Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Richard ; and China; presidency of
Nobel Peace Prize winners; Gore; Pachauri; Theodore Roosevelt; Root
NOCs (national oil companies)
Non-Aligned Movement
Nondenominational Protestantism
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Non-Integrated Gap; integration of
Nonstate actors
North Africa, foreign investment in
North America, and global food supply
North American experiment
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO
North Korea: Bush-Cheney and; invasion of South Korea; six-party talks
Northwest Ordinance
Nuclear deterrence
Nuclear energy: increased use of; rules for
Nuclear war, fear of
Nuclear weapons; and Cold War; and great-power war, Iran and; spread of, U.S. and; Truman and; use of, war and
Núñez, Joseph
Obama, Barack
Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA)
Oil imports, China
Oil prices, and foreign investment
Oil production
Old Core region; consumption
Oligarch capitalism; European colonies
Oligarch regimes, resource-rich
Olympics, Beijing (2008)
One World (Willkie)
Open-door policies
Operation experience, military-industrial
Opportunity, The (Haass)
Opportunity, equality of
Opportunity costs, Bush-Cheney and
ORCON (originator-controlled information)
Oren, Michael
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
ORHA (Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance)
OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)
Osteen, Joel
Outsourcing: of counterinsurgency; of operations, Iraq
Pachauri, Rajendra
Pacific Railroad Act
PA&E (Pacific Architects and Engineers)
Pakistan; Bush- Cheney and; foreign relations; military aid to; and al Qaeda,
Palestine: free elections; Hamas
Palin, Sarah
Palmisano, Sam
Panama Canal
Paris Commune
Patents, issue of
Patriot Act
Patronage, political, Democrats and
Paulson, Henry
Peace: connectivity and; economic security and
Peacekeeping operations; Africa
Peer pressure; young people and
Pelosi, Nancy
Pendergast, Tom
Pentagon, and postwar Iraq . See also Military, U.S.
Pentagon’s New Map, The (Barnett)
People-centric strategy
People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China
Perry, William
Persian Gulf: Carter and; oil from; Shia population; U.S. and
Petraeus, David
Philippines, U.S. occupation
Piestewa, Lori
Pinkerton Detective Agency
Pioneer women
Planned markets, Soviet
Plaza Accord
Pluralism, political; paths to; religion and
Political freedom
Political history, modern American
Political parties, evolution of
Political rights of citizens
Politics, and terrorism
Polk, James K.
Population, aging of; China. See also Demographics
Populism, nineteenth century
Post-American World, The (Zakaria)
Postcolonial generations
Postcolonial states
Postwar occupation of Iraq; planning for
Poverty, worldwide, reduction of
Powell, Colin
Powell Doctrine
Power, challenges to
Power vacuums
Prahalad. K.
Preemptive war; Wolfowitz Doctrine
Presidential elections, U.S.
Presidential powers, U.S.: abdication of; Bush-Cheney and; Jackson and,
Primacy, geopolitical, Bush-Cheney and
Prince, Erik
Prisoners, torture of
Private sector interests: and Hurricane Katrina; in Iraq; military and, and network security; and rule-set enforcement
Privatization, U.S. government and
Producer chains
Product safety issues, China and
Production, disintegration of
Products: globally branded; verification of
Progressive era, global
Protectionism; Bush-Cheney and; and globalization;
in Great Depression era
Protestant work ethic
Protestantism, nondenominational
Prothero, Stephen
PRTs (Provincial Reconstruction Teams)
P2P systems
Public, American: and security; attitude toward Middle East situation
Public corporations
Public education, U.S.; immigration and
Public land, Theodore Roosevelt and
Public opinion, Franklin Roosevelt and
Pure Food and Drug Act
Putin, Vladimir; Bush-Cheney and
Qaeda, al ; attacks on
Radical extremism: and globalization; war against
Railroads; China; Lincoln and
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald; and military buildup; and Soviet Union
Reagan Doctrine
Reagan Republicanism, bipartisanship and
Reconstruction: postwar Iraq; after U.S. Civil War
“Red scare”
Reformer, Theodore Roosevelt as
Reintegration, political, of fake states
Religion; Americans and; and cultural identity; disestablishment of; freedom of; global changes; and politics, and protectionism
Religious fundamentalists
“Report on Manufactures” (Hamilton)
Republican Party
Resources, competition for
Responsibility, power and
Return of History and the End of Dreams, The (Kagan)
Revolution; American; demographics and; French; Great Britain (1688); justification of; politics and
Revolutionary movement, al Qaeda as
Revolutionary wars
Reynolds, Glenn
Rice, Condoleezza
Richards, Chet
Richardson, Heather Cox
Ricks, Thomas
Rival countries, alliances with
Road networks, China
Robb, John
Rockefeller, John D.
Role models, U.S. troops as
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, economic order; grand strategy; Keynes and; postwar strategy, and Soviet Union; and Truman; and Wilson
Roosevelt, Theodore ; and capitalism
Root, Elihu
Rothkopf, David
Roy, Olivier
“Rule of law” concept
Rule set
Rules: economic, new technology and ; global; globalization and; grand strategy and; management of; need for; new/11 attack and; after 9/11
Rumsfeld, Donald; notion of European states
Russia; Bush-Cheney and ; after Cold War; economy; foreign relations; imperial, reforms of ; and Iran; and Middle East; and missile defense; nationalism ; resurgence of; Stalin and. See also New Core regions
Saakashvili, Mikheil
Sachs, Jeffrey
Sageman, Marc
Salafi jihadist movement
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talk
s) treaty
Sandburg, Carl
Santa Cruz province, Bolivia
Saudi Arabia; and Iran; and nuclear weapons; and al Qaeda; U.S. and
Savage, Charlie
Savage Wars of Peace, The (Boot)
Scandals: corporate and political; global
Schelling, Thomas
Schoomaker, Pete
Schramm, Carl
Scowcroft, Brent
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
Sea power, U.S., Theodore Roosevelt and,
Sea traffic, control of
Second Civil War, The (Brownstein)
Second Great Awakening
Second Industrial Revolution
Second World, The (Khanna)
Secrecy, leadership and
Secular democracy
Security: defense and; economic; globalization and; grand strategy and; international system; national, search for deterrence; peace and
--global; changes in; U.S. and
Self-selection, in communications
Seminole nation, Florida
Sensor networks
Separatism: cultural; globalization and
Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Settlers, early American
Sewall, Sarah
Seward, William
Sexual revolution, China
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Shape of Things to Come, The (Wells)
Shapiro, Robert J.
Sherman, William
Shia forces, Iraq
Shia Revival, The (Nasr)
Shinseki, Eric
Sichuan earthquake (2008)
Sierra Leone
Sinclair, Upton
Singapore; capitalism
Singer sewing machine company
Single-party rule: early America; and democracy
Sistani, Ali al-
Skidelsky, Robert
Slavery, U.S.; abolition movement ; Democrats and; politics of
Small-war forces
Small wars
SOA (service-oriented architecture)
SOCCENT (Special Operations Command Central). See also SOCOM
Social issues, nineteenth century
Social tumult, globalization and
Socialization of Middle East
Society, egalitarian, China
Socioeconomic development, China
SOCOM (Special Operations Command) . See also SOCCENT
Soft power strategy, China and
“Sources of Soviet Conduct, The” (Kennan)
South Korea; capitalism
SOUTHCOM (Southern Command, U.S.)
Southern states, U.S.: secession of; and slavery
Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs)
Sovereignty services
Soviet system, Kennan and
Soviet Union: downfall of ; economy; and Germany ; Kissinger and; and Korea (northern); and Nixon’s trip to China; Truman and . See also Russia
Space program, China
Spain, immigrants
Special Operations Command: (SOCCENT); (SOCOM),
Spirituality: connectivity and; social tumult and
Spoils system, Democratic Party and
Spy agencies, effectiveness of
Stalin, Joseph; and Central Asia ; and Korea
State Department, U.S.; and Iraq ; and postwar operations; and USAID
State-guided capitalism
States, artificial (fake)
States’ rights
Stengel, Casey
Stewart, Jon
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) treaty
“Strategic communications”
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Strategy, execution of
Sudan, China and; Darfur crisis; ICC and; and al Qaeda
Sunni groups: Iraq; Middle East
Superempowerment, individual
Supply chains, global
Supreme Court, U.S.
Surge, military, Iraq war
Surowiecki, James
Survival, wars of
“Sushi” Muslims
Sustainable development
SWFs (sovereign wealth funds)
SysAdmin force ; funding for
SysAdmin-industrial complex
System-focused warfare
System perturbation
Taft, Robert
Taft, William Howard
Taiwan; Bush-Cheney and; China and
Takeover (Savage)
Taleb, Nassim
Taliban: Iran and; overthrow of
Tapscott, Don
Tariffs, Clay and
Taxes, Lincoln and
Technological advance
Terror, war on, reevaluation of
Terror Dream, The (Faludi)
Terrorism; future of,
global war on;
globalization and
Terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 ; and demonization of enemies
Terrorists: Bush-Cheney and; judicial system for; transnational, and failed states
Thatcher, Margaret
Third World; infrastructure . See also Gap regions
Tillman, Barrett
Timber imports, China
Todd, Brad
Torture of prisoners
Trade, international; Bush Cheney and; Great Depression and, after 9/11; peace and,
Trade deficit, U.S.
Trade secrets, piracy of
Trade unions
Traditional cultures, and globalization
Transformation, postwar
Transportation, changes
Treasury bonds, U.S. Civil War finance
Treaties: bilateral immunity; Hay and
Trenin, Dmitri
Truman, Harry,
and bipartisanship; George W. Bush and; and Korean War; and nuclear weapons; and postwar economy
Truman Doctrine
Trust-busting, Theodore Roosevelt and
Truth, and deterrence
Turkey; foreign relations; and postwar Iraq
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Turner, Nat
Ulam, Adam
Ulrich, Harry
Undeclared wars
Unfunded mandates
Unilateralism; American, reversal of ; Wolfowitz Doctrine
United Nations; peacekeeping operations; Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA), Security Council, and Korea; Truman and
United States; China and; and global economy; and globalization; government assets, and Iran; military action for global security; as political SOA, See also America
UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency)
Urbanization, global
USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development)
Vaitheeswaran, Vijay
Values, conflicts of
Van Buren, Martin
Vandenberg, Arthur
Venezuela, oil production
Versailles, Treaty of ; Keynes and; and Rwanda
Victory, in war on terror
Vietnam War; bipartisanship and; Powell and; U.S. troops
Volpe Center
Walesa, Lech
Wallace, William “Scotty,”
War; America and; of great powers; nuclear weapons and ; on terror
War-crimes court
War powers, presidential
War Within, The (Woodward)
Warfare: next-generation; system-focused
Warren, Rick
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Washington Consensus
Washington Post; and Truman
Water, clean, access to
Watergate scandal
Welch, Jack
Wells, H. G.
West from Appomattox (Richardson)
Western Alliance, Bush-Cheney and
Western Union
Westward expansion, U.S. ; Army and; Lincoln and; Frederick Jackson Turner on
What Makes a Terrorist (Krueger)
What We Need (Tillman)
Whig party
Whiskey Rebellion
White Man’s Burden (Easterly)
White supremacy, Democrats and
Wikinomics (Tapscott and Williams)
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Woodrow ; Congressional Government ; 14 Points; and military force ; Versailles conference
Winik, Jay
Wireless technologies
Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki)
Wolfowitz, Paul
Women: empowerment of; and terror
--Muslim; in North America
--status of; Democratic Party (U.S.) and ; global changes
Women’s rights, middle class and
Woodward, Bob
Workers, class identification
World Bank; Africa’s Silk Road; and China ; and Macedonia
World Health Organization
World power: China as; U.S. as
World religions
World trade
World Trade Organization (WTO)
World War I, postwar planning
World War II, postwar planning; Franklin Roosevelt and
World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago )
Worldview, individual
WTO (World Trade Organization)
Yalta Conference
Young people, influences on
Youth bulge, Middle East
Yugoslavia, OSCE and
Zakaria, Fareed; The Post-American World
Zarqawi, al-, Abu Musab
Zhou Enlai
Zinni, Anthony
Zoellick, Robert
Zoom (Carson and Vaitheeswaran)
1 See also the short glossary of terms at the back of the book.
Great Powers Page 63