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The Woman Next Door

Page 11

by Joanne Locker

  “No. I don’t want you to spank me! My father used to do that, and it’s why I left home at eighteen. I promised myself that I wouldn’t take that from any man ever again. Baby, I love you, but I won’t be punished like a child. I won’t.”

  “Either you accept the punishment you earned, or you pack the things you walked into this house with and nothing more, and get out.”

  “I thought you loved me!”

  “I rule this house and everyone in it. I’ve warned you several times, and this time you have earned a sound spanking. Either accept it or get out. I demand respect in my house.”

  Athena’s lower lip trembled. “Okay, but please don’t hurt me, baby.”

  “I am not making promises.” He fully intended to make sure she couldn’t sit down for at least a week without feeling the spanking. Besides, she had an ass built for spanking. It was what drew his attention first when he saw her waiting tables in a lounge the family owned. He soon found out that she didn’t like playful slaps during sex, and he wanted her hot, so he didn’t smack her bottom. Now, however, he was going to smack it for a good long time!

  Athena was afraid as she placed herself over Lon’s lap. It was four years since she was last spanked, and her father was merciless. She packed what she could carry and left the house by way of her bedroom window in the middle of the night. Athena missed her mother, but she didn’t try to call her because it would let her father know where to find her, and he would come for her and drag her back to his good, upstanding home in the community, where she was expected to set a good example for other young people. She also knew he would begin spanking her again. It was better to let Lon punish her this one time and then do her best not to anger him again. “Lonnie, I’m so sorry. Please don’t be harsh. I’ll make it up to you tonight, I promise.”

  “You’ll make it up to me tonight, all right, but your pretty backside is still going to sting and burn, I’ve wanted an excuse to spank you for months now.”

  “I really don’t want you to spank me, baby. My father was cruel… and I am very afraid.”

  “It’s a spanking, woman. You won’t die from it. In fact, I think I should have done this the first time you walked in here without knocking.” Lon was done talking; he raised his hand and spanked the rounded bottom with the palm of his hand. Athena cried out in pain, but he continued to spank her. When he finally stopped he told her to stand up and lower her tight fitting leggings.

  Athena was crying so hard it was all she could do to stand. He was just as awful as her father when it came to spanking. Her father always made her take the last of it on her bare skin, and she knew that Lon intended the same thing. “Please stop now, baby. I’ve learned my lesson.” She had to plead for mercy, but she was sure there would be none.

  “I will decide when to stop. Hurry and step out of those pants or I will have to reheat you with my hand before I paddle you.”

  Athena didn’t argue; she removed the leggings as quickly as she could. She didn’t want to give Lon an excuse to make the punishment any worse.

  “Now, reach into the bottom drawer and take out the wooden paddle.”

  Athena wanted to run, but knew it was pointless. He would drag her back, or have the men do it for him, and then he would invite them to watch her humiliation. She reached into the drawer, shocked to see there were three paddles in all. The wooden one was very thin, and built to sting without leaving bruises. There was a heavy paddle in the drawer, too, and a leather paddle. In his own way, Lon was being easy on her. She handed him the paddle, and this time she had to lie over his desk for the spanking. The first crack was loud and it hurt. She didn’t try to control her cries of pain, hoping to discourage him from continuing for a long time. It didn’t help, however. Lon paddled her until she was numb from the pain, and her emotions were numb, too. Then he stopped.

  “Have you learned a lesson?” he asked.

  “Yes, Lon. I won’t open your office door ever again.”

  “Good girl. If there is a next time, we’ll repeat this spanking and add a belting.”

  “There won’t be a next time,” she said quietly. He instructed her to put on her leggings, which held in the heat and hurt her something awful.

  “Tonight we’ll get to the making up part,” he told her, but Athena didn’t answer.

  She went upstairs to their bedroom and packed a suitcase, taking her own clothing, and all the jewelry he’d given her as gifts. She could sell them and use the money to support herself. One thing was certain; Lon McMaken was never going to touch her again. Within minutes she’d left the house, telling the housekeeper that she was going to get her hair and nails done, and then shop for shoes. She wouldn’t be expected back for hours and those hours would take her far away from the long reach of the McMaken family.

  * * *

  The knock on the door startled both Elizabeth and Craig! He instantly had his gun in his hand and pointed toward the bedroom for her to go and hide herself. Elizabeth obeyed, although she didn’t want to. She wanted to stand beside Craig! “Lizzy,” she heard him call. “It’s Randy. Come on out.”

  “I got to thinking you might be low on some things, so I made a grocery run for you. Fresh fruits and veggies, some cold milk, soda, and some cheese, lunchmeat and bread.”

  “This is so nice of you, Randy. Thanks so much!” Elizabeth exclaimed as she started unpacking the bags. “How on earth did you manage to carry all of this by yourself?”

  “I’m not a wimp, Elizabeth!” he declared, slightly offended.

  “Oh no, you are not a wimp,” she agreed. “But, carrying this much stuff all that way… You did great. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You’re going to make some young woman very lucky someday, Randy,” Craig said in approval. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”

  “I would be, but we were sent home early because of a plumbing problem. I thought it would be the perfect time to come and make sure you two are okay, and see if you needed or wanted anything?”

  “You brought what we’ve been wanting, and that is salad fixings,” Craig admitted. “We haven’t been starving. The freezer and pantry are full, but real milk is a treat, so is the lunchmeat and fruit.”

  “Oh! Pretzels and potato chips… and dip!” Elizabeth called out and Craig chuckled.

  “I brought you a paper, too.” He took it out of his backpack and handed it to Craig.

  “You are a good friend to have, Randy,” Craig said, offering his hand to the young man.

  “I wanted to let you know that I’ve kept my word, even from my folks.”

  “I hated to ask you to do that, Randy, but Lizzy’s life is on the line. I will explain to your folks when this is all over and tell them how helpful you’ve been.”

  “That would be great. My Dad will understand, but Mom will say, ‘You know you can trust me, Randall James.’ Mom is tough.” He said that with a grin, and then added, “She gave me the third degree about drugs and drinking the other day.”

  “Sounds like a good mom to me,” Craig told him.

  “She is, but she doesn’t need to worry. I’m not doing that stuff. I like to have my wits about me too much to risk losing control that way.”

  “Do you want to stay and have dinner with us, Randy?” Elizabeth offered.

  “No, I’d better not. My folks will know about the early dismissal and ask where I went. I can tell them I went to practice shooting with my new gun, but I will need to get back before dark to make it plausible. You both stay safe.”

  Once he was gone, Elizabeth said, “We are going to eat well tonight, darling. Steak and fresh salads, and fruit for dessert.”

  “Sounds wonderful. And a glass of milk instead of water.”

  “Isn’t it amazing how we take such things for granted until we don’t have them for a while? Oh, Craig, sometimes it’s good to have a lesson in appreciation for all we have. Don’t you agree?”

  “I do agree. But, I also hope that by Saturday night thi
s will be all over and Wally will come and have good news for us.”

  “Do you think it will be that soon?” she questioned.

  “Saturday afternoon is when Peyton Gregory is to cut the ribbon on the new wing at the library. He donated most of the money to honor his mother.”

  “Are you sure that your captain is on top of the situation?”

  “I would trust the man with my life. He won’t betray you in any way, and he already had his suspicions about a couple of officers. He’s making sure they don’t get wind of anything. If this works as planned, the McMaken Family will crumble.”

  “And Wally will come and tell us?”

  “He will.”

  “We are going to need to restock his freezer and pantry,” Elizabeth said. “After we eat tonight, I’ll make a list. I’m also going to find some way to thank him for helping us.”

  “That’s nice of you, honey.”

  * * *

  “Where the hell is Athena?” Lon McMaken growled Friday afternoon as he tried one more time to call her. “Damn it to hell! Trace that GPS thing on her phone. When I get my hands on her, I’ll take a belt to her this time!” he swore.

  “She’s probably scared of you now, Boss,” his cousin Monty said.

  “She’ll be even more scared when I find her,” Lon grumbled angrily. “This damn thing with Gregory is due to go down tomorrow afternoon and the party to celebrate is tomorrow night. It won’t look good if my girl isn’t here to act as hostess.”

  “I sure wouldn’t growl at her, Lon. You’ll get further if you’re sweet to her.”

  “Monty, you’re a fool!” Bobby, his brother, said. “She could be at the police station right now, spilling her guts. Lon, you should have waited until Sunday to spank her ass.”

  “That is my business, Bobby!” Lon’s voice was chillingly quiet.

  “Normally, I would agree, Lon, but you are the head of our family operation, and you have to think about the entire family when you take a risk with a woman you aren’t married to!” Bobby scolded his cousin. “It’s bad enough that nurse overheard you making plans to deal with Peyton Gregory. Now your girlfriend is missing and you can’t find her! We’re screwed!”

  “We would know by now if the cops were on to us. Where’re your guts, Bobby? That’s why Papa made me the head instead of you. I have the nerve to see things through.” He picked up his phone and tried to call Athena. “Athena, honey, please call me. I am worried sick about you, sweetheart. I don’t know if someone has kidnapped you, or harmed you in some way, and I have looked everywhere I can think of. Baby, if you are upset over that little spanking… Well, I won’t do it again. Please, sweetheart. I’m lost without you. Call me.” He clicked end and then said, “Why the hell isn’t she answering me?”

  “I tell you, Lon, she’s scared. I don’t think she’d go to the cops, but I think she is hiding from you. She had it real rough as a kid. Her old man bared her almost every day just so he could put his hand on her fanny. She ran away from him, and she ran from you because you scared her.” Monty dared either his brother or his cousin to argue with him.

  A couple of hours later, one of his men delivered Athena’s cell phone. He found it in the lobby of a hotel downtown. Athena’s car was found parked on a side street, empty. There was no sign of foul play, but Lon was sure someone had kidnapped her to get to him. He stayed beside the phone, waiting for a call. When he didn’t hear anything, he called her parents’ home, hoping she went home. They were rude and hung up on him after telling him they hadn’t heard from her in four years and she wasn’t there. Three females… all with secrets he didn’t want shared; all hiding from him.

  “We need to cancel our plans for tomorrow, Lon,” Bobby said.

  “No. We are the McMaken Family, and we do not allow fear to enter into our decisions. We proceed, and we have the party as planned. I will have to tell everyone that Athena had to go home to take care of an elderly aunt.”

  * * *

  “Are you still worried about our safety, Hubert Eugene?” Catherine asked as she looked at the pretty quilts and tried to pick just one to take home with her.

  “I will be worried until the situation with our neighbor woman is resolved, Catherine.”

  “I feel perfectly safe and at peace here, honey. The bed and breakfast is delightful, and the people are so nice. My biggest problem is picking just one quilt! I love them all!” she told him with a huge smile.

  “You need to decide soon, Catherine. Tomorrow is Sunday, and nothing will be open.”

  “Which one do you like, honey?”

  “I knew you were going to ask that,” he said, sighing.

  * * *

  “Hello the cabin!” Wally called out, a big grin on his face.

  “Wally!” Elizabeth opened the door and ran outside to greet him. “I am so happy to see you! Is it all over?” she asked, so excited she was nearly jumping up and down.

  “Where is the lieutenant?” Wally asked. “And why are you stepping outside and making a target of yourself?” he gruffly added in a scolding tone of voice.

  “Oh No! It didn’t work?” Elizabeth’s green eyes filled with tears.

  “Now, I didn’t say that, little girl. I only want to tell this one time, so where is the lieutenant?”

  “He’s inside, taking a shower. He said he slept wrong and has a kink in his neck. I told him to stand under the shower for a while to see if the hot water helped a bit.”

  “Lizzy, you scared the hell out of me!” Craig scolded. “Wally, please tell me you have good news. I’m going to go crazy if I have to sit on Lizzy much longer!”

  “I’m sorry to be such a bother,” Elizabeth told him, hiding her face against his shirt.

  “You aren’t a bother, but you do scare me and try my patience. You know you weren’t to go outside.”

  “But, it is Wally. We trust him.”

  “We do, but what if he was followed?”

  “I’m not a fool, young man,” Wally said crisply. “I made sure I wasn’t, not that it matters. We got the whole McMaken Family. Your tip paid off in a big way, Elizabeth, and we also had help from Lon’s girlfriend. It seems he crossed a line with her and she knew she would be killed if he found her. She had names, and she confirmed that McMaken was planning to kill Peyton Gregory, and then have a party tonight to celebrate. We arrested each and every one of the people she gave us, and we found enough documentation in McMaken’s safe to put him away for good.”

  “Good work,” Craig said with a relieved smile.

  “Oh, you ain’t heard it all, Lieutenant. That creep sent two men after Elizabeth’s neighbor and tried to scare her into telling where you were hiding. One of them took out a knife and threatened her and she snapped her loppers at him and gave him hell. Dunson and Anders got there just in time. They sent her home, and after those two were hauled in, Dunson and Anders went to question Mrs. Huffy. She’s one sassy lady. Her husband had her in the car and on their way out of town within ten minutes. McMaken sent one of the goons back to get information from her… He wasn’t none too pleased that she wasn’t there.”

  “I knew he would go after people I know. I don’t like Catherine Huffy, but I would hate for her to get hurt because of me.”

  “You listen to me, young lady… NONE of this is your fault. Do you hear me?” Wally asked, shaking a finger at her. “This is all McMaken’s fault. He underestimated you, the lieutenant here, Officer Sylvia, Mrs. Huffy, and his girlfriend. He buried himself, and it is not your fault.”

  “Thank you for saying that, Wally. Is everyone else okay?” she asked. “Was anyone harmed when they protected the senator?”

  “There was a little skirmish, but nothing our boys in blue couldn’t handle. I was proud to help,” he declared. “What do I smell cooking? I’m starving.”

  “It’s nearly ready, Wally. Come on inside. Isn’t it odd for me to invite you inside your own home?” Elizabeth laughed at herself, and was relieved when Wally chuckled too.

  “Did you have everything you needed?” he asked. “I worried there wasn’t no milk or fresh fruit or eggs.”

  “A friend brought some by,” she shared that information, and Craig explained about Randy, and said he needed to go by Randy’s house and talk to his parents and make sure they knew what a special son they had. Wally nodded.

  Elizabeth put the finishing touches on dinner, and was glad she’d made a lot in anticipation of tomorrow’s lunch.”

  “You made lasagna!” Wally declared. “This is a real treat.”

  “Enjoy, Wally. I made a lot. Craig is a healthy eater.”

  “I’m not a fool; I know good food when I taste it. Wally, she turned your staples into gourmet meals. I’m not kidding.”

  “That’s good to know.” He ate a few bites of food, then looked at Craig and said, “We had us two spies on the inside. The captain was right about them, and they’re up on charges.”

  “Has a decision been made about Sylvia?” Craig hated to ask, but he was concerned.

  “The DA isn’t going to file charges. He said that every last person on the jury would sympathize with Sylvia and find her innocent because McMaken threatened her baby. Internal Affairs hasn’t made a decision yet.”

  “I want to talk to them, Craig. Please, can you set it up for me?” Elizabeth asked. “I want to tell them my view of everything. They need to hear what I have to say.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, honey, but just so you know, they don’t have to let you speak.”

  “Yes, they do!” she insisted. “I can make them understand just how strong the urge to protect a child is, and her baby is so young. God, honey… Can you imagine anyone torturing that baby? How that threat would scare Sylvia out of her mind? In Sylvia’s place, I would have done the same thing. Nothing will be served by taking away her means to earn a living.”

  “I think you could convince those turkeys to let her keep on working.” Wally spoke his mind.

  “I’ll see if I can get them to agree to hear Lizzy out, but, no tantrums if they say no.”

  “I’ll try my very best. When are we leaving for town?” she asked excitedly. “I have so much to do to catch up with everyone.”


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