The Gods' Gift to Straight Girls 1: The Venus Ring

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The Gods' Gift to Straight Girls 1: The Venus Ring Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  There was one man and one woman EMT. And oh my, talk about gorgeous. Deep blue eyes that I could get lost in, a delicate nose and pretty lips that were just begging to be kissed, long blonde hair that fell down past her shoulders and over what looked like an impressive pair of tits…

  I know I’d just passed out and everything from putting on that weird ring and I might be moments away from a trip to the ER, but for some reason I only had eyes for the girl. It’s like my normal sex drive was in overdrive. She smiled when she saw me looking up and I melted. I also felt a strange yearning and pulsing between my legs like nothing I'd ever felt before.

  I’d checked out girls before and this gal was pretty enough, though I’d seen hotter, but right at this moment with the way I was feeling she was like nothing I'd ever done before. God I wanted to pull her down and plant my lips against hers. And was that a flush that I saw a rising in her own face as she saw me looking at her?

  No. I was not going to be distracted by the sexy EMT. I was in the middle of class and I was probably already in deep shit for…

  The ring!

  I looked up at the display. Yup. Still empty. I brought my hand up and sure enough the cool metal of the slim ring with that odd carved jewel was still on my finger. I glanced at Arnold, but he only seemed concerned with keeping the students back from the EMTs while they did their work. He didn't so much as glance at the spot where the ring had been sitting on display.

  I realized that one of the EMTs was trying to say something. I looked up at the guy and he smiled.

  "Are you okay?"

  I tried to sit up and was hit with a fresh wave of lightheadedness. The male EMT reached out to steady me but all I could think of was how much I wanted his partner to reach out and run her hands along my body. And there was still that weird feeling between my legs.

  What was going on?

  "Take it easy," the girl EMT said.

  God, that voice. It was like silk caressing my ears. Obviously I'd talked to plenty of girls, but never before had a female voice affected me in quite that way. I felt like the arousal, the feelings running through me, were somehow amplified and fuck was it a turn on!

  "I'm fine," I said.

  I waved the guy back as he reached out again to try and steady me even though I hadn't swayed at this time. I was used to that sort of attention, but it never did anything coming from a guy and right now I was in even less of a mood to deal with it than usual.

  Maybe it was an aftereffect of whatever knocked me out.

  What knocked me out?

  "We should take you back to the campus clinic and get you checked out by one of the nurses," the guy said.

  The nurse. Right. I had a good idea what kind of checking out he wanted to do from the way his eyes ran up and down my body. I looked over to his partner and saw that she was looking me up and down the same way. Briefly I considered going back to the clinic, but it wouldn’t be her doing the examining anyways no matter how much fun that might’ve been.

  "No, really, I'm fine," I said.

  The last thing that I wanted was to get carted across campus in one of those ridiculous golf carts to a clinic where they'd wave some smelling salts under my nose and tell me I'd been partying a little too hard and needed to make sure to drink more water while I was drinking other things.

  Yeah, maybe I'd been to the campus clinic once or twice before.

  "Are you sure?" The girl asked. "You'll get to go for a ride in our awesome emergency golf cart. We can even run the yellow lights if you want."

  Then again, going for a ride in the golf cart could be fun, right? Going for a ride with that hot little EMT would be even more fun. I shook my head to try and clear it, though I wasn't feeling lightheaded anymore. But something must be seriously wrong with me if I suddenly thought going to that boring clinic was a great idea just because this gorgeous girl leaning over me suggested it. Sure I’d done stupid things for a set of pretty eyes and a killer body before, but voluntarily subjecting myself to a lecture from one of the nurses who looked like they got their licenses in East Germany back in the day was definitely too far. I had to get ahold of myself.

  "No, I think I'll just go back to my dorm and get some rest," I said. "Can you help me up?"

  The guy leaned forward eagerly but I held out my arm to the girl before he could wrap his muscular arms around me. She smiled and took my hand in hers. I felt fireworks at her touch and for a moment I worried I might swoon and pass out again. But somehow I managed to hang onto consciousness as she gave a pull and helped me stand. I stood there, a little wobbly, and she put her arm around my waist pressing her body against mine.

  I was keenly aware of every spot where our bodies made contact. Her touch was light but firm, and my body felt on fire where her arm wrapped around my waist. The swell of her breasts pressed into my shoulder through the material of her campus issued polo. There was something about the way this felt that pushed me into an endless loop of arousal. There was something about the smoldering look in her eyes that made jumping this girl right here and ripping her clothes off seem like a great idea. Who cares that we were in the middle of a crowd?

  I yanked away from her contact as though she was a live the snake wrapping around me. Sure it wasn't her fault I was having all of these weird feelings, but I needed to get away before I really did start putting on a very inappropriate show in front of everyone.

  The guy held out a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. "If you're going to refuse care then we need you to sign this form."

  "Yeah, sure, whatever," I said. I grabbed the cheap ballpoint velcroed to the clipboard and scrawled my signature.

  "Am I free to go?" I asked him.

  "If you feel up to it," the girl said.

  The ring burned against my finger as I took a stumbling step forward. Both EMTs leaned forward to catch me but I waved them away again. Crap, the ring. I took another stumbling step over to Professor Arnold.

  "Professor Arnold? Can I be excused for the rest of class?"

  Professor Arnold looked me up and down with open concern and glanced at his watch. "My dear, class has been over for ten minutes now. Are you sure you’re okay?"

  "I'm fine, really," I said.

  The ring. People saw me grabbing it off of that display. Security cameras around the room recorded me taking it. I had to be rid of the thing. And Professor Arnold was the perfect excuse. Only my mouth didn't want to form the words. I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times before finally managing to choke out the words.

  "What about the ring?"

  Professor Arnold's bald forehead scrunched down in a confused look. "Ring? What ring?"

  I held my hand up and waggled the finger the ring was sitting on. He examined it curiously but without recognition. Now that was odd. Very odd indeed. He’d just been telling our class about the damn thing a few minutes ago!

  "The ring from the temple of Venus," I said. "The one from that display over there."

  "Miss Vane. I am familiar with every artifact in this exhibition, including this traveling exhibit, and I have never seen that medallion before in my life. It's very pretty, but it doesn't belong in this museum," Arnold said.

  I looked down at the ring. I looked back up to Professor Arnold. Was he crazy? Was I crazy?

  Maybe I needed to talk to somebody who worked at the museum. Arnold might not believe me, but surely someone else who worked here would know something about it. I was about to say something when another wave of lightheadedness swept over me and I had to put a hand to my forehead. Professor Arnold took a step forward to steady me, but I yanked back from him and nearly sent myself sprawling again.

  Bad move.

  I turned to the display. I could show him the plaque and prove this thing wasn't mine. Except there was no plaque. Nothing. It was as though somebody had placed that little jewelry store stand in the middle of the museum exhibit just to show off the display. What was going on?

  Another wave of dizziness. Okay, what
ever. If Professor Arnold said that there wasn't a necklace like this at the exhibit then I'd believe him for now. I could go back to the museum later. It's not like there were cops waiting for me at the door. At that moment what I really needed was to get the hell out of here and get back to my dorm room so I could get some rest.

  "Fine, whatever. I'm heading home," I said.

  My balance got better as I got farther from that display.

  Melanie appeared next to me, a backpack slung around her shoulder and her characteristic notebook and pencil presumably stowed away. Oh God. Melanie. She was the last thing that I needed right now in this strange hypersexual state! I was going so crazy that I even imagined she looked me up and down before fixing me with a concerned look that would have been touching if I wasn’t so damned turned on.

  "Are you okay?" Melanie asked.

  I was getting sick of people asking if I was okay. All I wanted was to get back to my dorm so I could sleep off whatever this was. It felt like the world's best buzz coupled with the world's worst hangover mixed in with an impossible heat that made me want to jump every girl who came into sight!

  "I'm fine," I said. "I just need to get some rest."

  "Do you need me to walk you back to your dorm?" Melanie asked.

  There was an odd hesitation as she asked that. What was going on here? The last thing I needed was for her to walk me back to my dorm room. If I got her back to my dorm I didn’t know what might happen. I needed to take care of this now.

  "Sure, you can come along."

  Damn it. That wasn’t what I was supposed to say. I was supposed to give her a polite brush off and yet I had no control. I couldn’t say no.

  4: Back at the Dorm

  Thankfully the walk across campus was relatively uneventful. Sure I found myself staring at every hot young thing that walked by and I stumbled a few times along the way as a result, but nothing I couldn't manage. I had plenty of experience stumbling through campus so this wasn't much of a challenge. Every time I stumbled Melanie reached out and caught my arm which didn’t help things at all. The feel of her delicate fingers wrapping around my arm was incredible and it sent a shiver running down my spine straight to my pussy.

  We got back to the dorms and I considered trying to get rid of Melanie in the lobby. Only she seemed determined to accompany me all the way to my room. And why was she getting so close to me as we walked? I really was imagining things. Too much horniness leading to too much wishful thinking. Whatever. I could get rid of her when we got up there.

  Going up the stairs didn’t help. She turned and smiled at me before heading up in front of me which gave me a very nice view of her ass moving back and forth in her impossibly tight shorts. Holy shit! I was going insane here. She was killing me with that unintentional show!

  I always knew Melanie was a hottie, I’d always had eyes for her, but walking behind her seeing her ass in those shorts was making me lightheaded as my pulse raced.

  I felt a yearning in between my legs that was impossible to deny, and it was unlike anything I'd ever felt before in my life. It was so much more intense than any horny impulse I’d ever had before, and I was a girl who’d had and indulged in a hell of a lot of horny impulses.

  "Fifth floor, right? Melanie asked. She turned to smile and I melted even as I quickly moved my eyes away from the spot where they’d been firmly rooted to her delicious ass. The last thing I needed was for her to catch me staring at her ass. Something told me the straight as an arrow small town girl wouldn’t appreciate that much, even if the desire to do so on my part was overwhelming.

  "Yeah," I said.

  I took the lead as we stepped out of the stairs into my hall. I figured I was in the home stretch. I’d just get rid of Melanie at my door and be in the clear.

  Of course what I didn't expect were the dangers of walking through an all-girls floor in the dorm. Sure there was the chance that a guy could be walking through, it's not like they locked down the halls, but the girls on the floor were a lot freer with themselves than they would be if we were on a coed floor. Most of these girls had faded into background noise regardless of their hotness because there was no way I could live constantly chasing girls on my dorm floor, but now that I had this strange energy coursing through me I felt on edge as we walked down the hall.

  A girl stepped out of the bathrooms wearing nothing but a towel. I recognized her, but I didn't know her name. I'd always thought she was pretty enough with her long dark hair and tight body, but as I looked at her now walking in that skimpy towel and probably nothing else underneath I was transfixed.

  That dark hair looked so silky. I wanted to run my hands through it. And the way her breasts swelled under that towel that clung to her slim figure in all the right ways. Her tanned skin so smooth. Her ass swaying back and forth. Those long legs going out from the bottom of the towel. I shook my head.

  I did not need to be thinking about running down the hall and jumping on top of that hottie! She was just a girl from my floor. I didn’t need the drama that came from banging a girl where I lived.

  Damn it. I had to get back to my room, and fast.

  I scrambled to get my keys ready as we got closer to my room. The only thing that kept me from dropping them was that they were attached to the little lanyard I'd gotten at orientation. My hands shook as I pressed the key into the lock and turned. I glanced over at Melanie and licked my lips, my eyes running up and down her body.

  There was no way I could let her into my room. Not with the way I was feeling right now. Not until I figured out what the hell was going on here.

  Only she slipped in ahead of me as soon as the door was open. Damn it. Not that her coming in was out of the ordinary, she'd been in there plenty of times when we studied together, but it was the last thing I needed right now.

  "Are you sure you're okay?" Melanie asked.

  I slammed the door shut and pressed against it, taking in deep breaths with my eyes closed and trying my best not to focus on Melanie. Only her face, the prospect of what might be hidden under those clothes, the thought of her ass swaying hypnotically back and forth as she moved up the stairs, it was all running through my head on a repeating loop going at the speed of light.


  I squeezed my eyes shut. Her voice sounded closer. Why was she coming closer?


  I opened my eyes. Melanie's face was only a foot away from mine, her deep brown eyes looking back and forth into mine with concern plain on her face. She was about the same height as me, and as I glanced down I could see the swell of her breasts barely contained by a t-shirt that plunged down scandalously, down to her tight shorts, her long legs. That ass, the hint of so much more, and the feeling between my legs had me feeling more buzzed than if I’d been drinking the best the bottom shelf had to offer at some cheesy frat party.

  I was done resisting. It was too much. I cupped Melanie's head in my hands, pulled her towards me, and brushed my lips against hers.

  5: Straight Girl Seduction

  Melanie's eyes widened as our lips connected. I expected her try to pull back, but instead she stiffened for a moment and then melted into me. To be honest I was feeling just as surprised as she was, but the feeling of her soft lips against mine, the smell of her, the taste of her. It was all too much. I was as lightheaded as I'd been back at the museum, only this time it was a lightheaded euphoria rather than a drunken lightheadedness that threatened to knock me on my ass.

  Melanie finally managed to pull back, though my hands stayed firmly planted on her cheeks. The concern on her face was replaced with confusion.

  "Jessica? What are you…?”

  I felt a warmth spreading through my body, the same warmth I felt every time I started to really get turned on. It was always how I felt when I got heated up. Though oddly the warmth was centered on my ring finger as well as between my legs. I pulled Melanie in for another kiss. She put a hand up to stop me.

  “Jess, I’ve never… with a girl…�
�� Melanie looked confused. “I’ve never thought of a girl like… but you’re so hot… What’s happening to me?”

  I knew what was happening to me now. I had to have her. I pulled her in for another kiss. Hell, this had worked often enough with other girls. I was used to women throwing themselves at me, vying for my attention, wanting to be with me. Wanting me. Usually those were girls who were definitely gay, but why shouldn't it work with a straight girl?

  That just made the challenge all the hotter!

  This time I was more insistent. This wasn't just a simple brushing of the lips that I was interested in. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips into hers, my hand wrapping around the back of her head and pulling her into me. She let out a sigh as her lips parted, and then our tongues were swirling around one another.

  Melanie tasted like nothing I'd ever had before. Her kiss was soft, almost hesitant, nothing like some girls I'd been with who took what they wanted. It was different, but it definitely felt good. And it also was getting a lot of attention between my legs!

  She tasted like a combination of some fruity chap stick and something else, I suppose the essence of her. Whatever it was, it had me feeling more lightheaded than even the best buzz I'd ever gotten when I was out drinking after a game.

  My other hand moved around and down to the small of her back. I pulled her against me. God, I could feel her body pressed against mine and couldn’t believe just how fucking hot this sexy and completely innocent girl next door was. I felt her tits press against mine, her flat stomach, and the gentle slope down to her pussy. I continued moving my hand down cupping her ass and pulling her against me as I grinded my pussy against her thigh.

  "Oh my God!" Melanie gasped as she reached down and rubbed between my legs.

  The moment her hand made contact I felt electricity jump through my body. The feel of her hand running up and down my pussy was intense, but what made it even hotter was the look of wide-eyed astonishment at what she was doing that faded to something else, desire?


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