The Need Within Her

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The Need Within Her Page 9

by Jason Lenov

  A beautiful blade of anguish sank tenderly into Jack’s belly. It felt like someone was squeezing his heart. “You did?” he asked.

  Emily nodded, then shook her head. Her eyes fell to the bed but it looked like she was staring at a point deep underground. “I fucking loved it,” she repeated, sounding like she was convincing herself.

  The blade twisted. “Why?”

  Emily’s eyes returned to his as she kept shaking her head. “I don’t know.” She was speaking at the speed of a lava lamp, each word forming like a bubble on her lips.

  “I was worried,” Jack said. “For a while there you looked angry.”

  “I was angry. They were terrible, all those things he did to me. Did you see how he used me?”

  “I saw it,” Jack replied, nodding. “They were terrible.”

  “But I loved them.”

  The blade sank deeper. “Why?”

  Emily shrugged. “It just felt like I needed it.”

  The thing Jack couldn’t give her. The one thing.

  His cock was stiff. His eyes wandered lower on her body, past her belly, to the soft patch of hair above her sex.

  “You know what I thought of? When he was finishing inside me?”


  Finishing inside her. Because that’s what Jack had just witnessed. Another man spilling into Emily. “What?” Jack asked. Slipping out of his pants he crawled up onto the bed, pawing at Emily’s thigh to spread her legs. He met no resistance.

  Emily parted for him.

  Jack’s eyes fell to her messy slit, a thin line of Carter’s sample still running from it. His cock went rigid.

  “I thought about whether I’d taken my birth control pills or not,” Emily said.

  Jack’s eyes snapped up to hers. What was this? What was this force that came crashing through him like a freight train through a stalled bus at a crossing? His cock ached with stiffness. “Christ, Emily, what? Tell me you did. Tell me you took them.”

  Her eyes darted side to side, searching his. Her head tilted slightly. She looked at his cock throbbing in his hand. She reached between her legs and stretched her pussy open with her fingers.

  Jack stared into her entrance where a healthy pool of Carter’s seed still churned. Somewhere inside him a ripcord was pulled and excitement tore through him like a chainsaw. He looked at his own organ, this muscle designed or evolved to deliver his essence into another being. Into another person. Where, if the vagina were not too acidic, if the sperm found it’s way to the egg, penetrated the transparent coat of the zona pellucida and fertilized it, it would cause an irreversible change. A swelling, a making, a creation of something where nothing had existed.

  Which is how Jack came to the question staring into his wife’s hole filled with another man’s semen.

  What is all this? What are we? Carbon machines with one purpose: to reproduce. Replicants.

  And just like that the thought was gone. Vanished because Emily was pulling him closer. With a finger on his chin she was drawing him into herself. Back into the hot comfort of her now distorted tunnel, the shape changed by another man’s cock. Would it ever be the same?

  “Did you forget?” Jack asked as his hips started jutting.

  Emily caressed his cheek. Her other hand fell on his arm. She was half-lying, half-sitting, gazing into his eyes with a serene expression, her body lurching beneath his thrusts but her mind, her self somehow above the base act in which Jack was involved. “I can’t remember,” she whispered, the words still coming slowly.

  “Oh god,” Jack groaned and closed his eyes. Because how horrendous would that be? Evidence for the whole world to see of the way their marriage had veered off the rails. Emily being bred by the landscaper because he didn’t like condoms and she’d forgotten the pill?

  “Jack,” she whispered.

  Jack kept rutting. The head of his cock was a little sore but he kept fucking, a slave to the dark arousal that had sprung up from an unknown place but at Emily’s admission. “Oh god,” he moaned again, his cock flexing, balls drawing up, preparing for his own release.

  “Jack if I forgot the pill then Carter might have made me pregnant.”

  This short-circuited Jack’s higher reasoning. A switch was flipped by Emily’s admission and he ceased being Jack the man and became instead Jack the muscle. A flipping, flopping, twitching thing, whose sole purpose was to deliver as copious a load of ejaculate as his testicles could produce, into the receptacle that was patiently enduring his affections, known also as his wife, Emily.

  Jack roared as an orgasm ripped through him. Down went the signal from the base of his brain, shooting through his spine and contracting the muscles in his cock. A hot glob of seminal fluid raced through his urethra and came spewing out the tip of his cock. It shot out and coated the inside of Emily’s pussy, mingling with the deposit left there by Carter.

  Jack squirmed and shook as more contractions came. At the height of his climax he opened his eyes to find Emily staring at him with a loving smile. His body shuddered at her angelic expression.

  As the orgasm waned he collapsed on top of her, hips still occasionally jerking back and forth, draining the last remnants of his offering into his wife.

  Emily put a hand on his back and caressed it.

  The usual post-coital calm did not descend on Jack. Embers of excitement glowed inside him at the possibilities they’d opened in their marriage. He lifted himself and looked into Emily’s eyes again. “What now?” he said.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t have the answers.”

  And for the first time in their life together, neither did Jack.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Handing him his brown paper sandwich bag the next morning, Emily leaned in and kissed Jack on the cheek. Freshly shaved, his skin was soft and smelled of after-shave.

  He fixed her with a serious stare. “Are you going to fuck him?” he asked.

  Emily opened her mouth to say “maybe,” but remembered that they’d agreed to be honest and open. “Probably,” she said instead.

  This inspired the same reaction she’d seen on his face when she’d told him how much she loved being fucked by Carter. A little bit of fear, a dash of anger, but most of all a very generous dose of excitement. And more of that sweet attention. Like a dog knowing he’s about to get a treat. It tickled her pussy when he looked at her like that.

  “Is that okay?” she asked, not sure what she would do if it wasn’t. She’d spent the night dreaming of Carter. Lucid dreams where she let him do all sorts of dirty things to her. In fact, saying that she was probably going to have sex with him was verging on dishonesty. It felt like she didn’t have much choice in the matter.

  “I think so,” Jack replied, then paused and looked away.

  Emily smiled. “If you want I can wait until you get home.” That was a lie. She most certainly could not. Why say it then? To make Jack feel better? She felt bad but didn’t want to take it back. Didn’t want him to know she couldn’t.

  Jack nodded. “Okay. Maybe that’d be better. Wait ‘till I get home,” he said.

  The smile she was wearing began to wane. She caught it in time, tightening her lips into something far less sincere. “Oh, okay. Sure,” she said. Her guts twisted a little.

  It’s just a little white lie.

  But was it?

  She shook her head. This was the last thing she needed to be dealing with. Carter would be there soon and Jack would see for himself that there was no way she was waiting until he got home. Emily kissed his other cheek. “Better get going then. You don’t want to be late.”

  Jack turned and walked toward the door. Just as he opened it, Carter’s truck pulled up to the curb. He watched it for a few moments before stepping out into the sunlight.

  Emily’s calm faltered. She loved Jack. Didn’t want to do anything to hurt him. And it might hurt him to see how quickly she was going to bed Carter. She’d thought about it all morning.

  Jack walked
down the steps, opened his car door and got in. He gave her one last wave as he started the engine, then pulled away.

  Carter, who’d stepped out of the truck and was standing at the end of the driveway, gave Jack a solemn nod as he drove by, which Jack returned, this time with a smile.

  Emily stood at the open door looking down her nose at Carter and Diego make their way up the driveway.

  “Hey,” Carter grunted.

  “Good morning,” Emily replied, her mouth a tight line as she tried to hide the hungry craving that was driving her crazy.

  Carter stopped and folded his arms over his chest. He glanced at Diego and tilted his head toward the side of the house. “Go get started. Sod truck’s coming this afternoon.”

  Diego eyed Emily for a few seconds too many, indicating he wouldn’t mind having a piece of that, too.

  A shiver raced through her at how dirty that would be. Carter was a man’s man but at least he had his own business. Diego was just a labourer. Made minimum wage. Probably got drunk every night. The thought of him stuffing his cock into her upper middle-class pussy was outrageous. She scowled at him until he walked away.

  A few moments of silence passed between her and Carter. “You wanted something?” he asked.

  Emily realized she was very unprepared for this moment. In her fantasies she’d just magically ended up on the bed upstairs with her legs spread, Carter between them. She hadn’t thought at all of how she was going to get him up there. “I, uh…there’s a problem with the toilet,” she stammered.

  “So? Call a plumber,” Carter replied.

  A finger of frustration worked it’s way through Emily, stiffening her spine. He wasn’t really that stupid, was he? He couldn’t take a hint? “I just thought maybe you could help. Since you’re, you know, good with your hands?” Hers were starting to get a little clammy.

  Carter walked up the steps of the porch to come face to face with Emily.

  She resisted the urge to lean back even though she had to look up to meet his stare.

  “Toilet? There’s no problem with the toilet,” he said, calling her bluff and stubbornly not playing the game she had hoped he would play. “You got a taste for good dick and now you want more, huh? Like a greedy little slut.”

  Well Emily would stand for a lot of things but she would not stand for this jerk calling her a slut right on her front porch. The bedroom was one thing. Something else. That was…fantasy. But right there on the street where the neighbours might hear? Her hand flew through the air and connected with his cheek.

  Carter didn’t flinch. He cracked a grin. He tilted his head to one side. “What’s the matter? You feeling bad about yesterday? Don’t feel bad. Jack wanted it, remember? No reason to slap me, though. If I did that to you? Shit, you’d probably call the cops. Or the neighbours would.”

  Emily’s fury began to bubble. Which was annoying because her body was screaming at her to drag Carter into the house and up the stairs.

  “You want more cock just say it,” Carter said, offering her a way out.

  Her eyes darted side to side, checking to see if any of the neighbours were out on their porches or watching through windows. “Just…come inside,” she said tersely.

  “No,” Carter said, folding his arms over his chest again. “I want you to say it right here. Otherwise I’m getting to work on the yard.”

  Emily’s nostrils flared. Stupid, arrogant jerk. Thought he was hot shit because he could bed a milf he’d hit on in the grocery store. It made her furious. Until she realized she was that milf and the way her pussy was aching gave her very little choice in the matter. She glanced around the street again. “Please,” she said, softening her tone. Which she hated because now it sounded like she needed him. “Just come inside and I’ll say it.”

  “You’ll say it right here,” Carter said with a sneer.

  She wanted to scream. This was all Jack’s fault. If he hadn’t told her about his crazy kink she’d never have put herself in this situation. She wouldn’t be standing on the steps of her own house being told to say she “wanted some dick” by this knuckle head. She looked up into his eyes again and there, saw that he would not relent. Which only made her more furious. “Fine!” she spat, stabbing a finger toward the back yard. “Get to work then!” Spinning around she stormed back into the house and slammed the door in Carter’s face.

  She let out a scream. That only made her more upset because she knew he’d heard. And what pissed her off most was that she knew how this was going to end. She hadn’t ever needed anything the way she needed this. Like fucking heroin.

  Stomping to the other end of the house she peered out the kitchen window. Carter and Diego were working in silence together. Just staring at the way Carter’s muscles flexed made her wet between the legs.

  Emily stuffed her hand down her shorts, found the tight bud of nerves beneath it’s hood and started to spin. Her mouth fell open as an immediate shock of pleasure raced up her spine. One bare foot twisted on the tile as she rubbed herself, an orgasm already looming from how worked up she was.

  She let out a breath as her pussy clenched. It squeezed with a wet sound, sending more slick dripping into her panties. Her head spun for a moment, then she was back to herself. And not at all relieved by the release.

  Heat flashed through her and suddenly swallowing her pride and going out to tell Carter what he wanted to hear didn’t sound like such a big deal. She slid open the patio door and stepped out onto the deck. “Carter? Can you come here please?”

  He glanced up, then over at Diego. “Come down here,” he said. “We’re busy.”

  She balled her fists and clenched the muscles in her jaw. What an ass hole! The aching tickle in her pussy was relentless. She stomped barefoot down the steps, across the dirt from the grass they’d dug up and came to a stop in front of Carter. “It’s private,” she hissed.

  “Probably should have said it on the front porch then, instead of slamming the door in my face,” he said.

  A slow wave of humiliation washed over her. He was going to make her do it. He was going to make her beg for his dick in front of Diego. Who the fuck had she become?

  Carter scratched his chin.

  Diego’s eyes darted from hers to his.

  Emily took a deep breath, trying to sweep away a curtain of shame. “Can you come inside please?” she said, though she knew that wouldn’t do it.

  “What for?” Carter said.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” she tried again.

  “So talk right here.”

  Emily closed her eyes for a moment and tried to find a calm space inside her throbbing mind. “Carter I want you to come inside because I want you to fuck me,” she whispered. When she opened her eyes again Diego was wearing a knowing grin.

  Carter set down the shovel he was holding and stood up straight. “See? Was that so hard?” he asked. Then the fucker actually waited for her to answer.

  “No. It wasn’t.”

  Carter took off his gloves and dropped them on the ground. “Finish up this side,” he said to Diego. “This shouldn’t take too long.”

  Diego cackled like a hyena.

  Carter waved a hand toward the house. “After you.”

  Swimming in a sea of shame and humiliation, Emily made her way to the stairs of the deck. Her feet were dirty but she didn’t care. She walked calmly into the house and toward the stairs. The dirt made a mess on the tile. Emily didn’t care. Carter’s presence behind her meant everything in that moment. It held the promise of release from the wretched throbbing between her legs.

  Inside the bedroom she turned to see him leaning against the door frame. Her eyes wandered around the room, the silence growing increasingly uncomfortable between them. She was grateful when he started walking over.

  He cupped her chin and tilted her head back, forcing her to look into his eyes. “See?” he said. Grabbing her shirt with his other hand he yanked it so hard it ripped, exposing her breast.

  Emily gasped
. At the violent motion, at being exposed and at how much stronger and larger Carter suddenly seemed without Jack there. Her heart started beating faster. She contemplated screaming. But looking into his big, dumb eyes, Emily thought she saw something there. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  His tough expression faltered. For just a split-second but long enough for Emily to see it. Then it was back and Carter seemed…angry.

  And Emily knew she was going to get fucked like she’d never been fucked before.

  “The fuck you doing dragging me into your house and asking that shit? You don’t fucking know me! Mind your own fucking business!” he roared. Then he spun her around and threw her face first down on the bed.

  A delicious trickle of chemicals started to soak through Emily’s brain. Like an addict who’d just scored a hit, a slow smile spread across her lips as she felt Carter yank down her shorts. Time slowed a bit.

  She sucked in a breath when he stretched her cunt lips and spat on her sex. There was no need. She was soaking wet.

  Her eyes started to close as Carter hauled out his rigid member and pressed the head against her pussy lips.

  Emily lifted her hips.

  Carter shoved his cock into her pussy with an angry grunt.

  Emily nearly fainted from the tightness and pressure his shaft created between her legs. But each inch of that monster plying into her softness took the edge off her itch. It took the ache away, along with the tickle. When he reached the end of her pussy she felt his balls slap against her clit. She trembled.

  Carter erupted into a furious fuck. Hands on her hips, he burrowed his cock deep inside her with each thrust that made the whole bed shake.

  Emily was limp as a rag-doll in his hands. As streak after streak of hot pleasure shot through her, she found her mind sinking to that deep, dark place. The quiet place she’d only known with Carter the day before. The place where she felt like she became the real Emily. The Emily that would endure any humiliation to get fucked by a real man. The kind of man that didn’t give a shit if she got off or not. He was in it for himself.


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