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Too Many Men

Page 5

by Amber Lynn

  “Trevor is pissed at me for freaking out about the guy I assume you were just talking to. Who in the world is he? I know you didn’t have anyone on the side while we were dating. I suppose you could have with all the time you spent out at coffee shops and parks trying to get inspiration, but I don’t think you were stepping out on me.”

  “No, you did enough of that for both of us. Although, since you claim you and Trevor were an item first, I guess it was me who was the mistress in this mess.”

  Sarah hated the bitterness she felt, but it was screwed up that Aaron thought he could just play around with her. It made sense that things always felt a little off, but that didn’t mean her heart wasn’t involved.

  “You’re the one I bought a ring for and want to marry.”

  Aaron took a breath like he was going to say something else, but Sarah couldn’t let him continue without confirming he’d really just said something about them getting married. She was tired and the night had gone on way too long, so there was a chance she was hallucinating.

  “Did you say you’d planned on asking me to marry you?”

  Looking over her shoulder, Sarah stared at her ex like he’d grown a second head. He was standing directly behind the couch, so she had to angle her head up to get a look at more than his navy shirt.

  “I wouldn’t say it in the past tense. I know finding out about Trevor wasn’t cool, but if you’d give it a chance, I think we can make it work. You’ve got to know how much I love you. There’s no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  All Sarah could think of was “what the fuck.” She didn’t curse aloud if she could help it, but those words were close to being uttered.

  “I’m pretty sure we both know that’s a lie. You’ve been with Trevor how many years now? I think you’ve made it clear by those years that he’s the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.”

  Sarah wasn’t exactly sure what happened, but one second she was staring at her ex with hatred in her eyes and the next his lips were on hers. She was so confused that she didn’t fight the familiarity. Those lips had been the first thing to greet her every morning and they always made her feel loved and wanted. Sarah couldn’t think about all the hurt brewing inside of her for the last week with them pressing against her.

  She let the kiss do exactly what she was sure Aaron was trying to do by raising her temperature, which hadn’t totally leveled off since meeting Reid. When Aaron tried to push his tongue in her mouth, some common sense returned and she used both of her hands on his chest to make him take a step back. The small distance added didn’t move Aaron far enough away to miss his tongue darting out to lick his lips.

  “Don’t push me away, Sarah. We’ve gone over a week without each other and it’s driving me insane.”

  “Then go screw your boyfriend. Isn’t that what you’ve done for the last nine months when I haven’t been available?”

  There was a hint of hurt in Aaron’s eyes at the suggestion. If he was looking for pity from her, he was going to be waiting a long time.

  “That’s not how it’s been. What you walked in on was me trying to tell him I was going to ask you to marry me. We hadn’t been together that way in months, so he thought I was calling him over to reconnect. I was stupid and thought he’d take it better if sex was involved, but then you came home and things got out of control.”

  Sarah reached her right hand up to her forehead and massaged it with her fingers. She didn’t normally get headaches, but her head definitely hurt.

  “You were planning on breaking up with Trevor.”

  It was a bad idea to look up and meet Aaron’s brown eyes. Sarah did it anyway. She generally thought looking at someone’s eyes would tell her if they were lying, but with Aaron she didn’t know what to believe. Even though he wasn’t the poster boy of the perfect man that Reid was, it didn’t mean Aaron wasn’t sexy. It wasn’t fair to compare the two men, but Sarah had issues getting a pair of blue eyes out of her head.

  His cinnamon-colored hair was short, but the top was an inch or two long and styled to make it look like he’d just rolled out of bed. Sarah had thought it was funny that he liked it that way, but she found herself always wanting to run her fingers through it, so apparently it did its job.

  “Yes,” he said, nodding his head emphatically. “I screwed up by not breaking up with him before things got serious between us, but I was afraid you’d break up with me and Trevor’s just always kind of been there. We stopped having sex, so I thought it wasn’t really cheating anymore.”

  “Until you had sex in our bedroom and let me think that was what happened every time I left the house.”

  Sarah had been sleeping on the couch because she hated the idea of being anywhere near the bedroom. She had to go in there to get her clothes, but otherwise she avoided it like the plague.

  “I swear it wasn’t like that. I made a mistake with how I handled things, but I’ve known for months things were over between Trevor and I. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell him.”

  Aaron reached out a hand towards Sarah’s face. She moved her head away from him, but he still cupped his hand and rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

  “I’m guessing you still haven’t told him since you’ve been staying with him the last week.”

  “I told him on the way to his place after you found us together. I thought if I gave you a little space you’d realize we could work around this, but instead you’ve got some guy calling. Who is he? I heard you making plans with him and I think I deserve to know what they are.”

  Shaking her head, Sarah leaned back and turned so she could sit on the couch facing the television. The living room was small, with only the couch, a coffee table and a TV stand. Sarah’s new apartment was only one bedroom instead of the two Aaron’s apartment had, but the living room was twice as big.

  Aaron hopped over the low back of the black couch so he could sit next to Sarah. She’d turned her back to him because she needed a little space to think. Jumping right back into a relationship with Aaron wasn’t going to happen, but she couldn’t help but wonder if the thing she always thought was missing between them would disappear if he didn’t have Trevor hanging in the background.

  “I’m finding it hard to believe he let you stay there all week if you seriously told him you guys were over.”

  Sarah tried to remember exactly what was said the day she’d found them both naked. It was hard to think about anything other than the fact that they were naked, though. Trevor had asked if she wanted to join and had done most of the explaining as far as Aaron wanting to spice things up by adding a woman to their relationship.

  There had been the few moments of relief in Aaron’s eyes, but after that he’d turned neutral as he waited for any kind of response from her. The hurt was clear in his eyes when she told him she needed time to find a new place, but she was sure she could be out within two weeks. Not once did he try to explain any of the stuff he was selling her.

  “We’ve been friends longer than lovers. He’s obviously known for a while I was taking things serious with you, so it didn’t come as a surprise that I’m hoping to fix this mess.”

  “I don’t know that this can be fixed, Aaron. There’d always be the question of whether I was enough for you. It was pretty clear to me that the idea of sleeping with Trevor turned you on more than I ever did.”

  Aaron’s hand reached over and grabbed hers before she could protest. He placed it in his lap, letting Sarah get a feel for what was hiding under his jeans. The rough fabric didn’t allow an accurate feel, but Aaron’s penis wasn’t napping.

  “I was excited that I was cutting ties with Trevor romantically and could quit living the double life I felt was tearing me apart. When we started dating, I wasn’t sure it’d last, so I wasn’t about to tell you I’m bi. Trevor is the only person I’d ever told, and that was only out of necessity. I didn’t know how you’d react to knowing I found guys just as attractive as women.”

is hand covered hers in his lap. Like the kiss, Sarah let the familiarity keep her hand there instead of ripping it away. She had so many things to think about, the location of her hand wasn’t a huge priority.

  “Liking guys was never an issue for me. Sleeping with one while you were with me, that’s a problem. What if I would’ve said yes the sandwich Trevor offered?”

  She was still on a fact-finding mission. Nothing made any sense and the feeling that it never would was hard to shake.

  “I wouldn’t have gone along with it. I didn’t want to tell Trevor in front of you, but I would have if you gave any sign that you were considering his offer. The idea of having a ménage was something I gave up wanting a long time ago. I thought about it a little when we first met, but it was a matter of weeks before I knew I wasn’t willing to share you.”

  “Where’s the ring?”

  She couldn’t verify most of his story without talking to Trevor, something she had no intentions of running out to do. With how honest Trevor had been about the original plan of them becoming the three sides of a triangle, she assumed he wouldn’t lie to her about what had happened in the last week. She just didn’t know if hearing it from his mouth would make a lot of difference.

  Hearing that Aaron wasn’t giving up offered confusion more than relief. There had been something more to the small kiss they shared, even if Sarah didn’t want to admit it. She’d always felt like something was missing, but when their lips connected it was different. It’d taken her probably a good five minutes to let her mind process that, but she couldn’t deny it.

  “It’s in my top drawer under a pile of underwear. I’ve never seen you go looking for anything in there, so I figured you wouldn’t find it. Do you want me to go get it?”

  Sarah shook her head. If she ever got to see it, it’d only be because he was putting it on her finger and she needed to think about whether that was a possibility.

  “No, I’m still moving out tomorrow so I can think about things, and you’re not ready to get down on one knee.”

  “But I am. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, raising children and growing old. I never thought I’d find a woman I wanted to share that part of me with, but the day you walked into my life changed everything. I know I screwed things up, but I’m going to prove to you that we belong together. This is all for you,” Aaron squeezed his hand, in turn making her hand squeeze around the package in his jeans.

  There was no denying how thick it felt. The kiss had fanned the flames that had started from being around Reid. Feeling what Aaron had hiding sent pulses through her body she knew were wrong. She wanted to be strong, but at the same time, she needed to feel desired, and Aaron was doing that.

  “Prove it to me.”

  The words shouldn’t have come out of her lips, but Sarah did nothing to take them back. Having sex with Aaron amidst her total confusion about the situation was stupid on so many levels. Obviously, he didn’t think so as he quickly pushed her back on the couch and climbed on top of her.

  Sex between them had always been slow and calculated. Whether that was solely based on Aaron’s guilt or not was something that would take time to figure out, but the early indications were that letting the truth out set something free inside of Aaron.

  The purple blouse Sarah thought was nice enough for speed dating was ripped as buttons popped off it and Aaron leaned down to nudge her lacy peach bra out of the way. Her C-cup breasts were happy to see the light of day and even happier when Aaron’s lips latched on and began to suckle.

  Sarah’s body lifted off the couch and ground against the lower half of Aaron, which was trying it’s hardest to keep her pinned in place. Her fingers raked up Aaron’s back, causing a grunt from him and a small bite to her left nipple that felt like a warning. If anyone needed a warning, it was him as Sarah yanked up his shirt so she could feel skin under her fingertips.

  Aaron lifted his face away from his prize for the few seconds it took to pull his shirt over his head. When his lips reconnected with her body, he switched to her right breast to give it a little attention before he started trailing kisses down her flat stomach. Each one of the light touches sent a shockwave up to her head and down to her toes. She couldn’t help trying to buck against him again, which only made him laugh against her skin.

  Once the skin ran out, he quickly undid her jeans and pulled them and her underwear down to her ankles. Without any shoes stopping his progress, he threw the clothes that were once in his way as far away as he could.

  “This is how it should have always been. I know I have a lot of answer for, but I’m going to prove to you that this is right.”

  Words were not want Sarah wanted at that moment, so she was thankful when Aaron buried his head between her legs and latched on to her with his mouth. Her fingers had lost the ability to scrape his back, so they yanked at his hair instead as she tried to bury his face deeper into her.

  “Jesus, freaking Christ, God Almighty.”

  It wasn’t an instant orgasm, but it was as close to one as Sarah had ever been. She was overly sensitive and the hot feel of his breath and tongue as it went to work on bringing her pleasure was almost enough to send her over the edge. He licked, nibbled and sucked like there was no tomorrow and Sarah felt every last sensation as she quickly found a climax fighting to escape from her.

  There was no doubt in her mind that the walls shook as a scream she didn’t know she had in her burst from her body. Before she had a chance to take a breath, Aaron shoved himself inside of her so forcefully another scream echoed behind the first. It was clear as day that the forceful thrusts pumping in and out of her meant any restrictions between them were long gone.

  Sarah had never climaxed twice in a single day before, but as her muscles gripped around Aaron, it felt like she was already back on the precipice. His face has burrowed into her neck, with his teeth firmly clamped down at the joint of her neck and shoulders. The pain from the bite only enhanced everything else going on through Sarah’s body. She bucked against Aaron’s rapid pounding with an equal force.

  She felt the bite harden before Aaron grunted and pushed himself inside of her one last time. The feeling of the first jet of semen inside of her was all she needed to push her over the cliff again. Rather than scream, she started repeating “fuck” over and over again. It was an accurate description of exactly how she felt.

  In less than five minutes, her already complicated life found a way to flip over on its axis. Aaron rolled them on their sides, wrapping his top leg around hers to lock them in place together. He was still rock hard inside of her, pulsing as more cum leaked out of him into her. They’d always used a condom before, and knowing he hadn’t been faithful, she should’ve done more to make sure he wasn’t bare inside of her, but two orgasms in a short amount of time really messed up her judgement.

  “I’m still moving out tomorrow.”

  At least she wasn’t too high on sex to be able to say that with conviction. Aaron used his left hand to move some of Sarah’s long red hair out of the way before he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  “I know. You need some time to think about things. I just wanted to make sure it was abundantly apparent that this is what you’d be coming back to. No more secrets. No more Trevor hanging in the shadows. It will be just you and me and the love I know we both have for each other.”

  Three more times that night Aaron pled his case. After a while, Sarah got the feeling he was just trying to make sure she’d be too tired in the morning to move, but not once did she push him away, and every single time she felt the spark that had been missing between them. She’d never admit to anyone that multiple times she imagined a blue pair of eyes staring back at her instead of brown.

  Chapter Six

  “I’m screwed.”

  The statement seemed simple, but as Reid navigated through traffic to get to the restaurant for the endorsement dinner, he had no clue what Sarah was talking about. They’d talked the previous day for
about five minutes to make sure he had her address and they agreed on a time for him to pick her up, but when he tried to continue the conversation, she’d claimed she was busy. Knowing that she had moving and shopping planned, he didn’t question the decision to end the call. Her simple statement made him think he should have pressed a little harder.

  “Is that something you’re going to elaborate on?”

  Reid looked over to his passenger and tried hard not to stare at where her dress cupped her breasts, leaving the tops of them to stick out a little. When he’d seen her at her door, he instantly knew he was going to need a giant pail of ice poured on him if he had any hopes of hiding the erection the skintight dress caused.

  It didn’t help that her gorgeous hair hung in ringlets around her face, just asking to be tussled. The ruby lipstick on her lips only made him think about those lips wrapped around the part of him at war with his pants. He was in trouble.

  “I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it. I just can’t clear my mind right now. Hopefully, a glass or two of wine will make me a little less distracted.”

  Reid was already distracted enough himself, but he wanted to know what was going on, especially since she seemed to avoid the subject of the ex on the phone. He’d been kicking himself for not making sure she was okay, and it wasn’t going to do him any favors if he had to use his imagination to figure out what was going on.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me. It sounds like you need to talk something out. Some people say I’m a good listener.”

  The dead silence that followed his words made him think Sarah was fine figuring out things on her own. She was an adult, so that was her right, but Reid wanted to know what was eating her up.

  “Fifteen times,” she muttered under her breath.

  It was so soft that Reid wasn’t sure he heard it. They were getting close to the restaurant, so he needed to pay attention to traffic, which made it hard for him to turn to see if her lips moved.


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