Rescued by the Dreamy Doc / Navy Officer to Family Man

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Rescued by the Dreamy Doc / Navy Officer to Family Man Page 3

by Amy Andrews / Emily Forbes

  She dropped her hand. ‘Sorry. Couldn’t resist it.’

  Sebastian, his forehead tingling, held her gaze for a little longer then nodded. Whether she knew it or not, she did need to talk. ‘My place is ten minutes away. I have…’he looked down and grimaced at his cappuccino ‘…hot coffee.’

  It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a command. It was just there, and the way she saw it she could go home by herself and try not to think about the very thing she’d been avoiding all day. That hammered at her skull even now, tearing at her shields. Or she could go home with him.

  But she sure as hell didn’t want coffee and conversation.

  Not tonight.

  They didn’t speak as Sebastian drove the short distance to his apartment. They didn’t speak in the car park. Or the lift. Or as he opened his front door.

  Neither did they touch.

  He didn’t even switch on a light.

  Instead, he watched as Callie strode across his lounge room, dodging boxes, towards the moonlight streaming in through his uncurtained French doors.

  ‘Sorry ‘bout the mess,’ he murmured as he drew level with her, his chest close to her back, his lips near her ear.

  Callie frowned, dragging her gaze from the alabaster river below, and looked round, her shoulder brushing his chest. She hadn’t even noticed them. ‘I didn’t notice.’

  Sebastian nodded slowly. ‘Callie. The bridge?’

  She shook her head. ‘No.’

  He regarded her quietly. ‘You know, maybe it’d help if you—’

  Callie leaned forward and kissed him, cutting off the words she already knew back to front. It was a fierce kiss. Hard. She didn’t open her mouth, neither did he. But she felt it right down to her toes.

  ‘The only therapy I want tonight,’ she said, inching slightly back from his mouth, ‘involves us being horizontal.’ She snaked her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his again.

  Sebastian felt her words all the way down to his groin. And when her tongue lapped against his lips, seeking entrance to his mouth, he granted it on a strangled groan, burying his fingers in her hair.

  It felt good to be kissing a woman again. To get lost in one. To feel curves pressed against him and suck in all that sweet female aroma with each jerky breath. And not just any woman. A sassy but vulnerable one who had blown his mind on a bridge a mere twelve hours ago and was doing her damnedest to blow it again.

  But as the kiss grew increasingly wild—desperate? his conscience pricked at him. Even though he couldn’t think of a time when he’d been this aroused, he knew this was about more than hot stranger sex for Callie.

  The psychologist in him knew there were bigger things driving her.

  Her fingers had worked three buttons undone by the time he managed to pull himself out of the sexual fire scorching his common sense. He covered her hands.

  ‘Stop,’ he whispered, kissing her eyelids, her cheeks. ‘Hold on for a moment.’

  He ignored her mewed protest and the fascinating sight of her ravaged mouth. ‘Why don’t we get that coffee first?’

  Callie, still dazed and weak-kneed, would have slumped to the floor had she not been leaning against him. She returned her ministrations to his neck, feeling the spike of bristles against her tongue. ‘I don’t want a coffee,’ she murmured.

  Sebastian shut his eyes as her tongue stroked magic over his skin, whispering illicit promises into his pulse points. He resisted the urge to let his head fall back, give her unlimited access. Just.

  ‘Callie,’ he groaned, opening his eyes as her lips trekked towards his shoulder. ‘I don’t think this is a wise idea. There’s obviously something troubling you…and using sex to obliterate issues isn’t a very good way to handle things.’

  Callie smiled against his collarbone. The poor man was really trying to do the right thing. But pressed into her pelvis she could feel how hard he was for her, and the convulsive clutch of his hands at her hips spoke volumes.

  ‘Relax,’ she murmured. ‘I promise it won’t hurt.’

  Sebastian chuckled. ‘That’s not what I’m worried about.’

  Callie smiled again, the rumble of his voice tickling her lips as she returned her mouth to the strong column of his throat.

  He pulled back slightly and felt her lips leave his skin. ‘I’d hate you to regret this is the morning.’

  Callie sighed. His honourable streak was commendable. She didn’t know too many men who wouldn’t take instant full advantage of what she was offering. ‘I’m a big girl, Sebastian. I know what I’m doing.’

  She rubbed his collar point between her thumb and forefinger. ‘Or is it that a sexually aggressive woman threatens your masculinity?’

  Sebastian regarded her seriously as she morphed back into Callie from the bridge. Bolshie and defiant. A man could get whiplash trying to keep up with her Jekyll-and-Hyde act.

  Curiouser and curiouser.

  Which one was she? The man in him found the challenge irresistible. And looking down at her moist lips and blazing amber eyes, he had to admit it’d be fun finding out.

  He smiled. ‘Not me. I’m exceedingly evolved. I love sexually aggressive women. In fact…’ he pushed a lock of her hair off her shoulder ‘.I think they should take over the world.’

  Callie laughed. ‘Interesting thought.’

  Sebastian joined her. But it was hard to concentrate when their bodies were pressed together so intimately and just her laughter was enough to cause a delicious friction between them.

  He sobered. ‘I need you to be sure, Callie.’

  She sucked in a breath at the intenseness of his gaze. It took her right back to the bridge and the instant magnetism she’d felt. ‘Would you like me to sign a disclaimer?’

  He shook his head. ‘Let’s just seal it with a kiss, shall we?’ And then he lowered his head.

  Callie felt the flash of heat erupt down low the second his lips touched hers and she groaned, raking her fingers into his hair. She could hear his ragged breath loud in her ears and revelled in his no-holds-barred kiss.

  Finally he was kissing her without reservation. Like she was a full-blooded, passionate woman. Not a fragile one. Not an about-to-fall-apart one.

  And, man, did it feel good!

  She broke off, her head spinning, pulse racing, breathing loud in the silence. They really needed to get horizontal. She looked around at the obviously half-unpacked apartment.

  ‘You have got a bed, right? I’m getting too old for the floor.’

  Sebastian smiled, took her hand and led her through a maze of boxes into his bedroom. ‘Ta-da. A bed.’

  Callie grinned. ‘So it is.’ More moonlight streamed through uncurtained glass and she walked in, sidestepping another two boxes. She sat on the edge and gave an experimental bounce. ‘This will do very nicely,’ she murmured.

  He was lounging in the doorway, watching her with the same direct gaze from the restaurant. From the bridge. He was too far away.

  ‘You’re a long way away. And you’re too dressed.’

  Sebastian smiled. ‘Hmm, whatever can we do about that?’

  Callie looked at him for the longest time before leaning back on her elbows and crossing one leg over the other. ‘Take off your clothes.’

  Her husky request stroked feathers along his groin. ‘You do like to be in charge, don’t you?’

  Callie rotated her ankle, one strappy black heel dangling from her toes. ‘You’ve got to ask for what you want.’

  Sebastian chuckled as he straightened and started on the buttons she hadn’t managed to undo. Callie could feel her breath getting shorter as each button revealed glimpses of a magnificent chest, and she almost sighed out loud when he shrugged his shoulders and the shirt fell away to reveal the stunning breadth of him.

  Just as she’d hoped, the events of the day evaporated.

  His pecs and abs were taut and flat, smooth, framed by broad shoulders and very nice biceps. She could almost feel the weight of him crowding on to
p of her, pushing her into the bed, moving inside her.

  Her gaze drifted south, wondering if what was below his zip was as magnificent as the rest of him. She forced her gaze back to his face. She used her foot to point to his jeans. ‘And those.’

  Sebastian had felt his breath stop in his lungs as her eyes had feasted on his chest and then dropped lower. ‘Yes ma’am.’ He saluted, a smile playing on his mouth as he reached for his button.

  Thirty seconds later he had kicked free of his jeans and was standing before her, all but naked, watching her eyes roving over him. His thighs. His calves. His crotch. His breathing sawed in and out, in and out, waiting for her next move.

  ‘Oh, my,’ she murmured, pushing off her elbows into a sitting position and then rising off the bed. He looked incredible.

  She just had to touch him.

  She stopped in front of him, a centimetre separating them, his knowing, patient gaze boring into hers, dropping to her mouth then returning to her eyes. His clean male scent wafted towards her, making her nostrils flare.

  She stroked a hand down his chest, holding his gaze, moving her mouth a little closer to his. His warm muscles shifted beneath her palm, hinting at their leashed potential. Her fingernail circled the hollow of his belly button and she felt the powerful contraction of his flat abdominals.

  Dropping lower still, her hand brushed the hard ridge of his erection and she withdrew slightly before returning to trace the outline of it through his underwear. Callie smiled as Sebastian shut his eyes briefly.

  When he opened them again Callie was looking directly at him. Her lips were a whisper from his. All he needed to do was move the barest amount and he could be plundering all their sweet plumpness. But he held himself in check, waited for her to make a move.

  Callie could hear his ragged breath, could almost taste it as it mingled with her own. Her throat felt parched, her lips dry, despite her mouth watering at the thought of kissing him.

  Her fingers stopped tracing the thick edge of him and wrapped around him, squeezing. She saw the bob of Sebastian’s throat. ‘Nice,’ she murmured, and kissed his Adam’s apple, brushed her lips across the flutter of the pulse either side then dipped to the hollow at the base of his throat before inching back to look at him again.

  Sebastian didn’t think it was possible to get harder, but he was wrong as their gazes meshed and her hand continued its firm grip around him. ‘You have too many clothes on,’ he croaked.

  Callie smiled. ‘Whatever can we do about that?’ she mimicked.

  ‘Take them off.’


  SEBASTIAN’S husky command brushed against her sensitised skin as if he had actually touched her.

  Callie stepped away slightly, swallowing, her hands trembling as she reached for her buttons. Sebastian’s gaze was firmly locked on their action. She felt her stomach clench and her nipples become two painful points, rubbing erotically against her bra as she fumbled with the top button beneath Sebastian’s stare.

  She faltered for a moment.

  She wasn’t ashamed of her body. Being the tallest female by far growing up may have been a fault to focus on for a normal girl in a normal family, but things had been so far from normal at home that Callie had never had the luxury of worrying about what other people thought about her.

  Including lovers.

  But, undressing before his intent gaze, she felt a moment of doubt. Sebastian wasn’t just any lover. Somehow he was different and every cell in her soul knew it.

  And she wasn’t twenty years old and stick thin. Not that she’d ever been stick thin. Unfortunately her large-boned genetics and size eleven feet would never put her in the waif group. And Sebastian looked like he was a man who could have any woman he wanted?especially the stick-thin ones.

  Men liked stick thin, didn’t they?

  She couldn’t even claim to be curvy. She was more straight up and down, long, strong limbs and athletic torso. She’d bet anything he had curvy women throwing themselves at him on a daily basis.

  Men definitely liked curvy.

  Sebastian saw her hands pause and a slither of doubt cloud her bright amber gaze. ‘Callie?’

  She looked at him, all honed perfect male, and looked down at herself, avoiding his gaze. ‘I’m…’ Her voice cracked a little and she shook herself.

  This had never mattered before?she was a busy professional woman who was confident in her abilities, sexual and otherwise. She had no problems in asking for, and getting, what she wanted in bed. More than that, she was a take-it-or-leave-it kind of a girl. What you saw was what you got.

  But this felt…different. Something about him, even after such short acquaintance, gave her pause. She’d never gone to bed with someone after knowing them for less than a day. How could a man who was essentially a stranger have had such a cataclysmic affect on her?

  For someone who was used to being in control, that was more than a little scary. But perversely she also felt…safe.

  She moistened her lips. ‘I’m not twenty any more, you know?’

  Sebastian was curiously touched by another seemingly uncharacteristic display. She was doing it again?changing before his eyes. From full-on sexually confident vixen to hesitant and doubtful. Almost shy.

  Callie Duncan was one hell of a confusing mix.

  ‘Well, thank goodness for that. Twenty-year-olds are vastly overrated.’ He kept it light but it was one hundred per cent true—younger women tended to be clingy and needy and had way too many expectations.

  Callie gave a half-smile. ‘Still…’

  ‘Callie?’ he said softly. ‘Does it look like I care?’

  Callie’s gaze dropped to the large bulge in his underwear. She smiled. ‘If you don’t mind me saying so, those things are not known for their fussiness.’

  He didn’t smile back. ‘This one is.’ He watched her hesitate further. ‘Do you need a hand with that?’

  Callie heard the silky challenge. He probably thought she was being silly. She lifted her chin. ‘I think I can manage.’

  And just like that she was back again.

  Sebastian would have been dizzy had he not been so turned on.

  Callie’s fingers were surer as they popped each button and then quickly dispensed of her shirt. She wiggled out of her trousers in record time, thankful for the presence of the nearby wall. And then she was standing before him in her underwear, burning up from the heat in the slow, steady sweep of his appreciative gaze.

  He lifted his hand and pointed to her bra. ‘That too.’

  Callie’s eyes locked with his and she smiled as she reached behind her back for the clasp. Did she push her chest out a little more than necessary? Damn straight she did. The satisfying suck of his harshly indrawn breath made it worthwhile.

  Sebastian felt air hiss out of his lungs as Callie’s breasts swung free. They were pert, with large moonlight-kissed nipples that scrunched into tight berries as he stared at them. The bottom of her silver pendant brushed the swell of her cleavage. His mouth watered as he anticipated how they would taste.

  He waited a beat or two then pushed out of the doorway and prowled the two paces separating them. He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly ran them down her upper arms, his eyes glued to her breasts. He stopped midway and squeezed the firm warm flesh covering her biceps, pressing her arms closer to her body and pushing her breasts a little closer together.

  ‘Oh, my,’ he mimicked.

  And then he turned her slightly, walking her a pace backwards until she bumped against the wall. He just caught her shiver as the cold paintwork hit her heated flesh before his mouth latched on to hers and all coherent thought was lost.

  Callie opened to the demands of his lips, moaning against his mouth, winding her arms around his neck, revelling in the hard press of the wall behind sandwiching her against the lean, hard pressure of him.

  She whimpered in protest as his lips left hers but moaned out loud when his hot mouth closed over one of her nipple
s a second later. She flung her head back against the wall, dragging in fiery air, twining her fingers into his hair, holding him there.

  Another moan escaped as he sucked hard on the sensitive peak.

  Sebastian pulled away, admiring the expressison of tortured ecstasy scrunching her brow. Her head was thrown back, her neck a tempting arc before him. Her swollen mouth had fallen open, her lips slack with passion and still moist from his ministrations.

  She opened her eyes and he could see heat flaring in the amber depths and her dilated pupils as a mewed protest fell from her lips.

  A surge of male pride rocketed into his system, ratcheting his craving to possess her even further. ‘You’re beautiful.’

  The ragged whisper brushed sticky tentacles across her pelvic floor. Her breath hitched. She yanked at his head. ‘Don’t stop.’

  Callie’s knees almost crumbled when he complied, lavishing attention on her other breast. She gripped his shoulders, warm and solid beneath her palms, for purchase. The action pressed her closer still and she could feel the virile thickness of his erection as it rubbed against her.

  She had to touch him.

  Her hands drifted lower as he reclaimed her lips with a neck-snapping passion. She moaned into his mouth, and the muscles in his back rippled in response. When her fingers breeched the band of his underwear and she grasped his bottom, she felt the involuntary clench of his smooth gluteal muscles.

  And when her hand sought and found the long hard length of him, squeezed him, his groan was soul-deep satisfying. He tore his mouth away, placing his forehead on hers, dragging in harsh breaths. Callie squeezed again, and he grasped her upper arms and growled, ‘I think we need to lie down now.’

  He caught her hand and dragged her towards the bed, somehow managing to step out of his underwear as well. And then they were tumbling onto the mattress and Callie’s underwear was gone until all she was wearing was a silver necklace and two hoop earrings.

  And then they were lapping at every inch of each other’s bodies like they were covered in honey and neither of them had eaten for days.


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