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by Leora Gonzales

  Warriors of Phaeton: Dathrow

  Leora Gonzales

  Contains characters introduced in Bridal Pact and Bridal Bonds. Can be read as a standalone although reading the series gives more understanding of the characters.

  Warrior Dathrow has been waiting for a human bride for eons. When his first match falls for one of his warrior brothers, Dathrow’s anxious to find her replacement. Discovering he not only has a match, but one almost identical to his original bride, Dathrow counts himself lucky.

  Pixie has the perfect life on Earth—until everything falls apart. And her sister Poppy is living in marital bliss with her space husband in a galaxy far far away. Why not join up? In the bridal program and matched with Dathrow, Pixie can’t believe her luck. Tall, gorgeous, and the way he fills out his leathers? Wow.

  But discovering Dathrow’s original match was Poppy, and worse, finding evidence he’s still in love with her threatens everything.

  Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

  An adult science fiction romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Warriors Of Phaeton: Dathrow

  Leora Gonzales


  Mom, thank you for everything that you have done for me. You have been so helpful in spreading the word to family and friends about my books and it has helped tremendously.

  Rebecca, you are an amazing editor. Seriously. My characters shine so much more after they have had your attention and I love you for it. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.

  Most importantly, I want to dedicate this to my husband. I was lucky enough to find a man who is super smart, loving, hilarious and also diabolical. When I said that I wanted to write but had no computer, I had no idea he was going to surprise me with a new laptop. There went my list of excuses. Touché, Richard. Touché.


  Presidential address from three months ago…

  “My fellow Americans, negotiations have concluded with the Phaeton Warrior race. After speaking to their council of leaders, we have learned that the Phaeton race has been surviving by using cloning. Unfortunately the science that they have used has resulted in a low female birth rate. For their species to survive, they have been searching on other planets for potential mates.

  “The State Department has decided to initiate a ‘mate match’ for single female volunteers to apply for what we are referring to as the ‘Bridal Pact’. In exchange for these volunteers, we will be able to use the Phaetons’ medical advancements to save American lives. We will have access to a new fuel source that will all but eliminate our need for oil, both foreign and domestic. And we will also have the protection of their military from other species that may discover Earth.

  “This is not a draft. It is completely voluntary. Women who apply will be compensated for filling out an application and signing the contract. We want to assure you that your safety and the safety of your sisters, daughters and friends will be our number-one concern. We are working on a profiling system with national dating sites and the Phaeton Council to make matches, similar to what many of you have used in the past to find companions. As of right now this is only open to women who fall within certain criteria but may be expanded after an initial trial period passes.

  “Please keep an open mind and know that the safety of our citizens and country is our top priority. Women wishing to volunteer or get more information can contact their local Intake Centers, which will be listed by state following this news conference or found at bridal-pact-dot-state-department-dot-gov. This is an exciting time for our country and its people.”

  Chapter One

  Pixie jogged up the sidewalk to her front door, anxious to kick off the shoes that were now pinching her toes. Sweet baby Jesus, her shoes had morphed into a torture device. She walked in and dropped her bag onto the floor, not having the energy to place it on the table next to the entryway.

  “Pixie, is that any way to treat your new work bag?”

  Pixie grimaced at the man blocking her way to the couch. Her boyfriend, Brian, was standing in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest like a chastising parent. Normally she would apologize for treating so carelessly the expensive bag he had recently given her, but right now she was too exhausted to feel bad.

  “Sorry, Bri, I’m just so fucking tired.” Pixie kicked off her shoes and shoved them under the table so they were out of the way.

  “And remember what I said about the cursing?” Shaking his perfectly combed head at her, Brian walked forward to put his hands on her shoulders. The action caused Pixie to have to look at him while he lectured her.

  “I forget…” she mumbled.

  “Making a habit of cursing is not ladylike. What if we’re out with my colleagues and you let it slip during dinner?”

  Pixie wanted to roll her eyes but was barely able to stop herself. She was too exhausted to have this argument tonight.

  “I’ll try to cut down the amount I say ‘fuck’ but I have told you before it is one of my all-time favorite words,” she reminded him with a smile.

  Brian smiled slightly before hugging her. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Ummm…let me take a nap?” Pixie teased, leaning into the comfort of his embrace. It seemed as if it had been forever since they’d been close like this. The past few months had been crazy. With her little sister signing up for the Bridal Pact and leaving on a spaceship, Pixie’s life had been extremely hectic. Brian had been scrambling at work. His architectural firm had taken additional jobs, which kept him busy with new accounts.

  “I thought we were going to have dinner out tonight,” Brian remarked.

  It was then that Pixie noticed he was dressed in fresh slacks and a clean polo. Well, fuck. That meant that she would need to get cleaned up too. The mere idea of changing into anything other than pajamas made her want to cry. Pixie immediately felt guilty as she took in his obvious effort. Their time together had been so hard to come by lately that she couldn’t disappoint him even if she was dead on her feet.

  “Let me get changed and we can go. Okay?” Pixie kissed him on the cheek before starting for the bedroom.

  With her first step toward the bedroom, she heard the familiar tune of her cell phone. That could only mean one thing…

  Detouring to grab her phone out of her bag, she glanced at the screen. Yep. It was work.

  “Yes?” Pixie asked shortly, already knowing what was coming.

  “We have a problem.” The voice on the other end cut right to the chase, quickly explaining the situation at the restaurant that Pixie was needed to come in and solve.

  After hanging up, Pixie stood still for a moment. It was times like these where she wanted a soundproof room to simply stand in and scream. Either that, or a punching bag she could beat the hell out of.

  “Let me guess, you have to go back to work?” Brian asked from behind her.

  Pixie turned and frowned. “Yeah. Brenda has somehow managed to mess up a supply order and we’re missing one of the main ingredients for this week’s special. I have to go in and talk down the head chef before he starts slicing and dicing his workers.” She ran her hand through her hair. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, Brian. She was my friend before I hired her and I’d never known her to make so many mistakes. I know she can do the job but it’s like she somehow manages to screw up at least once a week no matter how much training she has.”

  Brian pulled Pixie into another hug, patting her back. “Everyone makes mistakes. I’m sure she’ll catch on soon.”

  “This is costing us money. I’m not going to have a choice but to fire her. Hell, I should have let her go before now. I just feel bad because we’re friends.”

  Pixie rubbed he
r nose into Brian’s chest, breathing in his familiar cologne.

  “You don’t want to keep them waiting.” Brian handed her the bag she had previously abandoned.

  “Are you mad?” Pixie felt awful for canceling their dinner plans again.

  “No, I know you wouldn’t hold it against me if I had to go into work for an emergency.” He opened the door for her before leaning forward and kissing her forehead. “Just make sure you call when you’re heading home. I hate that you park at the end of the lot. They need more lights there.”

  “I’ll call and don’t worry. I still have the pepper spray Poppy gave me.” Pixie hurried down the sidewalk, anxious to get her trip back to work over with again.

  While she completed the forty-minute drive to the restaurant, Pixie brainstormed how to solve their supply issue for the weekly specials. Quick thinking had always been one of her finer skills and it came in handy when dealing with situations like this one. By the time she pulled into the parking lot, Pixie had worked out how to handle their menu for the next few days. It wasn’t much, but it would get them by until their Wednesday shipment. Explaining her plan to the chef and going over the new menu with the servers was fast and furious. The restaurant started seating shortly after she arrived, and Pixie walked the main dining area. She strolled around, casually eavesdropping to make sure her instructions regarding the menu were being followed before heading to her office.

  Sitting down at her desk, Pixie leaned her head down onto her arms.

  “Pix?” The voice startled Pixie out of her daydream.

  “Hey, Helen, is everything okay out there?” Pixie smiled at her favorite head server as the woman leaned against the door.

  “Yeah, you saved the day. I know it’s not my business, but what are you going to do about Brenda?” Helen held up her hand when Pixie started to open her mouth. “We all heard you ask her if she’d completed her orders last week so don’t try to give her any excuses.”

  “I shouldn’t be talking about this to you, but since I’ll need another body in the room for her termination, I might as well let you know she’ll be taken care of tomorrow…and you are going to be there as backup.” Pixie leaned back in the chair, exhausted.

  “Finally.” Helen walked in and sat down. “This should have happened a long time ago. You’ve given her more chances than anyone deserved.”

  “Helen, I just don’t get it.” Pixie shook her head at the employee whom she’d worked with for years and felt comfortable around. “When I’m here and supervising, Brenda doesn’t make one damn mistake. Her paperwork is perfect; everything’s in order and she treats the customers like family. It’s when I leave she has trouble with things.”

  Helen looked as if she was thinking for a moment. Fiddling with her rings, she didn’t glance up again at Pixie for a while. “I have some thoughts about that actually…”

  “Care to share?” Pixie studied her. Something was definitely up with Helen.

  Helen shook her head. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning about it. I need to go and make sure my servers are going over the new menu and you need to get home.”

  “I’ll stay a few more hours—”

  “Pixie, you’re dead on your feet and you’ve worked late every night this week.” Helen started to walk out the door. “We can handle it from here. Go home and get some sleep.”

  “You’re right.” Standing slowly, Pixie groaned when her feet protested. “I’ll see you tomorrow for your shift.”

  “Night, Pixie.”

  Pixie grabbed her bag from the hook on the door and walked through the kitchen on her way out. Making sure that everything was running smoothly, she felt satisfied when orders filled the kitchen. Snagging a bag of trash by the back door, she carried it out to the Dumpster before making her way to her car.

  Halfway through the drive home, she glanced at the clock. Damn, she’d forgotten to call Brian and let him know she was on her way home. Well, at least she’d be able to surprise him by being able to make it to dinner tonight. Granted, it would be a late dinner but that was more than she’d been able to do before so she was counting tonight as a win.

  Pixie pulled into the driveway and hurried toward the door as fast as her sore feet could carry her. She was paying attention to her phone as she walked through the door, oblivious to what was happening until she was halfway into the living room.

  Brian was sitting on the couch. Only problem was that he wasn’t alone. Or even dressed for that matter.

  “What. The. Fuck.” Pixie’s voice was accompanied by the sound of her bag hitting the floor with a loud thud.

  The couple on the couch both jumped at the noise.

  Pixie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Brenda, the friend and employee she’d been fixing mistakes for, was fucking her boyfriend. In her house. On her couch. While Pixie was cleaning up Brenda’s mess at work. It was all too much. A sudden roaring in her ears was all she could hear. Before she knew it, Pixie was moving. Crossing the room quickly, she snatched Brenda by her straight hair and pulled.

  Brenda’s scream as she was dragged off Brian barely registered with Pixie. Letting go of Brenda, Pixie shook the strands that had come off Brenda’s head out of her fist.

  As Brenda screamed in fright at the fury that was now Pixie, Brian focused on trying to cover his junk. Pixie stood staring at the two people she wanted to strangle. Extremely close to acting on her thoughts, Pixie screamed at Brenda, “Get the fuck out!”

  Pixie breathed heavily, the sound of the door closing barely registering through the blood pounding in her head. Glaring down at a sweaty Brian, Pixie balled her hands into fists. There was nothing in that second she wanted to do more than take a swing at his face. Anger, disbelief and pain filled every part of her heart.

  “Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me,” Pixie growled, the words emerging in a voice she barely recognized as her own. If there was ever a time she channeled The Exorcist, it was now.

  Brian covered his flaccid cock. Opening his mouth as if he was about to spew an excuse, he stopped abruptly when Pixie sent him a glare. Without giving him time to talk, Pixie pointed at his lap and asked, “I guess this is where all your sex drive has been going lately?”

  Pixie shook her head, her thoughts clearing and coming together. “Is this why you always have me call when I leave work?”

  At Brian’s expression of guilt, Pixie couldn’t help the angry tears that flooded her eyes. “‘Pixie, I worry about you walking alone in a dark parking lot.’” She mocked him in a deep voice. “More like, can you call me and give me time to get rid of the skank I’m fucking in our home!”

  Her voice broke as she yelled at him, angry tears filling her eyes. She turned her back on him, not wanting him to see her uncontrollable reaction. “Get your shit and get the fuck out.”

  Without one word, Brian ran as quickly as he could to their room to pack a bag. He tentatively approached her where she was sitting at the kitchen table. “Pixie…” His voice stalled, the anger on her face apparently stopping him from continuing.

  Once the door clicked closed behind him, the sound of silence in the house was deafening. Pixie sat woodenly at the table, her mind whirling at what had happened. The tears she’d been successful in holding back began to roll down her cheeks. The rose-colored glasses she’d been wearing before were now shattered and lying on the couch she’d caught Brian on.

  How long had this been going on? Why did this happen? Did others know about it? Was she partly to blame?

  As the questions rolled through her mind at the speed of a freight train, Pixie stared at the last picture of them together that was taped to the fridge. It was a snapshot of them at one of his work functions six months ago. Studying it closely, Pixie saw neither of them were actually happy. Yes, they were smiling for the camera but both of them seemed uncomfortable. She remembered that night clearly. Brian had picked out her outfit, which she hated, and ignored her almost the entire evening. She’d sipped wine at their table while he
walked around the room and networked. Her conversations with the wait staff in the ballroom had been longer than her interaction with Brian that entire night.

  Pixie rubbed her hands over her face, drying the tears that were now itching her cheeks. What the fuck had happened to her?

  Early in their relationship, Brian had started molding Pixie into something he thought was “better”. Wanting to be the perfect girlfriend had meant tossing out the old Pixie and bringing in the shiny polished version he preferred. Dressing in clothes he’d picked out for work functions had seemed easy at first. Requests for her to go to the gym had been disguised as a plea for her to get healthier for “their” sake. Pixie had never had a problem with her size. Filling out a comfortable size fourteen had been as natural to her as her hair color. She tried to watch what she ate, but exercise had not seemed to make a dent in the pounds.

  When Brian had begun watching their scale closer than Pixie, she’d stupidly assumed he was encouraging her progress. His reach extended even as far as her hairstyle when he suggested cuts that required her to straighten her hair. That idea was a pipe dream in the state of Florida. As she often reminded him, her hair would never conform when humidity was a reality. Her wardrobe had been cleared of her fun t-shirts and comfortable jeans. In their place she’d started seeing clothes she would never have picked out herself. Most of these changes came disguised as “gifts” that Brian would show up with. At the time, she’d been flattered. The attention he’d been paying her was overwhelming.

  Pixie rubbed her nose and tried to think about the past few months. If she had to guess, the affair probably started in the past six months. It was around that time Brenda had been hired and Brian pulled back more than usual. Pixie hadn’t been pressured to go to the gym. Attending his work functions had become optional and sometimes discouraged. Instead of being suspicious of his behavior, Pixie had relished the freedom she’d gotten back. Brian was busy with work and he’d encouraged Pixie to throw herself into her career as well. Thinking she was finally being supported, or at the very least accepted, she hadn’t questioned it.


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