The Cynfell Brothers

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The Cynfell Brothers Page 56

by Samantha Holt

  Anna opened her mouth to him and their tongues and teeth clashed over and over. A growl rose from the back of his throat.

  He’d known. Somehow, he’d known. It was always going to be explosive between them. He’d been with many women, but few ignited him like she did, particularly at first sight. As soon as he’d stepped into her den of sin and seen the woman she’d grown into—a woman he finally wanted to pay attention to—he’d been aware this was where they were headed. If only she let him take her there.

  And yet, he had not been prepared for quite how powerful it was. Each brush of her tongue made his head whirl. His cock had been hard from the moment their bodies had touched, but the deep-seated ache in his gut almost defeated the pain of his arousal. This—whatever it was between them—had to be explored further, there was no doubting that.

  When he pushed his fingers into her hair and slid a hand down her side to feel the curve of her waist and the rise of a hip, she whimpered. He drew back long enough to eye her. She was as lost as he was.

  He grinned to himself. Then he brought his mouth to her neck and the sweet gasp she released would stay with him forever. Hell, he couldn’t wait to have her gasping and crying out in bed. She’d be reckless, wild, noisy, he reckoned—the complete opposite to the buttoned-up persona he’d seen during his stay with her.

  A noise broke through the haze. A cough, he realised.

  He lifted his head and glanced down the corridor. A butler lifted his chin and breezed past them as if they were not standing in the hallways as close as two people with clothes on could be. He kept his body over hers, acting like a shield. The chances were the butler was used to being discreet, but Harris had no wish for Anna to be embarrassed.

  Once the man was gone, he turned his attention back to the woman in front of him. Hot splashes of colour tinged her cheeks—darker than those brought about by desire. She tilted her head back against the wall and shook it.

  “He did not see you.”

  She laughed. “Do you really think it matters if he did? I am Anna Dubois. No one would find it at all scandalous for me to be kissing a man in public.”

  Harris kept his gaze on her lips. Even if she didn’t consider it to be scandalous, he shouldn’t be considering kissing her again—at least not here. In her room, however...

  “That’s enough, Harris,” she said softly.

  “Enough what?”

  “Enough looking at me like that?”

  He knew. But that didn’t stop him from asking, “Like what?”

  Her lashes rose and lowered while she took in his features and the look that likely told her how hot the desire ran through his body after that kiss. “As though you are about to do something even more scandalous.” She slipped from underneath him. “Why do you not find some other willing lady to scandalise?”

  “What if I only have an interest in scandalising you?”

  “Then you shall be sorely disappointed.” Anna turned her attention back to the little purse hanging from her wrist and found the key with ease.

  “I think I won’t be the only one disappointed if we don’t pursue this.”

  She clutched the key and arched a brow. Her lips pursed, as if trying to hold back her next question. “Pursue what?”

  Harris let a smug smile tug his lips upward. If she was truly uninterested in him, she would not even care what he had to say. As much as she wanted to keep her passionate side hidden, it was there, desperate to be unleashed.

  And he was determined to unleash it.

  “This,” he said, keeping his voice deliberately low, “between us.”

  “We are, acquaintances, Harris. Nothing more. You would do well to remember that. I am glad you are doing well and I’m pleased to have been able to help you, but if you’re expecting anything else from me, you’re a fool.”

  “You’re the fool to deny yourself this.”

  He plucked up a loose curl and tucked it back into one of the clips on her head. He noted the little flutter of her pulse at the base of her neck. Nodding with satisfaction, he stepped back. That heat was back in her cheeks again. He grinned to himself. Good.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Anna.”

  She blinked at him. “Pardon?”

  “Today has proved it is not safe for you to be in London unescorted, and so I am offering my services. Think of it as a repayment of my debt to you. While you’re here on business, I shall ensure your safety.”

  “You’re mad,” she breathed.

  “No, Anna. Just determined.” His grin widened. The idea had only just occurred to him, but he liked it very much.

  He swivelled on his heel and waited for her door to slam behind him. It never came. He had the most satisfying image of her gaping at him as he strolled away. Leaving her a little uncertain would do no harm to his cause. Anna Dubois was far too used to being in control of everything. He liked that he could rattle her.

  Tomorrow, he told himself as he strode to the stairs and made his way down to the reception floor. He would continue to rattle her until her defences all but shattered and broke. Then he could get her out from under his skin.

  Chapter Four

  Anna screamed. She couldn’t help herself. Harris had stepped out on her as soon as she’d opened her hotel room door. She’d been expecting nothing but a view of the striped golden wallpaper but instead her vision had been filled with man.

  Far too much man. Harris’ build took up most of the doorway. Even injury couldn’t diminish the impact of him. She’d wager there were few men brave enough to go up against a man like Harris. The only reason Francis had been emboldened had been drink.

  A smirk danced on his lips and he propped his shoulder against the doorway. “Good morning.”

  “What the devil are you doing here?”

  His dark eyes travelled over her body, making her acutely aware of the tight cut of her plum-coloured jacket and skirt. By some miracle, she managed not to pat her hair or smooth her hands down her body. In spite of hardly being short herself, she found herself craning up to look into his dark, dark eyes.

  It was interesting to her that she’d looked into those eyes before—in the face of Ash Cynfell—a man she considered a friend. And yet, they’d never made her feel as though her corset had been laced ten times tighter than usual. The slow, lazy look he gave her should not have had such an impact and yet it did.

  But why? No man had interested her before. Why, of all men, did Harris Cynfell have to pique her interest? Where Ash was serious and surprisingly gentle for a man of his stature, Harris was a charmer and a rake—exactly the sort of man who’d brought her to the life she led now. Exactly the sort of man she saw every day at Stourbridge.

  “Have you forgotten yesterday already?” His gaze somehow darkened. Her corset somehow tightened further. “I certainly have not.”

  Of course she had not. It had been a long time since a man had kissed her. After her fall from society, she’d been with a few men—an attempt to erase the events of her younger years she supposed. When they’d managed to do nothing but make her cringe and her stomach roll, she’d ignored every member of the opposite sex unless they paid well to visit her establishment.

  She did not want sex or romance from any of them, she only wanted to continue to thrive on their inheritances and incomes. Anna couldn’t help let a little thread of satisfaction weave through her. A man had caused her fall, had changed her life immeasurably. And now they were helping her create a new life for herself and many other women.

  “You do I see.”

  Harris must have taken her smile for something other than smug satisfaction. She quickly dropped it.

  “All I remember is you being somewhat of an annoyance.” She peered around him. “Now, if you excuse me, I have somewhere to be.”

  “At this early hour? Anyone would think you were trying to avoid me?”

  Anna clenched her teeth together. Damn him. She’d planned to be up early to avoid running into him again, thoug
h she had not really expected him to live up to his promise of playing escort. Honestly, she was a grown woman of seven and twenty, and the owner of an establishment most women would never set foot in. As if she needed an escort.

  Or a reminder of that kiss.

  Even now, heat began to rise up from low in her chest and would be making itself known on her cheeks if she wasn’t careful. She did not need the arrogant Harris to know how much his kiss had affected him or how she had barely slept because she’d kept remembering the feel of his lips upon hers.

  Who knew a kiss could be so spectacular?

  No. She would not think of it that way. Would not.

  Her gaze fell to his lips and she dragged it away and cast an annoyed look at the spot behind his head.

  “I really am going to be late.”

  “We’d better make haste then.” He stepped back, motioning with one hand.

  What choice did she have? She breezed past him. She definitely ignored the scent of his cologne. Or how she was certain she felt the heat from his broad chest. And she certainly didn’t think about how handsome he was in his buff trousers, beautifully fitted jacket, and jade green waistcoat.

  Anna swallowed, lifted her chin and strode on ahead. Unfortunately, even with his injury, her skirts meant she could not outpace him.

  Gaze firmly fixed on the end of the corridor and the gilded mirror at the end of it, she reasoned with herself. She’d avoided men for years. There were plenty who would see seducing her as an achievement of sorts and even more who had put quite the effort into luring her into bed. If she’d resisted all of them, she could resist Harris.

  Her gaze connected with his in the polished reflection. She quickly glanced away and they turned the corner toward the stairs. Some of those men had been handsome too.

  Not like Harris, though. His artfully cut, dark brown hair and clean, strong jaw lingered in her memory last night. She had the ridiculous need to run her fingers along it and feel the little indent in his chin. Of all the cravings to have, that was indeed foolish.

  She had needs, of course, but she’d managed to control them. Why would a desire to touch someone’s face be so damnably strong?

  “What sort of business must you attend to today?” Harris asked, apparently oblivious to how she was attempting to outpace him.

  “What sort of business is it of yours?”

  “Well, I cannot very well escort you if I do not know where we are going.”

  She paused on the next floor. “My lord, let me make this clear. I have no need of an escort and I do not wish to share my business with you. I do not share details of my dealings with anyone, least of all someone like yourself.”

  “And how exactly would you describe someone like myself?”

  Anna cast her gaze deliberately over him. “Far too arrogant.”

  “I do believe that is called self-confidence. Perhaps, Anna, you are simply not used to men taking the lead. It wouldn’t hurt to let someone help every now and then.”

  “I have no need of help.”

  “Everyone needs help sometimes. Why, you didn’t see me complaining when you looked after me so diligently.”

  “There is a distinct difference between having an injured leg and merely trying to go about one’s business without interference.”

  “And that I can insure. With me at your side, you’ll run into no interference.”

  Anna shook her head and continued down the stairs. The unfortunate incident yesterday was not a rarity in London, but she’d never had any problems before. She highly doubted it would happen again and for the most part she intended to be in a carriage.

  “Except for your own,” she muttered as he remained at her side while they continued their descent.

  They stepped into the hotel reception. Harris’ cane made tap tap noises on the intricate coloured tiles. Decorated in a theme reminiscent of the ever-popular Turkish baths, a large fountain occupied the centre of the room. Its delicate trickling sound was mostly masked by the staff and a few early risers as well as the low hum of conversation from the dining room.

  Together, they strolled past the lamps that were easily taller than Harris occupying each corner of the gilded gold and white room. Anna hadn’t chosen the hotel for its decorative looks but merely for its location, yet she appreciated the exotic look.

  She did not appreciate, however, Harris following her.

  How would she conduct her business privately with him shadowing her every step? He couldn’t know about what she was trying to do. No one could.

  The doorman pulled open the door and she stepped out onto the busy pavement. Though it was early, businesses were already open, ready to take advantage of shoppers. Carriages lined the road and horses whinnied in anticipation of their busy day.

  Anna lifted a hand to the nearest hack, signalling her intention. She paused to eye Harris over her shoulder. “There is no need to accompany me.”

  His responding grin told her she wasn’t going to lose him easily. Damn the arrogance of the man. What could she do? Fling him out of the carriage? Push him away and run toward the hack and hope for the best?

  Sucking in a long breath of slightly coal-scented air, Anna made her way toward the awaiting carriage, gave the driver her instructions, and stood patiently by the door. Harris chuckled and opened it for her.

  “After you, miss.” He gave a slightly mocking bow.

  Nose in the air, she entered the vehicle and settled herself on the seats. Driffield Road was a fair way up the river and in London traffic it would take some time. As much as she’d prefer to walk, even she knew it wouldn’t be wise to stroll through some of the more dangerous parts of London. The slums and the docks were not places a lady of any breeding should go.

  Harris closed the door behind him and seated himself next to her.

  Anna couldn’t help but smile. “There are perfectly good seats there.” She nodded toward the seats opposite.

  “I would feel terribly lonely there. Besides, I loathe travelling backward.” He tapped on the roof with his cane and the carriage lurched forward. He placed a hand out in front of her to prevent her from tumbling forward.

  And somehow managed to cup her breast. They both stilled, and she eyed the bold hand upon her body.

  Harris withdrew it quickly with a sheepish smile. “That was not intentional, I promise.”

  She settled back against the seat and said nothing. What could she say when the image of his hands upon her body were rioting through her mind?

  She glanced at his hand again, now safely resting upon one leg. It was strong, wide, and capable. No doubt, he was skilled too. Harris was no stranger to bedding women, and if any of the rumours were correct, he was a fine lover. Having said that, there were always rumours surrounding the Cynfell brothers, and Anna refused to take stock in them. After all, she was hardly one to judge. Whispers of her behaviour followed her everywhere she went.

  Blinking away the image of his fingers upon her bare thigh and ignoring the pulse of tension thrumming through her, she peered out of the window. They made slow progress. The streets were clogged with early morning traffic. A young boy touted newspapers on the street, yelling the headlines so loudly that one could hardly hear anything else.

  Once they’d moved a little farther away, Harris cleared his throat and drew her reluctant attention to him. “Where are we visiting today then?”

  “Does it matter?” she asked through clenched teeth.


  She drew in a breath through said clenched teeth and willed herself to remain calm. Harris Cynfell conjured up far too many emotions in her and she did not like any of them.

  “Very well, an old friend in Driffield Road.”

  He opened his mouth to respond and she lifted a hand, cutting him off. “If you are so insistent on remaining with me, you shall leave me to deal with my business alone. I have no wish to share tea with my friend whilst you are hanging around like some oversized bodyguard.”

  “Come now, oversized? I’ll have you know I’m very well proportioned.” His teeth flashed in the dark confines of the carriage.

  Heat rushed into her face. She dealt with sex and the seedier side of things on a daily basis yet the idea of Harris’ excellent proportions flustered her immeasurably.

  “Never mind that. You must stay in the carriage. If you don’t, I shall create a mighty fuss and have you hauled off by the nearest bobby.”

  He laughed and it annoyed her that she liked the sound. “I’m not sure I believe you, Anna, but very well. As long as you are safely inside, I shall keep myself occupied elsewhere.”

  “Good.” A reluctant smile thread across her face. “Though, you know, I’m not foolish enough to believe it’s really my safety you are so concerned about.”

  “Ah, now there you are wrong. I have many concerns about you. One of them is most certainly your safety.”

  She shouldn’t ask.

  “And the others?”

  “When am I going to get my next kiss from you? Why do you insist on pretending you’re not affected by me when you blush quite readily? How long has it been since you last indulged your own needs?” He waved a hand as though he had not just spoken the most inappropriate words. “And many other thoughts like that.”

  Anna opened her mouth then shut it. She opened it again to draw in a gulp of air. The confines of the carriage had grown incredibly close. Though her corset wasn’t overly tight, it felt as though Tilly had laced it tighter than humanly possible.

  She was saved by the carriage drawing to a stop. Harris gave her a look that told her the relief was clear on her face. Damn the man. He opened the door for her and aided her out. Keeping her gaze ahead, she refused to acknowledge how his hand lingered upon hers and how ridiculously pleasant it felt to have her hand in his.

  Anna peered up at the townhouse. A few smears of coal dust marred the cream walls but that wasn’t unusual for London. The house would belong to someone of fair means—a doctor or a lawyer perhaps. All she knew was that the nanny for these privileged children might know something about her son. Her heart gave a little jump and she twined her hands together. She might even know exactly where he was.


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