A Sanctuary for Elle

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A Sanctuary for Elle Page 9

by Anna Jane

  Mark paused and looked out the window. He breathed deeply and then continued. 'We try and get together often. There are family gatherings out at my parent's place at least once every couple of months. It's good to keep on touch, don't get me wrong, but there's so many of them. All with their opinions about my personal life. It can get annoying. You don't want to hear this though.'

  'Yes I do. It's fascinating to me. I don't have that family thing going on in my life. It's interesting to me. Go on, what are they bugging you about?'

  'Well, in their eyes I should be married by now, settled. Two point four children playing in the garden. I'm the eldest and I think everyone thought I would be settled by now.'

  'And what is it you want Mark. Do you want to settle?'

  'I do, Elle. I really do. I've accomplished more than enough in my professional life now. I've earned enough money so that I don't have to work again if I didn't want to. I feel like I'm missing something Elle. That's one of the reasons I bought the house. I want to feel settled, I want to have a personal life. I want a family. But the thing is, I haven't found it yet.'

  Elle had been listening attentively and his last few words stung bitterly. 'You haven't?'

  'No, up until I met you I hadn't even considered it.'

  'Up until you met me?' Hope sprung up from deep inside her.

  'Yes. I know neither one of us is quite ready for this conversation but I will say this. There is something between us Elle. Something different, special. I for one want to find out more. I don't want to scare you away, or put myself in a position where I end up being hurt but I can see a future with you Elle. I'm talking long term. I just want a little time to get to know you more, to find out about each other, to just see where this is headed. Does that scare you?'

  Elle smiled at him, pleased beyond words that they were experiencing the same emotions. 'No. It doesn't scare me, Mark.'

  'Great. Good. With that in mind, I have a proposition for you.'

  Chapter 11

  'Date me.'

  'Excuse me?' Elle looked blankly at Mark.

  'I said, date me. Come out with me on a date.'

  'And why would I want to do that,' Elle smiled as she made him work for it. He looked so earnest, asking her out for the first time. She wanted to laugh, but instead just grinned at him.

  'You should come out with me because I'll make it the best date you've ever been on.'

  Mark smiled back at Elle, loving the playfulness he saw in her face. It reminded him of the carefree moments they had shared together in the landslide.

  'The best date ever! Well, what does that consist if?'

  'That would be telling. How about you let me surprise you. If you love it, you can reward me.'

  'Reward you how?' she said smiling.

  'A kiss. I want a kiss.' Mark's face turned serious and his gaze dropped to her lips. Her pink, rose bud lips. He wanted to kiss her now, wanted to lose himself in her again and again until they both lay sated. He knew he should bide his time now though. Pushing her too fast could make them crash and burn. Playing the long game was right for now.

  Elle looked into Mark's eyes and murmured, 'Deal.'

  'Okay. Tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at seven. Dress warm.' Mark's eyes twinkled with mischief, loving the secrecy of his surprise.

  Elle loved the way Mark's gorgeous eyes danced. He was such a handsome man. She suddenly felt very lucky that this incredible man was going to so much effort to impress her. She had no idea what he could have planned though. Dress warm? What kind of date involved dressing warmly? Usually it was the opposite, some kind of slip of a dress which left you none too warm and a little uncomfortable. He was definitely doing his best to woo her which was a very nice feeling.

  'Seven it is. I'll look forward to it.' Elle reached up oh her tiptoes and kissed Mark on the cheek. She smiled at him and then walked away leaving him a little dumbfounded.

  Mark felt the burn of the kiss on his cheek. She continued to surprise him and with the sweetest of kisses she had once again left him speechless. He looked forward to their date and hoped he could impress her with what he had planned.

  Wednesday came and went, Elle busy arranging last details for the redecoration of The Sanctuary. She found herself thinking constantly of Mark and felt excited at their upcoming date.

  On Thursday morning, Elle ventured out in the cold and visited a local luxury spa. After weeks of living in jeans and being covered in dust and paint, she felt in need of a little attention and wanted to spruce herself up before her date with Mark.

  Elle enjoyed a massage, had a waxing session and then relaxed in a whirlpool. She felt brilliant after her session of self indulgence. She then visited the hairdressers to have a cut and blow dry and finally stopped for lunch.

  Elle decided on a little corner cafe which overlooked the sea. She was close to home and the spot looked out at the stretch of beach she had frequented as a child, enjoying the sunshine, sea and sand. She ordered a baguette and cold drink and sat back to admire the view. It really was beautiful here, Elle thought dreamily. How lucky she was to finally be back home and settled. It had been a long time in coming. The final part of the puzzle was finding someone to share it with. Elle was unsure where the date with Mark was leading but felt sure that whatever magic existed between them seemed to be growing with every meeting, every glance, every touch. Elle ate her lunch and headed home, eager to make herself ready for whatever Mark had got planned.

  Elle spent the afternoon pondering the surprise awaiting her. She got herself ready slowly, making herself feel good about herself. She dressed warmly in jeans and a figure hugging woollen jumper. She curled her hair into long waves and applied her make up carefully. She then paced around the downstairs of the house, impatient for the date to start, to see Mark again. She realised with surprise how much she was looking forward to seeing him, to spend time with him. She worried how quickly she was beginning to feel more strongly about him. She hoped he felt more than just attraction for her. Maybe he only wanted her physically. She had a feeling not though. The way he had chased her, pursued her for this date, the way that he looked at her all told her that he also was feeling something more than physical desire. The desire was still there most definitely. She ached for him to touch her again, to take her up to the dizzying heights he had brought her to. She wondered once again what her had planned for this evening. Did he plan on seducing her again? She wondered if she would be able to resist if he did.

  After waiting what seemed an exhaustingly long time, Elle finally heard Mark's car pull up. She heard him knock and made herself wait 10 seconds before opening the door. He stood before her smiling, looking smartly casual in snug jeans and cashmere sweater. The black of the jumper complimented his colouring making him look darkly handsome and gorgeous. He smiled widely, showing straight white teeth. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he spoke, 'Hey gorgeous.'

  Elle smiled back thinking to herself how lucky he was to have this sweet, charming man before her. 'Hey. Straight back at you, gorgeous.'

  Mark looked at Elle feeling like the luckiest man alive. She was stunning and she like him, he could see it in the way she gazed at him. She was dressed in tight jeans which clung in all the right places. Her soft jumper hugged her curves gently, enveloping her in warmth. Elle had styled her hair and applied make-up, something which added to her appeal. Mark felt the coil of desire begin to snake through his stomach and loins. Mark couldn't resist, he lowered his head slowly, watching her eyes for any sign of reluctance. He only saw desire, eyes which mirrored his. He dipped lower to en-capture her lips with his, gently kissing her. He drew back and dipped to kiss her again, gently. Softly. He pulled back to look into her eyes. The edges of her lips lifted ever so slightly so he bent his head and took her lips again, urging them open. He took now, letting go of his control, kissing her with fervour. Elle responded to him eagerly, opening her mouth to him and letting him explore her wildly. He seemed untamed today, he kissed her with despe

  Mark felt himself losing all sanity so gradually eased back from Elle. He lifted his head to look at her. Elle's eyes flickered open and her eyes were dazed and cloudy.

  'I think we better go, before I drag you inside to finish this,'

  'Uh, huh,' was all Elle could manage, completely disorientated after that dizzying kiss.

  Mark linked hands and pulled her gently out of the door. Elle pulled it shut and they headed for Mark's car. 'So, when you are going to tell me where we're going?' Elle asked.

  'Can't you wait for the surprise?' Mark said, amused.

  'I'm just so intrigued! No-one has ever done anything like this for me before. Going out to dinner has been the most obvious date up till now.'

  'Well, you may get some dinner at some point, but there is definitely more than that!'

  'I can't wait.' Elle sat back in the leather seats and watched out of the window as the beautiful scenery of North Wales whizzed by. Hills and mountains dominated the landscape, sheep in their hundreds grazed on the uneven ground, an occasional mountain goat reared its head as they passed. They headed out to more country roads, becoming smaller and smaller as they went on. Eventually they meandered down a road and parked up in the middle of nowhere. What on earth? Mark got out so Elle followed suit. She could see nothing but trees, grass and bushes so was very confused. Where were they going? Was he in the right place? 'Come on, its this way,' Mark took Elle's hand and led her through the trees to a clearing. The land suddenly opened up to a field and what waited in the middle of that field took Elle's breath away. It was a hot air balloon! They were going for a trip in a hot air balloon! How wonderful Elle thought. She flung her arms around Mark's neck and hugged him hard. 'This is amazing Mark! Wow! I've never been in a hot air balloon!'

  'Me neither,' Mark replied, happy she was excited. 'Lets get started!'

  they walked over to the hot air balloon. The pilot led them into the basket and they begun their adventure. The pilot slowly eased them up until they were floating above the trees, then up, up further until they were up in the sky.

  'This is amazing, Mark.' The balloon gently soared through picturesque Wales. 'Thank you for arranging such an amazing date.'

  'It's my pleasure, Elle,' Mark's hand encircled her waist as they both stood at the edge of the basket looking out at the view. 'You're not scared or anything? I had this sudden fear you might be scared of heights and this would have ended up a disaster,'

  he chuckled.

  'I'm not scared at all, I love it. I think this is the most thoughtful anyone has ever been to me before.'

  'Elle, who have you been dating! You deserve to be treated like a princess. You're smart, beautiful and funny. Any man should be falling over backwards to please you!'

  'I haven't had much luck with men really.' Elle's eyes were downward cast, thinking of her past relationships. 'I have only really had one proper boyfriend and nothing I ever did was quite good enough. He was very critical and always made me feel a little inferior.'

  Mark's blood simmered. Idiot. Who could see Elle as inferior? She was one in a million. 'Elle, you are far from inferior, in fact, you are the most amazing woman I have ever had the pleasure to date. I think it was the boyfriend who was inferior.'

  Elle smiled a little pleased at his words. 'Thank you Mark. I have learnt a lot since then. It was also hard, travelling with my job. The only men I met were models and I had a few disastrous dates along the way. Nothing ever seemed to click. And I was quite standoffish after the experience with my ex.'

  'It's understandable Elle. Tell me though, do you feel comfortable with me?'

  'Yes! Mark, I am so happy when I'm with you. You make me smile, make me enjoy myself. And I've never felt this 'thing' that we have between us.'


  'The, you know, Mark. This attraction. The wanting. It's new to me.' Elle looked a little embarrassed to admit this.

  'Elle, look at me. This feeling is new to me to. Yes, I've experienced other women before but I have never felt this incredible pull to anyone before. It's instant, undeniable. I don't know where its going to lead if I'm entirely honest with you but I want to find out. I want to see you, Elle. At the moment all I do is think about you, about when I will next see you. I think about kissing you, about touching you. I hear you laugh and want to make it happen again. What I'm saying Elle is, spend more time with me. Lets see where this is heading. I want to see if this is heading where I think it is.'

  Elle looked into Mark's sincere eyes and knew she loved him. His words warmed her to her very soul. She could see he wanted to be with her and knew he was saying he could fall for her. She felt overwhelmed but her sudden realisation of love so instead of words, moved into his arms to be swallowed up by a hug. 'I'll take that as a yes then?'

  Elle chuckled into his warm jumper. 'Yes,' she said smiling.

  The hot air balloon ride had been incredible, they landed safely an hour later in the same spot that they had left from. After thanking the pilot, Mark led Elle back to the car hand in hand. The climbed in and Mark turned to Elle. 'Okay, next part of the date.'

  'Next part! Mark, the hot air balloon was sufficient! You're going to spoil me!'

  'Hey, you're worth every minute. Anyway, it's just around the corner.'

  Elle sat back and smiled as Mark drove for about a minute around a couple of bends. They pulled up at an attractive log cabin, built from wood and beautifully designed with an ornate veranda. 'Where are we?' asked Elle.

  'This, is dinner. It's one of the properties we own which isn't let yet. I thought we could have some dinner here, it overlooks a lake. I think you'll like it.'

  Elle did like it. It was beautiful. As she and Mark walked around to the door, it opened before them. A man in a waiter's uniform stood before them and escorted them in. It was like going out for dinner in your own private house!

  The inside was immaculately designed for comfort and modern style. Outside it was rustic, inside it was luxurious. It was lit softly with candles everywhere, glowing in the evening light. The dining table was central to the room and beautifully laid. Elle was shown to her seat and then Mark excused himself briefly. Elle watched as the waiter showed Mark a few things in the kitchen and then left quietly. Mark took the plates from the oven and walked over to the table with them. He sat down and smiled, 'Alone at last,' he said smiling, something he was not so familiar with. He couldn't remember the last time he had smiled so much. He hadn't realised how mundane his life had become, how empty. This feeling of happiness made his entire world change, gave him something to inspire him every time he had to get out of bed. He knew he was falling for Elle and also that there was nothing he could do to stop it. She was becoming more and more part of him. She was always there in his thoughts. Elle was smiling back at him. 'Are you hungry?' Mark asked, ready to spoil her again.

  'I am. For you.' Mark watched astonished as she got up from her seat, rounded the table and eased herself onto his lap. 'Thank you for today. It was very special to me. Thank you.'

  Elle leant down and kissed Mark's lips. She pulled back and looked at him. He smiled. Elle smiled back. She leant down and kissed him gently again. Tentatively. Tantalisingly. She started slowly, savouring the feel of his eager lips beneath her, loving the gasp for breath as she ran her tongue along his bottom lip.

  'Make love with me, Mark,' Elle murmured and pulled him to his feet. They staggered together to the bedroom where a large king size bed lay with a intricate embroidered duvet on it. They reached the edge and turned to each other to continue the kiss they had begun at the table.

  This kiss was different, hungrier, less controlled. They both knew what they wanted. What they needed. And now was the time to take it. They fell to the bed wrapped in each others embrace. They kissed and kissed, growing deeper and more sensual. Elle wrapped her jeans clad legs around Mark's back. Their groins came into close contact and they ground against each other desperate to get closer. Elle could feel the evidence of Mark'
s arousal against her mound, she rubbed herself against its length, enjoying the feel of him against her. Mark groaned a deep gutteral sound that seemed to resonate through her. Elle felt her desire building and ached to be closer still to him.

  Mark pulled back from Elle's mouth before lifting her jumper above her head and lowering his head to her bra-covered breasts. He nuzzled them through the fabric and when that was not enough impatiently pushed the bra aside to display her creamy white rose peaked breasts. He took the tip in his mouth and sucked hard. Elle cried out in pleasure, an incredible shock running through her. He licked and suckled and then would suck hard again making Elle damp with desire. He shoved the other side of the bra cup up and out of his way and lavished his mouth on her other breast. They stood like peaks, harder than she had ever felt before. He used his fingers to roll the tips between and Elle arched her back as the exquisite sensations rocked her.

  Taking her breasts in both hands he lifted and squeezed them together, kissed each nipple one more time and then climbed up her body to en-capture her waiting mouth once again.

  They kissed, mouths open and wanton, exploring each others mouths with their tongues. As they kissed, Mark reached down and unbuttoned her jeans with one hand. He eased his hand into the open fly and reached lacy panties. He dipped his hand under and down until he reached her mound. He dipped a finger into her cleft and found her wet and dripping for him. He continued to kiss her as his hand explored her intimate area. He began to rub in a circular motion the area he knew she would enjoy the most. Elle groaned into his mouth as he kissed her. She arched and bucked as the sensations grew but Mark held her tight and kept his fingers moving. Elle felt the orgasm approach and arched into the incoming waves. Mark drew his mouth back from hers and watched as she threw her head back and came magnificently.


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