Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1) Page 35

by Guerra, Aaron

  “Well if isn’t my old friends…” Rebecca said with a sly smile.

  Freddy and Christine came up to her with pure hatred on their faces. He wanted to fire the large round into her chest, but he was ordered to bring her in alive.

  “You two have a lot of nerve for shooting me,” said Rebecca. The female soldier aimed her gun to the two before lowering it quickly when she saw the scared little girl. She turned around to punch Rebecca hard to where she fell onto the road near the van.

  “You were going to execute a little girl?! You’re a monster just like the rest of those things out there!” Christine told her.

  Freddy held his companion back when she struggled to beat the hell out of the one that caused everything.

  “Who are you two?” Valerie stood up as she asked the two in black. “Are you with her in that group that she mentioned earlier?” she asked.

  Christine quickly pulled out her wallet with her OPC ID showing.

  “We’re with the Outbreak and Prevention Center. We’ve come to do three things. 1. Rescue the Civilians. 2. Search and Destroy the Scientist that escaped it’s confinement. 3. Catch the traitor, Rebecca Lee,” she explained. Freddy threw a pair of handcuffs down to the woman on the road.

  “Do yourself a favor and put these on,” he told her.

  She did what she was told but very slowly since she was wounded. Susan took a small step towards the woman in the black uniform.

  “You look like the other lady!” she had said. The soldier looked to Rebecca, than to the blonde in pigtails that was chewing some bubblegum.

  “What does the kid mean?” Christine asked the bubble gum chewer. Valerie moved her hand to her waist while thinking for a moment.

  “I believe her name was Velski if I‘m not mistaken?” Valerie told the soldier.

  Christine turned to face Rebecca again with the gun aiming to her head.

  “Is she still alive?” Christine asked the traitor. Lee shook her head to get the barrel away from her.

  “Last time I saw her was when she had ditched us a few blocks back. We left Tristan because he was distracting the scientist for us. The moron was basically going to sacrifice himself for us,” she said with a laugh towards the end.

  Freddy brought his walkie-talkie up and spoke through it.

  “Velski! Do you read me? This is Freddy Nakamura. Over!” he said. Nothing but silence came out from his device.

  “Hey, give that thing a rest. Nobody has responded since earlier, remember?” Christine had told him. She lowered her gun to her side while facing him.

  He brought it down until static suddenly came out of it.

  “Freddy? This is Kim! I’m with Cindy and three other survivors! Over!” the girl had said through the device. Rebecca slowly stood up to lean against the van behind her.

  “Who the hell is that?” Valerie asked since she thought the name sounded familiar. She really couldn’t remember where she heard that voice from at that time.

  “It’s good to hear your voice again. Can you put Cindy on for me sweetie? Over,” said Freddy. A few seconds had passed until they heard the familiar voice of their comrade.

  “Freddy?! Is Christine with you?! Over!” Cindy’s voice had came through the radio.

  Christine took the walkie-talkie away from him.

  “Yeah! We’re fine! We’ve caught the traitor, Rebecca Lee,” Christine had reported. There was some more silence before she came through again.

  “That is excellent work! I have some good news for you as well. A local police officer by the name of Sarah Parson was last seen defeating the monster that caused all this. The scientist, Adrian V. Hightower! I repeat, it has been vanquished! Over,” Cindy said through the walkie-talkie.

  Christine and Freddy shot their fists up in the air from hearing the great news.

  “Yes! Does that mean she defeated the alien life-form inside it? Over,” Christine asked. It didn’t take long for Cindy to respond, but it was the way she sounded that made their excitement die down.

  “That is a Negative. We came in contact with the unknown life form earlier. It seems to feed on both the living and the dead. It’s grown in size and is possibly lurking in the sewers below. Over,” Cindy said.

  Rebecca’s smile grew more wicked when she heard what she needed.

  “That’s really a shame,” she said. Everyone turned to face her as she slowly backed away from them. Both soldiers brought their firearms up to stop her movement, but it didn’t phase her.

  “Do not move!” he ordered. Freddy held his arm out for Valerie and Susan to get behind the van for cover. “I repeat! Do not move you traitor!” he told her.

  Christine went up to subdue her with another punch, but Rebecca quickly deflected her fist and landed three quick jabs into her abdomen before flipping her over to the ground. Freddy was about to fire when she threw the handcuffs at his rifle, causing him to shoot the sky up above. He quickly went up to her with his fists up to take her down by himself.

  Rebecca ignored the pain that was pulsating in her shoulder every time she used that arm to swing her fist. Freddy was able to pick the woman up off the road and throw her to the side of the Van. Christine came up to her with another right hook, but her fist went through the window instead when the traitor moved to the side. The man was going to kick the woman but she ended up catching his leg to knock him down to the road. Valerie came up from behind and got onto her back with her nails digging into the bullet hole. Rebecca let out a scream from the pain as she threw the soldier over her shoulder.

  The injured woman had wiped the blood off of her arm and went back into the fight. She was able to get a good kick to the stomach but it wasn’t enough to bring her down. Rebecca used her blood to blind the soldier long enough to kick her across the face. Freddy tackled Rebecca down to the sidewalk as Susan watched. The young girl noticed red eyes appearing in the shadows all around the neighborhood.

  “Oh no!” Susan said out loud. She ran to Valerie to help her up off the road. “We have to go! The monsters are coming! The monsters!” said Little Susan.

  The blonde in pigtails looked around to see what she was talking about.

  “Hey! We need to get the hell out of here now!” said Valerie. She picked up Christine’s machine gun and started to fire at the closest monster that ran towards her. The three that were fighting had came to a sudden stop to see that they were surrounded.

  “Shit! Freddy, get the civilians! We’ll leave her to distract them,” Christine ordered him. Rebecca tried to get up, but the kick to the gut she received earlier came back to restrict her movements.

  “You can’t just leave me here!” Rebecca said. Freddy picked the young girl up into his arms and ran off with her. Valerie tossed the machine gun to it’s owner and then picked up the guy’s rifle.

  “I can, because this isn’t the first time that I’ve had blood on my hands,” said Valerie. The crazy girl stuck her tongue out at the woman before running away.

  Christine aimed her gun over to one of the red eyed monsters near by and shot it down. It started to get back up off the road but she used that time to escape the area. Rebecca looked around to see a older woman coming out from the horde of monsters. It was the wife of the Sheriff, Bruce Matthews. The elder lady jumped onto the woman and started to bite down into her flesh as her blood splashed out from the wound. Rebecca’s screams echoed throughout the area before there was nothing but silence.

  It was quiet when the survivors were walking in the dark. They were standing next to a large store that could’ve been a mall. Cindy quietly walked through the car graveyard as the other four followed close behind. Marilyn turned to face her lover before looking back from where they came.

  “Was it right to leave Sarah by herself? I know she’s capable of taking care of herself, but we could’ve waited for her,” said Marilyn.

  Matthew placed a hand gently on her head as he continued to walk beside her.

  “I’m sure she’s behind us. After a
ll, that monster has been defeated,” he told her. Some of the mindless eating machines were near, but there wasn’t anything for them to eat. The creatures just stood there with low groans escaping from their rotting mouths. Kim slowly snuck behind one with her blade being forced up it’s neck to the brain. She watched it’s heavy body collapse to the cold concrete below.

  “We should get inside and find some better weapons to defend ourselves. I’m sure Sarah will be here soon. I know she will,” Kim said.

  Roxanne placed her hand on Kim’s shoulder to comfort the girl. She continued forth to the mall that was up ahead. It was boarded up well, but not good enough since there was a hole on the left side to it. Cindy reached down to retrieve her little flashlight to look through the hole.

  “It’s clear. We should go in before more of those things come over here,” she said to the others. The soldier quickly went through the hole before Marilyn and Roxanne did. Kim and Matthew watched as the corpses walking around turned to face their direction.

  “Do you think they heard us?” Kim asked him. She had looked over to him to see if he had a reply, but he didn’t. The man was just watching, waiting for something to surely happen. She was about to go in when he grabbed her shirt to stop her from entering.

  “They’re not our main problem anymore,” he said. The woman turned around to see a black creature come out from a man hole. It’s long dark arms latched themselves onto a tree to pull itself out. “It’s that evil thing from the police station,” Matthew said.

  Kim quickly entered the store with him. It wasn’t safe to be out there with that thing roaming around in the open.

  “I don’t think it’s stupid like those flesh eaters out there,” said Matthew. He looked out the window from the cracks of the barricade. The thing outside started to consume some of the walking monsters near it. Kim looked through an open crack as well to see it from a better distance than last time.

  “Is it just me, or did that thing get bigger?” she asked him. Matthew thought it was just him, but it was growing in size.

  “Let’s meet up with the others. I don’t know what the hell it is. Back in Crimson Falls, the enemies we faced were those brainless eaters and that tall pale monster,” he said to her.

  They walked through the large area that had small shops located within it. They could see a light shining around from the distance.

  “That must be them. Let‘s regroup and tell them what‘s outside,” said Kim. She went on ahead but then suddenly tripped over something that was below her. The girl turned around to see it stand up slowly. Matthew grabbed the girl from the floor to face whatever it was that tripped her. “Is it one of them?” she had asked.

  She brought the hunting knife up and impaled whatever it was before it could do anything. They heard a low whimper escape from it which made Kim pull the knife out. Three bright lights came on which blinded the two for a moment.

  “Mr. Reeve?” a young voice had called out. A high school student slowly came out from the store that was near by. He had a baseball bat in his hand to defend himself. The other students lowered their flashlights down to see the lifeless History Teacher on the floor. “Mr. Reeve!” the first student had yelled.

  Two students ran to his side to try and stop the bleeding, but the man was already gone. Kim dropped the knife to the floor which caught their attention.

  “You did this to him! Get her!” said the baseball bat wielder. The college woman felt hands grab her from all around while Matthew was knocked unconscious due to a sudden heavy blow to the back of the head.

  The sounds of people arguing woke the man up from his forced nap. He tried to reach for his head, but his arms were tied behind his back. His eyes slowly opened to see some strange teenagers holding makeshift weapons in their hands.

  “Hey, cut me loose,” he told the student that was closer to him. One of the older teenage males came up to Matthew to plant his boot down to his face to keep him silent. He had the long wooden pole from a broom with a blade taped all around it to make a spear. The tip of it touched Matthew’s cheek, which only made the bound man give him a death stare. The teen had removed his boot before backing up a bit. A new voice had silenced the others within the room.

  “You outsiders! You took the life from the man that lead us to safety! He protected us from all of those monsters outside and you just killed him as if he was one of them!” the student said. It was a girl with long red hair. She was wearing glasses with some dirty smudge stains on her face. “The one that did the evil deed, bring her forth!” she demanded. He watched as Kim was forced out of the corner by two large muscular guys. They must’ve been athletes at the high school since they were still wearing their football jerseys.

  “I didn’t mean to do it!” Kim cried out. The girl with red hair slapped Kim across the face to silence her.

  “Don’t speak unless you’re given permission to, you murderer!” she said with such power. The girl spat on Kim’s face before turning away to face her party. “We’ve been together since the beginning of this evil plague. None of us have fallen! None of us have changed! We are the rightful ones to survive! But you!” she said.

  She had turned back to face Kim as the others watched from the floor nearby. Matthew looked over to see Marilyn and Cindy tied together. Roxanne was no where to be seen though.

  “Hey!” he called out. Matthew was staring up at the one that was in charge of the brats. The redhead stopped her verbal assault on Kim to look down at the man down below.

  “I did not give you permission to speak!” she told him. He slowly brought himself up to stand as the students readied their weapons incase he was to suddenly attack.

  “We are the living, not the dead. You can’t treat people like this, or else you’re no better than those monsters out there,” he told them. The girl grabbed Kim by the hair to pull her closer. She placed Kim’s hunting knife to her neck while facing the man.

  “No! You are monsters! She is a monster! She killed Mr. Reeve! A man who did what he could to help us survive!” she said.

  Matthew slowly looked left to right to see just how many teenagers were there. Their numbers outmatched the group that he was currently in.

  “Get it through that dumb thick skull of yours! It was an accident! What the hell was he doing on the floor in the open?” said Matthew. The leader had pushed Kim to the floor while placing the tip of the blade next to her own chest.

  “He went out to find some more food for us when we were resting,” she said.

  Matthew took a step closer, but the two tall guys had kept him from advancing.

  “Listen, we don’t have much time. There’s a new type of monster outside that’s lurking around the parking lot. It won’t be long until it enters this place in search of fresh meat such as ourselves,” he said. Some of the students had looked at each other as they listened to what he said. One of them came closer with a concerned look on their face.

  “What does it look like?” the new girl asked. The leader opened her hand up to silence the teen that had stepped forward.

  “He is lying! He is a deceiver like Ms. Delarosa!” the leader had preached. With the snap of her fingers, the door in the back had opened with the science teacher coming out. She had wounds all around her with some of her clothing torn up.

  “You stupid brats! What the hell did you do to her?!” Matthew said in a sudden outburst. A guy in a football jersey punched Matthew, but that didn’t seem to phase the survivor. “You let us go right now, or you will all be sorry,” he told them. The redhead had laughed while snapping her fingers again. The students that brought the wounded teacher in had grabbed hold of her once again. They started to assault her with many kicks and scratches in front of the others.

  Marilyn watched as the nice lady was being humiliated by everyone. Cindy tried to break out of the rope that bound the two together, but it was tied really well.

  “I’m with the OPC! I am ordering you to stop what you’re doing and release us at once
!” Cindy had told the students. The soldier in black tried once more to wiggle free, but it was no use. The leader snapped her fingers once more which stopped the attacks on the teacher.

  “You say we will be sorry? But you’re just like her and that cop she was with! They left us with that evil principal! He kicked us out of the cafeteria when we told him we didn’t want to attack Mr. Reeve!” she screamed. The girl turned around before walking over to the science teacher. She quickly knelt down to grab the woman by the hair to lift her up slightly.

  “Stop this…Mary just stop,” Roxanne weakly said. She tried to speak but it was hard for her due to the pain she was in. Blood was leaking out of the corner of her mouth as she stared at one of her former students. She started to cough some of it up as the teen placed the blade near the woman’s chest.

  “You left us,” Mary said in a cold way.

  Kim watched in horror when the one known as Mary, stabbed Roxanne repeatedly in the chest. Blood started to splatter all around the redhead. The girl had stopped after the teacher’s hand fell to the floor. Some of the students backed up after seeing their leader covered in fresh blood. Cindy couldn’t help but look away from the brutal murder that just took place. The teacher tried to mutter a name, but blood kept coming out instead. Mary got closer to the woman that was bleeding out on the floor.

  “You begging for forgiveness?” Mary asked her former teacher. Roxanne mustered the only strength she had left to place a cold hand against the girl’s face.

  “Sarah…will…come…” Roxanne finally let out.

  Kim was crying on the floor as the woman’s arm fell flat against the cold floor once more. Mary stood up while wiping the fresh blood off the knife in her hand.


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