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Page 16

by Leora Gonzales

  Dathrow crossed his arms over his chest with a worried expression on his face. “Is everything all right?”

  “I’m fine if that’s what you’re asking. We went to the docs today and they gave me some stuff I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “What is it? Did they scan you? Are you pregnant?” Dathrow’s voice had risen in excitement, causing Pixie to doubt he would look at the option of condoms in a positive light.

  “Let’s sit down and talk.” Pixie grabbed his hand and dragged him into the living room. Tossing the paper sack onto the table, she squeezed the hand she was holding.

  “You are starting to worry me,” Dathrow said while glancing back and forth to the item she’d placed on the table.

  “There is no need to be worried. I promise.” Pixie held up her fingers in a scout pose. “I was scanned today and no I’m not pregnant. I might as well get that out of the way.”

  “We only had intercourse one time. It will happen soon, sweet one,” Dathrow interrupted.

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about actually.” Pixie took in a huge breath before she began speaking. “The doctors got a shipment of condoms.”

  At Dathrow’s confused expression she started to panic. “You know what a condom is, right?”

  “Yes, we were given information regarding contraceptives… I am unsure what this has to do with us though.” Dathrow pulled his hand away, rubbing it on his thigh.

  “Well, we talked about it and the doctors asked for permission from the council to make them available to the new brides.” When Dathrow sat silent, Pixie started speaking faster. “Not for forever, just until we get used to our new marriages and settle in a little bit. They gave me some in case we wanted to wait before trying to get pregnant.”

  Dathrow leaned back against the couch, his gaze moving around the room as if he were thinking. “And what is your wish?”

  Pixie listened carefully to his voice. Dathrow seemed to be keeping his tone neutral but his posture spoke otherwise. Upsetting him was the last thing she’d wanted to do. Picking her words very carefully, she reached for his hand again. Feeling the clammy skin, Pixie raised his fist up to her lips and placed a kiss on the skin that ran along the back.

  “Dath, I know all of this has happened really fast but I’m happier with you than I have been in years. You’re smart and sweet and make me feel alive. I’m sure I want to be with you.” When he relaxed slightly and met her gaze, Pixie continued, “But I think it might be a good idea to wait a little bit to have a baby. Even if it’s only three months, that will give us a bit of time to enjoy each other before we add a pregnancy into the mix.”

  Dathrow smirked. “Wheaton did say that Poppy is a little harder to deal with now that she has increased hormones.”

  “He said what? Just wait until I tell her that, he’ll be soooooo fucked.” Pixie laughed out loud.

  Dathrow’s face lost the traces of humor it had held for a few moments. “This is what you want?”

  “I think it would be good for us,” Pixie admitted. “I do want babies. Your babies. I also know I’m still trying to find my place here and being pregnant and dealing with the stress of that would probably make me a little crazy.”

  “I would be here to help you,” Dathrow said quickly.

  “Dath, it’s not that.” Pixie gripped his hand tighter and spoke softly, “I know that you received my medical record…how much of it did you read?”

  Dathrow eased his body closer to her and pulled her into his side. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, he hugged her closer as he placed a kiss on top of her head. “I read the files from your doctor regarding your previous pregnancy. It was listed in medical terms what had happened so I spoke with Rodin about it. Can you talk to me about it?”

  “Well…a few years ago I got pregnant.” Pixie’s voice broke, the pain of loss still heavy in her heart. “Brian and I had only been dating for a few months. At first I panicked. The last think I needed was a baby. I was still finishing school and Brian and I were so new that it was the worst timing possible.”

  “Go on.” Dathrow squeezed her closer.

  “Poppy was there for me. We talked about it and she went with me to the doctor the first time.” Pixie’s eyes watered at the memories coming back. “My first appointment was when I found out I was nine weeks pregnant and we heard the heartbeat. Poppy and I both started crying.”


  “It was amazing. Hearing the whoosh on the speaker and seeing I actually had a baby growing inside me was overwhelming. The doctor was great and gave me information in case I didn’t want to keep it. Honestly, I had been considering an abortion before that appointment.”

  “Really?” Dathrow’s voice conveyed his surprise.

  “Yes,” Pixie said honestly. “I wasn’t ready for a baby. Poppy and I had talked about options and I didn’t think I could carry a baby and then give it up for adoption. Raising it at the time had seemed so incredibly out of my reach I seriously considered all my alternatives.”

  “But you didn’t,” Dathrow prodded, obviously knowing from her file Pixie had suffered a miscarriage.

  “No, when it came down to it I couldn’t do it. Poppy was the only family I had left. We had lost our parents by then and for some reason…what seemed like an easy option quickly became my last option. I’m not against abortion. I fully believe that women should be able to make those decisions themselves. I just couldn’t do it for me. Poppy and I talked and we agreed to move in together to help out with bills. She would watch the baby while I finished with classes at night and it would all work out.” Pixie let out a sad laugh. “It would have been harder than fuck but it would have worked out.”

  “What happened?” Dathrow’s voice was soft as he rubbed her shoulders.

  “I made an appointment for my next scan and from there I started getting things ready. I told Brian I was pregnant. He actually took it fairly well. He didn’t freak out, said he’d be there for whatever was needed of him. We decided to keep things as they were with dating and not rush into anything.” Pixie moved away slightly to be able to look at Dathrow as she finished her story. “At my next appointment they did another sonogram to check the growth and verify my due date…it was the scariest thing.”

  “Why was it scary?” Dathrow asked in a whisper, her voice having gone quiet as well.

  “Because I knew something was wrong right away,” Pixie said with tears clogging her throat. “The tech kept moving the wand around on my stomach but we didn’t hear anything like we had before. On the screen we could see the baby, but instead of a flicker like we had glimpsed before…it was still.” Pixie wiped her face. The tears she’d kept in check were now running down her cheeks. “Poppy asked the tech why it was so quiet and the tech looked like a deer caught in headlights.”


  “She seemed stunned, like she wanted to move or say something but couldn’t. She put the wand away and said the doctor would be in a few minutes. I remember Poppy gripping my hand like she was never going to let go, but neither one of us said anything. A few minutes later my doctor came in and did the sono again.” Pixie sniffed, trying to gather herself. “He explained that the baby didn’t have a heartbeat any longer.”

  “What happened then?”

  “I honestly don’t remember much. I was in a fog by that point.” Pixie lifted up the edge of her t-shirt to wipe her eyes. “I felt so guilty.”

  “Why would you feel guilty?”

  “Because I didn’t want the baby at first,” Pixie explained, her tears starting again. “All I had thought about was how hard it was going to be, how much money it was going to cost, the fact that Brian and I were just starting out…”

  “You did not do anything to make it happen, Pixie.”

  “I know. I couldn’t help what I was feeling.” Pixie smiled sadly. “I had really started looking forward to having the baby. Poppy and I had made lists of everything we needed to do to get ready. Then, going i
nto that room and expecting to hear a heartbeat and instead getting silence…it was as if someone had stabbed me right in the heart.”

  “Rodin explained that miscarriages are common in the first few months of pregnancy.”

  Pixie nodded sadly. “That surprised me. Poppy collected all sorts of information about it. She knew that I was depressed and blaming myself so she found all these facts.” Pixie sat back with a heavy sigh, her nose still stuffy. “Losing a baby isn’t something a lot of women talk about. I didn’t know it was so common until I got online. There are support groups overflowing with women who had not only one but multiple losses. The scary thing is that it just happens…there was no reason for it. If the doctor could’ve given me a reason, I think it would’ve made me feel better. Not knowing if it’s going to happen again is so frightening. What if we get pregnant and I lose it, Dathrow?”

  Dathrow ran his hand through his hair, his body language speaking loudly even though he was silent. “I would feel pain. I would feel a lot of pain,” he admitted in a low voice. “I know it is something that could happen. I also know that I would be here for you regardless. It would be a loss that we would help each other through.”

  Both of them sat quietly for a few moments, simply holding on to each other.

  “I cannot guarantee the future. I can guarantee that I will love you no matter what and we will get through anything as long as we are together,” Dathrow said.

  “What’s your opinion on waiting a little bit to start a family?”

  “If that is what you wish then we will wait. I want to see you growing with our child but first I want you to be happy, sweet one.” Dathrow leaned to kiss the top of her head while she hugged him tightly.

  “Thank you,” Pixie whispered into his chest.

  “Anything for you.” Dathrow hugged her back. “Anything.”

  “Do you know how to use those condoms or will I need to show you?” Pixie teased to lighten the serious mood that had taken over their evening.

  “I am familiar with the concept but may need your assistance.” Dathrow reached for the bag and pulled out a box. “Ribbed? That does not sound comfortable.”

  “This is going to be interesting,” Pixie teased with a giggle. “Come on, big guy. Let’s move this party to the bedroom.”

  Dathrow allowed Pixie to tug him up from the couch, following her closely as they walked to their bedroom.

  Pixie felt more connected with her warrior after what had happened tonight. Sharing her past and her fears, it had been as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. As long as she had Dathrow beside her, Pixie could take on whatever the universe tossed her way.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Dathrow took his time undressing Pixie after they entered the bedroom. Kissing each part of her skin that he bared, he nibbled and nipped at the soft skin.

  “That feels so good.” Pixie shivered at the feel of his teeth grazing her neck.

  “It is supposed to.”

  Dathrow reached between them without removing his mouth from her shoulder and released the fastening on his pants. He’d stripped off his shirt shortly after they entered the room so the only clothing still gracing his gorgeous body seemed to mock her.

  Pixie was not one to stand still for long. Especially when she wanted something as much as she did Dathrow. Moving her free hands along his torso, she pushed his leather pants low. As she bared the triangle of muscles that framed his pelvis, Pixie sighed out loud. That was such a beautiful sight. She wasn’t sure exactly why, but that glorious vee could make even the smartest woman go stupid once it appeared.

  Trailing her fingers down the light dusting of hair that pointed her way south, she watched as his abs tightened at the contact.

  “Are you teasing me?” Dathrow’s voice was heavy with desire as he gripped the sides of her face.

  “Maybe just a little,” Pixie whispered as she stroked the skin directly above his cock.

  “Sweet one, you are going to drive me crazy.” Dathrow tilted her face up, staring at her for a moment with hot twinkling eyes.

  “You already make me crazy so that’s fair.” Pixie relaxed into the grip he held around the side and back of her head. His grip completely encompassed her skull, the sensation making her feeling both out of control and protected at the same time.

  Watching her reaction closely, Dathrow leaned close to whisper next to her. His voice sending tingles down her spine as the tremors tickled the hair on her skin. “I have noticed that you like it when I am slightly rough. The few times I have gripped your hair, you have caught your breath.”

  Pixie tried to nod her head but his hold was too firm for the action to take place. “It’s strange. I have never had anyone pull my hair before. I guess I like it though. It makes me feel…”

  Her voice trailed off, unsure how to explain the heat that spread through her body when his actions became forceful. The way he moved was so strong yet gentle it was an odd combination and her lady parts tingled when those moves were directed at her.

  “As long as it makes you feel good then I will not stop. I admit that I have been hesitant to completely show you the full extent of my desire. Humans are much smaller than we are. I am afraid that I will hurt you.” Dathrow placed teasing kisses on her shoulder while breathing in her scent, his hands moving to her waist.

  “You would never hurt me,” Pixie said confidently. She placed her palms over his hands and squeezed, showing him he could tighten his grip. That she needed him to tighten his grip. When his fingers applied more pressure to the sensitive skin on her hips, she arched closer into the contact. His grip was so tight she could feel each individual finger on the bare skin of her waist. “I like this. It turns me on.”

  Dathrow’s hands moved from her waist to her ass, squeezing the cheeks and separating the globes with rough strokes. The pinch of pain as he handled her made Pixie moan.

  “Too much?” Dathrow asked with a slap to one side of her ass.

  “Not enough,” Pixie pleaded as she pushed her bottom back into his caress.

  “This is going to be fun.” Dathrow’s words carried a teasing promise that made Pixie’s pussy clench.

  “Hitler on a pogo stick.”

  The words were whispered but Dathrow caught them and let out a startled laugh. “What was that?”

  “Less talking. More action,” Pixie demanded.

  Firmly pushing her back toward the bed, Dathrow nudged her until she dropped back onto the mattress. Pixie leaned back onto her elbows, anxious to see his leather pants come off. The placket at the front had opened enticingly and caused the heavy fabric to droop but it caught on his hipbones. The glimpse of his pubic hair peeking through the opening caused her mouth to water. Unable to wait for him to push them down, Pixie sat up and reached for the waistband.

  Dathrow’s hand went to the back of her head, bringing her face forward toward the bare skin of his pelvis.

  Pixie couldn’t help the goose bumps that broke out over her skin as she felt his fingers thread and find purchase in her curly hair. The slight tugging on the tangles almost made her eyes roll back.

  Nuzzling her nose into the patch of skin above the base of his cock, Pixie breathed in deeply. She was greeted with his clean musky smell and couldn’t seem to get enough of it into her lungs. Pixie flicked out her tongue, feeling for the rounded stalk to tease him while he moved her skull easily with his palm.

  “You are teasing me, sweet one.” Dathrow tilted her head back, using the hold on her hair to get her attention.

  “I know,” Pixie said with a wink when their eyes met.

  “That may get you punished…” he answered, his voice trailing off in promise.

  “That’s what I’m counting on,” she replied before he guided her mouth back down to his groin.

  Using his free hand, Dathrow pushed his pants until they rested at the tops of his thighs. The freedom of fabric caused his cock to bounce out and hit her chin once it was released from his heavy pri
son. Dathrow pulled her back slightly so she could see the full length of him before adjusting his grip and directing her mouth to the tip of him.

  “Suck it.” His voice was hoarse with lust as he held himself steady with his free hand. His cock pointed directly at her lips.

  Pixie licked her lips once before opening up and taking the large head into her mouth. Running her tongue around the plump mushroom, she traced the slit on the end that was already weeping precum. Moaning at the taste of his essence, Pixie opened wider and sucked his length into the hot recesses of her mouth.

  “Pixie!” Dathrow’s shout seemed deafening in the silence of their room. It was followed closely by his moans and as she worked her way up and down the turgid stalk, he gripped tighter. Moved her up and down as if Dathrow was fucking her mouth, Pixie had no choice but to place her palms against his thighs to keep him from choking her.

  As she pulled away to gulp in air, she felt some spit dribble from the corner of her mouth. Working him with one hand, she moved her mouth back and sucked hard on the head. She rubbed her tongue on the skin under the head of his cock and hummed as she played with him.

  “Enough.” Pulling back on her hair, Dathrow moved away from her grasping mouth. “Show me how to put one of those things on.”

  Pixie scrambled across the mattress to tear open the box of condoms. Ripping one off the line of rubbers it contained, she tore open the packet with her teeth. She eased the condom over the tip of Dathrow’s cock and he stood completely still as she attended to him. Sitting on the bed, she rolled the lubricated rubber down his length. Making sure she got it as far down the base as possible, she realized they would need to use the magnum sizing the next time they had sex. His member was held tightly within the protection and seemed to be stretching its boundaries.

  “There. That feel okay?” Pixie asked as she ran her hand up and down the smooth barrier.

  “It is strange but I will adjust,” Dathrow admitted, pushing her back and climbing over her. “I need to be inside you. It has been too long.”


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