The Devine Babysitter

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The Devine Babysitter Page 13

by Ramagos, Tonya

  "Cute," Joshua snarled dryly. But silently he had to admit the latter form of dessert sounded much more appealing. Oh no you don’t! "What are you looking for?"

  "A vase," Natalie answered, shutting one cabinet as she moved to the next. "Do you know where she keeps them?"

  "What in the world do you need a…" Joshua’s voice trailed off when he spotted the dozen red roses sitting carefully on top of the bag of groceries. "Natalie," he groaned. "Why did you buy those?"

  Spinning from the cabinets, Natalie flashed him a wicked ear-to-ear grin. "An elegant dinner deserves something to dress up the table, right?"

  "Teriyaki chicken is hardly elegant," Joshua countered, lifting one brow. "And I thought you weren’t reading too much into this evening. You know, especially since I asked you not to."

  "Hey, can’t blame a sister for trying." Natalie shrugged, but her eyes were sparkling with mischief. "Now where is a vase?"

  Joshua shook his head, knowing it was hopeless to argue with his headstrong sister. "I don’t know, but I’ll find one before she gets here, okay?"

  "Do you need some help making dinner?"

  "No, I think I can manage." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. "How much do I owe you?"

  "Umm…" Natalie plucked a one hundred dollar bill from his wallet. "That should do it."

  "Geez! What grocery store did you go to?" Joshua groused. Like he really cared about the money. He was teasing her more than anything, but it was so much fun. "I could’ve taken her out to dinner for less than that."

  "Yeah, to McDonalds, maybe." Natalie laughed, rolling her eyes. "Hey, I got the wine, too, remember? That stuff you insist on having is expensive. A dozen roses isn’t very cheap, either."

  "It also wasn’t on your list," Joshua reminded her. Natalie shrugged again and he laughed, shaking his head. "Thanks for your help, sis."

  "No problem. Anything for a blossoming relationship." Natalie’s lips arched upward in a quirky grin as she sauntered to the front door.

  Joshua groaned loudly. "Get out of here."

  Still laughing at his sister’s perkiness, Joshua shut the door behind her and wound his way through the apartment to the kitchen. Nine o’clock was still too early to begin cooking, but there were other preparations he could do before midnight. First on the list, find a vase for the roses Natalie had taken it upon herself to buy. When his search for a vase proved unsuccessful, he found a tall crystal glass that would suffice instead, and place the dozen roses in the center of the kitchen table. Then he dove into cleaning the rest of the apartment.

  By ten minutes to midnight, the apartment was spotless and filled with the aroma of teriyaki chicken and sautéed vegetables. The table was elegantly set for two with the dozen roses in the center and two tall candles on either side. The romantic effect hadn’t been intended, but had certainly been accomplished. Now all that was missing was the guest of honor. That missing piece, of course, was filled minutes later when Dominique strolled through the door.

  ~ * ~

  When Dominique rounded the corner, she first saw Joshua, leaning against the kitchen counter, then the table set for two. Her jaw dropping in surprise, she gasped. "What’s this?" She tossed her purse onto a nearby chair and walked toward him, gesturing toward the table.

  "A spirit pick-me-up." Joshua flashed her a breathtaking smile. "I know what a tough day you’ve had, and on the phone your night didn’t seem to be any better, so I thought I would attempt to make you forget your troubles for a few minutes."

  Turning to the table, she ran a finger down the petal of one of the roses. "Joshua, you shouldn’t have."

  And why did you? She wanted to ask but fought the urge. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had bought her a dozen roses. In fact, other than her father on her graduation day, she didn’t think she had ever gotten roses!

  "H--how did you get these? I had your truck."

  "Oh, a little fairy named Natalie," Joshua said. He took a few steps and pulled out a chair at the table for her. "Ready to eat?"

  Holding an objecting finger in the air, Dominique said, "Not yet. I have to kiss Kalvin goodnight first." In a flash, she had dashed to Kalvin’s bedroom, planted a kiss on his sleeping cheek and returned to the chair Joshua had pulled out for her.

  "I hope you like teriyaki chicken with sautéed vegetables," Joshua said, setting a plate on the table before her. Dominique really wasn’t much on the vegetables, but after all he had done, who was she to complain? He pulled the bottle of wine from the refrigerator and began pouring two glasses. "I know you usually only drink on Friday and Saturday nights, but I felt that tonight could be an exception."

  "Most definitely," Dominique purred, lifting the glass to take a huge gulp. "Wow! What kind of wine is that?"

  "Chardonnay. Do you like it?"

  "It’s fabulous! It’s so smooth, and not too tart," she said, taking another sip.

  Joshua lifted a shoulder as he sat across from her at the table with his own plate of food. "One must be careful what they try to drink with teriyaki chicken or the tastes will clash horribly."

  Reaching out, Dominique laid a hand on Joshua’s and squeezed gently. She wasn’t sure what had triggered the need to touch him, but the feel of his tight, large hand under hers sent her body through a realm of emotions.

  "Thank you for this." She smiled. Her voice came in almost a whisper. "You really didn’t have to go through all this trouble."

  "It was no trouble at all," Joshua insisted softly. Laying his free hand over hers, he angled his head toward her. "Question is, did I achieve the desired effect?"

  Dominique let out a slight laugh. "Yeah, I think you did."

  "That smile on your face is all the thanks I need."

  Dominique’s heart fluttered. She quickly looked away, her fantasy mind threatening to take all control. The insanity came rushing back. It was those damn green eyes! They taunted her, begging her to want him, daring her to try to fight against them. And as much as she hated to admit it, she did want him. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted a man in her life.

  Looking for a safe ground of concentration, she lifted the fork and wrapped her lips around a strip of the teriyaki chicken. The tenderness, the flavor of onions and peppers, the chicken, seemed to melt in her mouth.

  "Wow!" she groaned approvingly. "This is fantastic. I had no idea you were such a great cook."

  Joshua shrugged humbly, turning his attention on his own plate of food. "I can whip up a few tasty meals here and there."

  "Modesty rears its ugly head again." Dominique rolled her eyes.

  Joshua wrinkled his forehead. "What do you mean again?"

  She hesitated. Oops, the doorway has opened. Is now the time to tell him I know who he is--who his family is?

  Setting the fork carefully to the side, she propped her elbows on the table and laced her fingers together over her plate. "You’ve sure been modest about your financial situation."

  Joshua paused in mid-chew, casting her a glance that said, "I have no clue what you’re talking about." Clearing his throat, he repeated, "My financial situation?"

  "That you’re rich," Dominique said more simply. "That your family is one of the wealthiest in the South. That sort of stuff." She picked up her fork and returned to eating.

  "It’s not like I was hiding it or anything," Joshua said, jumping to his own defense. "I thought you knew. Up until the other night, at least," he admitted. "Hell, I thought everybody in this town knew. It’s not like we keep our financial standings a secret or anything. My father had done a lot for this city. He’s on the news practically every day for something or other."

  "I don’t watch the news. I didn’t know anything about you or your family except what you told me, and it’s not like you volunteered much information, either," Dominique countered. She glared at him. "Here I was under the impression that you were just a normal, everyday man, broke, still in college, and still living with your parents at the age of thi

  "In other words, you thought I was a worthless bum." Joshua scowled. "By the way, I’m not thirty yet. And I told you I didn’t live with my parents and that money didn’t mean a thing to me."

  "True, but you darted out of the conversation before telling me that the reason money means nothing to you is because you have more than you know what to do with."

  "Does that make any difference?" His penetrating stare nearly bore holes in her skull. "Does that make me any less qualified to babysit Kalvin?"

  Dominique stifled a laugh. "Joshua, other than being a student in child psychology and having five younger brothers and sisters, you have absolutely no qualifications for the job."

  "Then why did you hire me?" Joshua asked, his eyebrows arching up.

  Dominique froze. Her fork dangled in mid-air over her plate. Why had she hired him? She had been opposed to the idea from the start, agreeing to the interview only to soothe her own conscience. He had angered her only minutes after entering her apartment and yet she had still hired him. "Kalvin liked you," she finally said with a nonchalant shrug. At least that much was true.

  "I see." Amusement flashed in Joshua’s eyes. "And was that the only reason?"

  "Yes, it was," Dominique said in a matter of fact tone. "I found it important that Kalvin like his babysitter. After all, I knew he would be the one who would spend the most time with whomever I decided to hire."

  "Oh, you’re absolutely right." Joshua smirked. "Although your feelings about the person you hired were important, too. You had to be sure you were comfortable leaving your son with a stranger."

  She shifted in her chair. Was he prying for information?

  Dominique wasn’t sure where this conversation was heading, but her suspicions were making her insides tingle. She had attempted to ignore the romantic setting that had greeted her the instant she stepped through the door. He had wanted to do something nice for her, something to take her mind off the horrible day she had experienced. That was what he had said, anyway. Now, gazing at those bright green eyes glistening with amusement and intrigue behind the dim glow of the lit candles, she had to wonder if there was something more behind his thoughtfulness. A gush of heat pooled in the pit of her stomach at the possibility.

  Leaving the subject dangling in the air, Dominique fell into silence, devouring her teriyaki chicken and vegetables. She gulped down the last of her wine then rose from the table, taking her dishes to the sink.

  "I’ll get that," Joshua said.

  Twisting the knob on the hot water faucet, Dominique said, "You don’t have to. I’m just running water over them so they won’t be so difficult to clean later." As she waited for the water to cover the plate, she rotated her stiff neck.

  "You really should go to the hospital," Joshua said softly. He was behind her now, so close she could feel his body heat on her back. "You could have whiplash."

  "It’s just stress setting in from such a…" Dominique’s words trailed off when she felt his tight, strong hands gently grasp her shoulders, massaging her muscles. A sharp, hot, sweet sensation shot through her very core. It felt so good she had to lean against the counter to keep from melting at his feet. While her shoulders began to experience relief, a wetness began to pool between her legs at the realization of his closeness.

  ~ * ~

  Joshua didn’t know what came over him. It was as if someone else suddenly stepped in and took control of his body. Someone driven by pure sexual adrenaline with no intentions of fighting the growing feelings for the woman before him as he had been trying to do from the moment he had set eyes on her. Someone with full intentions of accepting the offer to stay that had been extended earlier in the week.

  Leaning forward a few inches, he lowered his head and breathed softly on Dominique’s bare neck. He felt her shiver beneath his fingers as they moved over her shoulders. When she didn’t move, he lowered his head further, brushing his lips against her soft, sweet-smelling skin. She whimpered softly. His blood surged. She arched her head to the side, exposing more area for him to kiss. His tongue wandered down her neck.

  The tightness of his jeans behind the zipper became painfully obvious. He wanted her. He wanted every inch of her. No more denying it, no more playing around, he wanted her right then and there. A sexual affair was unethical. But he suddenly realized it wasn’t an affair he wanted. It was everything that a sexual relationship brought along with it.

  Slowly, Dominique began to turn under his hands until they were face to face, his lips a mere inch from hers. The shock in her dark blue eyes mixed with that of pure, intense longing. It sent a surge of emotions through his body that he had never before experienced. There was an unspoken communication between them. One of complete sexual desire. Yet there was something more there, too, and if he didn’t know better, he would swear it was…love.

  Closing the gap between their lips, Joshua did what he had been wanting to do for so long. He kissed her and felt the electricity flare between them. His hand slid under her ponytail, bringing her face toward his. He felt her fingers dance on his sides just above the belt line until they met and laced together behind his back.

  The kiss was tender and sweet at first, but quickly escalated to a heated passion that nearly knocked him off his feet. Their lips parted beneath the kiss. Their tongues met stroke for stroke. It was all he could do to stop from throwing her on the floor, stripping off her clothes and taking her right then and there.

  But it wasn’t the way he wanted it. If he was going to go through with this, if he was going to allow himself to lose all control, he was going to take her slowly, easily, passionately. He was going to show her a night like she had never before experienced with any other man. When a soft moan escaped her throat, he felt his arousal stiffen even more. His resistance slipped further.

  He slid a trembling hand down the front of her blouse, pulled it from the confines of her shorts, and slipped under it. His fingers trailed up her tight, flat stomach to her breast. His other hand skimming to join the pleasure, he cupped her soft, plump breasts through the lacy bra and squeezed gently. She moaned, squirming against the countertop. The corners of his lips curved in a smile around her lips, still glued to his.

  Encouraged to continue, he pressed his arousal to her middle through their confining clothing and lifted her shirt. Her bra fastened in the front. Fumbling with the clasp, he freed her breasts and pushed the cups of the bra to the sides. Again, he cupped them in the palms of his hands.

  He fondled her nipples with his thumbs. The kiss intensified as she pressed her lips harder against his. Slowly, he pulled away from her, casting a glance at her deep blue eyes that were glassy with pleasure, before bowing his head to take one nipple in his mouth. With each circle he made with his tongue around her nipple, she moaned. With each moan that escaped her lips, his arousal throbbed, begging for escape behind his zipper.

  With one final circle of his tongue, he pulled away from her breasts, allowing her shirt to fall protectively over them, and kneeled further down. He slid one arm behind her back, the other behind her knees and lifted her off the floor.

  Startled, she gazed at him. She licked her swollen lips and laughed breathlessly. "What are you doing?"

  "I’m going to make love to you," Joshua whispered, leaving no room for argument. "I’m going to make love to you like I’ve wanted to do from the moment I laid eyes on you."

  "Wait!" Dominique shrilled when he began stepping away from the counter. Thinking she was objecting to his uncontrollable need for her, he prepared to set her feet back down on the floor.

  "The water in the sink is still running."


  As if he were carrying his bride over the threshhold, Joshua pushed open the door to Dominique’s bedroom, carried her through then kicked it shut. No words were spoken. There was no need. The silent sexual communication between them was enough. Somewhere deep inside, Dominique knew what was about to happen was wrong, but the setting--just the two of them finally in thei
r own intimate, private world--was too strong to ignore.

  Handling her as if she were a fragile flower, Joshua eased her down onto the bed, lowering himself on top of her. The warmth of his breath on her face as his lips neared hers sent a riot of delectable emotions sweeping through every fiber of her body. She became well aware of his arousal, strong and hard in his pants, as he pressed his lower body against hers.

  "I’ve wanted to do this for so long," Joshua whispered between kisses. "You’ve done something to me. I can’t explain it. I’ve wanted you from the moment you opened the door the day of the interview."

  Dominique tried to speak, but the feel of his tongue sliding down the side of her face to her neck erased any intelligent words she might have had. She could feel his insatiable hunger for her, taste his need for more than a simple kiss. And she wanted the same. Her body was hot with unsatisfied desire. The throbbing wetness between her legs intensified her yearning for him. She knew what he wanted, and she wanted the same. The thought that she could stop things before they went overboard never occurred to her. She was prepared to give herself to him completely--far more than she had ever allowed herself to give in her fantasies.

  Her hands traveled down the back of his shirt to his tight buttocks. She squeezed. He moaned, arching his hardness further to her middle. Spears of heat shot through her as his lips trailed down her neck, teasing the bustline of her shirt.

  "Touch me," she whispered, her tone begging and breathless. She didn’t feel the least bit guilty for how needy she sounded. "I want your hands on me. All of me."

  Her plea seemed to send him over the edge. Without a moment’s hesitation, he grabbed her hands, pulling her to a seated position under him, and lifted her uniform shirt over her head. Her bra still unfastened, she slid her arms out of the straps as he tossed her shirt aside. His hands returned to her, cupping her breasts, one in each hand. Bending his head, he took one round, pink nipple in his mouth, sucking it to its fullest peak. Dominique threw her head back, moaning in sheer pleasure. She laced her hands through his dark hair, silky and straight, folding her fingers around it and pulling, using it to take out her sexual frustration.


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