Jade Dragon (Action Girl Thrillers)

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Jade Dragon (Action Girl Thrillers) Page 16

by A. D. Phillips

  Thorne took point. He ducked behind lampposts and parked cars as he closed in on the apartment building. The two uniformed officers followed his lead, treading almost exactly the same path. A dog barked further down the street. Lakeysia turned to face the unseen animal, but the sidewalks were quiet. The barking continued for a few seconds then abruptly stopped. Lakeysia thought she heard a squeal of pain, but couldn’t be sure.

  “Lieutenant,” she said. “We should cover the street, in case she doubles back and makes a pass at us. That’s how this sicko’s mind works. She uses Iris Vega as bait, then reels in the big fish.”

  As usual, Thorne thought he knew best. “Symons, we have the element of surprise, so let’s use it. Four’s better than two. Get a move on.”

  Lakeysia stayed put. “Lenora knows we’re onto her ass by now. This girl ain’t stupid. I’m telling you. She’s waiting to make her move. Whether she’s in that fleapit or on the streets I don’t know, but she’s waiting. I say we put one team of two out front, one round the back, sit tight, and call in reinforcements.”

  “And what about Miss Vega? Does she factor into your plan? She could be bleeding to death in there!”

  “I had Frances make a few calls, but nobody picked up. Which means she’s lucky enough not to have been home when her old pal visited, or she’s dead. My money’s on answer B.” Lakeysia dismissed Thorne’s concerns without putting much thought into it. Her attention was on the road.

  “Fine!” yelled the Lieutenant. “You stay here and play street sweeper. That’s what you want, you got it.”

  Thorne led the uniformed officers into the apartment building. Unlike Lakeysia, the two patrolmen didn’t have the guts to stand up to the Lieutenant, and they obeyed his orders without question. Lakeysia climbed the front steps and backed slowly against the wall. From there, she had a good view of the crossroads and the street beyond the northern hill. Whichever direction the killer came from, she wouldn’t be able to use San Francisco’s geography to mask her approach.

  When the murderous biker struck, her attack was brutal and swift. The killer rode out from behind a truck, and switched on her motorcycle headlamp. Lakeysia shielded her eyes, blinded by the intense light. She aimed at the blurry figure in black. As Lakeysia squeezed the trigger, her muscles seized up, paralyzed by a tranquillizer dart. Jade had hit her in the wrist. It was a shot worthy of a world champion markswoman, taken from two hundred feet without the aid of a laser guide or scope.

  Jade turned off her motorcycle headlight and accelerated towards Paradise Grove, swerving from side to side. She kept to the shadows, forcing Lakeysia to determine her position by listening for the bike’s engine. Lakeysia fired three shots, missing every time. Her pistol weighed heavy in her hand, and she couldn’t hold on.

  Lakeysia fell to her knees as Jade rode up the steps, braked, and drew her katana. Summoning her strength, Lakeysia flung herself forward so her body got in the way of the killer’s sword swing. It was a bold move that saved her life. Instead of cutting off her head, Jade slashed Lakeysia’s waist. The serrated blade went under her bulletproof vest, cutting deep into her skin.

  The killer’s momentum carried her down the front steps. Thorne raced outside, the patrol officers close behind. While the Lieutenant dashed to Lakeysia’s side, the policemen fired at the fleeing motorcyclist. She rode with the headlight switched off, making her difficult to spot. Jade used the parked cars and vans to good advantage, turned a corner, and vanished from sight.

  “Officer down!” Thorne shouted into his radio. “Corner of Ellis and Hyde. Send an ambulance. Don’t quit on me, Symons. You hear me? Show me some fight! Someone find Kyle Travis. I want him right here, right now. Look at me! Symons!”

  Thorne applied pressure to Lakeysia’s wound, but he was only able to slow down the flow of blood, not stop it completely. The Lieutenant’s face faded among the streetlights as tiredness set in. Lakeysia heard sirens, but never saw the ambulance.

  Chapter Thirteen: The Red Haired Assassin

  Kyle woke up in the land of the rising sun. A new day had dawned, and the Earth’s yellow star shone through the paneled wall of Nicole’s dojo. His Oriental hostess lay beside him on the karate mat, her naked body gleaming like gold in the morning light. Before Kyle opened his eyes, he was afraid his romantic evening would turn out to be a wild dream. As it happened, their date was indeed a fantasy, but one they both experienced.

  Nicole was already awake. She leaned on her elbow, and rubbed her knee against Kyle’s chest. “So, how do I rate next to the others?” she asked.

  “Others? You think there’s anybody else besides you?” Kyle scratched his neck. One patch below his ear felt sore. Something must have bitten him during the night.

  He yawned, stretching his arms and legs. Nicole grabbed Kyle’s wrists, rolled on top of him, and pinned him to the mat. He hadn’t yet come round from his rest, and wasn’t strong enough to fend off the girl’s advances.

  “A man as handsome as you must have a few conquests under his belt,” Nicole said, kissing Kyle’s chest.

  “The same goes for you too, I imagine.”

  Kyle flinched as Nicole’s lips touched his bruise, the spot where she’d kicked him the evening before. He grappled with her, but she held him down with ease.

  “Games are all about competition, Kyle,” said Nicole, tightening her grip. “I like to finish on top.”

  “That doesn’t bother me. So long as we’re on the same team.”

  Nicole kissed Kyle one more time, and rolled onto her back. She lifted her legs, bending them backwards so her toes touched her chin. “Aren’t you supposed to be working?” she asked.

  “My assignment’s to watch you.”

  Kyle checked his cellphone messages. The Lieutenant had phoned three times, but Kyle had switched on silent mode so he and Nicole wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “Best see what the boss wants.” Kyle dialed Thorne’s number and waited for him to pick up. “Travis. What’s up, Lieutenant?”

  “Your partner’s in intensive care. That’s what’s up. If you answered your phone, you’d already know.”

  Thorne shouted so loud Nicole overheard him. Kyle motioned her to keep quiet. He didn’t want his boss jumping to conclusions.

  “Lakeysia? Is she all right?” Kyle got dressed as quickly as he could.

  “Your lady killer sliced open her stomach. Hit and run. She also made space for two more in the morgue while you were busy bedding Miss Tasoto. The victims were Hannah Davies and Iris Vega, born Levier. Pass on my condolences to your girlfriend.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Kyle said. “Nicole asked me to keep an eye on her.”

  “And she happened to be naked at the time?” said Thorne, unimpressed. “If by some chance you do care about your partner, Symons is over at Adamson General. Ward nineteen F. The doctors told me she’d live, but they didn’t have a definite answer on how long.”

  Kyle snapped his cellphone closed. “She got to Lakeysia,” he said, securing his holster. “I wasn’t there for her, and I should have been.”

  “You were protecting me, making sure I was safe.”

  Nicole stepped closer, but Kyle gave her the cold shoulder, threw on his suit, and left the dojo. The girl put on her kimono and chased after him, sash trailing along the garden. “I thought you weren’t on good terms,” she said.

  “Lakeysia’s my partner. She may be a pain in the ass, but she’s still a good cop.”

  Nicole ran in front of Kyle. “Why are you avoiding me? This is not just about Lakeysia. Is it? Answer me!”

  Kyle had to break the bad news sooner or later. He decided to get it over with. “Your old friends, Hannah and Iris. They were both killed last night. That leaves just you and Lenora. I’m afraid for you, Nicole.”

  “She murdered Hannah? Iris? Why?”

  “I don’t know.” Kyle consoled her with a hug. “I’m sorry. I have to get back to the station.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Ni
cole insisted. “Don’t say it! You were about to tell me it’s too dangerous.”

  “No, I think it’s a great idea for you to tag along. That way I can keep my eye on you, and you can help me catch the bitch who did this.”


  Kyle and Nicole watched doctors perform emergency surgery through an observation window. The operating gurney was obscured behind a mass of intravenous tubes, drip stands and monitoring equipment. Lakeysia’s chest was stitched and bandaged, and there were resuscitation pads on standby in case she flat lined. She was in critical condition and on a respirator, but for now her vital signs remained stable. The medical personnel at Adamson General Hospital were among the best in the world, but Kyle feared Lakeysia was beyond help.

  “I’m going to find Lenora,” Kyle vowed, pressing his hands against the window. “Then I’m going to look into her eyes and blow her brains out. Let her try and stop bullets with that fancy sword of hers. I promise you, Lakeysia. That bitch will suffer.”

  Nicole hugged Kyle from behind. In the glass, he saw the reflection of a caring woman. Kyle couldn’t complain. She’d put aside her dislike for Lakeysia and accompanied him to the hospital to offer her get well wishes. He just wished the girl had chosen a different outfit. Nicole’s black suit, trousers and gloves were nice enough… for something one would wear at a funeral service.

  “I appreciate you staying at my house last night,” Nicole said. “It’s good to know there’s a man out there prepared to risk his life for me. I realize you’re upset about Lakeysia, but there’s no guarantee you could have done anything. Maybe you’d have been the one Lenora put in hospital.”

  “And maybe not. Maybe we’d have the bitch in custody. Lakeysia called me, needed me, and I didn’t answer. I chose you over her, put your life before my partner’s. What does that say about me?”

  Nicole rested her chin on Kyle’s shoulder, hugging him tighter. “That you’re a good man. Protect and serve. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?”

  “And go on a date? Does that make me a good man, Nicole?” Kyle swallowed his guilt, and focused on finding Lenora. “You’re the central link to the killings. I’d rather not ask you to do this, but…”

  “Ask me to do what? Me, Hannah and Iris were like sisters. The Cyber Maidens lived and worked together for over two years. Whatever I can do to help find Lenora, I will. If you’re worried about me looking at dead bodies, it’s nothing new to me. Maybe a week ago, but not any more. I’ve seen what she’s capable of, up close. What do you need?”

  Nicole had already proved she could handle herself. Kyle stopped patronizing the girl and treated her as his equal. “You know Lenora better than anyone,” he said. “She leaves clues with her victims, items related to your games. I’m not going to force you, but it would be helpful if you’d come down to the precinct, take a look at what we found, tell us if it means anything. This woman’s clever, tough and resourceful, but so are you.”

  Nicole watched Lakeysia’s air pump rise and fall. “Even great criminals make one mistake, but she’s used up her quota. Lenora won’t fail a second time. Sure you want to get close to me, Kyle?”

  Kyle answered Nicole with a kiss. “Positive. You’re my new partner now. If Lenora wants you, she’ll have to go through me.”


  Doctor Matthews stood between two open freezer units. The bodies of the most recent victims lay on steel slabs, covered with white sheets. Kyle didn’t know which Cyber Maiden was on the right, nor did he care. All that mattered were the group members still alive: the red headed assassin he wanted to kill, and the Japanese girl he’d sworn to protect. Kyle felt uncomfortable bringing Nicole to the morgue instead of questioning her upstairs. Showing her photographs of the dead girls would have sufficed, but she was adamant on seeing her former colleagues one last time. Despite Kyle’s reservations, Nicole was perfectly entitled to say goodbye to her friends.

  “It won’t be a pretty sight,” Matthews warned her. “Relatives have identified the two bodies. This isn’t something you have to do.”

  Nicole wiped frost from her face. “Can we please get on with it?”

  Kyle clasped her hand as Matthews drew the sheet back. Nicole dragged Kyle towards the first victim’s slab, clinging on tight. They paid their last respects together, heads bowed.

  “Yes. That’s Hannah,” Nicole said. “How did she die?”

  “You can see the blue marks around her mouth.” Matthews pointed to the girl’s stained lips. “They’re the result of poisoning.”

  Not wanting him to go into all the gruesome details, Kyle gave Nicole the short version. “It was quick. She didn’t suffer,” he lied. “Doctor, could you show Nicole the headpiece?”

  Matthews removed the bagged plastic tiara from a cabinet drawer. “We don’t believe this belonged to the victim. It’s inconsistent with the other clothes Miss Davies was wearing last night.”

  “Hannah took pride in her appearance,” Nicole recalled fondly. “She’d never wear anything that cheap. Lenora planted that thing. It’s a tiara, like the one worn by Princess Astra. Another of our game characters. She was an extraterrestrial superheroine immune to radiation, disease, and…” Nicole paused to sniffle. “And poisons. Lenora’s basing her murders around our videogames. Astra was the central protagonist of Beyond the Universe. It was Hannah’s favorite game, until she grew tired of them. What about Iris? Did the killer leave anything with her?”

  Before Kyle or Matthews could stop her, Nicole lifted the second cover, exposing Iris’ face and upper body. The corpse told the whole story: swollen wrists, torture marks, branded initials, pale face, open mouth.

  “The killer tortured Miss Vega before suffocating her with cellophane.” Matthews relayed the information in a morbid, matter of fact tone. “Those markings you see were burned onto her skin while she was still alive. We have no idea what the letters stand for.”

  “Eve Niagra.” Nicole coughed, covering her mouth. She looked like she was about to throw up. “Bathroom?”

  “Upstairs,” said Matthews. “On the right side.”

  Nicole left clutching her stomach. Matthews covered up the bodies of Hannah and Iris, and pushed the slabs back into their storage units. “Young, innocent, female,” he muttered. “I’ve seen too many girls like these brought into the morgue. There’s always an orphaned parent to comfort, or a devastated friend. The body train never stops.”

  “Another young woman’s coming your way,” Kyle told him, “except this one’s not so innocent. I won’t be sad to see her body on a slab.”

  Kyle’s mobile phone rang. The caller wasn’t in his address book, and he didn’t recognize the person’s number. He left the morgue, answering with his standard greeting. “Detective Kyle Travis, Homicide.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself last night, Detective?” the killer asked. “You were so absorbed in having sex with that geisha girl you didn’t see me outside. But I saw you and Nicole. Was her karate mat comfortable? Which did you like the taste of most, her sushi or her nipples?”

  “Bullshit!” yelled Kyle. “You weren’t there.” He looked round, fearing the psycho was planning a surprise attack. Then he realized he was still in the police station.

  “You’re a risk taker, aren’t you? Was it worth sacrificing your partner to spend the night in a Japanese whore’s dojo? I considered sending my kinky snapshots to the press, but I thought your Lieutenant would want to see them first. Will he appreciate you chasing Nicole instead of me? I’ll see you soon, when I show up to put a bullet in your girlfriend’s brain.” Jade chuckled then continued, “Or would you rather I kill your boss instead? That way, you can keep your little affair secret. What’s the matter? Can’t decide? I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

  The killer hung up. Suddenly the station didn’t feel so secure. Kyle drew his weapon and ran down the corridor. “Nicole!” he shouted, banging on the women’s restroom door. There was no answer. “You in there? Nicole!”

  A female s
hadow fell across the wall. Someone was coming downstairs. Kyle crouched behind a vending machine, waiting in silence as the woman approached. The girl walked into view. It was Kari, the doctor’s assistant. She gasped in horror, staring at Kyle’s gun.

  “Have you seen Nicole?” he asked her. “The Japanese woman! Toshigi Tasoto’s daughter. Have you seen her?”

  Kari backed off, shaking her head.

  “Stay inside,” Kyle instructed her.

  He holstered his weapon, and ran up the steps. Kyle checked the lobby and waiting rooms, but there was no sign of Nicole anywhere. Then he remembered the killer’s final words.

  “Thorne,” he said in realization.

  Kyle sprinted to the elevator, but the doors closed before he reached them. He banged the call button in frustration, and took the stairwell instead. Kyle leapt up two steps at a time, ran past the Homicide desks, and entered Thorne’s office unannounced. The Lieutenant was very much alive. And alone.

  “Nicole! Where is she?” Kyle was anxious for her safety.

  “Last time I saw Miss Tasoto, she was with you.” Thorne indicated an open manila envelope on his desk. There were no postmarks, only a single typed name: Lt. Thorne. The envelope was open, and explicit photographs of Kyle and Nicole stacked on top.

  “Lieutenant, I can explain,” Kyle said defensively, “but right now—”

  Thorne banged his fist down on the envelope. “In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a serial killer on the loose,” he bellowed, signaling a detective outside to close the door. “And people want to know what I’m doing about it, whether or not we’re any closer to catching this psychopath. Should I tell them one of my lead detectives was out pursuing his own leads? Don’t you think Miss Tasoto’s a little too young for you?”

  “The killer sent those photos. She called me, threatened Nicole. Threatened you too, sir. She wants to drive a wedge between us. This is all a game to her.”


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