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Arrival Page 1

by S. K. Randolph


  Title Page



  From the Author

  The Rest of the Story

  I. Excerpt - DiMensioner’s Revenge


  UnFolding 1


  Companion Short


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  the first book of fifteen

  in the

  Fantasy Fiction

  UnFolding Series

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  S.K. Randolph

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  CheeTrann Creations LLC

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  This book was downloaded as a free sample in exchange for your email address.

  In my search for new writers to enjoy I often download free samples of new (to me) writing but sometimes I don’t get to read it right away. In case you find yourself in a similar situation, I included the description and information about this book and the entire series in this introduction.

  You will receive a “welcome aboard” email thanking you for downloading Arrival. As with all email lists, you can opt out at any time, but I encourage you to stick around. I don’t send many messages and when I do you will find them useful.

  You are also invited to visit my website and Facebook page. I enjoy posting pictures of this unique place where I live.

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  Years of training put to the test. The action and intrigue begins.

  Almiralyn has sworn to protect the last remnant of Old Earth. Will she have time to prepare, or will her enemies discover her whereabouts before she is ready?

  Assuming her responsibilities at a turbulent time, the Guardian of Myrrh is put to the test. Will her lifelong training to defend and protect the people and treasures of the last remnant of ancient Earth be enough?

  The raven Karrew joins her as they travel through dimensions to her first and most critical assignment. Arrival:

  UnFolding #1 of 15 - (Companion Short - a Novelette)

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  What readers are saying:

  ★★★★★ "If you enjoyed Harry Potter or Hunger Games you will love these books also. What an imagination!!"

  “★★★★★ "Not since I first picked up Tolkien's Lord of the Rings have I been drawn into such an intense new world as that created by SK Randolph . . .”

  ★★★★★ "Randolph creates new creatures/beings for fantasy readers to meet and enjoy. They are refreshing and complex. It's a nice break from the usual fairies and trolls! Thanks!"

  “★★★★★ " . . . echos back to the grand adventure story-telling of J.R.R. Tolkien.”

  ★★★★★ "The imagery and descriptive writing made me feel like I was there. Pictures formed in my mind making it seem so real and touchable"

  ★★★★★ "I could not put the book down. It was a page turner from the first to last page."

  ★★★★★ "I've followed the author since her first novel and especially enjoy many of the "shorts" she's done to expand on longer works."

  ★★★★★ "Gentle yet intense. I love how the pages turn so quickly because 'ya just got to know'."

  * * *

  UnFolding Series

  A fantasy fiction tale of adventure and intrigue, follows a group of diverse characters on a quest to save the last remnant of Old Earth and to help bring balance to their home planets. Traveling through time and dimension, young and old combine wits and magic to thwart the diabolical plot of those determined to conquer and enslave the unique populations that inhabit the Inner Universe.

  The series is told in four novels and eleven companion shorts (ten novelettes and one novella). Companion shorts are not stand-alone works, but rather additional morsels that enhance the reader’s knowledge of the characters, plot, actions, and worlds in the UnFolding Series

  I suggest reading the books in order although each group of shorts between novels can be enjoyed in any order you wish. You might like to save a companion short in your e-reader or smartphone to read when you find yourself in a waiting situation on earth and wish to visit another planet to pass a bit of time.

  1. Arrival

  2. DiMensioner’s Revenge (a novel)

  3. Gifts

  4. Discovery

  5. Rescue

  6. Encounters

  7. ConDra’s Fire (a novel)

  8. Metamorphosis

  9. Fishing

  10. Lessons

  11. Wanted

  12. Duplicity

  13. MasTer’s Reach (a novel)

  14. Epilogue

  15. Jaradee’s Legacy (a novel)


  Thank you for pausing to take a look. I know how difficult and rewarding it is to find a new author who piques your curiosity.

  Arrival is the first of fifteen books in the UnFolding Series, a fantasy fiction adventure tale. The series consists of four Novels and eleven Companion Shorts.You will find a short description of each at the end of this book along with the beginning of the next book, the novel DiMensioner’s Revenge: UnFolding 2.

  I hope that you enjoy Arrival and I am lucky enough to have you as a long-term reader.

  S.K. Randolph


  “Today, I will see the last remnant of Old Earth for the first time.” A laugh of delight rang out as Almiralyn crossed the balcony and raised her arms to the KcernFensian sky. “Old Earth . . . Myrrh! I can hardly wait!”

  Tall and elegant, she stood in a pool of sunlight, sapphire eyes glowing. Gazing into the distance at the deep aqua sea, she swallowed a lump in her throat. “I will miss this tranquil beauty and this place.”

  A breeze lifted a tendril of silver-blonde hair and flicked it across her face. With a sigh, Almiralyn smoothed the silky strand behind her ear. A lifetime of training at the Temple of Mahyinaeh had come to an end. Anticipation replaced her joy. Recent rumors suggested trouble existed in the Clenaba Rolas Solar System—trouble involving Myrrh, the name given to what remained of Old Earth, and to the planet Thera’s parallel dimension where Myrrh was hidden.

  The bell at her door summoned her back into the cool interior of her chambers. “Please enter.”

  The Galactic Guardian responsible for overseeing her training walked into the room. “Greetings, Almiralyn Nadrugia.”

  She returned his smile. “Good turning, Chealim. I didn’t expect to see you today.”

  Lowering his tall, muscular frame onto a sofa, he patted the seat beside him.

  Alerted by a slight tension in his demeanor, she joined him.

  Ancient wisdom glowed in the cool blue eyes observing her. “The KcernFensian solar cycle 30-33-63 has arrived, Almiralyn. How do you feel about your role as Myrrh’s Guardian?” The warm, deep voice vibrated through her.

  “I'm excited. It has been a long time coming.”

  His expression grew somber. “I have some disturbing news.”

  “News?” Her sense of disquiet heightened.

  A frown thinned the Guardian’s generous mouth. “Recent rumors of an unsettling presence in the Inner Universe have proven to be true. Thus far, it has eluded our attempts to pin it down. The Galactic Council fears it will usher in The Unfolding sooner than expected. Not good or bad—simply the way Emit works.” His brow furrowed. “Perhaps more disturbing—the Mocendi League has begun a search for you, the Evolsefil Crystal, and the other treasures I have placed in your care.”

  Chealim's chilling words increased her growing unease. She fingered her long, silvery braid and frowned. “I'm well acquainted with the League. Thorlu Tangorra paid me a visit a short
while ago. He is both highly intelligent and dangerous.” The momentary image of his handsome face far too close to her own made her shudder. “Have you discovered who the Mocendi leader is?”

  Chealim shook his head. “It is a mystery—one we are in the process of solving. Not your worry, my dear. You will have plenty to keep you busy as you establish yourself on Myrrh. Thera’s Five Fathers have been less than honest about their actions, so beware. You hold the keys to The Unfolding, to the maturing of the Inner Universe. Remain attentive at all times. It is good that Karrew and Allynae accompany you.”

  “I will do my best not to disappoint you, Chealim.”

  “I have no doubt, Almiralyn, that you will make us proud.” He rose as the bell chimed and the Doyen of Time, the VarTerel of the Inner Universe, strode into the room. Chealim smiled. “As always, Relevart, your timing is impeccable. I must depart.” Large, cool hands sandwiched hers. “If you have need of me, consult Elcaro’s Eye.” A kiss brushed her forehead. Light flared. The Galactic Guardian vanished.

  “I am most glad to see you, Relevart. This turning would not have felt right without you near.”

  He offered a hand, clasped hers, and tapped his rowan wood staff against the floor. The room melted into stars and night sky. A wave of nausea washed over her. Her vision blurred. Relevart touched her forehead; the disconcerting symptoms of entrance into Mittkeer vanished. For the second time in her life, she stood in the land of time and no time where the VarTerel traveled through time and dimension.

  Relevart gazed into the vastness. “Do you remember the first time I brought you here?”

  “I do. It was the day of my initiation from childhood to young adulthood.”

  A smile flashed. “Today, you are about to begin the journey you have trained for all your life.” The ruggedly handsome face grew serious. “It is important that you are vigilant, my dear. I had hoped you would have time to enjoy your new land. You will have some, but not as much as either of us would have liked. During the final stages of The Unfolding, you will return here. Do you remember why?”

  “You told me I would return to Mittkeer to meet my true destiny.”

  His serious appraisal of her made her slightly nervous, something she had never felt in his presence. “Good. Evil spins its devious web on your doorstep. Heed Chealim’s warning and take care. Now, my dear, you have much to do, and I am keeping you from it. Enjoy your first turning on Myrrh.” He and the tap, tap, tap of his staff faded, leaving her alone in her chambers.

  Lost in thought, she made a final tour of her suite. In the sleeping room, she gathered up a blue pouch on a ribbon that matched and looped it over her head. Your gift, Maman. I will have a small piece of you with me.

  Her reflection in the mirror held her captive. She touched the arc of her high cheekbone and studied the slope of her nose. At least, I can see you in my face, Maman. A full-lipped mouth with its sensitivity and its tendency to curve up in a smile reminded her of her father. I miss you, Papa. Slender fingers traced the length of her long, silver-blonde braid. I wish I knew where you were, if you’re alright, if I will ever see you again. Shaking off the escalating depression that threatened the joy of this special turning, she studied her reflection one last time. Dark green slacks, a long-sleeved white shirt, and sturdy hiking boots are a far cry from the flowing garments and sandals that marked my years of training at the temple.

  Turning away from the mirror, she took a moment to contemplate her preparation as the future Guardian of Myrrh; the detailed study of Earth’s history and geological importance to the Inner Universe, the analysis of Myrrh’s host planet, Thera, and its symbiotic connection to Myrrh; the review of the politics of the Fourth Galaxy and the Clenaba Rolas solar system, which included Thera, KcernFensia, and six other planets. The Code of Mahyinaeh taught me to conduct my affairs with integrity. She smiled and took a defensive pose. I loved my classes in Trimala. Imagine a martial art that is as much dance as self-protection. Walking into the main room of her chambers, she frowned. The Arts of DiMensionery will serve me well, but I’m glad I chose not to join the Order of Esprow. Flipping her braid behind her shoulder, she announced, “Almiralyn Nadrugia, Guardian of Myrrh, it is time to go.”

  As the words faded, Karrew, the Roahymnian raven who had protected her since birth, flew through the window and landed on her offered arm. He cocked his head. “You had your final meeting with Chealim?”

  “I did, Karrew. Relevart stopped by, too. Both had news.” She shared what she had learned.

  Her protector flew to the back of a chair and pranced an agitated jig. “The Mocendi League.” He stopped. A single ebony eye focused her direction. “We knew complications could arise, Mira. You are well prepared.” He flew to her shoulder. “It’s time to go.”

  Karrew’s throaty voice pushed her worries away. Grateful to have him and her younger brother Allynae join her in her new adventure, she studied her chambers one last time. “This has been my home since my tenth Sun Cycle Celebration. I shall miss it.”

  Closing the door softly behind her, she crossed to a veranda bordering the top of a wide stone stairway. In the expansive garden below, Allynae conversed with the High Priestess of Mahyinaeh. Behind them, friends had gathered to bid them farewell.

  Karrew cawed next to her ear, “Time is passing, dear one. We must be off.”

  She nestled her head against his blue-black feathers. “I know. It’s just . . . Do you think we will ever return to KcernFensia?”

  “The future will be revealed as time unfurls.” He launched into flight, circled the spire, and came to rest on a flowering tree near the translucent spin of the portal that would take them to Myrrh.

  Almiralyn descended the steps and traversed the garden. At the foot of the spire, good-byes replaced the usual speeches and lengthy well-wishes. Unable to delay any longer and excited to be on her way, she faced the KcernFensian portal. At her command, her raven protector flew into the spinning vortex and disappeared.

  Karrew exited the Demrach Gateway into early morning in the Terces Woods on Myrrh. Landing amidst silvery leaves on the low branch of a gnarled and ancient Tirips Tree, he paced back and forth awaiting the arrival of his mistress.

  The shimmering portal, shadowed by the tall trees and the dim light of pre-dawn, spun faster. A hush settled over the forest. Almiralyn arrived in the clearing and stood tall and regal and still as stone. A delicate shaft of sunlight shot through the forest canopy, washing her upturned face with warmth and bleaching her white-blonde braid to glistening silver. Like deep mountain pools, her sapphire eyes absorbed the first rays of the rising sun as she scanned the landscape of her new home. More beautiful than the dawn, she turned to greet her brother, who strode from the portal, his chiseled features alive with curiosity.

  “Alli, listen.” She tipped her head. “Life is stirring, and we are part of it.” He moved to her side. Karrew flew to her shoulder. “We’re finally here,” she whispered. “I have waited so long.” She looked at her brother. Eyes a lighter blue than her own mirrored her happy smile.

  He gave her braid a playful tug. “I imagine you and Karrew will want to explore. I’ll follow the path to the cottage.”

  “You could shape shift and join us, Alli.”

  A crooked smile twitched his mustache, a new acquisition of which he was most proud. “You know I hate shifting. Never liked it, never will. A walk in the woods will bring me closer to the land. Besides, I can’t wait to see your cottage. I’m told your design is quite wonderful. Off you go now.” He strolled toward the path, his lanky body and long legs easy, his gait relaxed. Speckles of light leaking through the trees shimmered on his dark hair. He glanced back and waved.

  Karrew flew to the Tirips Tree, one obsidian black eye focused on his motionless mistress.

  Almiralyn listened to the sounds of the forest. At its center, the pulsing of magic as ancient as Old Earth told her that CheeTrann, the Sentinel in the Tower of Nemttachenn, sensed her presence. Beneath her feet, th
e heart of the land beat a rhythm matching her own. Home. I am truly home. She inhaled the scent of cedar and pine, of oak and maple, of moss and lichen and forest creatures. Exhaling, she grinned at Karrew. “I’m ready to fly.”

  He ducked his head in a mimicked bow. “I await your lead, my lady.”

  Delight gurgled into a full-bodied laugh. “We are really here!” She raised her arms. An iridescent oval flared around her as she shifted. Her bird form, somewhat smaller than Karrew’s and white as the first snow of winter, soared upward. Gold-tipped wings carried her through the loosely woven canopy into the dome of the morning sky. Delicate swathes of pink and lavender drifted above her and sent a rainbow of colors flowing over her pure white feathers. Below, the emerald depths of the Terces Wood flowed unbroken to the eastern horizon. To the west, the forest bordered the Grasslands, which rolled into foothills snuggled against the mighty Dojanack Mountains. A thrill coursed through her. This is my land!

  At the edge of the Terces Wood, the terrain transitioned from forest to prairie. A desire to stand in the tall grass—to feel the air weaving through it—made her land and change form. A summer breeze whispered its secrets in her ears and sent wispy, silver curls to caress her cheeks and forehead. She shaded her eyes with a slender hand and let her hungry gaze devour the landscape.

  Around her, the grasses swayed like the ebb and flow of a tide. She loved the feel of it—the scents of flowers and rich, dark earth. Stretching her long legs in an easy stride, she walked westward. The sound of water made her pick up her pace. Soon, she discovered a meandering river gleaming like a snake in the grass. I can’t wait to catch my first fish. Shading her eyes, she scanned its length in both directions. Just out of sight, villages, farms, and hamlets dotted the landscape along the outer edges of the grassy plains. Soon I’ll travel to meet the people of Myrrh, but not today. Today, it is vital that I create the oneness with the land that will allow me to understand and protect this last piece of Old Earth.


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