A Sanctuary for Elle

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A Sanctuary for Elle Page 7

by Anna Jane

  'Your dinner awaits, Princess,' he called out from the kitchen, unaware she had been watching him.

  Elle wondered over to the table and looked down at her waiting meal. She had been right, it looked amazing. Perfectly cooked and well presented. She sat down and picked up her fork, suddenly ravenous. One bite and she was melting. 'Mark, this is amazing. You can cook for me any time. It was almost worth breaking my arm. Almost.'

  'Surely a woman as beautiful as you has been cooked for many times before?' Mark said as he ate.

  Elle smiled at his compliment. 'I've been taken out for plenty of lovely meals Mark. But being cooked for at home? No, I haven't..not ever. Wow, can you believe it, I've just realised that you're the only one to ever cook for me.'

  'I'm honoured to be your first,' he smiled slyly at her over his dinner. Elle felt a blush creep up her neck so she lowered her gaze to her meal and started eating.

  They ate the rest of the meal in companionable silence. The spark was still coursing around them, their chemistry electric. Elle polished off every single bit on her plate as well as two large chunks of buttery bread. She sat back full and content, her stomach satisfied. 'Thanks, Mark. Yummy!' she smiled.

  'It a pleasure. Okay, now to get you comfortable. Its getting late. I'll be back in a minute.'

  And with that, Mark walked away and headed up the stairs once again leaving Elle stunned. What was he doing now? Would this man ever stop surprising her?

  He came back a few minutes later. Elle was just putting the dishes into the sink.

  'Don't do that Elle. I'm on duty tonight. You're meant to be letting me take care of you.'

  'I'm not an invalid you know Mark. Its just a broken arm.'

  'Yes, but you broke it only a matter of hours ago and you need to get used to doing everything one-handed. Something you can let me help you with for one measly night. Okay?'


  'Right, well I just need one more thing,' and he started opening and then banging cupboard doors in search of who knows what. He kept on this way for a good minute before coming up triumphant.'Aha! Here we go!' He was holding a roll of cling film. What was he planning on doing with that?

  'Upstairs Missy. You're having a bath.' Mark headed up the stairs.

  'Mark! Now hang on! I am not having a bath with your help. No way. Just cos we, well, you know, doesn't mean you just have the green light to see me naked any time you choose.' Elle scampered up the stairs behind him protesting all the way.

  At the top he turned to her. 'Elle, I hate to dampen your wild fantasies but I had no intention of seeing you naked. I have run you a bath, I plan to cover your cast in cling film to prevent any splashes of water on it and then leave you to it. If that's not okay then I'm confused.'

  Elle felt embarrassed. What a fool to have thought he was trying to see her naked. She cringed inwardly and muttered an apology. Standing on the hallway, Mark wrapped reams of cling film around her cast and then checked the temperature of the bath.

  'All ready then, Elle. You'll be okay?'

  'Yes. Thank you Mark. And sorry. For, you know.'

  'Stop apologising. It's fine. Now have your bath. Shout if you need anything.'

  'Okay, will do.'

  He left her then, striding down the stair in easy steps.

  Elle went to her bedroom and suddenly realised that undressing herself would be her first challenge. She eased her t shirt over her head and gently over past her cast. She reached one hand around to unclasp her bra. It took about five tries to undo the clasp and she felt pleased when she finally managed it. Her jeans were tight fitting and it was difficult to undo the button one handed. She managed eventually and huffed and puffed until she managed to scrabble out of them. She pulled her knickers down and threw them in the laundry basket before grabbing her towelling robe and holding it across herself as she tiptoed to the bathroom.

  Elle had a long, relaxing soak in the bath. At one point Mark walked up the stairs and called to her in the bathroom to check she was okay. When she assured him she was, he went downstairs again. When the water cooled, Elle gave herself a quick soap down, leaving her hair dry and climbed out. She eased herself into the towelling robe, thankful it was two sizes too big. The cast was big and cumbersome and proved a pain to deal with.

  As Elle dried herself and got into her pyjamas slowly she thought again of the man downstairs. She wanted to sit and have that talk, find out about the man she knew so little of. He seemed so decent, so nice and yet the things she had heard about him being so ruthless seemed out of character. She would make it her business to find out the truth.

  Elle gave her hair a brush and then wandered down the stairs. Mark was watching the television and sipping from a mug. He didn't look her way as she entered the room but said, 'I made hot chocolate for you.'

  Elle sat on the other sofa. 'Thanks. I love hot chocolate.' She turned to the news program he was watching and settled herself more comfortably.

  Mark turned to check on Elle and found himself staring. She had settled onto the sofa and looked at ease. She wore cotton pyjamas consisting of white trousers covered in blue flowers and a white t-shirt which clung to her like a second skin, pressing against her bra-less breasts in a tantalising fashion. Mark's gaze became riveted on her breasts, he couldn't help but look at the pebbled nipples which stood out proudly against the flimsy t-shirt. He reluctantly lifted his gaze but then looked at her face. She wore no make-up, her face completely uncovered and yet she was beautiful. Her skin was creamy and pure, her eyes naturally framed by dark, long lashes and pink soft mouth, just waiting to be kissed.

  Elle glanced over as she felt his eyes on her. She met his eyes and found his dark with desire. He quickly masked his feelings with a smile but she had seen it there, waiting patiently. She almost squirmed under his gaze, suddenly feeling very much uncovered in her simple pyjamas.

  'So, how's the arm feeling?' he asked, grinning at her.

  'Fine thanks. A little achy but I guess that's to be expected!' Elle found herself losing her train of thought as she looked into his velvet eyes. He was so incredibly handsome she sometimes felt wonder at the fact he seemed to like her so much. They may be things they needed to discuss but she was beginning to think that there may be no chance to avoid this chemistry that circulated around them.

  'Keep taking your painkillers and it'll be fine in a few days, just a little cumbersome. Those casts become a little annoying after a while.' He clearly knew from experience.

  Elle picked up her mug of hot chocolate and held it cradled in her hands. It warmed her cold fingers and sipped it and groaned. 'Oh Mark, this is heaven,' she said and rolled her eyes.

  Mark felt his groin tighten in arousal as she groaned at the delicious hot chocolate. They sound she emitted threw him back to their sexual encounters where they had shared intimate experiences and the noises she had made as he pleasured her. He squirmed in his seat and picked up his own mug to distract him from her allure.

  He was desperate for a change of subject to move his mind from his lurid thoughts so he steered their conversation back to The Sanctuary.

  'You never did tell me what you were doing today? How it was that you came to fall?'

  Elle looked up from her mug, eyes wide and bright. 'I was making plans, seeing what shape the place is in.

  'Am I allowed to ask your plans? Not for business purposes, by the way.' Mark was curious, even though he no longer intended to try and buy the hotel from her-not that she knew that yet.

  Elle looked at him suspiciously. She didn't know that his motives truly were but she saw no harm in trying to explain her vision to him.

  'I don't know how much you know about my past, Mark. Don't know what you were told by my Grandmother or from research I'm sure your firm has done? But. Well. The thing is, The Sanctuary was my home. When I lost my parents I was suddenly alone in the world. I didn't have anyone left, except my Grandmother. I called her Nen when I was very small, it stuck and she liked having a specia
l name. Anyway, Nen took me in and brought me to The Sanctuary. Back in those days, The Sanctuary was a hugely popular and busy place. It was friendly and warm and people loved it. It's in a great location and Nen had a great staff who knew how to run a business well. Nen lived on the top floor, it was a converted attic space which she had redesigned for living quarters. I remember when I first got there, we climbed what seemed like a million stairs until we got to this hideaway home. I imagined myself to be a princess living in the top of a mystical tower and in some ways I was. Nen took me in and made me a home there too. We lived together, played and talked together, learned about each others likes ans dislikes and even slept together at first. I was such a lost little girl. I needed all the comfort I could get and she gave it to me in spades. She made me feel wanted and loved and also useful. She got me involved in the running of the hotel and over the years I could turn my hand to every single job going in the place. When the hotel grew so successful she had enough money, Nen had the two houses built which stand today. We moved into our own little house and in time she sold the other house to her closest friends. We still kept our hideaway attic as office space and I used to go up there every now and then to think and dream. When you found me today, I had been up there reminiscing. I was thinking about Nen, missing her really. She was such a vibrant, sparkling woman. She made me happy. She gave me someone to care for, someone to be important too. Someone to make proud. I know what she would have wanted from me. She knew I was unhappy constantly travelling and was always asking me to be home more, to come and live here again. I never realised that what I should do was exactly what she said until it was too late. And now she's gone. And that leaves me. Just me. I'm alone now. No family, no loved ones. So I am going to rebuild The Sanctuary. I'm going to run it, I'm going to settle here and I hope in time, feel happy.'

  Elle's eyes were downcast and Mark's heart broke for her. How would it feel to be all alone in this world? No family, no-one to talk to and visit when things were rough. He just couldn't imagine it. He knew one thing though. She was a strong woman. Even though here eyes were sad, her voice was strong. She was determined. He had no doubt at all that she would rebuild the wonderful hotel that was The Sanctuary and that it would be hugely successful. She fit here. It worked. He felt her energy and knew she would do everything she had outlined.

  Mark wanted to comfort her but didn't know whether to initiate physical contact with her. He knew she needed comfort, supportive contact but didn't know if she would misinterpret his motives.

  'Elle, you know what? I have a hunch that very soon you will be feeling very happy. I believe that you're capable of whatever you put your mind to and I think The Sanctuary will be restored to its former glory in no time at all. I really admire you for how strong you're being. And I want you to know, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, I'm here. No questions asked, I just want you to lean on me. I can't bear to think of you completely alone, not when I want to be someone to you.'

  'I'm not asking for anything, Mark. I didn't mean that,'

  'I know, Elle. But I want you to know that anyway. I am here for you, just next door in fact.'

  Elle tried a small smile but to her own horror felt her lips wobble, moved by his genuine kindness. 'Oh Elle, come here,' Mark swiftly moved from his sofa to hers and enveloped her in his arms. Elle tried but failed and the flood gates opened. She cried into his shoulder as he rocked and held her. Elle felt safe and secure, supported entirely by this thoughtful man's shoulder. He carried on rocking her until her tears subsided. They stayed comfortably linked in each others arms.

  Eventually Elle moved her head back until she could look into his concerned eyes.

  'Thank you,' she murmured.

  'For what?' he asked, a kind smile on his face.

  'For holding me. Comforting me. Being someone to turn to. I didn't mean to cry all over you.'

  'Any time sweetheart,' he smiled broadly this time. His eyes then dropped to her mouth and his gaze darkened with desire.

  Elle couldn't resist licking her lips and looking at Mark's mouth. She wanted him to kiss her, wanted it so badly. She wanted to feel loved and protected, of only for a minute in the warmth of his kiss.

  Mark glanced up to Elle's eyes, uncertainty gnawing at him. Elle saw his battle over whether to kiss her and took things into her own hands. She moved in and pressed her lips to his, kissing him softly. Their lips met gently then slowly coaxed each other open. Their lips and tongues tangled as pent up desire was released. Mark's hands roamed down her back and cupped her breasts, her bottom, trailed down her legs. Elle's good hand travelled into his hair, his shoulders, down his back, around his waist. Mark deepened the kiss further, slanting his head to explore her mouth thoroughly. He slipped a hand in between her jean-clad legs and rubbed against her mound. Elle moaned in response to his sensual movements, loving the friction he created. Mark kept his control in check, knew he wanted to pleasure her until she cried out but not push her too far.

  The kiss went on and on, sensual and deep. Mark let his hand reach up and inside her jeans. He slipped down past her stomach and down into her smooth mound until he could slip a finger into her molten core. She was wet and ready for his touch. She moaned and writhed against him as he coaxed her to respond. She pressed her breasts into his chest and moaned into his mouth as he stroked her. His fingers circled and tormented, swirled and coaxed. Elle felt herself losing control and her clitoris suddenly tightened and swelled. Elle tore her mouth from Mark's and cried out in pure ecstasy. Mark looked down at her and slowly eased his fingers from her. He kissed her gently, on her nose, her mouth and her cheeks. 'Time for bed now, you. You need to get some sleep and I'm going to stop distracting you.'

  'But, I thought..' Elle trailed off, unsure of how to put her thoughts into words.

  'All in good time, Elle. I can be patient. I can wait till the right time, Elle. You need rest, a good night sleep. Now tomorrow, well that's another day,' he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Elle laughed out loud, dispelling all tension.

  'I will however, tuck you in.' Mark swept Elle up into his arms and carried her up into her bedroom. It was dark and only the light of the moon lit the room. Mark lay her on the bed and pulled the covers up over her. He kissed her gently on the forehead and headed out of the room.

  As Mark walked away, Elle felt the tiny child inside surface. She felt so alone, so empty. 'Mark. Please don't leave. Will you stay with me? Until I sleep?'

  Mark once again felt himself ache for the loss she had experienced. He slipped off his shoes, jumper and trousers and climbed in the other side of the bed. He gathered her close in his arms and felt her relax.

  'I'll be here whenever you need me Elle. Now sleep. I'm here. All night. You don't have to worry about anything.'

  Elle felt herself relax with his words and she closed her eyes and snuggled against his warm chest. He felt wonderful, smelt wonderful. She breathed in his scent, loving it, memorising it. She soon forgot to think and fell deeply asleep, sounder than she could ever recall.

  Mark felt Elle's body sink into the depths of sleep. Mark exhaled letting the tension in his body release. He felt the need to punch something, shout at the heavens, demanding why this one women should have to endure so much when he had it all. Mark knew he sometimes took his family for granted. They were just always there, even an annoyance at times, the many people who congregated for family gatherings always managing to get on his nerves at some point. But to imagine them not being there. Well, it was unspeakable.

  He held her fragile body tight against him, felt her warm supple body curving around him. He could stay here forever he thought drowsily, wrapped in the woman's arms. He had enjoyed women in the past, bedded enough to feel he was well experienced. But never had he felt this connection before. It was more than just physical, it was a meeting of minds, body and soul. It scared him as well as excited him as it was very new. As he closed his eyes and began to relax he thought of Elle. And on
ly Elle.

  Elle dreamed of white picket fences and running free around a lush, green garden. The sun was on her back and she felt so warm, so incredibly warm. As she came round she realised she was lying in Mark's arms. He was still asleep and his lashes fell darkly on his cheek. He looked so peaceful lying there. It felt strangely right for him to be there, as if her belonged. Elle relished the moments lying warmly in his arms, feeling safe and protected. She also felt very, very warm. Almost hot. She found herself wriggling slightly as she was getting so warm.

  Mark stirred and slowly awoke. His eyes flickered open, he smiled tiredly at her and then stretched, his huge arms arching out and his chest expanded. He let go of the stretch in a groan and then moved closer still to cuddle Elle. He pressed a kiss to her lips and then stroked her hair as she placed her head on his chest.

  Mark loved the feel of her long, smooth body against his. She felt warm, pliable and soft in all the right places. He felt himself harden and eased his backside back a little to disguise it. He wanted to give her comfort and that was all.

  Elle had other ideas though. Ever since Mark had kissed her the night before she had been aching to feel him inside her again, ached for him to hold her close and intimate. Elle knew he was restraining himself for her benefit and so leant back to gain eye contact. She smiled at him and then kissed him gently on his mouth. Her cast laden arm lay across his chest and his arms encircled her back.

  Mark let Elle kiss him, knew her intentions. He wanted to stop her, take things slow. He needed time to process everything, time to get acquainted with the new feelings coursing through his body. He needed her sexually too, his body throbbed for her. One false move could send them spiralling backwards though. They needed to take things low. Knowing what she needed but also what he should avoid, Mark kissed her gently then pushed her onto her back until she was lying face up. He trailed his hands down to her breasts and took time to tantalise each one with his fingers. He then pushed her t-shirt up and sucked on each in turn, licking and pulling on them in equal measure. He then moved between her and swept her pyjama bottoms down until she was naked from the waist down.


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