Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

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Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 Page 30

by Dakota Lake

  “Maite, I think we need.....” Cam started to speak but she silenced him with a look that practically shot daggers.

  “I am not doing anything to this girl and nothing you say will change my mind.” “Um....I don't know what you mean.” Cam stuttered looking at me worried. All his lies were starting to surface and he was panicking.

  “You are blind Cameron. This girl is no fool to your lies. She knows exactly what she is and what you want me to do with her memories.”

  Cam shot a look in my direction then back at Maite.

  “She knows everything, so why don't you quit this charade and have a proper conversation with the girl. Senkerian come sit with me while they talk.”

  Senka pulled out a chair, sat down and propped his elbows on the table then he leaned over and knocked back the rest of Maite's drink.

  Cam still had his back to me. Now he knew I knew about all his lies, he couldn't face me. “Don't be afraid to tell him child. He will do you no harm, otherwise he will spend the rest of his miserable life regretting it.” Maite said.

  “Cam,” I said, but it came out as a whisper. He turned and brushed passed me, I watched the of back of his head as he disappeared out the door.

  I turned back to Senka, he had calmed down and was spinning the glass around on the table to distract himself.

  “Go with him.” Maite said.

  I took one final look at Senka and followed Cam. Outside in the corridor I caught a glimpse of the back of Cam as he slammed his bedroom door.

  The servant I had unintentionally shoved too hard was standing next to the door. He took one look at me and lowered his head to the floor to avoid eye contact.

  “I'm sorry about earlier.” I mumbled quietly to him.

  He nodded to confirm he'd heard me but didn't look up.

  I slowly walked the distance to Cam's room, with every step my body began to tremble. I didn't know how this was going to pan out. Hopefully Maite was sincere when she said she wouldn't be doing anything to harm me which involved erasing my memories. I know I still couldn't remember anything but it didn't mean I wanted them gone for good and Cam had no right to make that decision for me. I stood outside his large oak door. I'd never been this far along the corridor and I'd certainly never knocked on his door. I knocked quietly, I'm sure he would have heard me, I didn't need to bang on the door to get his attention.

  The door swung open and Cam stood staring holes into me. I took a deep breath and walked in. His room was nothing like I expected, for a start it was so light. The walls were cream with a wooden border, small chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There was a table in front of me with a vase of flowers in the center, like you would find walking into the entrance of someone's home. The floor was marble and felt cold against my bare feet. The far side of the wall was entirely windows, with long cream drapes hanging from them. He shut the door and walked ahead of me. His room was so long and everything looked clean and well organized. I could just about see the bed at the other end from where I was standing. From what I could see it was ten times bigger than a normal king size, more like a giant size four poster bed with cream sheets and drapes. I trailed behind Cam watching his long black cape as it swished around his legs. There was a seating area with cream couches that had elegant floral patterns all over them and a glass coffee table on the rug in the middle. He untied his cape and chucked it over the back of the couch and sat down. I stood at the end of the couch watching him. He couldn't sit still, his leg bounced up and down and he didn't know what to do with his hands. He was back on his feet walking over to the four seater dining table, behind it was a bar. I watched him pour himself a drink which he downed then he poured another.

  “How much do you know? Did your memory come back?” he asked clanking liquor bottles around. “No it hasn't come back. I remember a few random things, useless things nothing important though.”

  “So what do you know?”

  “Where do you want me to start there's so much?” I replied.

  He looked over at me briefly but didn't say anything, then he went back to pouring himself another drink.

  I looked around his room taking it all in while waiting for him to say something. On the right further down I could see a large shelving unit with glass doors, on the shelves sat all different types of sneakers. I wondered when he wore such normal things, I'd only ever seen Cam in the outfit he was wearing now. Plain black v neck T-shirt and skinny black jeans matched with black boots. Then I realised those must be what he wore when he wanted to blend in when he visited above. Above sounded so strange but saying earth sounded even worse but that was what is was. Nearest me on the right was a desk area. A laptop sat open with a pot of pens. A brown leather book with string wrapped around it sat on the desk. It looked like a journal. Behind the desk on the wall was what caught my attention the most. I walked over to the desk not being able to take my eyes away from the pictures on the wall. Cam came up beside me and handed me a glass. I took it and sniffed it. I wasn't a fan of whiskey, which is what he always drank.

  I looked at him and decided against making a fuss. He looked stricken with guilt. I couldn't believe seeing him like that actually made me feel sorry for him, after everything I knew. After everything I knew he was planning to do to me. I downed the drink and coughed afterwards giving the glass back to him. He looked at the glass then at me surprised I'd done that. So was I. I turned my attention back to the wall.

  Stuck on the wall were drawings, coloured drawings. I could see a child had drawn them, there were of all sorts of things from fairies to white rabbits. Large butterflies, black ravens and different coloured flowers, if I was to take a guess I would say it was Under. There was a name at the bottom of most of the drawings. RUBY was written in big letters and there was no mistaking it. “I did these?” I asked

  “Yes.” he said smiling. Cam's smile was one of the most amazing smiles that always made me want to smile as well. I quickly looked away from his face and back to the drawings remembering I was meant to be mad with him.

  “Where's Mack....Jessie?” I asked.

  He grinned and placed the glass on the desk. He crossed his arms and looked at me carefully watching my face.

  “How do you know about that? Did Kenzie say something?” he asked.

  “No he didn't before you go pointing fingers.” I said stepping closer to him.

  “Where is he?” I asked again. “I know you have him somewhere and I know you're keeping him as the back up. If all else failed and my memory returned you were going to use him to get me to do what you wanted. I agree to marry you for his realise. It's smart I'll give you that. But now it's over and it's time to let him go. This little game is over.”

  “Well seeing as you already know the reasons for me keeping him locked up, then you already know I can't just let him go without something from you first.”

  He leaned in front of me, he was so close I could smell the scent of roses drifting off of him. He opened a drawer and pulled out some paperwork which had a paper clip holding it together, he dropped it on the desk. I stepped over and looked at the top page of the paperwork. It was a contract of some sort, I lifted a few pages and saw my name and a black space for my signature. “What's this?”

  “You didn't think I'd just take your word for it, did you? If you want me to let him go you have to sign there.”

  I picked it up and scanned through it but I wasn't taking any of it in.

  “Take a few days look it over. Either way this ends with us getting married. There are no other options and you can't run away from this. No matter how far you go I will always be one step behind you. So think about that before you get any ideas about running off into the sunset with Jessie or Senka for that matter.”

  “If I sign this you'll let him go?”

  He nodded. “Not that I want to let him go. But I don't go back on my word.”

  “You're not going to punish any of the others are you?”

  “I don't know that depends on whether
they opened their mouths specifically after they were told not to.”

  “No I want that in here as well. I'm not signing anything until I know everyone else will be safe. Don't punish them because of me and the things I've done or the things I've found out.” “I still want you to tell me everything, everything you know, everything you've heard. All of it I want to know.”

  “And I'll tell you everything. As long as you promise that no matter what I tell you, you wont hurt anyone. Cam,” I said inching closer to him.

  I needed Cam on my side and if he really had any feelings for me the way Kenzie said he did he would agree. He stood with his arms crossed looking at the floor.

  “Cam,” I said trying to get his attention. “I don't want you to hurt anyone. Promise me.” He slowly lifted his head to meet my eyes. He looked tired, I wasn't surprised, he'd been so busy keeping secrets from me and making sure no one spilled the beans. His black eyes searched mine and I noticed how young he suddenly looked. His cute baby face feature shone through and I even spotted a few freckles on his nose. He ran a hand through his hair, I could see the dark roots appearing, Cam was no natural blonde.

  “Well,” I edged forward until I was inches away from his face.

  He nodded. But didn't say anything.

  “So you're not going to look for another way to erase my memories are you?”

  He chuckled. “No.”

  “That didn't sound very convincing Cam.”

  “Maite was the last option and for some reason she doesn't want to do it. So no, you can keep your memories. Anyway seeing as we have come to some arrangement it wont be necessary to take them. If you happily agree to stay and so on it wont be a problem anymore.”

  “Good.” I said putting on brave front, inside I was falling to pieces. Even though he'd said he wouldn't do anything else to try and take my memories I didn't know whether I believed him or whether I could trust him. Probably not.

  “I want that in the contract. You can't take my memories in the future if you change your mind.” “Okay. Anything else?”

  “I don't know I'll need some time to look through the contract and see if there's anything you've missed. How soon will you let him out?”

  “As soon as you've signed the contract I'll send someone down to get him.”

  “You mean down to Hell.”

  He didn't reply instead his eyes were focused on my lips as he leaned closer to me. Before I could move away his lips were already on mine. They were cold and forceful and he grabbed the sides of my face locking our lips together. My hands came up instinctively to push him away but before I had a chance to push him off he had somehow managed to grab both of my wrists, holding them in place against his chest. His other hand held onto my face. I tried to pull away but his grip was stronger, I began to protest opening my mouth to say something but instead I just gave him the opportunity to kiss me fully. I never returned his kiss and I wanted to scream but couldn't because his lips were all over my mouth. In the end I gave up trying to pull away and bit down on his bottom lip.

  He finally released his grip on me and let go. I pushed him hard against the chest which did nothing. He dabbed his lip and looked at me grinning.

  “Don't ever do that again.” I shouted

  “Why? Afraid you might like it?”

  “No. I will never like that. No matter how long we spend together I will never want that. I don't want that from you.”

  “Really? Your body suggests otherwise. The accelerated heart rate, sweaty palms and you're trembling.”

  “Yes trembling in terror because I was so horrified. Wait...how do you know what my heart rate is doing?”

  “It's one of my talents, to be able to hear when a heart stops beating or in your case racing in overdrive from just one kiss.”

  “Not likely. You obviously misheard it.”

  “If you say so.” he said smirking as he walked over to the couch.

  He flopped back and rested his arms along the back of the couch and lifted his boots up onto the table. I walked over to the other couch and sat down opposite him.

  “So this is what it comes down to. I have to spend my entire existence living down here with you from now on?”

  “Come on it's not that bad. I practically let you do what you want and I will continue to let you do what you want if that's what makes you happy. Anyway I need you down here.”

  “You don't need me. You just need a wife to show your father when he returns.”

  “And it has to be you. I wont marry anyone else. I don't want anyone else.”

  “I don't love you.”

  “You don't need to. As long as you stay here with me you can love who you want. But you can't leave.”

  “You think keeping me prisoner down here will make me happy?”

  “Ruby I want you to be happy but...”

  “I can't leave. I get it.” I snapped at him.

  Cam sighed and smoothed his hair back leaving his fingers linked behind his head. “You let the others leave. The other fallen, they come and go when they please.” “They work for me Ruby, it's different. I don't care if anything happens to them.” “You have to give me something. I'm about to sign a contract basically handing myself over to you, the least you can do is let me out once in a while. I have a brother up there and friends.” Cam groaned and leaned forward resting his arms on his knees.

  “Well?” I said.

  “Well what?” he replied.

  “Do you think I'll ever be allowed out?” I asked.

  “We will negotiate.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I'll probably let you bend the rules. I never seem to be able to say no to you.” “Why me?” I asked. I had heard him explaining this to Senka before but I wanted to hear it from him myself.

  He looked thoughtful carefully deciding what to say as his eyes stayed focused on mine. But he didn't answer my question and looked out the window.

  “Do you...you,” I stuttered my words. But I had to ask. “Do you have feelings for me?” “You were always mine,” he said still looking out the window.

  “So because our dads made some deal, you now think I belong to you?” I said crossing my arms. “Your father signed a contract. You belong to Under and when my father returns and hands Under over to me I'll own everything. Including you. But you will be happy, I will make sure of it.” I sighed and fell back into the couch. “Ready to talk?” he asked. “I want to know everything you know.”

  “Promise you wont get mad or hold anyone accountable for helping me?”

  “I promise you a thousand promises I wont get mad or punish anyone for their actions. A promise is a promise. Now start from the beginning.” he said.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I spent the rest of the day in an absent state of mind. I couldn't even remember what I'd eaten for dinner. Straight after my little talk with Cam I went and found Senka. We talked for some time and after he was absolutely certain Cam and Maite weren't going to do anything to me he finally left for work. I spent the rest of the day with Kenzie, we were both still in shock over how things had turned out. But we were both thankful no one had got into trouble over my little venture up to HP. Everyone attended dinner, including Maite. She sat next to Emmett and let her rat crawl all over her while she ate, Grayson was disgusted of course that a rat was even allowed at the diner table. She hadn't said much, she was very quiet and polite when speaking to anyone. She was going to be staying with us until the party, that Cam still wanted to go ahead with. Except now there was talk of it being an engagement party for us. Everything Cam said to me went over my head, I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts. I already felt weighed down with marriage plans. Even the servants were excited about it. Shelley had already come to me with catering ideas and wanting to know where we would be having our ceremony.

  The next three days past in a blur. I avoided Cam like the plague and hid myself away the best I could. The only upside to anything was the TV/DVD combi and stere
o that had magically turned up in my bedroom, gifts from Cam.

  I waited until 11pm the time Senka had told me he would be back. He was in HP tonight at the fight club with Alex. He wasn't fighting tonight only watching, but he did fight sometimes. It explained all the times I'd seen him with sore knuckles.

  I used my key and let myself into his room. He wasn't back so I made myself comfortable in his bed, climbing under his covers in my pyjamas. I was watching an episode of Futurama when I heard the key in the door lock. Senka opened the door, Alex was with him and tutted when he saw me, he patted Senka on the shoulder and left us alone.

  “Hey you,” Senka said excitedly walking over to the bed.

  “Hey yourself.” I replied leaning halfway to greet him with a kiss.

  “Missed you.” he said smiling.

  “Oh yeah. How much?” I asked messing around.

  “This much.” he said in a silly voice holding his arms out wide.

  He crawled over to me and sat beside me picking up the remote. He flicked it back to the main menu page and selected a different episode.

  “One of my favourites.” he said putting his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him. I would have happily stayed there all night if he hadn't started shifting around uncomfortably. He became agitated to the point where he jumped off the bed and started pacing back and forth at the end. I scooted to the end and hung my legs over the edge.

  “What's wrong?” I asked.

  But I already had a good idea as to what was wrong.

  “Are you seriously considering this?” he asked walking over to his desk.

  Cam had given me the contract to look over and I had read through it a thousand times, I'd forgotten I'd left it in Senka's room. He picked it up and chucked it at me.

  “I don't have a choice.” I said bending down to pick it back up.

  “There is always a choice. You can't marry Cam.”

  “I don't see any other option.”

  “If you marry him. You'll never be able to leave. You''ll be stuck here for all eternity tied to him, just like he wants.”


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