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Dathrow Page 9

by Leora Gonzales

  Pixie nodded at him, feeling stronger the more he built her up. “I may have been weak when I was with Brian. I had certain goals and felt like I’d invested so much time into him.”

  Dathrow smiled at her and leaned forward for a quick kiss. “What are these goals?”

  “Well, I want to be successful at work.” Pixie made a face at him. “Which means that I’ll need to find a place on the ship to do something meaningful.”

  “Poppy volunteered in the med center,” Dathrow suggested.

  “That’s not my thing. I’m more into management than general office work,” Pixie said, shaking her head.

  “We will find you a place. Do not worry. What is your next goal?”

  “I want a family,” Pixie said with certainty. She would love nothing more than being able to raise her children next to her sister’s.

  “We may have already gotten started on that,” Dathrow said with a chuckle that turned into a full deep laugh when Pixie swatted at his arm.

  “I’m serious. I want a family. I want a husband who loves me just the way I am, I want kids that I can love, and I want our kids to grow up seeing the love their parents have for each other. I want what my parents had.”

  “That is easy. I can love you. I can give you children. And I know that our children will be happy and never doubt the affection that we hold for one another.”

  “Dath, you barely know me. How can you say that?”

  “I have asked your sister many questions regarding your likes and dislikes. Poppy has been a great source of information so I could prepare for you.”

  Pixie couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of Dathrow hounding her sister, trying to get information.

  “So you stalked me via my sister for a while. That’s sweet…a little creepy but sweet.” Pixie pushed her chair back and crossed her legs. Sitting in her best interviewer pose, she said. “So tell me about you. C’mon now, tell me everything there is to know about you.” Folding her hands in her lap, Pixie grinned. Seeing the normally unshakable warrior in front of her at a loss for words amused her.

  “Everything you need to know about me?” Relaxing his posture, he smiled sexily. “I love sex. I believe it is one of the truest forms of communication. I love sex with you.” Deepening his voice, he held her gaze. “Last night was the best sex I have ever had. I cannot imagine any other experience to top it unless it is more sex with you. I am also convinced that I may be addicted to your smell.”

  “My smell?” Pixie realized her voice had become somewhat breathless once she squeaked out the words.

  Dathrow nodded with a knowing grin. “You smell sweet and clean.” Him crossing his legs at the ankle and leaning back in the chair gave Pixie the chance to notice that he was semi-hard underneath his leather pants. As she glanced back and forth between his face and his waist, he continued, “I am also addicted to your taste. The taste of your mouth and also the taste of your pussy.”

  It took a moment for Pixie to realize that Dathrow had finished speaking. The effect of his speech was as if she’d been watching porn. Her skin tingled and her face felt hot. Licking her lips, she took a moment to calm herself. “Well…is that all I should know about you?”

  “It’s a start.” He quirked his eyebrow at her. “You also need to know that I will never hurt you. I will not make the same mistakes that your previous man made. I will love you, care for you and support you in all that you do for as long as I live.”

  Pixie could only sit there speechless as she took in the seriousness of his statement. After a few moments of silence, Dathrow stood up and reached for her hand. Pixie automatically placed hers in his and allowed him to tug her to her feet. As they stood facing one another, Pixie began to understand he truly believed what he’d said. In the twenty-four hours she’d known him, he’d been able to not only show her a more physical connection than she’d ever known before, but also convince her he was genuine in his words and actions. It had been a rare occurrence when Pixie had considered Brian to be genuine regarding anything.

  “What about when you were growing up?” Pixie questioned as she cleared her throat.

  “I was raised like every other warrior in Phaeton,” Dathrow answered. “Wheaton was part of my training house. We grew up together until we were separated due to our breed.”

  “I still don’t really get that part…” Pixie admitted.

  “Pixie, my life had not started until we were matched. Before you arrived I had the same life as every other warrior on this ship. Solitary and with one mission only. To be the perfect warrior. I would rather learn as much about you as I am able. You have had a much more fulfilling existence. I will tell you of my childhood but it is not exciting or particularly pleasant.” Dathrow paused for a moment and searched her face. “Is that acceptable?”

  Staring up into Dathrow’s eyes, Pixie felt a calm wash over her. “Do you have to work today?”

  “No, I learned from Wheaton’s errors and scheduled a few days of leave so I could show you around and spend time with you. We have the next four cycles before I have to report back.”

  “That’s great.” Pixie turned to walk toward the living room to slip on her shoes she’d kicked off. “So what’s first?”

  “We could watch a movie, tour the ship or have more sex,” Dathrow tossed out quickly, laughing out loud when her expression showed she finally caught the last bit of what he’d said.

  “Dath! No more sex yet!” Pixie giggled as she grabbed her bag off the couch. Feeling him come up behind her, she stilled when his hands snuck around her waist to pull her back into his chest.

  Rumbling low in his throat, Dathrow let out a purr-like sound. “I will keep trying to get you back into bed…or anywhere else you will allow me to sample your body again. It is my duty as a warrior husband to make sure that you are satisfied and I take my duties very seriously, but for now I can show you the ship.”

  As they walked to the door, Pixie grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks. “Give me just a little time. I have a few things to work through in my head before we have sex again.”

  “I will give you all the time you need, Pixie,” Dathrow promised. “But that will not stop me from tempting you when I have the chance.” As they walked, he added one more thing, “And, there are many ways to give you pleasure without sex. We can explore that more tonight.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Pixie tried to pay attention to what Dathrow pointed out as they walked along the ship’s corridors. Part of her was distracted by disbelief she was actually on a spaceship and the other half of her was distracted by the man himself. Dathrow moved with such purpose, every movement confident, that she ended up watching him instead of actually paying attention to what was being said. It was only after she heard Dathrow repeat himself Pixie knew she needed to snap out of it.

  “Pixie? Did you have any questions about the sparring room?” Dathrow stood in an open doorway and gestured to the open space.

  Pixie peeked around his big body and noticed that the warriors inside had come to a complete standstill. The large room had about thirty occupants. The majority of them were shirtless and sweating as they stared back at her. Catching the wink of one of the men who had been flexing, Pixie felt her face turn red.

  “It’s pretty self-explanatory,” she muttered, embarrassed at being caught staring. She might be somewhat engaged but she wasn’t dead.

  “While you are here, you will not be allowed to walk alone around the ship. A warrior will be assigned to you who will escort you anywhere you need to go if I am unable to be reached.” Nodding to the men in the room, he stepped back outside the door and allowed it to close.

  “Who are these escorts?” Pixie asked as they continued walking down the hall.

  “They are warriors who have not yet been assigned to other duties. I acted as Poppy’s escort when she first arrived, as a favor to Wheaton.” When Pixie tossed him a questioning glance, he continued, “I am normally on guard duty when it comes
to missions, whether it be accompanying shipments or higher ranked officers. When Poppy arrived, I had just finished up an assignment with another council member and was waiting to be reassigned. Wheaton knew that I would protect his bride with my life and trusted me. So he asked me to act as an escort and keep her company while he was occupied with council meetings.”

  “That had to be rough…getting babysitting duties instead of going on missions.” Pixie grimaced as she spoke.

  Dathrow reached out his hand to link their fingers as they walked side by side. “No, it was a great honor. She was one of the first brides to arrive so her safety was essential. Guarding her was an honor to not only my race but to a friend who trusted me with our future.”

  Pixie stopped in her tracks and stared up at him with a smile. “That is sweet.”

  Before she could move a muscle, Dathrow had backed her up to the hallway wall. Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers in a ghost of a kiss. Caging her in with his body, Dathrow stared down at her seriously. “I am not sweet, Pixie. The brides are the answer to our extinction and I would do anything to protect them. Now that I have my own, I understand the feelings that Wheaton showed when she was threatened.” Dathrow cupped her cheeks. “I will not let anything happen to you. That is a promise I make today. I will treasure you always and destroy anyone who threatens what we have.”

  Feeling her stomach clench at his possessive words, Pixie could only nod her head at him to indicate she understood. Yeah, Dathrow definitely wasn’t sweet. Yesterday she wouldn’t have described his behavior as anything but kind and caring. Today she could add total badass alpha to that list. There was no doubt in her mind he would make sure she was safe and that thought caused her to tingle below the waist.

  As they continued their walk, Pixie let her mind wander to everything she’d learned so far. Dathrow was essentially the equivalent of a bodyguard among the warriors. That explained quite a bit. The way he moved, never wasting energy on pointless fiddling or extra motions. The fact he seemed to be constantly scanning the area, as if searching for a threat. He’d even been assigned as her sister’s bodyguard under the guise of simply being an escort. Pixie had just assumed the brides had escorts because the ship was so big. It now sounded more as if they were being guarded against threats they hadn’t even been aware of.

  “Why weren’t you escorting her the day she was kidnapped?”

  Pixie’s question, although innocent, stopped Dathrow in his tracks.

  Dathrow cleared his throat before speaking. “I had been transferred to our other ship at the time to assist in some missions to the Pleasure Sector.”

  Pixie stiffened when he mentioned the location of his mission, which caused a panicked expression to come over Dathrow’s face. He started to speak quickly at the action. “We trade for items frequently with them. Oils, textiles and items that we would not have either on our home planet or on the ships. They are great craftsmen and artists.”

  “Did you…you know. Wait. Don’t say anything else. It’s none of my business.” Pixie fluttered her hands in the air as if to dismiss her thoughts before she could voice them.

  Grabbing her arm, he moved until she was between the wall and him. “Look at me,” he said, when she didn’t raise her eyes. Bending his knees slightly, he made sure she was the only thing he could see before trapping her in with his arms and pressing his body against hers. “The Pleasure Sector is the only option for males of our race. I have used their services in the past and enjoyed them.” When Pixie started to speak, he placed a finger against her lips to stop her from interrupting him. “I used them, Pixie. That is all that it was. A way to release the tension. Do you understand?”

  Pixie nodded and moved his fingers away from her mouth so she could speak. “I get it. You know. I don’t have a problem with prostitution. I see the need for it in your society… Hell, I see the need for it on Earth. I guess it makes me a little jealous thinking about you with someone else.”

  Dathrow nodded and Pixie saw his jaw tighten when he spoke next. “Knowing that you were with another male arouses my anger as well. You will never need to worry that I will seek another’s company or services for as long as you are mine.”

  Pixie ran her hands down his side until they settled on his trim waist above the leather waistband of his pants. “Okay. I believe you. And just to point out, I’m also disappointed I was with Brian as well. I should have known when I first met you the attraction I felt shouldn’t have been there if I’d really loved him.” Feeling the muscles underneath her hands tighten, Pixie squeezed slightly to bring his attention back to her. “In truth, we hadn’t really been intimate for a little while.”

  “I cannot imagine abstaining if I had the chance to make love to you daily,” Dathrow confessed, his brow furrowed in confusion.

  “Well, apparently he was getting his needs met somewhere else so it didn’t bother him too much. Not only that, our sex life had always been mediocre at best. It seemed like more work than anything. For a little while I’d always wondered if it was because of my weight he didn’t really want to touch me. The times he did were quick and predictable.”

  Cupping his hands around her face, Dathrow leaned in and gave Pixie one of the softest and sweetest kisses she’d ever had.

  “No more talk of the asshole. Let us go back to our room and relax,” he said as he ended the kiss.

  “That sounds good.”

  Walking back to their apartment, Pixie tried to match the long strides of the man beside her. Apparently realizing he’d been moving too quickly, Dathrow slowed his pace slightly with a small smile of apology in her direction.

  “Can we visit my sister again today?”

  “I do not see why not. I will message Wheaton and check about their plans regarding the evening meal.”

  Once Pixie and Dathrow had reached their rooms, she kicked off her shoes and essentially fell onto the small couch in the living area.

  “I feel like I walked ten miles today.”

  “Would you like for me to massage your feet while we watch a movie?” Dathrow asked even as he lifted up her legs to place them over his lap.

  “Sure, but I’m ticklish so behave.” Tossing him a stern but teasing smile, Pixie relaxed as they selected one of her favorite movies from the queue on the screen in front of them.

  “I’ve seen this a million times and could watch it a million more,” she commented as she relaxed back. Dathrow was apparently a magician with his hands. As he rubbed and stroked the soles of her feet and massaged her ankles, Pixie couldn’t help but moan slightly at the feeling.

  He worked one foot and then the other before moving his large palms to the back of her calves and stroking there. Her capri yoga pants allowed Dathrow to push up the leg enough to rub directly on her skin. If this was how it felt to get a massage, then why hadn’t she ever shelled out the money for one before?

  Pixie wasn’t paying attention to the moans being coaxed from her. She was reveling in the feeling of being pampered. Dathrow, however, seemed to be aware of each and every noise that she made. Stroking harder in some areas and skimming over others, he paid attention and cataloged each and every curve of her figure. Soon she’d reclined even farther back into the cushion of their couch and let her legs drift open.

  Perhaps not wanting to startle her and bring an end to his exploration, Dathrow began rubbing the inside of her legs. After studying the fabric of her pants, he seemed to understand he wouldn’t be able to push them any higher on her legs but that the fabric was thin enough so he could still feel her enough, which appeared to placate him. Firm strokes in circular motions carried him closer and closer to the apex of her thighs. Pixie suddenly became aware she’d closed her eyes some time ago and was content to leave them that way. As his hands moved closer to the crease of her thigh, she couldn’t help but stiffen slightly.

  “May I touch you?” Dathrow’s voice had deepened with apparent desire.

  “Yes…please don’t stop.” Pixie n
oticed her own voice sounded husky to her ears.

  As Dathrow had been massaging, Pixie had relaxed and melted into the small couch. The higher he moved his hands, though, the more she started to pay attention to the tingles sparking through her body. This man was lethal. Completely aware of what his goal was, Pixie tried to stay still and keep her moans to a minimum although it was one of the hardest things to do. She’d never felt so on edge before.

  Opening her eyes to watch him, she found his gaze on the waistband of her pants. “I can take them off.”

  Dathrow’s glance snapped to hers, desire and hope glistening in its depths. “I want you comfortable for what is to come.” Dathrow took his hands and gripped the soft elastic waist of her black pants and after running his fingers against her skin on the inside of the waist, he started tugging.

  Lifting her hips to help him move the barrier away, Pixie was grateful she’d bought all new lingerie before leaving Earth. The lacy boy shorts were not going to be a barrier against his fingers and the soft friction against her skin only heightened her need for him.

  “These are pretty,” Dathrow murmured as he skimmed a finger down the seam in the front. Tracing his way back up, he followed the line until he was back at the small purple bow that decorated the top. “They suit you well.”

  “Thank you,” Pixie said, as she felt her mouth dry up. The tips of his fingers toyed with the pattern on the lace as he stared at her.

  “I would like to kiss you here.” Pressing his fingers firmly against the front placket of fabric that separated him from her, Dathrow waited for her to say yes before continuing.

  Pixie couldn’t help but open her legs even wider as he stroked her. Her head was spinning with what she’d said earlier versus what her body now craved. Placing her hand over his to halt the distracting movements, she let out a huge breath. “I want that too, but I don’t want you to think I’m a cock tease.”


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