Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

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Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 Page 11

by Dakota Lake

  “You're not going to let that happen though right?” Senka asked, even I could hear he sounded a little anxious.

  “No I'm not. Ruby is beautiful, interesting, funny, extremely stubborn at times but my father doesn't deserve her. Neither do I but I'm not going to let my father get his hands on her. That's why I need her to forget those memories it will only make her more upset if she remembers. She can't go back she has to stay here. If she's not here when my father returns he will only bring her back and probably lock her up. Permanently.”

  “Why did you bring her down here now, why not when she was younger?”

  “I couldn't bring myself to take her away from her family. She was happy when she was younger, I used to keep an eye on her check in on her now and then to see how she was doing and I couldn't tear her away from her brother, not when she was so tiny and dependent on him. But then he left and I was thinking about bringing her down then but I wasn't sure how I was going to do it as I had left it so long. But then she conveniently moved to Heaven's Point and I thought the best way was for me to meet her and try to get to know her but it didn't quite go to plan there was a complication.”

  “Complication?” Senka asked.

  “She met one of your fallen and got herself in trouble with some guys from the fight club, they saw her and wanted her. It was becoming a mess and to top it off she was falling in love with this other guy. I made a decision that she couldn't stay up there any longer it was becoming dangerous and she seemed to be walking straight into trouble wherever she went.”

  “So you decided to bring her here. Was fading really the best option? Why didn't you use the front door?”

  “It was a spur of the moment thing. Things were getting hectic up there and she was nearly a fully formed Nephilim, I thought her body could handle the fading.”

  “Fading is for demons and souls. Not Nephilim especially when they're part human and still breathing. I'm surprised it didn't kill her, no wonder she was unconscious for so long recovering.” “All right Senka, I made a mistake but she's fine now and it's given me some time to get to know her and figure out how we're going to handle it from here and that's where you come in. I've been taking extra precautions with her memory trying to keep it at bay but it's not going to last forever she's too strong.”

  “What extra precautions?” Senka asked.

  “Never you mind. Now down to negotiations. I know you will want something in return for using your gift on Ruby. So what do you want? I heard you and Alex have been planning to leave here. Is there anything you want or need, money is always needed up there. I know I pay you a set wage but I could give you a large pay off for your service. You two could be sailing away on a luxury yacht full of beautiful women by the end of the week. You name it and I will make it happen. I won't be overjoyed to see you go, you're one of my more reliable workers.”

  “I'm going to need some time to think about it.” Senka said standing up.

  “Of course, I would like a decision by the end of the week though.”

  Senka nodded. “I'll see you at the end of the week.” he said leaving the room.

  He walked down the corridor and took the stairs up two at a time until he reached the top. He strode along the corridor and knocked on a door I didn't recognise painted dark green. He opened the door without waiting to be invited in. Alex walked out the bathroom wearing only his jeans. He was rubbing hair gel into his bleached mohican.

  “So what did Cam want?” Alex asked rubbing his hands on the towel over his shoulder. “It was about that girl. The one he bought into the manor.”

  “What sleeping beauty?” Alex joked.

  “Yes.” Senka said sitting on the bed next to a laptop that was open. The desktop wallpaper was of two naked women, one was licking the others nipple. Alex shut the laptop lid and picked it up smirking.

  “Okay, so what has that got to do with you?” Alex asked.

  “He wants me to wipe her memories.”

  “But I thought she couldn't remember anything anyway?”

  “She can't but they will no doubt come back over time. He wants me to take them before she remembers anything. He wants me to erase her past all the things she remembers growing up, all the things she's loved, even her family. He wants to keep her here and thinks it would be best if she didn't remember.”

  “Why what's so special about her?”

  “He's planning on marrying her. He has this notion that she belongs to him because she was part of some deal between their fathers.”

  Alex chucked the towel over the back of a chair and opened his closet. His back showed two thick scars running the length of it, identical to both Senka's and Mack's.

  He pulled on a T-shirt then he pulled on a blue chequered shirt over the top and buttoned it up. “How bad does he want these memories gone?” Alex asked.

  “Bad. Like he'll do anything I ask.”

  “Yessss!” Alex said holding his fist up to Senka, Senka obliged and fist bumped him. “You know what this means we can finally get out of here. What did he offer you? Please tell me you didn't say you'd do it for free.”

  “No I didn't.”

  “This is awesome we can finally backpack round Europe and travel to all those places we talked about and now we can do it with a ton of money in our back pockets.” Alex said excitedly. “Cam wants my answer by the end of the week.”

  “Why not tell him the next time you see him it's not like it's a hard decision.”

  “Alex my gift was used for taking painful memories away from people when they couldn't cope, a way of helping them deal with their situation. Not for taking happy memories of family she grew up with or people she met along the way.”

  “No, no no no no no Senk. That gift was used when you were an angel now your fallen so it doesn't matter what you do with it, no one cares anymore. This is our chance to get away, no more saving money we could just go. And this girl, you don't even know her what does it matter? When we go you'll probably never see her again.”

  Senka leaned forward and rested his elbows on his legs looking down at the floor. “What is that?” Alex asked.

  “What?” Senka replied toneless.

  “That look on your face? Why do I get the terrible feeling that you like this girl?” “She's beautiful. You have seen her haven't you?”

  “Yes Senk I think everyone has seen her but everyone knows to keep their hands off her, especially if she belongs to Cam.”

  “She doesn't belong to anyone. She should be able to choose who she belongs to.” “Yes but that's nothing to do with you. If Cam wants her then let him have her.”

  “Alex if you want to leave so badly you should go. I'll give you everything I have if it will make you happy. You don't need me to travel the world.”

  “Well I could go on my own but it wouldn't be as fun. It's always been you and me. You're my wingman we've done everything together we even fell together, it wouldn't feel right without you.” “Cam only wants to marry her, he said she could choose who she loves.”

  Alex shook his head. “Not this again. Déjà vu, this is Rose all over again and look how messed up that left you.”

  “This girl is nothing like Rose.”

  “Yes exactly she's just a girl for a start how old is she, sixteen?”

  “She's eighteen.”

  “When it comes to women you make the worst decisions look at all the human women you've fallen in love with and remember how that ended they all grew old and died. Then you started messing around with Rose and she controlled you for years. This girl will be no different she'll just cause you misery.”

  “She's immortal, so that's a good start.”

  “Seriously you're considering this? You know what you need, a night out to take your mind off all this. Come on I'll take you out to the club or a bar, we'll find a couple of eighteen year old hotties, preferably blondes and we can take them back to the club house. Come on you'll love it.” “No you'll love it. That's not my thing and stop sticking pi
n ups of half naked women on my door and walls.”

  “What I thought it would help with all that inside stress, think of them as your way to realise that stress.”

  “Remind me again why we're friends? Anyway you need to keep it in your pants otherwise you're going to knock another one up. I will soon lose count of the number of kids you have.” “What it's not that many. Still only three.” Alex said pulling his cellphone out of his pocket. “Problem?” Senka asked.

  “Just Tanya asking for money again to pay for that delinquent. She doesn't even ask nicely anymore. Look at this,” Alex said holding his cell up to show Senka.

  “Need money to feed the kids.” Senka read the text message out loud. “Kids?” Senka asked. “She has another one James, I think he's like twenty three or something, he works at the library.” “And he can't feed himself?” Senka asked.

  “Apparently not she's got me paying out for both of them and one's not even mine. Don't even ask me how that happened.”

  Senka laughed and stood up.

  “It's not funny Senk.”

  “How old is Brandon? Is he old enough to be told he's a Neph yet?”

  “He's eighteen but I think all the pot he smokes has stunted his development. The police picked him up the other weekend, he was caught out in the woods partying and drinking with under age girls and they found some rather illegal substances on him. Cost me four months wages to get the police to look the other way. All that boy wants to do is girls and party.”

  “Takes after his father then.” Senka said punching him in the arm.

  “Then there's my other little prodigy. Janice phoned me earlier today to let me know that I'd have to pay for the neighbours swing chair because Bobby had a disagreement with the old lady and set it on fire.”

  “How old is Bobby?”


  “Whoa.....he's going to be an effing problem when he's a teen.”

  “I know tell me about it. The only one that hasn't been a problem or cost me a fortune is Lila. I'm taking her out to dinner next week, she turns seventy on Tuesday.”

  There was a knock at the door. Alex opened it and Narmi stood on the other side with clean towels and bedding.

  “I can come back.” she said quietly.

  Alex didn't answer and looked as though he'd forgotten how to speak.

  “No it's okay you can come in.” Senka said stepping aside.

  She walked in and started stripping the bed.

  “Do you need any help?” Alex asked but it came out a little high-pitched as though he was nervous. Narmi quickly shook her head but didn't look up at him. Alex stood watching Narmi but it was starting to get a bit weird the way he was just gawking at her and not saying anything. Senka grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out the door.

  “Bye.” Alex called before Senka shut the door.

  “What was that?” Senka asked.

  “What was what?”

  “Do you like her?”

  “What her? No.” Alex said as quietly as possible.

  Senka crossed his arms.

  “She won't even talk to me I think I frighten her.”

  “I think that haircut frightens her.” Senka laughed.

  “Shut up.” Alex said. Then he pointed to one of the post cards on his door.

  “You and I could be there next week.”

  “Maybe. I need to think about it and I want to spend some time with her before I make my decision.”


  “Just to see what she's like, it will help me make my decision.”

  “You have four days until the end of the week, what if she doesn't want to talk to you?” “Something tells me she will, but she wont remember it afterwards.”

  “Oh so using your gift for recreational activities is okay then? Making up your own rules again. I bet she's a bossy little hussy who has a hundred mood swings per second seeing as she's still a teenager. And she probably loves ordering the servants around. You'll hate her.”

  “We'll see. Come on I need to get ready I'm fighting in a few hours. You coming to watch?” “Yes I never pass up an opportunity to see my lovely daughter but just for a little while cause I want to head into HP.”

  “Will you wrap my hands?” Senka asked holding his hands up.

  “No do it yourself. Do I look like your little bitch?”

  “I could always ask Lila, she has such soft hands.” Senka said playfully.

  “Watch it.” Alex said as they walked along the corridor.

  I heard knocking and opened my eyes to find Senka asleep with his head resting on the same pillow as me. His eyes were closed, but he didn't even look like he was breathing. The light filtered through the windows, it was already morning but it felt like I hadn't even been to sleep. I got the feeling I'd been doing something else. Something inside Senka's head. Mack had told me I could do something like this but I would have never understood it until I had experienced it for myself. One minute I was looking into Senka's eyes the next I was inside his head reliving one of his memories that bought up a million new questions I wanted to ask. I turned towards him and put my hand on his chest and gently nudged him but he didn't react.

  “Senk what are you doing? Are you in there?” Alex called from the other side of the door. “Senka,” I whispered, shaking his shoulder trying to wake him. He didn't even stir. “Senka,” I said louder becoming concerned. He moaned and rolled onto his back and lazily looked over at me. “Hey,” I said.

  He blinked a few times and sat up rubbing his head.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “I think we fell asleep.” I said.

  “That's never happened before.” he said still holding his head.

  “What sleeping?” I joked.

  “No I've never just passed out like that. I'm sorry I must be really run down or something. I remember I kissed you then my mind went blank.”

  “Senka it's fine, I fell asleep as well anyway.”

  He continued to rub at his head. I sat up behind him and put my arms around his neck. “Are you sure you're okay?” I asked concerned, he wasn't acting like himself.

  “Yeah, just my head. For some reason I have a major headache. I don't think I've ever had one before.” he said holding onto my arms.

  “Okay I can hear talking, I know you're in there.” Alex said loudly.

  “Alex,” Senka said pulling my arms away from his neck.

  “Senka no leave it.” I said trying to grab his wrist but missed and slipped off the bed. He opened the door and Alex spotted me first on the floor and raised an eyebrow at me. Senka walked out and closed the door so I couldn't see them. I tip toed over and could just about hear them, I think they had moved some distance away from the door but I could still hear what they were saying. “Why did you say those things to her?” Senka growled.

  “It was a joke. I didn't think she'd take it seriously.”

  “Stop interfering.”

  “She's not right for you.”

  “So what makes you such an expert on what's right for me?”

  “Not her.”

  “Alex I get it, you're pissed cause you wanted me to leave with you. But I already told you, you don't need me to do what you want.”

  “Well I'm not going anywhere without you, it wouldn't be the same without you. So let me know when you're done with her and we can leave.”

  “I'm not leaving. Not now.”

  “Then I'll wait. The upside of being immortal, I can wait as long as it takes. You'll get bored with her eventually.” Alex said bitterly.

  It went quiet and I moved away from the door and tip toed back to the bed.

  A feeling of panic washed over me. What if Senka had taken my memories? Senka was one of the few people I trusted the most. I couldn't imagine him agreeing to anything that would hurt me. But what if he had? If Senka had taken my memories it was because of Cam. Cam was controlling everyone. Mack was right I had to get out of here. The thought of Mack was all it took to make
my eyes tear up. All I wanted was to get out of here and find Mack wherever that was. The door opened and Senka walked in holding an energy drink. I smiled at him hoping it would mask my true feelings. I quickly rubbed at my eyes, making the tears non existent. He unscrewed the cap and took a sip watching me. I jumped off the bed and went to his dresser picking up a soda can. Senka checked his cell then looked at me.

  “I should get ready for work.” he said searching for his clothes.

  He shrugged his vest on and I pulled my clothes off the hanger and quickly went into the bathroom and changed back into them. I slung Senka clothes in his laundry basket. When I opened the door, Senka was sitting on the end of his bed pulling on his boots. He looked up at me from under his hair that was hanging over his eyes. For once I didn't trust those blue eyes that I'd grown to love so much.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I'm fine, just a little tired.”

  “I think I preferred you in my clothes.” he said grinning.

  I smiled but it was forced and I think he noticed. He frowned and walked over to me. “If you're tired go back to bed for a little while longer.” he said kissing the side of my face before walking into the bathroom. For once I actually couldn't wait for Senka to leave.

  He re-emerged with his hair styled up and went to his closet and pulled a dark blue hoodie off a hanger. The front of it had little green aliens jumping around on it. He stepped over to me, his boots nearly touching my toes. He tilted my chin up towards him.

  “See you tonight.” he said kissing the side of my face working his way along my jaw and back to my lips and I stood there letting him. I imagined I would let him do a lot more with me but I quickly pushed that thought away. I would have to somehow get back inside his head and find out if and when he took my memories. He looked at me one last time biting at his lip ring, I think he knew something was wrong but he didn't say anything else. He picked up his cellphone and slid it into his pocket. His hand hovered on the door handle for a few seconds then he left without a word. I sat on the bed gripping the edge, resisting the overwhelming urge I had to burst into tears. When I finally pulled myself together I went back to my own bedroom and found Narmi cleaning the glass doors on my balcony. She quickly put her cleaning supplies back in her basket and stood up to leave.


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