘But, when they’re all finished, I’ll go in and let him know that I’m here, properly.’ Now he grins.

  Chapter 6

  I take my leave from the hospital and head off to check on Phillip. Abbie’s busy with Zane and the rest of the crowd, and I want to stop in on Dad, too. My Saturday has turned into a day without Abbie, but that’s cool. She’s ecstatic with Zane’s progress, and that makes me really happy.

  Pulling up into Phillip’s driveway, I notice his HQ Holden parked in the garage. He’s home and it’s after midday, so that should make it okay for an unannounced visit. Making my way up onto the verandah, I can see through the screen door that the front door is wide open, so I don’t bother knocking.

  ‘Hey, Phil!’ I shout out, as I pull open the screen door and walk inside.

  ‘Hey, Val. I’m in here,’ he calls out in a gruff voice from the kitchen.

  I step around the doorway and, sure enough, there he is at the kitchen table, snorting down a line of coke.

  ‘Hey, bro,’ I say casually.

  ‘How’s things?’ he asks, sniffing hard and running the back of his hand underneath his nose.

  I watch him expertly gathering the fine white powder into a line with a razor blade and reply, ‘Not bad. I got back together with Abbie.’

  ‘That’s good news, man.’ He regards me closely; his eyes bloodshot, his pupils dilated.

  ‘Yeah. I couldn’t do it. You know, be without her,’ I say, taking a seat across from him at the battered wooden table.

  He closes his eyes and leans back in his chair. ‘Sorry man, you caught me at a bad time.’

  ‘That’s cool. I saw Sarah… she said, well, you know,’ I say, and the familiar craving edges its way into my thoughts as I eye the remnants of Phil’s fix on the table. It’s been a while, but seeing the stuff, readily available… shit, it’s tempting.

  ‘Yeah, I know. I stuffed up. Well, at least, she thinks I did – but I didn’t. I never touched another chick while I was with her. She’s hard fuckin’ work, to be honest. Every bloke out there wants a piece of her, and geez, I can’t fight them off all the time. Then she accuses me of not giving a fuck, says I probably don’t care coz I’m screwing around with other women… and it just went downhill from there—’ He rubs at his face again. ‘Sorry, I should be congratulating you, not whinging about my problems.’

  I swallow back the saliva that’s flooding my mouth and desperately try to ignore the craving which is almost overwhelming in its intensity. ‘Nah, that’s okay, no need. And don’t apologise, man. You should’ve called me.’


  ‘Phillip!’ A woman’s voice calls out from the hallway. A blonde chick comes into view and she’s wearing very little; an oversized t-shirt with “AC/DC” splashed across the front, which I can only assume is one of Phil’s. I immediately lower my gaze and stare at the floor. ‘Oh, sorry, honey, I didn’t know we had a visitor,’ she says, eyeing me with undiluted interest.

  ‘Yeah, Penny, this is my best mate, Valentine.’

  I stand up, the chair scraping across the floorboards. ‘Er, hi, Penny,’ I say, fumbling with my car keys and eventually grasping her outstretched hand. I realise quickly that my reaction to an attractive blonde suddenly appearing in the room was a little dorky – so out of character for me – but I’m not that guy anymore. I no longer feel the need to impress any woman who isn’t Abbie.

  Abbie. She’s going to be pissed off when I tell her that Phillip had a chick at his house – actually, on second thoughts, I think I’d better keep that piece of info to myself.

  ‘Would you like some?’ Penny offers me a small bag of white powder.

  With a slow blink and a shake of my head, I decline. ‘I’ve given it up,’ I add.

  ‘Oh shit, you really are in over your head, man,’ Phillip laughs.

  ‘Yeah, I am. And with a baby on the way, and a
whole lot of shit I need to be doing, I can’t afford to slip up.’

  ‘Yeah, good stuff. I should follow your lead, but there’s no real point,’ Phillip replies, waving his hand as though gesturing to the mess around him – the coke, the blond, the kitchen sink. It’s messy.

  ‘I’d better shoot off,’ I say, rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans and putting a hand out to Phillip. He’s my mate, but I can’t sit around and screw up with him like old times. ‘We’ll have to catch up soon?’

  ‘Yeah, man, that’d be good. Take a bit for the road?’

  I can’t believe I actually consider it. I know it would be a mistake, I know I shouldn’t do it. But before I can straighten out my thinking, I’m picking up the small bag of powder and shoving it into my pocket. ‘Thanks, I might need it. You never know.’

  I leave with the feeling that I’ve just made a terrible mistake, but I brush it off, refusing to think too hard on it. I tell myself I don’t need to take the stuff, and I don’t plan to take it – I’ll just hide it away for a rainy day.


  I use my own key to get into Dad’s. I know for sure that the old man will currently be napping in his big, ugly chair after finishing his lunch. He’s a creature of habit; especially since we farewelled Mum. He’s always been a gentle giant. Never a reckless or loud man, he got even more quiet and cautious after we lost Dillan, as if he couldn’t find purpose in doing much at all. Since the cancer took Mum, he’s rarely left the house and barely socialised with his friends. He still loves his rose garden and cooking, so he hasn’t given up on everything. Just most things.

  ‘Hey, Dad,’ I say quietly, stroking his forearm and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  ‘Hey, son,’ he mumbles, opening one eye to look at me.

  ‘You had lunch?’ I ask, knowing full well he would’ve, but wanting to give him a reason to lift his head and talk to me.

  ‘Yeah I did. You hungry? I made stew, and plenty of it.’

  I love Dad’s stew and after the few days I’ve had, missing a lot of meals, I’m already headed for the kitchen, my mouth watering at the thought of a hearty lunch.

  Dad follows me, taking a bowl from one of the overhead cupboards while I grab a spoon from the top drawer. ‘Is it hot?’

  ‘Of course it is! It’s simmerin’, can’t yer see?’

  ‘Yeah well, hand it over then,’ I wave the spoon at him, offering him a cheeky grin. We banter with ease; it seems as if it’s just easier to muck about so we don’t have to get too serious and we won’t end up crying.

  ‘Okay, yer big oaf, hang on then.’

  ‘Dad, you shouldn’t leave the stove on when you’re sleeping,’ I warn him.

  He brings over a large bowl of beef stew, filled with rich, flavourful meat and chunky vegies and places it on the table in front of me. ‘I wasn’t sleepin’. I was wide awake, waitin’ to see if me son was gonna show up fer a visit.’

  I don’t miss the gentle reproach in his voice. ‘I’ve been busy.’

  ‘Yeah, well, I’m glad of it. Better to be busy than a nuisance to someone.’

  As I start shovelling the stew in, he takes a seat at the table with me. He looks across at me with his signature one-eyed-squint. ‘So, what’s ’appened with the lovely Abbie? I assume she took your sorry ass back?’

  I swallow a mouthful of stew before answering, knowing full well if I speak with food in my mouth, I’ll still get a clip across the ear. ‘Yeah, Dad, she did – but her best friend got bashed and he’s in hospital. So, it’s not turning out exactly the way I planned.’

  Dad glares at me. ‘Shite man! Well, what’r doin’ ’ere then? Shouldn’t yer be with ’er?’

  ‘Her friend, Zane, has just come out of a coma today. She’s visiting with him at the hospital, so that’s why I’m here visiting with you.’

  ‘That’s good news then, ain’t it?’

  ‘Yeah, sure it is. She’s happy, and maybe now we can start makin’ plans.’

  ‘What sort of plans?’ He eyes me suspiciously.

  ‘Plans for the baby, wedding plans, that sort of thing.’

  ‘Did you check with her old man?’

  ‘Yeah, he said I could marry her,’ I say, shovelling in another mouthful of stew. It’s good. Damn good.

  ‘And how about Tyler?’

  I swallow. ‘He doesn’t know yet. I have to call Jacquie when I get home to ask if I can have him tomorrow.’

  ‘Do yer think he’ll be okay with it?’

  ‘Yeah, he really loves Abbie. And when I tell him he’s gonna be a big brother, just like I was—’ I stop abruptly. I have to swallow down the lump that has immediately swelled in my throat. Dillan. He’s always with us. Wherever the conversation goes, he’s there. I clear my throat. ‘Look Dad, it’ll be cool. Tyler will love the idea. And we’re doing up a room for him.’

  ‘That’s good, son. Really good. I’m proud yer working towards making an honest life for your little family, and sounds like yer doing a fine job of it so far.’

  We sit and chat about the weather, the state of politics and the grumpy neighbour who refuses to cut back the bougainvillea which encroaches over Dad’s driveway.

  When I’m ready to leave, I’m laden down with fresh tomatoes and herbs from Dad’s garden, and a box of chocolate biscuits for Tyler.

  ‘Thanks Dad,’ I say, getting into the car and starting up the engine.

  ‘No worries, any time. Bring Tyler over if you get a chance.’

  ‘I’ll bring both Abbie and Tyler over next weekend. I’ll call you through the week and make a time, okay?’

  ‘Okay,’ he says as he walks back to the front door with a wave of his hand.

  Now to head home, call Jacquie and prepare for Sam to drop Abbie home. She’ll be exhausted and I’ve done nothing to spoil her today.

  Tonight, I’m going to live up to my name.

  Chapter 7

  I stop and pick up some much-needed groceries, with a romantic meal in mind. Italian. I can cook that pretty well. And after a quick stop at the liquor store for a nice bottle of wine, I’m all ready to give my lady a night she won’t forget.

  A creamy pasta sauce will take ten minutes to put together, and the fresh tortellini I managed to buy from the local continental deli will take no time at all, so I work on cleaning the kitchen, toilet and bedroom. I haven’t given this place a clean for a while, and shit, it’s dirty. Typical bachelor pad. Not good.

  Once I have the place polished, the ingredients chopped and ready to go, I give Jacquie a quick call.

  ‘Hello?’ she says after the phone almost rings out.

  ‘Hi. It’s me.’

  ‘Oh, hi stranger! I was wondering if you would call any time soon.’ Sarcasm is heavy in her tone.

  ‘Give it a rest, it’s only been three days since my last call. I’ve had stuff on.’

  I hear her sigh on the other end. ‘Yeah, well that makes two of us. When are you going to start acting like you give a shit and see Tyler more regularly?’

  ‘I’ve had every weekend for the past few weeks, and I’m calling to see if we can have him tomorrow?’

  ‘We? Who’s we?’

  ‘Me and Abbie.’

  ‘She took your sorry ass back, did she? Stupid girl.’

  ‘That’s none of your business, but yeah. She’s moved back in and… well, anyway, we’d like to see him tomorrow.’

  Silence greets my request and I know she’s deciding if this suits her. If it doesn’t interrupt her day, she’ll say yes.

  ‘How long for?’

  ‘I’ll pick him up whenever it suits you.’

  ‘Okay, be here at nine o’clock, straight after I give him brekky. And, Valentine?’


  ‘Make sure you don’t stuff up this time, your son hasn’t been too pleased with your efforts lately.’

  ‘I won’t,’ I say, before hanging up.

  Running my hands through my hair I realise there’s one more thing I need t
o do.

  It’s just gone five, I’ll have a quick shower, then run a warm bath for Abbie. I’ll find her body lotion and use that as bubble bath. Then pour her a glass of wine, light the candles and sweep her off her feet.


  The hot shower does well to relax me after the day’s events and as the clock on my bedside table flicks over to 6pm, and the bath is almost full, I hear her come through the front door.


  One last check in the mirror; I fix my damp hair into place and make my way out to the living room.

  Her eyes lock with mine.

  ‘Hi,’ I say, lifting her hand to my lips and kissing the top of it gently.

  ‘Hello,’ she replies, letting her gaze run over my bare chest. ‘What are you up to?’

  ‘Oh, not much. Just had a shower and thought I’d run you a bath.’

  ‘Really?’ She lets out a laugh. ‘What have I done to deserve that?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t need a specific reason to spoil my girl.’

  I sweep her up and carry her into our room. I stand her in the doorway of the bathroom and watch her glance around at my handiwork. She smiles, noticing the candles and the overflow of soap bubbles, running over the edge of the bath.

  ‘You’re so cute,’ she giggles.

  ‘Cute? I was hoping for debonair, romantic, charming, maybe suave!’ I pull her into my arms.

  ‘You’re all of that, but cute, too.’

  ‘I can live with that. How about you get in and I’ll be back in just a minute?’

  ‘Okay, I’ve got stuff to tell you, and I want to hear about your day.’

  I give her a long, luscious kiss, before leaving the room; hoping the kiss gave her the same dose of butterflies that it gave me.

  Tonight I’m not looking for sex; it’d be nice, but I really need her to know that I’m here for her – with or without the sex. I know she’s feeling a million different emotions at the moment and she’s carrying our baby, so she’s tired. She needs her feet rubbed, her thoughts listened to and her hand held; this is my goal for the night.


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