by Len Kasten
About a year later, when Delicado saw a picture of Ship Rock in northwestern New Mexico, she recognized it as the mountain she had been shown. In 1991 at a UFO conference in Tucson, Arizona, she found out that the Hopi Indians were interested in extraterrestrials, and that they lived near Ship Rock. She had an immediate inner realization that it was important for her go there, but that the time was not yet right. It wasn’t until twelve years later, in 2003, that she came to believe that the time had come, and she felt compelled to take the trip. With a friend, she flew to Phoenix, rented a car, drove across the desert to Ship Rock, and was astounded to see that it was exactly as she remembered it from her space adventure. When they then drove back through the Hopi Reservation and she met some of the Hopi, long-buried memories and recognitions tumbled into her mind.
When she returned home, Delicado was now motivated to get some answers, so she scoured the Internet for information about the Hopi. She was incredulous as she learned that the Hopi mythology about the human journey through the four worlds, as well as the Blue Star end-times prophecy, was exactly the same as the information given to her by the aliens fifteen years before! She was brought to tears as the comprehension dawned on her that her life was somehow intertwined with the Hopi and that she had some sort of role to play in the unfolding drama. She returned to the Hopi Reservation alone the following year and had a rare encounter with one of the Hopi elders, who reacted with great surprise to the depth of her knowledge about the prophecies. He was more surprised when she unfolded a piece of paper she had kept since her abduction and read off some Hopi words given to her by the ETs. Then it was her turn to be surprised when he told her that he saw her surrounded by tall, blonde aliens!
Delicado believes that she was moved to go to the Four Corners in 2003 because the end times are fast approaching. The Hopi claim that the Mayans were the descendants of a Hopi tribe that migrated south during the period of their ancient migrations and decided to remain in the Yucatán. If it is true that the two cultures sprang from a common origin, then it seems reasonable to conclude that they both have pieces of the same puzzle and that the two prophecies are tied together. This means that we shouldn’t be too surprised if a blue star appears in the heavens on December 21, 2012, and the Blue Star Kachina dances at Oraibi and removes his mask!
Eisenhower Briefing Document
Below is a copy of the original “Eisenhower Briefing Document” sent anonymously to movie producer Jaime Shandera in December 1984 in a package with an Albuquerque, New Mexico, postmark. This document is reproduced from Top Secret/Majic by permission of author Stanton T. Friedman.
*1. Adamski later learned that the spaceman’s name was Orthon.
*2. Plaster casts of the footprints were taken immediately after the event.
*3. Letter reproduced from the Adamski Foundation, “The Landing,” Pilot (accessed July 14, 2010).
*4. Colonel Stevens died on September 7, 2010, at the age of eighty-seven. He was universally regarded as one of the most important UFO/ET researcher-writers in the world.
*5. Project Camelot mission statement: “To provide researchers, activists and ‘whistleblowers’ with access to all forms of media in order to get the truth out.”
†6. For the complete quote, see the introduction.
*7. Remote viewing, or RV, is the ability to tap in to the “hyperconscious” in a controlled manner and to bring back specific information about a “target” anywhere on or off the planet. RV was discovered and developed by Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ at the Stanford Research Institute in the early 1970s. Several RV programs have been funded by the military and the CIA over the years right up to the present. These programs, although secret, have been credited with high success rates by insiders.
*8. This chapter was written before Mack’s death in 2004.
†9. Mack won a Pulitzer Prize in Biography in 1977 for A Prince of Our Disorder, a study of the life of T. E. Lawrence, famously known as Lawrence of Arabia.
*10. The book was later released coauthored with Linda Marcel and Stanton T. Friedman as The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site.
*11. For complete information see Dr. Boylan’s website,
*12. A highly regarded metaphysical website:
†13. Now out of print.
*14. Howe’s other books include An Alien Harvest (1989); Facts and Eyewitnesses, volume 1 of Glimpses of Other Realities (1994); and Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles (2nd edition, 2000).
*15. See chapter 7 for confirmation of this fact.
*16. This date for the second crash discovery conflicts with information given to Stanton Friedman by Gerald Anderson and reported in Crash at Corona. Anderson, who passed a polygraph test, says he and others discovered the crashed Datil disc in early July 1947.
*17. This information conflicts with the interview given by Gerald Anderson and reported in Crash at Corona. Anderson claimed that the live alien was found at the Datil site. This agrees with the fact that none of the witnesses in Roswell reported seeing a live alien.
*18. Laurance Rockefeller became interested in UFOs in 1993 and pushed for disclosure by the Clinton White House. He sought to make the Roswell files public, which resulted in the Government Accounting Office (GAO) probe of the files in 1994. Interestingly, it was Rockefeller who funded the research for Passport to the Cosmos by Dr. John Mack (see chapter 3). Laurance Rockefeller died in 2004.
*19. For complete information about the 2003 looting, see National_Museum_of_Iraq.
*20. See the appendix for the complete document.
*21. Strangely, the fact that a fifth EBE was found alive near the crashed disc as reported by Anonymous—the source of the Serpo revelations—has been omitted here. This is evidence of the belief in ufology circles that the president is never given complete information by MJ-12 and that some presidents after Eisenhower were given little or none. It is said that they do not have a security clearance high enough to get all the ultra-secret information. To have told Eisenhower about the fifth alien would have opened a discussion about Serpo, and evidently Eisenhower was not privileged to know about that. Neither was he informed, in this document, about the second Roswell-related crash retrieval at Datil.
*22. But see chapter 7 regarding Sagan’s involvement in Project Serpo. Evidently his public statements masked his top-secret government consulting work. It has been reported elsewhere that Sagan was threatened with loss of his status at Cornell University if he revealed what he knew.
*23. See chapter 18 for complete information about the Battelle Institute.
*24. One of the UFOs that appeared over Gulf Breeze, Florida, in November 1987 projected a blue beam that paralyzed and rendered unconscious building contractor Ed Walters.
*25. For more information on the life and work of T. Townsend Brown, see chapter 13.
*26. See chapter 13 for LaViolette’s work in antigravity propulsion.
*27. This subject was later further explained and enhanced in 1973 in the book Pyramid Power: The Millenium Science by Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan, which sold about 1.5 million copies.
*28. For a comprehensive treatment of the scientific possibilities of time travel, see this web page:
*29. Robert Healey oral history statement, Eisenhower Presidential Center, Abilene, Kansas.
*30. For more on her story, see Delicado’s book, Blue Star: Fulfilling Prophecy.
Recommended Reading
Adamski, George. Inside the Space Ships. Vista, Calif.: George Adamski Foundation, 1955.
______. Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery. New York: Warner Books, 1974.
Adamski, George, and Des
mond Leslie. Flying Saucers Have Landed. London: Werner Laurie, 1953.
Bennett, Colin. Looking for Orthon. New York: Paraview Press, 2001.
Edwards, Frank. Flying Saucers—Serious Business. 1st ed. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1966
Menger, Howard. From Outer Space to You. Clarksburg, W.Va.: Saucerian Books, 1959.
Williamson, George Hunt. Other Tongues, Other Flesh. Amherst, Wis.: Amherst Press, 1953.
Williamson, George Hunt, and Timothy Green Beckley. Other Voices. Wilmington, Del.: Abelard Productions, Inc., 1995.
Calleman, Carl Johan. The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. Rochester, Vt.: Bear & Company, 2004.
Dolan, Richard M. UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941–1973. Cleveland, Ohio: Keyhole Publishing Co., 2000.
Fawcett, Lawrence, and Barry Greenwood. UFO Cover-up: What the Government Won’t Say. New York: Fireside Books, 1984.
Good, Timothy. Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up. New York: William Morrow (HarperCollins), 1988.
______. Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence. New York: Pegasus Books, 2007.
Hand Clow, Barbara. The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind. Rochester, Vt.: Bear & Company, 2007.
Moens, Alexander, Lenard J. Cohen, and Allen G. Sens. NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 2003.
Steiger, Brad. Project Blue Book. New York: Ballantine Books, 1976.
Warren, Larry, and Peter Robbins. Left at East Gate. New York: Cosimo, 2005.
Cannon, Dolores. The Custodians: Beyond Abduction. Illus. ed. Huntsville, Ark.: Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1998.
Fowler, Raymond E. The Watchers. New York: Bantam, 1990.
______. The Alagash Abductions. Orem, Utah: Granite Publishing, LLC, 2005.
Hopkins, Budd. Missing Time. New York: Richard Marek, 1981.
______. Intruders. New York: Random House, 1987.
Mack, John E. Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. New York: Scribners, 1994.
______. Passport to the Cosmos. New York: Three Rivers Press (Random House), 1999.
Pye, Lloyd. The Starchild Skull. Bell Lap Books Inc., 2007.
Royal, Lyssa. Visitors from Within: Extraterrestrial Encounters and Species Evolution. 2nd ed. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: Wildflower Press, 1999.
Strieber, Whitley. Communion: A True Story. New York: Beech Tree Books, 1987.
Walton, Travis. Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience; The Best Documented Case of Alien Abduction Ever Recorded. Emeryville, Calif.: Marlowe & Company (Avalon Publishing), 1996.
Carey, Thomas J., and Donald R. Schmitt. Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government’s Biggest Cover-up. Rev. and exp. ed. Pompton Plains, N.J.: New Page Books, 2009.
Corley, Linda G. For the Sake of My Country: An Intimate Conversation with Lt. Col. Jesse A. Marcel, Sr., May 5, 1981. Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2007.
Marcel, Jesse, Jr., Linda Marcel, and Stanton T. Friedman. The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site. Pompton Plains, N.J.: New Page Books: 2008.
Matthews, Rupert. Roswell: Uncovering the Secrets of Area 51 and the Fatal UFO Crash. London: Quercus, 2009.
Moore, William, and Charles Berlitz. The Roswell Incident. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1980.
Randle, Kevin D. The Roswell Encyclopedia. New York: Harper Paperbacks (HarperCollins), 2000.
Stringfield, Leonard. Situation Red: The UFO Siege. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1978.
Bolen, Jean Shinoda. The Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity and Self. Reprint ed. San Francisco: Harper, 1982.
Jung, Carl G. Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. Vol. 8. 1st Princeton/Bollingen paperback ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1973.
Nichols, Preston B., and Peter Moon. Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity. New York: Sky Books, 1993.
Progoff, Ira. Jung, Synchronicity, and Human Destiny. New York: Three Rivers Press (Random House), 1987.
Corso, Philip J., and William J. Birnes The Day After Roswell. New York: Pocket Books, 1997.
Howe, Linda Moulton. Alien Harvest. Self-published, 1989.
______. Glimpses of Other Realities, vol. 1: Facts and Eyewitnesses. Denver, Colo.: Linda Moulton Howe Productions, 1997.
______. Glimpses of Other Realities, vol. 2: High Strangeness. Reno, Nev.: Paper Chase Press, 1998.
Nichols, Preston B., and Peter Moon. Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs. New York: Sky Books, 1996.
Sparks, Jim. The Keepers. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: Wild Flower Press, 2008.
Morton, Ray. Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Making of Steven Spielberg’s Classic Film. New York: Applause Cinema and Theatre Books, 2007.
Andrews, Colin, and Pat Delgado. Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops Phenomenon. London: Guild, 1989.
______. Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1993.
Andrews, Colin, and Stephen J. Spignesi. Crop Circles: Signs of Contact. Pompton Plains, N.J.: New Page Books, 2003.
Lamb, Barbara, and Judith K. Moore. Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols. 1st ed. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Light Technology Publishing, 2001.
Pringle, Lucy. Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times. Illus. ed. London: Thorson’s, 2000.
______. Crop Circles: Art in the Landscape. London: Frances Lincoln, 2007.
Silva, Freddie. Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles. Newburyport, Mass.: Hampton Roads, 2002.
Thomas, Andy. Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and Why It Is Not a Hoax. Rev. ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Frog Books (North Atlantic), 2002.
Greer, Steven. Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge. Crozet. Va.: Crossing Point, 2006.
Harris, Paola. Exopolitics: How Does One Speak to a Ball of Light? Bloomington, Ind.: Author House, 2007.
Picknett, Lynn, and Clive Prince. The Stargate Conspiracy. New York: Berkeley Publishing, 1999.
Salla, Michael E. Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence. Tempe, Ariz.: Dandelion Books LLC, 2004.
______. Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: The Challenge of Exopolitics. Kealakekua, Hawaii: Exopolitics Institute, 2009.
Sitchin, Zecharia. The Stairway to Heaven. New York: HarperCollins, 1980.
Vallee, Jacques. Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception. San Antonio, Tex.: Anomalist Books, 2008.
______. Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact. San Antonio, Tex.: Anomalist Books, 2008.
Waeber, Rolf. An Overview of Extraterrestrial Races: Who Is Who in the Greatest Game of History. Bloomington, Ind.: Trafford Publishing (Print-On-Demand), 2006.
Webre, Alfred Lambremont. Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe. Seattle, Wash.: Universebooks (CreateSpace), 2005.
Bryant, Larry. UFO Politics at the White House: Citizens Rally ’Round Jimmy Carter’s Promise. Lakeville, Minn.: Galde Press, 2005.
Chism, Gordon, and Richard M. Dolan. The Thinking Person’s UFO Book. Seattle, Wash.: Booksurge Publishing (CreateSpace), 2009.