Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1) Page 11

by Guerra, Aaron

  “This is a bad time to make a rookie mistake! Damn it James!” he had said to himself.

  For some odd reason he left Sarah on her own with the four creatures that were slowly getting back up. She ran down opposite direction that he took that led to another pair of large doors. Sarah opened one of them to see that there was a different hallway beyond the wooden doors. This long hall had multiple windows located to the right side which made her feel more uneasy. The woman was halfway to the other side when arms had broke through the clear windows. They tried to grab her with each swing they made when she ran past them. Sarah could hear glass shattering behind her that made her turn to see what caused it. Some of the bodies started climb through the window and land on the cold floor with shattered glass. Each of them looked like they were rotting more than the ones she was use too seeing. The smell was even stronger than the others that she killed earlier that day.

  A few of them were trying to rush to her position, but she did her best to maneuver past each of them. The sound of them getting restless outside was coming in through the broken windows which didn’t make it easy for her to concentrate on escaping. One of them had finally grabbed her white shirt with it’s long boney disgusting hand. Her sleeve started to tear when it tried to pull her in closer to it‘s dark rotting body. Sarah pushed it away with some force to knock him down near the others that were getting too close. She finally made it to the end of the hall where another door was waiting for her. Slowly, she turned around to see all of them walking towards her direction with black bloody slime spilling out of their mouth. That was something new for her. The black slime was unlike the blood that would be dripping from their teeth. It resembled more of a thick tar substance. “No! Stay away from me!” Sarah had yelled at the beast. She turned back to face the door that could be her only escape. Sarah felt relieved to see the door swing open when she twisted the knob. The woman jumped in quickly but her body felt heavy for a moment when her foot missed a step from a flight of small stairs below.

  “Shit!” she let out.

  Each sharp corner that she hit injured her arm and leg before she landed flat on her back against the hard concrete floor. At the door above that she came through, the first one of the many monsters started to walk in slowly. She forced herself to crawl away in pain as the infected man fell downward against the hard steps like she did. The sound of his bones cracking could be heard as she was finally able to stand up to see that it was no longer moving. All the others started to pour through the door after the first one did. Each of them landed in brutal positions that would’ve killed a normal human being.

  Sarah looked all around the large area until realizing that she was in some sort of storage room.

  “This is just great! Where the hell are you James?!” she said as her voice echoed in the room. The woman placed a hand down where her gun was suppose to be to her side. “W-What the hell? Where’s my handgun?!” She remembered placing her shotgun on a large table before she went live on the news with James. Her handgun however, was sitting inside the passenger’s side within the police car that was parked in the front of the building. Her eyes slowly shifted back down where the bodies were twitching. The officer took a step back when one of them started to move with more blood oozing out of it’s eyes and mouth.

  James had forced his way through the double doors that led to where they broadcasted. A few of the workers that stayed inside were hiding in a corner with their suitcases. The officer looked all around the room, but he couldn’t see the weapons that they left behind.

  “Hey!” James had called out. “Does anyone here know where the weapons that belong to me and my partner went?!” he asked them. A loud bang came from the direction he was facing. Suddenly, James felt something grab onto his shoulder tightly from the side. Using his right leg, he was able to kick the female creature away from him with all of his strength. She landed against one of the other infected monsters that made their way inside the large room. Both of their stiff bodies instantly smacked against the floor after colliding. But sadly they didn’t stay down for too long.

  They started to crawl after him very slowly with hunger showing in their white evil eyes. The officer ran over to the door where the loud gunshot came from. Through a little window, he was able to see clearly what was going on inside. It was Gina, one of the important people that worked here at the News Station. She had Sarah’s shotgun in her possession from what he could make out. The woman was shooting some of her coworkers as she laughed with a cigarette in her mouth. James watched as the woman smack the end of the heavy weapon against her boss’s head. He fell back against the door while holding his head tightly from the pain that was inflicted upon him. Beverly turned away to shoot a young cameraman that had ran inside to seek shelter with her. When she looked back to her boss, she gave him one last smile before aiming the heavy weapon down to his chest.

  “I’ve always hated your guts old man. You always gave Steven the better stories to cover! Why not me?!” the woman said as she laughed. Gina pulled the trigger to the shotgun. The blast had destroyed the old man’s stomach which killed him instantly. Dave’s blood started to leak under the door as the officer was forced to watch the massacre continue. James had tried to push the door open again, but it was locked from the other side. He started to ram the door with his shoulder to loosen the lock, but it wasn’t budging one bit. He really hoped that it would break open in time for him to stop her from taking someone else’s life.

  The door still wouldn’t budge from all the hits it took. James smashed his fist against the small window to catch her attention.

  “GINA!” he had yelled. She heard her name being called, but she couldn’t find the one that said it within the room she was in. The woman dropped the gun onto the floor and looked at the bodies that surrounded her. Clearly she was pushed beyond the breaking point. Sudden movements in the back of the room caught her attention once again. She retrieved the gun off the floor and cocked it to get it ready. A woman came out with her hands in the air. It was her makeup assistant that had been with her for the past two years.

  “Gina, please don’t do this,” the woman had pleaded for her life. “I-I just want to go home to my husband and baby girl.”

  The gun was lowered with her head hanging down. All that could be seen was the smoke coming from her mouth when she exhaled.

  “You all, are going to die just like I am. There’s no where to run! I’m doing you all a favor. I’m saving all of you. You won’t ever have to go through the hell that’s coming!” Gina had said as she glared at her assistant with a wicked smile on her face. The woman laughed as she shot her in the chest with the shotgun. Her body flew back into a few desks from the force of the blast. The officer on the other side of the door couldn’t take it anymore.

  “DAMN IT GINA! STOP THIS MADNESS! THERE WAS NO REASON TO KILL ANY OF THEM!” James had shouted. From behind him, the four corpses were getting closer. He was going to get cornered if he didn’t do something quick. The officer had jumped to the left to dodge one of their strangely powerful grabs that they had.

  James made his way over to the people that were still hiding behind some of the desks in the room.

  “Everyone! You have to get out of here now! It isn’t safe anymore!” he had said to them with concern for their safety. Some of them crawled off to the double doors that he first came through, but two of them stayed behind instead. James felt like helping them, but the creatures behind him were getting closer. The female corpse picked up some speed and went past him this time. She forced herself onto one of the young workers that was sobbing in the corner. The thing started tearing through him roughly with his blood squirting onto the man that was trembling beside him. The Officer ran over to where he was and helped him up off the floor. He had to force him out of the large room where the dead were devouring the man that stayed behind. The people that had escaped were being eaten in the hallway already. The exit door was opened again which explained the new ones that wer
e inside the building. They must’ve believed it was safer outside when they went to the door. Most of the creatures were too busy chewing on their catch to notice James and the young man he was helping. “I need to find my partner, Sarah! You have to find a way out of here and escape!” said the officer. The man had grabbed James’s arm and pulled him back to him.

  “Please! PLEASE! DON’T LET ME DIE! I HAVE A WIFE AND CHILD!” said the terrified man as he continued to plead for safety. The man’s constant cry for help was catching the attention of the flesh eaters now.

  He knew he couldn’t outrun all of them if they decided to pursue them.

  “Listen, just be quiet and stay low!” James told him. “They’ll come after us if you keep this up!” The frightened man still wouldn’t let him go. He kept tugging on his arm, with his nails digging into his skin. “Damn it! I said stop that!” said James. He finally lost his patience with the guy that he was trying to save. The officer had bashed his fist against the man’s face which caused the worker to fall back and hit his head on the wall behind him. James knelt down beside the young man when he approached him slowly. “That must’ve knocked him out cold,” he had said to himself. He looked down at his arm to see the scratch marks. “That freaking hurt.”

  Making the tough decision, he decided to pick him up over his shoulder and carry him to safety.

  “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I left a man here to die. My mother would be disappointed in me,” James said to himself. He walked along the wall near the corner as the monsters continued to eat the flesh from their victims. James had looked down another hall to see that a door was opened at the end of it. It was clear to advance, yet the windows in the hallway leading to the door were destroyed. The officer had started to sprint across the broken glass with the man on his back. He was finally able to find his partner alive still when he made it to the entrance of the room. Sarah, was below defending herself from a few of the vile creatures that had followed her down the stairs. “SARAH!” James had yelled with relief.

  Jen was still sitting on the Maroon chair in Kim’s living room while waiting for her friends to return. The news didn’t come back on, and the other channels weren’t working anymore.

  “Now, it’s the end of the world. There is nothing to watch on TV,” Jen said as she looked down to Kim. The young woman was sketching on a little note pad on her lap. “Hey! Those are pretty good,” Jen had said with a bright smile on her face. “How long have you been sketching?” Kim smiled as she looked up to the woman sitting beside her.

  “I‘ve been drawing since I was a little girl. Just a side thing I would do to kill time I suppose,” said Kim.

  The officer with short hair finally stood up to stretch her stiff body out.

  “They should’ve been here by now! It wasn’t that long ago when the news was given to everyone in town. Do you think something might‘ve happened over there?” said Jen. She had made her way over to the window to look through it once more, but when she had opened the blinds it was too late for her to react. Decayed rotting hands had busted through the window from the darkness outside. They had grabbed her shirt from all over to get a better hold on her. Kim got up fast to see the officer being pulled into the darkness outside. She could hear Jen scream from where she was being attacked in the front yard. The young woman inside the house had grabbed her bag and ran up the stairs to her room. Kim slammed the door behind her shut and locked it with her hands shaking uncontrollably. She found herself trapped inside her own home. The young woman was afraid, but she still went to her window to look down from it. Kim could see almost thirteen of the psychos feeding on the female cop down below on her front lawn. She couldn’t help herself from crying, since Jen was staring up at her with a smile on her face. That smile, would haunt her forever.

  After collecting herself, she decided to open the window in her room again as far as she could. Kim started to climb through it to stand on the roof to her house. She did her best to ignore the rotting smell that was coming from down below. The sound of the officer being devoured is all she could hear as she crouched down onto the rooftop. She had grabbed a hold of a strong tree branch and climbed up onto it carefully. The bag she carried was resting against her back as she made her way down to the base of the tree. Once her foot touched the ground, the creatures all stood up with Jen rising beside them. She had started to twitch and shake with blood spilling out of her wounds. Those evil white eyes were staring straight at Kim before her pale body began to sprint towards her. The other monsters quickly followed after Jen.

  “Uh uh!” Kim whispered. She had quickly turned away and started to run for her life as the beasts chased after her. Jen’s voice was scratchy as she screamed for Kim’s flesh and blood. The girl couldn’t help but cry due to the scenario she was currently in. She screamed, “SOMEBODY! ANYBODY PLEASE HELP ME!”

  She continued to call out, but there wasn’t a response from anyone in her neighborhood. Rather, more of the crazy creatures came sprinting out from the darkness to join the others in the hunt. She was literally catching all of their attention from her neighborhood. Each of them was hungry, and faster than the ones that had chased her earlier that night before she was rescued by the police. The image of Jen’s smiling face kept coming back to her every few seconds that had passed by as she ran down the dark road.

  “PLEASE! SOMEONE!” Kim yelled as loud as she could. From the distance a man in a white shirt and black pants came running out from someone’s house with a younger girl beside him. They had stood firmly on the road with their handguns aiming over towards the monster’s that were running in their direction. Kim had passed the two before turning around to hide behind the man’s back with her hands covering her ears to block out the sound that was going to come next.

  They began to fire their weapons in sync. Each shot was precisely dead on. All of the creatures that was chasing Kim were being shot right in the head. The male had pulled the trigger once more, only to hear the empty clicking sound coming from his weapon. The young teenager girl had also ran out of ammunition in her own handgun. A female officer’s corpse got up from the rest with it’s body violently shaking before it started to rush towards them. Kim felt the guy’s body move away from her, which broke her concentration of holding her hands over her ears. She watched as he walked up to Jen’s body, bashing his gun against her face with everything he had. The female officer had fell back, with him climbing on top of her. The young teen had went up to Kim, placing the gun against her temple.

  “It’s your fault we’re out of bullets! Why the hell were you screaming?! Now I‘m sure more of those things are on their way over here!” said the girl with red hair.

  Kim stood perfectly still while feeling the fear come back when the gun was pointed at her. She tried to explain to the armed person in front of her.

  “I-I was…c-calling for-” Kim tried to explain, but the girl had pushed the end of the gun against her temple abit harder to stop her from talking.

  “Because you’re an idiot? I should just kill you now, save us the trouble!” said the hot tempered girl. Kim slowly lowered herself down while fighting the urge to cry again. The man had finally stood up from the body. He knew that it wasn’t going to come after them anymore after the beating he just gave it.

  “Hey Susan, leave her be alright?” said the man. He went back down to check the officer’s belt.

  “Your damn luck is running low,” Susan said as she narrowed her eyes. She slowly lowered her gun from the girl’s head. “Tristan, hurry it up. I want to get out of here before more of those things come,” the teenager with the gun had said. He found a extra clip from the police officer and another handgun.

  “We have another gun, and a clip of ammo. Who wants it?” said the man. The redhead had walked up to him from behind, tapping her empty gun against his shoulder.

  “Ladies first!” said Susan. He had moved the clip up so that she should could take it for herself. Tristan stood up again before making
his way over to the girl that they just saved.

  “You better take this, just incase,” said Tristan as he looked down at the new woman. Kim shook her head before she scooted back slowly.

  “I can’t use her gun…” she said with a frown on her face. He had glanced back at the officer, then to her.

  “Did you know her?” he asked. She stood up from the road while looking at him face to face. The woman nodded somewhat as she stared at the deceased. “I’m sorry, we have lost friends and family too,” said Tristan as he gently pulled her a bit closer to him. The man slowly slid the handgun down the front of her pants so that the handle was sticking out. “Please take it. I don’t want to see a cutie like you turn into one of them,” he said with a smile.

  A blush appeared on the female’s face as she took a step away from him. He smiled as he started to walk towards the redhead teenager.

  “Susan, we have take her with us,” he said to her. The young teen had turned to scan the other from head to toe.

  “The more the merrier I guess,” Susan said. The tone she had made Kim feel un-welcomed, but the man smiled once more to her.

  “C’mon, we’re leaving this town together. With the three of us, we can surely get out of here with teamwork,” he had said to them. The woman had looked down to her tired feet as she thought of her new friends.


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