Holiday Magic

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Holiday Magic Page 4

by Nikki Jefford

  “You really want to know?” Adrian asked.


  “You destroyed my magic shop, that’s what happened.”

  Lee tilted her head “What?”

  Adrian lifted his chin. “Yeah, you, Lee. You were onto me before everyone else. Followed me from the graveyard to my shop and pretended to be a customer. You even figured out I was the one making everyone’s magic backfire. I couldn’t have you running off to Raj, spoiling my fun.” Adrian lifted his hands in the air. “Old me, remember? I’m out of the avenging business.”

  “So Gray informed me,” Lee said rolling her eyes. At the moment she was more interested in hearing what had happened to that missing chunk of her memory than debating whether Adrian had gone legit or not.

  “It’s not something I’m proud of,” Adrian continued. “But you knew too much.”

  “That’s it?” Lee asked. “You didn’t want me tattling on you so you erased my memory and let me go on my merry way.”

  Adrian pursed his lips. “If it makes you feel any better you destroyed my shop first. Shattered fixtures and figurines. Broke out the front window, too. Cost me a bundle. I don’t know any spells for repairing broken glass.”

  Lee fought back a chuckle. These were her stolen memories they were talking about, and she wouldn’t give Adrian the satisfaction of a smile.

  “I imagine that made you angry.”

  Adrian straightened. “It did.”

  “What did you do after I broke out your window?”

  “I drove you home.”


  Adrian nodded his head. “Seriously. What? You sound disappointed. I suggested a tryst, but you weren’t interested. No, you were too in love with Raj.”

  Lee folded her arms slowly over her chest. “You didn’t try anything?”

  Adrian raised an eyebrow. “Even a warlock’s got his pride.”

  Lee looked Adrian over carefully. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Adrian repeated. “That’s it?”

  “Okay, I believe you, but I still think you’re a jackass.”

  Adrian snorted then began laughing. Soon Lee was laughing, too.

  Once Adrian regained his composure he smiled and asked, “Truce?”

  Lee shrugged “Why not? It’s Christmas.” And those cinnamon rolls looked way too good to pass up.

  “Thank you,” Adrian said. “For saving Gray’s life. It… means the world to me.” Adrian’s voice cracked the slightest. It was so quick, Lee nearly didn’t catch it.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “I’m beginning to think you’re the one who really saved it.”

  Maybe it was a trick of the eye, but Lee could have sworn she saw Adrian’s eyes moisten. He blinked before she had a chance to tell for sure.

  “Thank you,” Adrian said softly.


  Once everyone was up and the cinnamon rolls devoured—hey, calories didn’t count on Christmas—Raj, Lee, Adrian and Gray gathered round the tree.

  Gray was the first to rip into the package from Lee and Raj. Her face lit up as she removed the lid of the box and looked in. She squealed, lifting up a pair of flower print clogs a second later.

  “Oh my god! I love them!” Gray cried.

  Lee grinned. “I knew you would.”

  Raj reached over and squeezed her hand. She turned and smiled

  Adrian opened his package next… and promptly laughed.

  “What is it?” Gray asked.

  Adrian shook his head and lifted the first of the items, a pack of trick cards. “A box full of magic tricks.”

  Gray laughed. “Too perfect.”

  “You next,” Raj said to Lee, excitement in his voice. He launched himself off the couch and grabbed a small square box from under the tree.

  “Raj…” Lee said in a warning tone, her heart suddenly fluttering nervously.

  After assuring her he wouldn’t, he better not be proposing after all. He better not make her refuse him in front of Adrian and Gray—on Christmas! Lee loved him, but she wasn’t ready for marriage.

  “Just open it,” Raj said, setting the box in her lap.

  She made the first rip in the wrapping.

  Adrian and Gray leaned forward. They’d become awfully quiet all of a sudden.

  Unable to take the suspense any longer, Lee ripped the rest of the wrapping and pulled the lid off the box. Inside, she saw a vibrant purple stone smoothed into an oval that reflected the overhead lights. She pulled it out and let it dangle from a silver chain.

  “Raj, it’s gorgeous! What is it?” Lee looked up. “A luck amulet?”

  Raj’s grin split his face. “Better.”

  Lee waited. “Well?”

  “It’s sugilite. On its own it doesn’t do much, but with the right spell, the wearer of the stone can perform magic.”

  Lee’s jaw dropped. “Don’t mess with me, McKenna.”

  Raj chuckled. “It’s real. I found the stone; Adrian found the spell.”

  Lee looked from Raj to Adrian. Adrian grinned big as Raj.

  “It’s true. Go ahead, put it on and see for yourself.”

  Dare she dream?

  Lee lowered the stone by the chain into her palm and held it a moment, wishing with all her might for it to be true.

  “Allow me,” Raj said reaching out for the pendant.

  Lee handed it over and stood up. She turned around and lifted her hair over her head so Raj could fasten the pendant around her neck.

  Lee’s fingers twitched with excitement.

  “Well?” Adrian said, raising both eyebrows. “What are you going to try first?”

  “I know,” Gray said, clapping her hands together. “Get the Christmas music going.”

  Adrian scowled.

  It made Lee laugh. “No,” she said. “I’ve decided to have mercy on Adrian.”

  “Oh, did you?” Gray asked, sounding pleased. “Very good.”

  “Go on, Lee,” Raj said. “Whatever you want.”

  Lee twisted her lips, thinking back to the first time she turned invisible—to the rush of power she’d experienced through her entire body. Invisibility was advanced magic, not easily pulled off even by a seasoned witch.

  Raj had desperately wanted that power back when they were juniors at McKinley High.

  It had taken time and practice, but eventually Lee taught Raj how to erase himself.

  Imagine how much easier it would be to sneak inside Raj’s dorm room at night if she could go Invisa-Girl? Imagine sneaking him a kiss right now without anyone knowing?

  Lee smiled to herself and closed her eyes. She envisioned herself dissolving like a drawing on an Etch A Sketch shaken from the screen. She visualized herself pixelating into tiny fragments and fading from sight. Over and over again, she saw herself disappear.

  The room around seemed to buzz.

  Lee felt her body hum with energy, most strongly below her throat where the stone rested.

  It was as though she turned to static.

  “She’s gone,” Adrian said.

  Lee opened her eyes. Everyone looked around the room. They stared right through her.

  Could it be?

  “Oh my god. She teleported.” Gray covered her mouth.

  Raj stood up, green eyes shining. “I think she’s right where she was a moment ago.”

  He took tentative steps to where Lee stood. Raj couldn’t see it, but she had a huge grin over her lips.

  “Lee?” he asked quietly.

  He cocked his head to the side, looking unsure. But he’d done it! Raj had given Lee her powers back.

  Lee grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him to her. Adrian and Gray had been all kissy since they got there. Well, it was her turn.

  “I love you, Raj McKenna” Lee said loud and clear.

  She kissed him on the lips. Hard.

  They might not be able to see her, but everyone could hear, and declaring her love felt better than any gift she could possibly give Raj.
br />   He kissed her back. Their lips devouring one another’s hungrily.

  “Get a room already,” Gray said, laughing. “Just because we can’t see you doesn’t mean we can’t hear.”

  Lee filled herself in and looked over her shoulder at Gray. “Better?”

  Lee didn’t’ wait for her duplicate’s answer. She turned her attention immediately back to Raj. He gazed into her eyes, his lips swollen like hers from a night of kissing all over Paris.

  “I love you,” Lee repeated.

  Raj touched his forehead to hers. “I love you more.”

  From behind her shoulder, Lee heard Adrian tell Gray he loved her. He could say whatever he wanted. This moment was for Lee and Raj.

  Gray jumped up and rushed to the kitchen. “This calls for a toast.” She dove into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of champagne and orange juice. “Adrian, get over here and help me.”

  Adrian smirked. “Yes, dear.”

  With his help, they had four bubbling mimosas in no time. Gray handed one to Lee as Adrian handed one to Raj.

  “A toast to the return of Lee’s powers, and spending the holidays together in Paris,” Gray said, raising her glass.

  Raj held out his flute. “To love.”

  “To redemption and forgiveness,” Adrian said, glancing from Gray to Lee with a warm smile.

  Lee lifted her glass, highest of all. “To the most magical holiday ever.”


  Wishing you good health, happiness, peace, love and joy.

  And magic. Always.

  - Nikki and the Spellbound Gang

  "It's like Buffy on steroids." - Benjaminoftomes, YouTube

  My blood is toxic to vampires . . .

  If there's one thing I want, it's go get off this iceberg. I'm thinking college on the east coast. ANYWHERE besides Alaska.

  Then a near-fatal car wreck changes everything. Government agents jump in and save my life in exchange for my services as a vampire hunter. Did they just say vampires? Yep. And they're not the kind that sparkle. They're rabid, disgusting, rude . . . and way too suave. Those are the ones I really have to watch out for.

  A knife isn't my only weapon. My rare blood type sends vampires into temporary paralysis right before I have to finish the job by hand. Basically I'm a glorified chew toy.

  Now I'm stuck with an overzealous partner, a group of suck junkies, and a maddening attraction to Mr. Joe Cool, dresses all in black, Fane Donado. I don't know if I want to punch him or kiss him, but clearly he's keeping secrets of his own.

  The old Aurora is gone forever. Destroyed in the wreckage. I don’t know who I am anymore, only that I suddenly have intense cravings and a V.I.P. pass into Alaska’s underworld.

  If vampires found out who I worked for it would be lights out forever. In the meantime, I have some undead ass to kick so long as it doesn't kick mine first.

  About the Author

  Nikki Jefford is a third generation Alaskan, now living in the Pacific Northwest with her French husband and their Westie, Cosmo. Books, travel, TV series, hiking, writing and motorcycle riding are her favorite escapes. She enjoys meeting people from all walks of life, from around the globe.

  To receive a free story, be entered in exclusive giveaways, and find out book news from Nikki before the general public, you can join her mailing list by signing up here.

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  Thank You to the diehards who stuck with the Spellbound Trilogy through death and resurrection; chaos and duplication; and love against all odds. It gives me a case of the holly jollies knowing there are readers out there who enjoy a little something out of the ordinary. Don’t ever change.




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