Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

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Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 Page 32

by Dakota Lake

  He opened his door smiling and pulled his headphones down to his neck. He was dressed in a pale blue polo shirt with beige cargo shorts and sneakers. He looked so different, it was like looking at an entirely different person.

  “Have you been out?” I asked. He frowned so I elaborated. “You're dressed differently, have you been up there?” I asked pointing at the ceiling.

  “Err yes I had to make a trip into HP to collect something.” he smiled and waved me inside his room.

  “So I read through it thoroughly and signed both pages.”

  I had added a few extras things to our negations over dinner and he'd drawn up another sheet for me to sign. Which included cellphones and laptops so I could communicate with the outside world when I was ready. Apparently we still received good cellphone reception down here. We had discussed letting me go out for day trips at some point in the future. The contract now stated I would be allowed out. But Cam hadn't been very specific, I didn't think he was keen on the idea. I think he thought I was going to run away the first chance I got. Since Cam had found out I'd taken a trip up to HP he'd had new machines installed onto each level. Which meant you now needed a swipe card to activate the elevator. Without it the elevator doors wouldn't even open but as an extra precaution the guards still stood outside the doors.

  “Great.” he said picking it out of my hand. He was smiling like the cat that had got the cream. He was definitely in a good mood today. “I have something for you.”

  He walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. He took out a small black box and chucked it to me. I caught it and looked down at the box on the palm of my hand. I was almost positive I knew what was inside.

  “It took me over an hour to decide on the right one. But if you really don't like it I can take you back and you can pick out something different.”

  I slowly lifted the lid. Inside the box was a small white gold ring with a single purple stone that glistened as I moved the box. It wasn't over the top like I would have expected Cam to have bought for me. It was simple but still managed to be beautiful. It was exactly what I would have chosen for myself. I realised he was watching me, waiting for me to say something.

  “It's alright.” I said snapping the box shut. I did like it, but I didn't want my heartbeat to give anything away so I acted as casual as I could. That and I didn't want it going to his head, if he thought he'd done well in choosing a ring for me I'd never hear the end of it, he'd probably tell half the staff about it.

  “Are you going to try it on?” he asked frowning.

  “Maybe later. Are we done?” I asked waiting to leave.

  “Um....yes. I don't think there's anything else. Oh I won't be here for a few days.” “But the party,” I said.

  “I'll be back in the evening just in time for the party. Business trip I have to go on.” I would have asked what he meant by business trip but I wasn't overly bothered, so I didn't. “I'll see you at the party then.” I said. He nodded and stepped towards me.

  “Err..no.” I said. He was making a move to try and kiss me, but after the last kiss I wasn't going to let him anywhere near me, even if it was just a peck on the cheek.

  I let myself out and waited until I was alone in my room to try the ring on. The fit was perfect it was as though it had been crafted just for my finger. I hid it in my underwear drawer. Things with Senka were going so well at the moment, I didn't want to rub the whole marriage thing in his face. The next few days past far too quickly. I was dreading the party. None of the servants were calling it a party though. They were all calling it an engagement party. It was also my nineteenth birthday. Decorations started going up everywhere and the maids were busy cleaning the manor from top to bottom. I hid in my room for most of it and when Senka was back from work we kept ourselves away from it all in his room. We were too preoccupied with each other to care about what was going on downstairs. We'd see it all on the day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The morning of the engagement party arrived. I woke up in Senka's bed alone. He'd been gone all night with work. I still hadn't asked him what it was he did exactly. But we would have plenty of time in the future together and I would eventually ask. I left the comfort of Senka's bed and went back downstairs. The manor was buzzing with activity and servants were rushing everywhere. As I was walking to my bedroom a brown rat ran in front of me. I stopped and lifted my foot up instinctively. I looked around and saw Maite. I had forgotten she was staying on this level, her bedroom was only seven doors down from mine. She drifted towards me as though she was on a hoverboard. I wanted to ask her about it, but I didn't. I was scared of what she would say. She might not even have legs under her dress for all I knew, the very thought of it made my skin crawl. She was such a sight, beautiful yet ugly at the same time.

  She stopped in front of me and Sesel disappeared under the edge of her dress.

  “Do you know what you are wearing tonight?” she asked.

  I hadn't even thought about. Neither had anyone else. Everyone was so busy preparing for tonight, none of the servants had even spoken to me about what I was wearing. I had no idea. “I don't know.” I answered.

  “Well we'll see what we can do. Follow me.”

  I followed behind her watching the edge of her dress as it dragged along the floor, wondering where Sesel was under all the netting and fabric.

  The sewing room was exactly the same, nothing had changed since the last time I'd been in there. I watched as she picked up fabrics and laid them on the table rolling them out.

  “The theme is autumn with lots of browns and golds, glittery leaves and what not. Have you seen the ballroom?”

  “No I haven't been down there. I'll see it tonight.”

  “Hmm,” She held up a tape measure and measured me at all different angles.

  “I don't think we have time to make a new dress? Maybe we could alter a different one. I have hundreds in my closet.”

  “No I have the perfect dress in mind for you.”

  She held up fabrics against my skin muttering words that were not English. I stood like a statue and let her do as she pleased. That and I was a tiny bit scared of her.

  “How did you know all that stuff about me? Before when you'd just arrived, how did you know anything about me?”

  “When one sleeps I can see inside their very soul. Their desires their fears. It's similar to reading an aura but with more details.”

  “So it's your ability to be able to see inside people?”

  “One of my gifts, yes.” she said arranging the fabrics on the table.

  “So why did you decide not to take my memories like Cam wanted?”

  “Your destiny is not to forget your past Ruby Summers, it is to live your future.” I had no idea what she meant, whether it had some hidden meaning behind it or not. But I smiled politely anyway.

  “Thank you.”

  “You can thank me later. You can leave now.” she said looking up and down the racks. “Don't you need my help?” I asked.

  “It is not necessary.”

  I left Maite alone. I was unsure she would finish the dress by sunset, probably not. Not unless she had a load of tiny mice and bird friends to help. I browsed my clothing rails and picked out two dresses just encase. One was a deep purple which I could alter at last minute if necessary and the other was a nasty brown, I disliked it but it would go with the décor if the ballroom was decked out in browns and golds. Maybe I could wear it and blend in with the decorations. Fat chance! Guests started arriving late afternoon. Voices and laughter filled the hallways. I stayed hidden in the safety of my bedroom scared to go outside.

  There was no dinner planned for tonight as we were going to be eating around 9pm with everyone else. Apparently parties went on well into the night here. It was 5.30pm and Cam wanted me downstairs at 6.30pm. I'd had a bath and changed into my underwear with a loose vest on top. Inside the manor felt warm so I didn't want to get all dressed up yet. There was a knock at my door and my heart skipped a bea
t. I knew it was Senka, he said he would drop by after work. He wasn't coming to the party but he said he would wait upstairs for me. I opened the door just enough so I could peak out. It was Maite, I felt disappointed on the inside but on the outside my eyes lit up with excitement. I ushered her inside and she laid the dress on the bed. I stood staring at it awestruck. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. She had chosen gold for the main colour, with a gorgeous glittery overlay. The top half had small spaghetti straps that were attached to see through draping sleeves that reminded me of kimono sleeves. Down the front there was a trail of ivy leaves that looked real but they were gold instead of green. The dress sprayed out similar to Maite's. It had a puffy appearance at the bottom but not over the top, it was just the right amount of puffiness with a trail effect at the back and a gold ribbon tied at the waist to finish it off.

  “What do you think? I didn't have very long to do what I originally wanted. I'm not sure.” she said holding the fabric up.

  “Um...what are you talking about? This is amazing. How did you do this in such a short time?” Her lips curved up at the sides. “I had help.” she said stroking Sesel.

  I hadn't seen where she had pulled him from, but he now sat on her palm sniffing the air. The image of Sesel holding a pair of scissors in his tiny paws cutting fabric popped into my head. But I shook it away that was just crazy. Rats couldn't use scissors. Could they?

  She left me to change and I waited nervously for Senka but the hour passed by without any sign of him. I stood on my balcony watching strangers as they strolled around the gardens. I felt a wave of disappointment. I so wanted to see him before I went downstairs. I needed to see him. Tonight was going to be so scary, I was not looking forward to it. He didn't want to be down there but I really wanted him with me. I knew we wouldn't be able to hold hands or any other affectionate displays in public, Cam had made that clear. It was alright when we were alone or not surrounded by a hundred of Cam's family members. I knew if Senka was down there somewhere I wouldn't feel as nervous and frightened by all the different strangers wanting to talk to me, I would fell better just knowing he was around, but he didn't want to go and I understood why. He still wasn't happy about the whole thing.

  There was a loud knock at the door. I rushed over trying to be as careful as possible in my dress. I opened the door excitedly, expecting to see Senka, but couldn't help the obvious pout I pulled when I saw it wasn't him.

  “Expecting someone else?” Kenzie asked.

  “Sorry he said he was coming to see me before the party.”

  “Maybe he got caught up with something?”


  Kenzie was smiling at me waiting for me to notice how nicely he was dressed.

  He wore a light blue tuxedo jacket with a black trim and pants. He had opted for a black tie with skulls on instead of a bow tie.

  I noticed his shoes and started laughing. “Only you cold pull that off.” I said looking back down at his burgundy sneakers with black laces.

  “They're the most formal looking shoes I have.” he grinned.

  He had ditched his usual cap and his hair was straight missing his normal wave. It looked as though he had straightened it. He smoothed it down waiting for my approval.

  “It's very nice.” I said.

  “You look awesome by the way.” he said touching one of the gold ivy leaves on my dress. “Maite made it for me.”

  “Wow! Who knew she doubled as a dressmaker. I wouldn't have guessed she made this. You have seen the tatty Gothic thing she has hanging off her bones?”

  “She has her own style. I think it suits her.”

  “Yes if you like that creepy black widow look,” he chuckled. “You ready madame?” He smiled and held out his arm for me. I linked mine in his and we made our way downstairs. My dress trailed slightly behind me but not too far, it wasn't enough to trip over. Thankfully. I had spent most of my time hiding in my bedroom that I had missed all the decorations going up in the corridors.

  The corridors had been decorated with autumn leaves and gold sashes hung from the ceilings. The lights had been covered to give of a dim glow. It was beautiful and this was only the corridors, I was interested to see what had been done to the ballroom. People were coming and going from their rooms, all wearing over the top dresses and formal wear.

  I clung to Kenzie.

  “Relax. You're making me nervous.” he said.

  “Sorry. I can't help it. How many people are downstairs?”

  “I stopped counting after three hundred.”



  I took a deep breath as we approached the stairs. I held onto the railing with one hand and lifted my dress at the front so I wouldn't stand on it.

  “Whoa! What are those?” Kenzie asked lifting my dress higher to get a better look. “Nothing get back up here.” I said smacking his hand away.

  “I'm not the only one then.” he said eyeing my hi-tops.

  “Look I'm no good in heels and no one will even notice when my dress is down. There was no way I was descending these stairs in heels. I would have ended up rolling into the ballroom. Plus if I'm going to be standing for a long lime I want to be comfortable.”

  As we approached the open double doors my legs began to shake and my heart felt like it was going to hammer its way out of my ribcage. Kenzie looked sideways at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  Cam had told me that death trackers can hear a persons heartbeat. It probably explained the reason Kenzie was looking at me with so much concern.

  “I'm going to be with you the whole time. Wherever you are I will only be a few steps away.” he said.

  I nodded trying to steady my breathing. I could already hear guests walking up behind us. We stopped at the open doors and I peeked inside. I looked around completely amazed. “Wow! This is...this is incredible.” I said walking further inside.

  The room was decked out the same as the corridors but on a much larger scale. Glittery gold and white balloons floated around and there was a strange fog covering the floor.

  All I wanted to know was how the servants had reached the ceilings to hang the drapes? Kenzie stood next to me admiring the ballroom.

  “You think this is good, you wait until you see the way they deck it out for the winter ball.” “Where are we going to eat?” I asked wondering where the dinner tables were.

  “Well normally they open the side rooms,” he said.

  The side rooms he was referring to were the two large empty halls adjoining to the ballroom. I had always wondered what they were for.

  “But tonight we're eating outside.” he added pointing at the side door that led outside. “What on picnic blankets?” I asked.

  He laughed. “No dinner tables.”

  “How many are out there?”

  “Erm...I'm gonna take a guess and say too many to count.”

  As I looked around still taking it all in. Someone leaned over my shoulder and kissed me on the side of my face without warning. The deep rose scent quickly gave him away.

  I looked over my shoulder at Cam. He was grinning at me with his hands shoved in his pockets. He was dressed in an old fashioned suit jacket with tails. It wasn't grey or black like I expected a suit to be though. It was gold. He wore a black shirt with a black tie underneath, black trousers and a gold top hat finished of with gold shoes that sparkled. Gold shoes?

  “Who are you supposed to be Willy Wonka or the Mad Hatter?” I asked not being able to contain my laugher, even Kenzie chuckled.

  Cam looked down at himself and smoothed his tie down. He looked hurt by my comment and I suddenly felt guilty for upsetting him.

  “It was a joke Cam. You look really nice. Where did you get the shoes? Did you pull them from your magic hat?” Cam shot me a dead eye look. “Sorry. I couldn't help it.” I said. “Well you scrub up well.” Cam said admiring my outfit. His eyes started at the bottom of my dress and slowly made their way up, taking
in my every curve.

  “Very well.” Kenzie chimed in.

  “What do you think?” Cam asked looking around at the ballroom.

  “It's great.” I answered.

  “The balloons were Kenzie's idea. We don't normally but he thought you'd like it.” “They look great.” I smiled at Kenzie.

  “Do you know where Senka is? He said he would come and see me before the party.” I asked Cam. Cam shrugged. “I don't keep tabs on my employees. But he finished work at five it that helps.” Cam said with a hint of a sneer in his voice.

  If Senka finished at five then why hadn't he stopped by to see me? I could feel my face drooping with disappointment. Kenzie hung his arm around my shoulder and lightly pinched my side to distract me. Cam lightly took my elbow and led me back, I looked down and frowned but still let him lead me back to the doors.

  “Cam,” I whispered as a few guests started spilling through the doors. “Cam,” I said louder. “Yes,” he said looking back at me.

  “I signed the contract. You said as soon as I'd signed it you'd let Jessie go.”

  “And I did.”

  “What? Wait stop,” I said pulling him back a step. “He's out?” I asked.

  “Yes like I said.”

  “So where is he?”

  “How should I know? I had one of my guys dump him in HP. He's free as per our arrangement. I let him go as soon as you gave me the contract back.”

  “Well is he okay?” Cam shrugged. “Cam I need proof.”

  “Can't you just take my word as proof?”

  “No. Your word means nothing to me. I still don't know if I can trust you or whether you're still planning something to do to me behind my back.”

  “Ruby, I said I would let him go after you signed it, which is exactly what I did. You can ask Roman, he's the one I sent down to retrieve him.”


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