The Sweetest Taboo

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The Sweetest Taboo Page 14

by Risqué

  Drae tried to get her focus back on the game. She prayed that no one could see what Naz was doing, otherwise she would be embarrassed as shit.

  “What happened to your panties?” Naz sucked lightly on her ear.

  “I knew you were gon’ be here,” she lied. Although they were in a crowd, Drae wished that Naz would take his hand and palm her pussy instead of teasing her with his wet fingertip.

  Drae held the dice in her hand and then placed them over her shoulder. “Hit it right in the center, baby.”

  “Unless you wanna be fucked,” he said with a laugh, “you better quit playing with me.” He gave the dice a smooth blow.

  She shook the dice in a closed fist. “Am I the one playing,” she asked, looking over her shoulder at his face, “or is it you?” She did her best to keep her balance.

  “A’ight now,” he sighed. “You gon’ mess around”—Drae could tell his dick was hard by the sound of his voice—“and I’ma fuck the shit outta you.”

  “Well…” she said, basking in the motion of his movement, “how you wanna fuck me, daddy, like this?” She rolled her hips to the right. “Or like this?” She rolled to the left. “Or is this it?” She bounced slightly up and down, not too high for everyone to notice, but high enough for him to get the point. Her wetness flowed like rain and made his dick feel like it was going to explode.

  “Cut that shit and roll them fuckin’ dice.” He pumped his fingers faster, sliding them in and out. Drae knew at any minute she was about to cum. Doing her best not to scream, she shot the dice against the wall. “Five! Motherfuckin’ five!” she screamed, panting at the fact that she’d just cum and simultaneously won the dice game. Her inner thighs felt sticky and she could only imagine what Naz’s hands looked like. “I told you I was gon’ spank dat ass!” She jumped up.

  He simply smiled, knowing that it was truly the other way around.

  “Spank me!” someone in the crowd yelled. “And whip it real good!”

  Everyone burst out laughing.

  Drae caressed Naz’s face. “I sure hope you know now to take your beating like a man.” She licked the juice off the fingers he had had in her pussy. “Now give me my money, please.”

  Naz bent down, stacked the bills one on top of another and stuffed them into her bra. “You got that.”

  She threw her ass into extra motion as she turned to walk away. Drae took a series of deep, nervous breaths. If only she could get the butterflies in her stomach to stop moving around.

  Instead of heading to the pool table where she spotted Nae-Nae and Yuri, she stood still for a moment and wondered where she could go and scream in peace. Naz had started her pussy juices to flowing and since she was too shy, outside of a porno audition, to tell him what else she needed him to do, she decided to take matters into her own hands. After standing for a few seconds too long, she walked swiftly through the swinging doors that led to the single-stall women’s restroom.

  After closing the door, she grabbed a hand full of paper towels and wet them with warm water. She dabbed a little soap on it, pulled her stockings down, and washed between her legs. The warm water on her clit made her remember Naz’s fingertip.

  Drae checked in the mirror to be sure her hair was still tight and her clothes were still fly. She figured she’d been in the bathroom long enough and just knew there was probably a line of annoyed women waiting to fix their wigs, play with their weaves or get a good piss on. As she opened the door and stepped out she bumped into Naz’s chest. Instantly his Eternity for Men cologne filled her nose.

  “You know we not finished.” He pushed her back into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

  Drae tried to speak but there were no words to say; she lifted his shirt above his head and snatched it off. “You don’t understand what you do—”

  “Shut up. Now ain’t the time to talk—my dick is hard and I warned you I was gon’ fuck the shit outta you.”

  He kissed her before spinning her around to face the mirror-covered wall and placing her hands on the glass. He placed his hands on top of hers and started biting her up and down her neck, over and over again, almost as if he was obsessed with tasting her skin and having her scent buried in his nose. “Sick of you always fuckin’ teasing me and shit.”

  Drae started breathing heavily—his raspy voice drove her insane. The pain of his bites made her forget her name, and the tingling in her pussy souped her up for what was to come. Her pussy cried like never before. She felt like a druggie, a fiend, a bitch snortin’ a line called whipped-by-a-dick.

  “I’m tired of thinking about this fat pussy.” Naz lifted the back of her sweater and bit a trail that galloped over her ass and in between her ass cheeks. His tongue splashed back and forth over her behind, causing her to scream. He jacked up her skirt and ripped her fishnets so he would have full access to her pussy.

  She screamed again. He placed his hand over her mouth, as she called his name. “You may as well stop screaming, ’cause you been begging for this dick.”

  All Drae could do was lick in between his fingers.

  “You fuckin’ teasin’ me and shit.” He pushed his hard dick into dripping wetness. For a moment he closed his eyes and did his best not to cum on the spot. Drae’s pussy was undeniable, the warmth of it, the soft flesh, the expanding wall that clapped around his dick…and what seemed to make her pussy so fuckin’ good was that she knew how to pop her inner muscle so it grabbed the head of his dick and teased it with the possibility of going farther…and farther…so far up into her pussy that he knew he could one day send his nut soaring out her mouth.

  “I’m tired”—he forced himself to open his eyes and slap the sides of her ass—“of us running into each other…knowing we wanna fuck.”


  “Shut up, you talk too much.” As the sound of his dick slapping against her ass triumphed like a band, there was a knock at the door.

  “Drae?” Yuri said. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes…” Drae struggled to say. “I’m cumming!” she screamed.

  “All right, we’ll wait,” Yuri said.

  “Did I tell you to cum?” Naz pumped her harder than before. “Did…I…tell…you…to…cum? Stop…being so fuckin’ grown.”

  “Okay, daddy” was all Drae could say. “But yo’ dick is so big…”

  “What you say, Drae?” Nae-Nae asked. “Did you say something about a dick?”

  Drae didn’t answer, instead she thrust her ass onto Naz’s shaft and they began fucking like a boot-camp drill team: relentlessly, and both of them breathing as if they’d run out of air.

  After Drae came again she could feel Naz’s pace quicken. As she felt his dick begin to take up residence in her stomach forcing all the cream in her coochie to slide out, he grabbed her by the hair and splashed off on her ass.

  He kissed her on the back and her hands held on to the edge of the pedestal sink. They were silent for a few moments, staring at each other’s reflection in the mirror.

  “Damn, Sunshine. I swear on everything I love you a bad motherfucker.” He kissed the back of her neck, then grabbed the roll of paper towels.

  Before moving, Drae looked once again in the mirror and stared at his face. She was tempted to thank him, but instead she tore a sheet of paper towel and cleaned herself with it.

  They were quiet as they fixed their clothes and made sure they were composed again.

  “I guess you need to throw those away.” Naz laughed, pointing at the fishnets in her hand.

  “Seems so.” She smiled.

  “We have to stop meeting like this.” He kissed her on the lips. “Give me your number, since you too scared to call me.” He slipped his cell phone from his pocket and Drae entered it. He opened the bathroom door and Nae-Nae, Yuri and a whole line of women were standing there with surprised and pissed looks on their faces. However, they all had one thing in common, their eyes were glued to Naz’s body.

  “Be easy, Sunshine.” Naz tipped his head at
the women. “Excuse me.”

  “Oh my God!” Nae-Nae screamed recognizing him from the strip club, “Nasty Naz, is that you?” He looked at Drae’s face for confirmation. “I knew it! You two”—he pointed at Yuri—“is some bold-ass cheatin’ bitches and I’m tired of y’all stealing my men. Hold my place in line, Yuri.” He ran behind Naz. “Hold up, I got some singles!”


  Three A.M. and Yuri’s head pounded like thunder as she beat against Britt’s apartment door. Images of him fucking Troi and telling her how much he loved her ran through Yuri’s mind; and the more time went on, the more obvious it became the visions weren’t going anywhere.

  Her feet were killing her and her stomach roared. She knew at any minute she would throw up, something she’d been doing all week. At first she thought it was nerves and her body getting sick of being next to Jeff, but now she knew it was a premonition of being in a fucked-up position: her loving Britt and his loving Troi.

  “Britt!!” She pounded over and over again, the sides of her fist swollen and her eyes flooded with tears. This was the exact opposite of what she swore to herself she would do. Her plans were to keep it all together, be a bad bitch with confidence and control. She was supposed to light a cigarette, utilize the doorbell, and when he opened the door, haul off and smack the shit out of him. But somewhere amid the visions of him licking the pinkness of Troi’s pussy, pulling her hair back and telling her he loved her, all of Yuri’s calm and collected plans went out the window and now her adrenaline was pumping from sheer emotion.

  “Dammit! Open this door!” Yuri rapped repeatedly.

  “What the hell…is yo’ problem?” Britt opened the door. He could tell she’d been crying, as she brushed past him and into his apartment. He locked the door behind her and she turned to face him. The entranceway was dark and the only light came from the neighboring high-rises and the view of the Brooklyn Bridge. Britt stood with his white, plush terrycloth robe hanging open and his hard dick sticking out from beneath. “What’s wrong? Somethin’ happened?”

  Yuri stood silent for a moment. She hated that even in the midst of tears and darkness she appreciated his beauty. She loved to stare at his hard dick and imagine all the things she could do with it, but now instead of her seeing herself sucking it, she imagined Troi caressing it into her mouth. “You still in love with Troi? You been lying to me all this time?!”

  “What?!” Britt stood still and stared at Yuri.

  She knew he was pissed, but compared to how she felt she didn’t give a damn how pissed off he was. Hell, he was the one in love with someone else. Not her. “What you gettin’ pissed off for—it must be true! No matter what, you will always love her ass!”

  Britt glanced at the digital clock on the wall behind Yuri’s head. “You for real? You ain’t wake me up for a quick fuck, you woke me up to ask me some stupid shit? You know how long ago it’s been since I’ve even thought about that broad? Man, please.” He walked past his piano and over to his bed.

  “Don’t fuckin’ ‘man, please’ me!” she yelled, walking behind him and pushing him in the back. “I’m talking to you.”

  “A’ight now,” he warned as he took off his robe and crawled into bed.

  “Answer me, dammit!” she screamed pushing him on the shoulder. “Do you still love her?!”

  “I’m going to sleep, Yuri. Now, if you want some dick, come lay yo’ retarded ass down. If you wanna argue over the most ridiculous fuckin’ shit I’ve heard this year, then lock the door behind you.”

  She flicked the lights on. “You must be fucking her! What, are y’all laughin’ at me? You talkin’ about me? Is that why she said y’all were getting back together tonight?!”

  “What? Ain’t nobody said no shit like that.”

  “You fucking her?”

  He simply turned over in bed.

  “You know how many years I’ve been in love with you, and this is what you do? How could I let you do this to me again?! You could’ve left me at home with my damn husband! At least I was used to his bullshit!”

  Britt sat up and pressed his back against the headboard. The flat green sheet was draped across his lap and his arms were locked behind his neck. Truth be told, at that moment he wanted to snatch Yuri by her fuckin’ throat and ask her if she was listening to herself, but instead he stared at her and sized her up with his eyes. “What you scared of?”

  “I just don’t want my heart broken!” Tears drenched her face; she hated that her collected cover was blown.

  “Then, what are you here for? If I’ma break your heart, why we keep doing this? We go through this same shit over and over again.”

  “So you still love her, is that what you’re saying?”

  “Would you stop asking me that dumb shit! It should be obvious that everything between me and Troi is dead. I can’t believe,” he said, exasperated, “that I’m fuckin’ you, and you worried about another woman. What kinda game is that, Yuri?”

  “This ain’t a game to me, this is my life!”

  “And you lettin’ another chick play with it?”

  “She threw it in my face that you two were getting back together.”

  “And you believed her. You ain’t think to ask me?”

  “Remember, you were the one who wanted to marry her!”

  “So? We were kids—”

  “Well, tell her that, ’cause she damn near said you were an item!”

  “Shut up, I’m talkin’, don’t be interrupting me. You shoulda interrupted Troi and told her to kiss yo’ ass! Instead of coming over here to me, going off and causing problems between us. Troi is not the one I’m in love with, and I don’t appreciate having to explain that shit! Now, what you really wanna do? Huh? You wanna be with me?”


  “You love me?”


  “Then, leave that motherfucker.”

  “What?!” She knew he was furious, but when did leaving Jeff become part of this equation?

  “Don’t fuckin’ ‘what’ me! I’m sick of this shit. Leave that motherfucker, right now! Call ’im and tell ’im you leaving!” He reached for the cordless phone on the nightstand. “Call ’im right now and tell ’im you coming to get yo’ shit because you leavin’ to be wit’ me.”

  Yuri’s heart started racing. She knew Britt was serious and, yeah, she wanted to leave Jeff, but right now at this minute? And it had nothing to do with money in the bank, assets, shared bills, or the apartment they lived in…. it was about what she was used to, what she’d come to accept and expect. There were no expectations with Jeff because there was nothing there. No love lost, no loved gained, nothing, just some furniture they bought together and a few groceries from the bodega. Shit, didn’t Britt understand that she couldn’t give up everything she had when he wouldn’t even hold a straight conversation about whether he loved her or not, when all they did was fuck, and when after all of these years they’d never even been on a real date? And suppose Drae was right, then what? What would happen next if she left Jeff and was made to look like a big-ass fool?

  Britt dialed a series of numbers and pointed to the phone. “Here, tell him!”

  Yuri stood silent. She could hear the phone ringing.

  “Take this fuckin’ phone!”

  She backed away.

  “Tell this motherfucker”—his eyes widened—“you leaving, tell ’im that you love me!”

  Britt walked over to Yuri and shoved the phone in her face, “What de muthascunt I say?! Tell him!”

  “Britt, please,” she begged softly while holding her hands together in a prayer position.

  “What the fuck? You begging me?” He laughed emphatically. “You snortin’ bullshit, you know that? You got game out the ass, yo’ shit is just convenient.”

  “Britt, please,” she pleaded quietly again.

  “My man, tell me, what you whispering for?” He stepped back. “This the same game you shoulda had when Troi was playing wit’ yo’ head. What I to
ld her ass is that I shoulda been with you when I had a chance. And that was after she volunteered to make me forget all the pain she caused me. Did she tell you that I told her to step? To leave and that we were strictly business? Did she tell you that? Naw, she fucked with your head and made you play yourself by coming over here.”

  “Britt, hang up the phone.”

  “Oh, hang up the phone?” He mushed her in her left temple. “Think you slick, talking soft so this niggah can’t hear you? I thought you was bad, though, barging over here at three o’clock in the morning, ordering me around about a buncha nonsense, claiming you love me so much but you won’t even leave this niggah.” He clicked the phone off. “I hadn’t even called yo’ damn house. I would never give that motherfucker the satisfaction of you playing me. But let me tell your selfish ass somethin’: Don’t you ever in your fuckin’ life”—he pressed his forehead against hers—“come over here rearing up at me about some bullshit, until you ready to leave that sterile-ass niggah. Until then, you get what the fuck yo’ greasy-ass hand call for!”

  “I will leave him.”

  “Bullshit. Now you can stop acting like the sick-and-in-love victim. Yo’ ass is grown and you know what’s going on. Now, if you gon’ swing with me, then stop making demands that you yourself can’t keep. And next time tell Troi to stay in her fuckin’ lane, ’fore I catch her ass.” Britt walked over to his bed and propped the pillow behind his head.

  Yuri bit her bottom lip and wiped tears from her eyes. She tucked her purse securely under her arm and headed toward the door.

  “Where you going?”

  “I just—I figured I would…I would leave…”

  “My man”—he sighed—“cut the light off and come here.”

  “No…I’ma just go….”

  “Damn, man, quit with the dramatic bullshit. We ain’t on TV, just get in the fuckin’ bed!”

  Yuri cut the light off and placed her purse on the nightstand. She stood on the side of the bed where Britt lay.

  He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her on top of him. “Just lay here.” He put her head to his chest.


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